Omnitrix of Justice [Ben 10 Fanfic]

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Three long months had passed since the invasion of Grail, some things had changed, Batman had accelerated the construction of the new Watchtower, John had been enrolled in a Lantern training course as Hal had explained to us when he had returned without him and therefore, everything was the same.

"DIE FREAK!" Intercepting Wrecker, I stopped his bar, which electrocuted me, making me grunt.

"I see that you now have a friend Garthwaite" The villain did not answer me as he looked at me angrily, however a movement in my two left eyes alerted me at the exact moment when a huge wrecking ball was approaching me.

Raising one of my hands I stopped the ball, barely feeling the force invested in the blow.

"Although they are not very smart," using the ball as a weapon, I sent the villain flying off the bar while letting out a grunt of pain. "Now come," pulling the chain, I brought the villain attached to it at high speed, taking him by the neck to impact him on the ground with enough force to knock him unconscious.

Looking at the two unconscious villains, I noticed how both the bar and the chain of the wrecking ball were not normal, however when the special brigade took them away they claimed not to know where they had obtained that technology.

"Hello, old friend," such a familiar voice caught my attention, so turning my face I found a familiar face but with many differences.

"Luthor?" Looking closely at the villain, I blinked in surprise. "You look... different." The last time I had seen an image of him, it showed him stronger, healthier.

"Yes, this may sound crazy, but I'm not the Luthor you know. However, I do know you and I must say that it's a pleasure to see you again...although of course older." The last thing surprised me because I seemed to notice the changes that had occurred in my Tetramand form's maturity.

"Let's talk somewhere more private, follow me" Having noticed the golden armor he was wearing I knew he could follow me to the city docks "Now explain yourself."

"I'm Lex Luthor but from another dimension, one parallel to yours" That caused me to move my eyes curiously "It sounds very unreal" Moving a hand I interrupted him.

"Don't, I believe you, I already had a situation with an alternate reality, however, I want to know how you know about my growth" Smiling, he touched a button on his right glove, showing me an image that surprised me.

"The you from my dimension was younger" in the image was the one that was most similar to the Luthor I knew and a fairly young version of a Tetramand "You were one of the best men I knew" The use of the past tense gave me something more to explain.

"How did I die?" My question erased his smile.

"In my dimension, there is a group that calls itself the Crime Syndicate, they appeared by surprise, some heroes fought with them, many died, you were the last of that group to fall, you resisted for years but... in the end" Luthor did not continue as he looked away.

It was surprising to know that he had died from what I assumed were versions of heroes I had suspicions about, but if Luthor was here in my dimension it meant there was something more.

"You need help" It wasn't a question and he knew it.

"Yes, I would like to ask the Justice League for help" I was interested that he knew that name which he seemed to notice "I looked into some realities before traveling that's why I know the name" satisfied with his answer I touched the Omnitrix symbol communicating with Superman.

"This is Superman, what's wrong Omnaz?" Looking at Luthor I responded.

"We have a situation with Luthor, he is here with me in Jump City, I need you to come so I can explain to you" Superman's response was immediate, clarifying that we would have company soon.

"My counterpart must be quite problematic for Superman to sound so annoyed," laughing dryly I transformed.

"You have no idea" Being BigChill I opened my wings lifting myself off the ground "Follow me" Without question Luthor followed me to the city island where we would wait for the others.

A few minutes later two people came flying towards us while someone followed them running through the water.

"We're here, what do you want?" Landing Superman looked at Luthor with distrust while he sat without his armor and with a simple suit spoke.

"As you can see, I'm unarmed." Looking at Superman, I noticed how he closed his eyes slightly so it seemed he was scanning Luthor.

"You're not from this dimension" That surprised everyone as Luthor spoke in disbelief.

"And how do you know that?" Turning his face into the distance, he responded.

"All your organs are upside down" Diana spoke taking a step to his side.

"It could be a trap," returning his gaze to Luthor I watched as a less hostile Superman continued.

"Maybe but our Luthor is in his building talking to some politicians" Having his answers Luthor smiled.

"Well now that we've cleared up my evil twin, I have a whole story to tell you" Walking to his armor he was stopped by Flash who stood in his way.

"Hey just because you're not from this dimension doesn't mean you can go around in armor!" Walking over to Flash I grabbed his shoulder with my blue hand as I spoke.

"It's okay, no need to worry" Looking at me Flash debated for a moment before allowing Luthor to put on his armor.

