Chapter 4: Out of The Infirmary, Into... Archery..?
Nico was finally out of the infirmary, though not by his own choice. Will had insisted that he take a walk, that the fresh air would do him some good. Nico had grumbled, annoyed at the idea of being treated like a fragile object, but deep down, he had to admit Will was right. His body didn't feel like it was on the verge of falling apart anymore, but it irritated him that Will was right. He would never tell him-obviously.-
The sun was lower in the sky now, casting long shadows across the camp, but it was still warm, the kind of warmth that felt like a soft embrace rather than the oppressive heat he sometimes imagined without thinking about it. Nico hesitated as he walked out of the infirmary, glancing around as if he were waiting for something to jump out at him. But nothing did. Just campers moving about, their laughter and chatter filling the air like it was nothing unusual.
It was strange to see people so… alive. So carefree. It was weird.
It made Nico want to turn right back around and hide in the nearest shadow.
But he didn't.
Instead, he found himself walking toward the big oak tree at the center of camp, where a few campers were gathered, enjoying the evening. He sat down under its shade, letting the cool grass brush against his legs. He had no real destination, no particular reason for being outside other than to avoid being cooped up in a sterile, quiet room. With Will.
The peace didn't feel as suffocating out here, but it still didn't sit well with him.
"Hey, there you are."
Nico grumbled and looked up to find Will approaching, his steps light, his face unburdened by any of the concerns that seemed to always weigh Nico down. Will was holding a water bottle, tossing it up and down like it was nothing, his smile as bright as ever.
"You know," Nico said dryly, "I'm perfectly capable of being left alone."
Will chuckled, sitting down beside him. "I know, but you looked like you were about to pass out on your way out, and I wasn't about to leave you alone to go wander off and collapse somewhere."
Nico didn't respond, but the faintest flicker of appreciation stirred within him. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but it felt… nice to not be abandoned, to know someone was paying attention.
"I'm fine," Nico muttered, looking away. "Really."
Will didn't buy it, of course. "Mhm. Sure you are." He unscrewed the cap on the water bottle and handed it to Nico, who hesitated before taking it. "You've been running yourself ragged lately, haven't you?"
Nico scowled. "You make it sound like I have a choice."
"Don't you?" Will asked, voice gentle, as if Nico wasn't the first person to say something like that. "You don't have to take on the whole world by yourself, you know. You're not alone here. You've got people who care about you."
Nico's fingers tightened around the water bottle. He wanted to throw it, wanted to snap something back at Will, but something in Will's tone stopped him. There was no judgment there, just… understanding. As if he could see through the cracks in Nico's facade, past all the walls and defenses he'd spent years building.
The silence stretched between them, Nico wasn't sure what to say. He never really did.
"So," Will broke the silence with an easy grin. "How about you stop being a grumpy shadow and let me teach you how to properly use a bow and arrow?"
Nico blinked. "What?" He snapped.
"A bow and arrow," Will repeated, his grin widening. "I've got some free time later, and I figured we could do something less… depressing. It's not that hard, you know. You'll get the hang of it."
Nico raised an eyebrow. "I'm not exactly the archery type," He said slowly, "and even if I was, why would I do it with you?"
"You'd be surprised at how much fun you could have," Will said, nudging him with his shoulder. "and besides, it's not like you've got anything better to do. It'll be fun."
Nico snorted. "Fun. Right."
Will didn't back down. "You'll see. Come on, what do you say? A few rounds with me and maybe you'll find it less boring than you think."
Nico considered it for a moment. He didn't want to do anything. He didn't want to be here, in this camp, with all these people. But there was something in Will's expression, in the way he was offering the chance with such casual enthusiasm, that made Nico feel… seen. But that was boring. He must be joking. However, he had nothing else to do.
"Fine," Nico muttered, standing up. "but don't expect me to be good at it."
Will's grin was infectious. "You'll be great, shadow boy."
The sound of Will's laughter, easy and carefree, followed Nico as they walked toward the archery range. Nico couldn't help but notice the way the light seemed to follow them, casting long shadows behind them as they moved. The camp was still, the night still warm, but it felt different now.
"More irritating, probably. Get over it." Nico muttered to himself.