NTR: Mommy Will Help You!

Chapter 62: Come on, don't say no to me...

After a few moments passed by without either of them saying anything else, Mia spoke again while looking in Ron's direction. "Ron, honey, did you enjoy fucking me earlier?"

"Yeah, I enjoyed it a lot, Aunt Mia," Ron replied as he stared back at her nude figure sitting beside him on the bed.

"Good! I am glad to hear that you liked it. If you want to fuck me again sometime, then don't hesitate to come here whenever your cock gets hard thinking about my big tits bouncing up and down while riding your penis."

However, Ron shook his head upon hearing what she said before responding. "No, thank you. As much as I appreciated your offer earlier and loved having sex with you today, I won't do it again."

"Come on, don't say no to me..." Mia insisted as she got closer to him until their faces were mere inches apart from each other.

But despite feeling aroused by how sexy Mia looked at this moment, Ron resisted his urges and replied firmly without breaking eye contact with her. "I'm sorry... I can't accept your proposal. No matter how much I want to keep having sex with you, it wouldn't be right to do it anymore, knowing that you're Oliver's mother and the wife of another man."

Then he paused for several seconds before continuing further. "What we did together was amazing, and I will always remember those moments between us fondly, but it was wrong because there are moral boundaries that shouldn't be crossed. I am not going to judge whether the two of you are right or wrong for what you've been doing with each other. In the end, it's something that concerns both of your lives alone, not mine. But I don't want to repeat what happened here today again. Once is more than enough for me."

Oliver remained silent as he listened to his best friend speak about the reason why he didn't intend to have sex with his mom anymore in the future. 'I understand where he is coming from.'

Mia, on the other hand, got saddened upon hearing that because she had hoped that they could continue fucking each other like this every once in a while since he seemed like a nice young boy who she would enjoy spending time with during intimate moments between them.

However, after thinking things through carefully, she accepted his decision and responded with a nod followed by a gentle smile plastered across her beautiful face. "Alright, then... If that is your final choice, I will respect it and won't bother you anymore about these matters. Just remember that my door will always remain open if you ever change your mind about all of this."

"Thanks for understanding," Ron replied before getting off the bed and gathering up his clothes that were scattered around the floor.

Then he put them back on and left the room shortly after, leaving Mia and Oliver alone.

"I can't say that I didn't see it coming, but I am still surprised he is turning your ass down. It's not like he can fuck anyone better than you." Oliver said as he lay back on the bed.

"Maybe he can. Who knows?" Mia replied as she crawled over to his body and rested her head upon his chest. "But anyway, at least we had a lot of fun together, and that's what matters most at the end of the day. Right?"

"Of course. Still, I'll give you some extra time since he was too quick in bed with you. Get ready, Mom, because this time, it's gonna last longer than usual."

"Hmm... I like the sound of that." Mia purred as she stroked her hand up and down her son's muscular abdomen.


Later, at Ron's home...

Ron's mother, Maya, prepared dinner for both of them as always after he finished doing his studies. When everything was ready and set on the table for them to eat from it, she sat across from her son, who looked very happy about something but didn't say what exactly made him feel that way yet.

'What could be making him this cheerful?'

As she thought to herself about that, Maya remembered how Oliver mentioned earlier this morning that he wanted to help his best friend lose his virginity.

'Maybe Ron succeeded...?'

Although she knew that it was none of her business, she couldn't help but feel curious and concerned about whether or not Ron had sex with Oliver's mother since he went over to his home after school and stayed there until now.

"I noticed that you're pretty joyful today." She commented as soon as they finished eating their meal together. "Did something good happen at school or elsewhere while you were out? Tell me; I wanna know."

"Well, yeah... Something did happen earlier in the afternoon when I was at Oliver's house." Ron admitted before telling his mom everything regarding his first sexual experience with Mia in great detail without leaving out any parts of it because there wasn't anything embarrassing for him anymore regarding this event after having seen Maya get fucked by Oliver many times before.

"Oh my God." Maya was surprised upon hearing all of that. "My little boy finally became a man. I am so happy to hear that."

Then she got up from her chair and embraced him affectionately. "You know, I feared that you would never lose your virginity and stay forever with that shy personality of yours. That's why I am glad to see you getting over your fears by doing something adventurous like this. Now that you know what sex feels like, you should go out there and try having more experiences with girls so that you can gain some confidence in yourself."

"Mom..." Ron felt weird talking about things like this with his mom, but he kept listening anyway until she finished speaking. "Thank you. But you don't have to worry anymore from now on because I promise that I won't be shy or insecure again when interacting with other women my age. Starting tomorrow, I'll start looking for a girlfriend at school. That way, I won't remain single anymore."

"That's excellent news, son!" Maya exclaimed as she smiled at him widely before continuing further. "Make sure to bring her here, too, when you do find someone; I wanna meet the young lady who'll capture your heart."

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