Several minutes later we were all in one of the rooms of the Watchtower where Luthor told his entire story before all the members.

"You are the last hope of my world" As soon as Luthor finished speaking J'onn stood up from his place as he spoke.

"We will have to discuss this" Taking him to the exit he continued "Please wait here" Closing the door the conversation between us began.

"I didn't trust him" Looking at Superman I wasn't surprised by his words as Diana spoke.

"Now that's a surprise." Flash tried to support Luthor.

"Maybe it's different, you said it yourself he's not our Luthor" Looking at Superman I waited for his response.

"Even so, I didn't know anyone I liked." At that, I couldn't help but speak.

"I support you on that Superman, but it seems that my version of his world trusted him, I want to give him the benefit of the doubt" J'onn spoke looking at me.

"I read his mind, he was telling the truth, and we also have a responsibility to the oppressed people in his world," Lantern said when he heard that.

"Look, with all my power, deep down I'm just a police officer, there are rules, that world is outside our jurisdiction," Diana continued, somewhat annoyed.

"I can't believe we're having this discussion, of course, we're going to help!" Getting up Superman spoke.

"She's right, that's what we'll do" Hearing Superman's decision we all stood up except for Batman who hadn't spoken at all until that moment.

"Not this time," Flash asked, to which he replied, looking at him, "Because we're too busy! We haven't finished rebuilding the Watchtower."

"Our first responsibility is to protect the earth," listening to Superman's words, the hooded man turned his chair to face him.

"That's right, our world! And we're not even enough for that" Superman continued without hesitation.

"It's valid but there are millions of people we can't turn our backs on them, we have to go" Batman taking a moment continued.

"Okay, but don't count on me, I have a lot to do even here" Everyone looked at each other while I let out a sigh because I knew that Batman was very stubborn.

Moving we all walked to the exit finding Luthor waiting.

"Very well Luthor, we will help you but we need a plan" Happy with the decision Luthor spoke.

"I already have one," smiling slightly, he began to speak as we followed him.


Minutes later...


Luthor's plan was to get some data from his base to take us to his reality, which he did, and to Luthor's surprise we were not alone.

"Intruders" Looking at the woman who reminded me of Diana I prepared for the fight noticing that we were surrounded.

"I don't have time for this, I need this information, shoot them down" As soon as the Batman lookalike gave the order I transformed while the woman flew towards us.

Finishing my transformation, I saw, like the others, how Luthor was attacked by the woman, taking him with her, so Superman went to stop her.

"That's enough," the woman, seeing Superman's hand stopping her, attacked him with enough force to send him flying.

At that moment everyone else attacked, with a boy with a cap and glasses attacking me with a blue energy beam.

Covering myself with my four arms, I received the impact without suffering damage while I walked towards him, quickly arriving to hold his head with one of my hands.

"Sleep" Using my strength I shook his skull enough to knock him out while the others fought with the other attackers.

Turning I saw the moment when a lion attacked Diana so I ran towards her, avoiding the guy that Flash was stretching across the room.

"Wonder Woman, high shot!" Listening to me, Diana pushed the lion into the air while I jumped up attacking it and crashing into a wall through it. "Good cat." Looking at the lion, I found a completely unconscious woman.

Leaving the woman to return to the room, finding Diana next to Flash while another woman was on the floor unconscious, some powerful shocks caught my attention, the origin being Superman and the version of Diana from this world exchanging blows.

When Superman pushed the woman away, the version of Batman attacked him, so he began to defend himself, however before I could go to help him, I noticed how Luthor was recovering, so I went after him, hoping that he had some plan.

"Enough, we must retreat," confused J'onn asked the question we all had.

"Why? We're winning" Luthor responded flustered.

"Superwoman has called in the cavalry and if it's who I think it is we won't be able to beat them" That caught my attention.

"Even with Wonder Woman, Superman, and me here" Looking at me he answered.

"There are three men made almost as strong as Superwoman" that caught Superman's attention.

"Made men?" However, Luthor did not want to waste time.

"Come, I don't want to waste time explaining!" With no other option, we all listened to him and left the place thanks to Superman.

Seeing that the exit led to a drop, I transformed into Stinkfly while I watched as Hal held Flash with a baseball glove.

The sound of a jet alerted us that they were following us seconds before they fired two missiles at us, which dispersed us slightly.

Recovering from the explosion I noticed J'onn near me, while in the distance gunshots could be heard.

"You're fine," shaking my head, I replied.

