Nindō: Dominion

Chapter 107: Nindō 0107: Lasting Consequences

'Damn you, Cronai. You just had to merge my consciousness with my past self instead of leaving me as the sociopathic nihilist who didn't give a fuck, didn't you? This is annoying.'

When Naruto woke up from his numbness-induced sleep, the first thing he noticed was how comfortable the bed was. The second thing he noticed was the presence of his wife beside him. While not cuddled in his arms like usual, she was still close enough for him to reach out to her.

"Hinata …" He extended his arm toward her and touched her hand. "You awake?"

Not getting a response, Naruto sighed and pulled his hand back, looking at the side of her face as she slept peacefully.

"…" He spent a few minutes just looking at her before his expression hardened. "Forget it …"

He moved closer to her and wrapped his arms around her, holding her in a tight hug as if unwilling to let go. He felt his anxious heart calm down as he felt her warm breath tickle his neck and, while holding her close to himself, fell into a deep, comfortable sleep.

By the time morning came, Hinata had Hanabi take the kids out for a stroll around the resort so they could check out the pool while she and Naruto stayed in to have a little chat with each other. Hanabi also seemed like she wanted to chat with Naruto, but seeing the stern demeanor of her elder sister, she decided to postpone that thought and obediently took the kids out according to Hinata's instructions.

"So you said you shoved your cock in another woman's mouth?" Hinata was sitting on the couch with Naruto sitting on the floor, holding her foot in his hands and massaging it meticulously.

"I did." He nodded.

"And you kissed her …"

"I did …"

"And you ate her out …"

"I did not do that."

"Shut it," she snapped. "You had the gall to come home to me and our kids after doing all that and pretend that everything was perfectly normal."


"Ultimately, you just started acting like you cared about our family because you found a mistress and felt guilty, huh?"

"That's not true." Naruto looked up at her intensely while still continuing to rub her foot. "That all comes from my love for you."

"And how do I know if you aren't lying to me, huh?" She asked. "Maybe you're just bored and want some spice in your life. What better way to do so than to cheat on your wife, right? You know, I would probably be down for a threesome with another woman as long as you asked me, dammit," her eyes were filled with tears as she looked at Naruto. "Why did you have to break my trust, huh? Why did you have to break my heart? All this bullshit when I was feeling that life was just perfect…"

"I…" Seeing the constant tears falling from his wife's eyes left Naruto helpless and stuffy. "I know what I did was wrong … But I had to—"

"Yeah, because you came back from a tragic fucking future," she snapped. "I remember that. Making someone your mistress on the side while hiding it from your wife is not the way to earn someone's loyalty. God damnit, you, of all people, should be aware of that fact, Naruto. You are Naruto fucking Uzumaki. How in the world did you even come to the conclusion that your decision was in any way a good idea? Lying to me and breaking my trust for a flimsy ass noncommital fling with someone who would already be willing to work for you wholeheartedly … did some kind of a moron possess you in that future? Get away!" She tried to kick him away unsuccessfully as he continued sitting at her feet while her foot struck his chest.

"I was wrong. That's all I have to say, Hinata. Your words are completely valid. What I did was completely unforgivable—"

"What was completely unforgivable was hiding it from me!" She shouted at him as her tears continued falling, drenching the pajamas that she still hadn't changed out of. "I wouldn't have given two shits if you had told me beforehand that you were going to be fucking some woman on the side to make her obedient or whatever. What I mind is keeping such a big secret from me for almost two months. Are you kidding me?! This is how you love me? By keeping secrets from me?"

"I know, I know, I know …" Naruto said with increasing frustration. "I fucked up. I know. But believe me, you are the only one who truly matters to me. Do you think I would ever kneel in front of anyone else like this? Let them kick me? I'm far from that kid who would let someone step all over them for the sake of venting."

"Oh, I'm so grateful that my husband is letting me hit him. I'm really enjoying seeing him like this." Her sarcasm came out bitter and angry. With her tear-stained face and wet, gloomy eyes, she looked even more pitiful. "You know … I was planning to surprise you with a really special thing at the end of this trip. That talk on the train I had with Hanabi … That wasn't some one-time bet or anything. I talked to her about having a threesome — you, me, and her. We were going to warm you up to the idea over the week before surprising you before leaving this place. But instead, you showed me. This was some goddamn surprise, Naruto."

Naruto couldn't even form coherent words at Hinata's shocking words. While he finally understood the reason behind Hanabi's actions during the previous night, he was left with even more questions than answers. Was Hinata really considering delivering Hanabi into his hands just like that? And Hanabi was on board with it? His thoughts seemed visible on his face as Hinata scoffed at him.

"You can say goodbye to that particular idea," she growled at him, wiping her face with her sleeve. "Until you get my forgiveness and regain my trust, there is no way in hell I'm letting your greedy hands anywhere near my little sister."

"Let's put that particular train of thought aside," Naruto said, tactfully ignoring the fact that Hinata seemed to be considering an actual relationship between him and Hanabi. "You're willing to forgive me?" He asked.

"I wish I wasn't …" Hinata said with clenched teeth as even more tears came out of her eyes. "But honestly…I can't live without you. You broke our promise, Naruto." The tears started falling once again as she sobbed. "You promised … you promised to–to always be truthful … at our wedding … you broke our wedding vows …"

"I know …" Naruto was desperate to hug Hinata and comfort her, but he was currently the biggest source of discomfort for her, and a hug would have the opposite effect. "I hid the truth from you …"

"I'm really mad at you, you know that?"

"I know."

"I'm not planning to forgive you for this."

"I know."

"I'm going to make sure that you regret ever lying to me."

"I'll take whatever you give me."

"Yeah?" She looked at him with a slight mad gleam in her eyes. "You gonna watch as I let Sasuke Uchiha fuck me?"

"I'll see you try." An intense light flashed through Naruto's eyes. "I'll kill him before chopping him into little pieces and feeding him to the sharks if he dares to even look at you that way." The response made Hinata chuckle darkly.

"So you do it, and it's fine, but I do it, and you suddenly decide that murder is perfectly reasonable …"

"I know you're trying to get under my skin, Hinata. And it's working, so stop. I get your point."

"Is it? Are you sure I shouldn't give you any more examples? Some descriptive images in your head?" Her expression twisted into one full of self-loathing and disgust as she spoke the words.

"Stop it … Even you hate that train of thought," Naruto said. "I know I fucked up, and I promise that I will make it up to you however you want me to. You just have to say the word. My recent priority shift … truly was all because I realized how important my family is to me. I truly do love you with all my heart, Hinata. I will make you believe that once again, I promise."

"We're starting over," she suddenly said.


"We are starting over in our relationship," she said. "That is the only way I will be able to trust you again. I want everything again. The dates. The vacations. The trinkets. Everything. Do you understand?"

"Done, done, and done," Naruto agreed to everything.

"That means no sex with any woman other than me. And even when it's us, it will be on my terms. We can sleep in the same bed to keep up appearances, but if you want sex, you have to earn my forgiveness. Understand? All this talk about being open to a threesome should disappear from your mind until you fix things."

As Naruto agreed to all of his wife's demands for forgiveness, she seemed to recall something. "Also," she said, looking into his eyes with a chilling gaze. "I want to meet this mistress of yours that you've been not-fucking. I want to see how the hell she had the gall to ruin a family by agreeing to such a preposterous situation."


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