"Yes, just a little shaken, let's find the others" Smiling J'onn flew away so I followed him.

Meeting up with the others we heard the start of a storm as Superman spoke.

"More problems" Seeing the unnatural clouds I could notice three beings flying among them.

The first of the beings arrived attacking Superman, with me being the second to be attacked by a teenager.

"-You remind me of Supergirl-" Spitting slime, I mowed him down for a moment, managing to recover to change my form.

When the boy removed the slime from his face, I attacked him with a right hand that turned his face as he flew quickly away from me.

"That felt very good" For a moment I felt a very familiar euphoria run through my body without noticing how my veins were visible on my face before I focused on the others who were being attacked.

Flying towards Luthor, I noticed how the jet that had attacked us shot at the oldest of the men, stunning him for a moment, which I took advantage of to attack him.

"They're coming down!" Thanks to my strength and speed, the old man was thrown towards the ground without control.

While the others were meeting with Luthor I noticed how Superman had problems with Superwoman and the last guy so I went to his aid.

"Superman down!" Listening to my warning he moved leaving me the way clear to attack the man with a powerful combination of blows stunning him enough for the jet to shoot him and Superwoman away from the two of us.

"Thank you for the help." Looking at Superman, I noticed that he was smiling at me. "I'm glad you've mastered flying." Remembering my training, I could only laugh lightly.

"It was time to grow up Kal" The man attacked us again as Superwoman flew towards the jet.

"Finish this" Kal's order bothered me for a second, however, I obeyed him as soon as the subject reached our range, being stopped by two synchronized blows to the face.

Being stunned he couldn't avoid the next two blows to the face that sent him plummeting to the ground, a moment later Hal came to us with a plan.

"The transport has arrived, let's all go." Following his gaze, I saw that above us there was a gate through which we quickly entered to get away from the place.

A moment later the storm around us worsened causing lightning to hit us.

When a door opened before us I decided to return to my human form for the moment, barely hesitating for a second about the idea.

"So genius where are we going now" Hearing Diana's voice I looked at Luthor like everyone else.

Hours later we arrived at an old toy factory in Gotham.

"Lights" the carnival decoration gave away Luthor's partner a little

"I love what you've done with this place" Without stopping Luthor responded to Flash.

"It's not mine, it used to belong to a friend" Reaching the computer in the middle of the place we heard a monkey screech before it came out and climbed up to Luthor "I'm sorry Harley the Jester will never come back."

The animal cried sadly before leaving while Luthor began to work on the computer.

"We're very lucky that we still have a hiding place left," an annoyed Superman spoke.

"We didn't come to hide Luthor, we came to clean up the mess on your planet" he knew that Superman was being hard on Luthor because of his history with his counterpart which didn't seem to affect this Luthor.

"Then very good, let's get started and call me Lex" Looking at the computer I saw six images of the counterparts of the league "These are the main ones, the heads of the six...or better five families" erasing the image of J'onn's counterpart I continued.

"Ultraman is the boss of bosses but they all command formidable organizations" Hal interrupted Lex for a second.

"Where do the other guys with superpowers fit in?" typing on the computer Lex continued.

"Each of the bosses has thousands of criminals working under them" The more he spoke the more images appeared under each boss "They reward the most trustworthy ones by giving them superpowers, those are the made men" Diana spoke up angrily.

"How cute, how many are there?" Without losing his breath, Lex responded.

"No more than seven or eight at a time, maybe fifty in total, we will conduct a series of attacks coordinated by me, hitting specific Syndicate operations one after another" Superman spoke after Lex stopped.

"It's a waste of time" That puzzled Lex so Superman explained "We're going to hit multiple targets at the same time teams of two and Omnaz will be our wild card" That slightly upset Lex.

"They would outnumber us...when my Justice League fought them" Superman interrupted him again.

"With all due respect Lex, we are not your Justice League" Trying to calm things down Flash spoke.

"What is the organization?" Superman was quick to decide.

"You and J'onn, Diana and Lantern, he's coming with me, and depending on the targets, Omnaz will go with some team" That seemed fine to all of us except Lex.

"That's nonsense!" Trying to calm him down, I spoke.

"Calm down Lex, Superman will keep you covered" Being ready we started looking for targets to attack.

In the end, I ended up joining Flash and J'onn to attack the docks in Central City where that world's version of Lobo was.

"Good time to start" Listening to Flash I watched as he ran away quickly while J'onn disappeared into the ground so I transformed.

When Flash attacked Lobo, knocking down the container where he was, I followed him flying with my hands, appearing at the exact moment when J'onn attacked an archer and a woman ran towards him.

Without saying anything I threw a fireball that interrupted the woman's run, throwing her several meters away from J'onn.

"Heatblast the Lobo recovered!" Listening to Flash's scream, I looked for Lobo who, smiling, walked towards J'onn so he attacked him.

"Hey, you!" Hearing my scream, Lobo turned only to receive a blast of fire straight to his face that threw him away while shouting "J'onn sink the ship!" Looking for Flash I noticed him struggling slightly with his counterpart before he fled.

"You'll pay for burning my clothes, freak!" Listening to Lobo's voice I found him running towards me with his clothes consumed while looking at me angrily.

"I don't believe so," creating a fireball in my hands, I attacked him when he was a few meters away while the ship sank behind me.

It seemed like he really wasn't the same as the Lobo I knew because the guy was knocked unconscious by my last attack while J'onn and Flash arrived at my side.

"Well that wasn't very difficult!" listening to Flash both J'onn and I stared at him causing him to feel uncomfortable "What!?" walking to Lobo it was J'onn who answered him.

"Bad choice of words for a job that has barely begun." Watching how he handcuffed Lobo, I agreed with him, knowing that there was still a lot to do.

Several minutes later while the police were taking the criminals away the three's communicator rang as Superman spoke.

"We all need to meet with the president at the white house, he wants to talk to us" remembering what Luthor had told me about my counterpart I spoke.

"Superman, I need to go somewhere, I need to be at the meeting" Flash and J'onn looked at me interested, however, I listened as Superman spoke to Lex before answering me.

"Yes Heatblast, you can go wherever you want" Thanking him I ended the call.

"Dude, is everything okay?" Looking at Flash I smiled slightly before answering him.

"You don't have to worry, I'll see you later" Looking at J'onn I gave him a nod in greeting before leaving them as I flew over on a piece of rock engulfed in flames.


Jump City, an hour later…


Even from afar, I could recognize the city I had taken as home without being confused by the differences between them.

Landing on one of the streets I noticed how the civilians looked at me, the younger ones with fear, however, the older ones seemed to recognize me as I walked through the streets, without noticing it my walk took me to the center of the city where I found a great surprise.

A huge bronze statue stood in the middle of a square and it was easy for me to recognize it even when I was younger.

"We did it in honor of a great hero" Hearing those words I turned around finding an older man accompanied by many people " look like one of his forms" Looking at everyone I decided to return to my human form surprising them with the flash of transformation.

"It's because I'm him, just from another world" Everyone looked at me in disbelief before most of them smiled and the man who had spoken to me offered me his hand.

"Even from another world, you are a hero for the city" Taking his hand I greeted him "It's good that you have lived longer than our hero" Before I could respond a somewhat familiar voice put me on alert.

"He may not live much longer" Turning around I transformed, coming face to face with a very familiar green lantern "I had not seen that one, although of course when Ultraman and Superwoman killed you they left almost nothing to see"

Hearing quick footsteps I noticed that the civilians had fled so I prepared for a fight.

"Are you looking for a fight Jordan?" Moving my antennas I waited for him to respond.

"Not really, I just wanted to talk and ask you to try to convince your friends to leave our world" Landing in front of me he continued "Who knows, we might try to go to theirs as a consequence?" walking towards him face to face.

"Try it and see how we defeat you" Smiling, he lit up green to start floating.

"Just think about it and discuss it with your friends" Without saying anything else he turned and flew away, when he had gone far enough I touched the Omnitrix.

"Superman, we may have a problem" Superman's voice answered me in seconds.

"We may have more than one, go back to the base we must tell you what the president told us" Finishing the conversation I transformed again this time into XLR8 however before leaving the same older man spoke to me.

"Will you stop them?" Knowing what he was referring to, I raised my visor to look into his eyes.

"Of course," saying goodbye with a smile, I ran towards Gotham.

Minutes later I stood in disbelief in front of Superman as he told me what the president had done with the trapped criminals.

"J-Just like that!" Ignoring the others who were preparing another plan, I couldn't help but explode "It's stupid!" My scream caught everyone's attention.

"Max, calm down don't-" interrupting Superman I continued.

"Those murderers will continue doing the same thing Superman, even their Lantern threatened me that they are willing to come to our world, how do you want me to calm down!" Flash appeared next to us trying to calm us down.

"Come on guys, let's stay calm!" Looking at Flash I allowed myself to calm down a little knowing that no one but the union was to blame.

"I-I'm sorry" Walking away from them I let out a sigh seconds before everyone's communicators rang with Batman's voice.

"Batman to the Justice League, gather at my position quickly" Surprised we all left the place to find Batman.

In minutes we arrived at a huge building that according to Lex was a union headquarters, entering as quietly as possible we found Batman next to a fainted Superwoman.

"We need something to subdue her" Superman flew away from us in search of something while Batman told us what had happened in the Watchtower.

Minutes later when Superwoman was held by metal beams she began to wake up as we watched her.

"Are you sure that will contain her?" Standing next to Batman, I noticed how he glared at Lex before questioning him.

"What did you hide in my satellite?" when Lex denied knowing what he was talking about Batman lost patience pushing him against a pillar "What is so valuable that the crime syndicate came from another dimension!?" That caused Lex to speak.

"Did you stop them from taking it?" furious Batman replied as we approached them.

"His henchmen will escape with him, whatever it is." Allowing Lex to speak, he released him.

"It's the quantum trigger, the detonator for a bomb they are building, without it, we could fight but now…" stopping him, Superman spoke.

"Why didn't you destroy it?" Lex's response bothered me.

"It is pure energy, it cannot be destroyed" With a sigh I spoke.

"Lex, I could have done it if you had told us" Lex looked a little embarrassed before Jordan spoke.

"Okay, now you have it, what's the worst-case scenario?" Letting out a sigh Lex responded.

"They could use it to cause an explosion that would destroy the entire earth" Hearing that Superwoman laughed sarcastically.

"You think too small" That didn't sound reassuring.

"What are you talking about?" Listening to my question she just smiled at me which bothered me.

"If only you had shown that anger maybe I wouldn't have ripped your heart out" That surprised everyone except Superman however I just looked at her with indifference.

"We must stop them" Turning around I noticed that everyone was looking at me so I just narrowed my eyes "Forget that, we'll discuss it later" Ignoring their gazes I approached Batman waiting for him to have some plan.

While we were thinking how to continue, J'onn called us giving us the location of the union's central base.

"Well at least in some ways we are like them, we like space" taking Superwoman Superman began to fly while Hal wrapped Flash, Batman, and me in a bubble.

As soon as we got to the moon it was easy to enter the syndicate base with a Lex device, which made it very easy for everyone to suspect.

As soon as Superwoman hit the ground, I transformed into my Kryptonian version, closing my eyes due to the familiar euphoria that ran through my body.

Entering the building we arrived at a room where a large device occupied most of the space and where the union members were waiting for us.

"We were going to go out to look for you" Looking at Kal's counterpart an emotion ran through my body ready to attack.

"The DAQ is already armed, you can surrender" smiling Ultraman continued.

"You heard, we have the bomb, do what we tell you or you'll see," knowing it was a lie, Diana spoke.

"Nonsense, as long as the bomb is here they can only blow up your house" Batman walks forward.

"You better give up, many of yours have fallen and the odds are seven to three" A second later I could barely push Batman as he turned and received the onslaught of two of the created men, taking me with them.

"If this is what you wanted" By attacking them with my elbows I managed to get them to release me in a large room, a second later I grabbed the youngest by the neck, lifting him up and headbutting him, sending him flying.

Listening in the distance to the fights of the others, I attacked the other subject who managed to defend himself from my first attack by attacking my chest, making me retreat a few meters.

"You got better" Looking at me with anger he attacked me again however this time I waited long enough to hit him across the middle of the face "But not enough" Taking him by the neck I turned enough to throw him with force and speed out of the room.

"Die!" Hearing the scream, I turned in time to grab the young man, crashing him to the ground thanks to his momentum. "Let go of me!" laughing I looked at him.

"Don't throw a tantrum, child," my eyes flashed before my heat vision hit him in the chest, causing him to bury himself in the ground moments before he began to scream as his skin began to give way to the heat. "Come on, don't cry."

A tackle took me away from the boy causing his screams to stop as he skidded across the ground.

Sensing an attack, I moved, dodging a kick, holding one of the other enhanced's legs, using it as a base to hit him against the ground with all my strength, releasing him after several seconds.

"It was fun guys" dragging the older one towards the unconscious boy and with completely black skin I left them together without giving them a second glance.

[T/N: Something tells me red kryptonite is involved here.]

When I returned to the room where the bomb was, it was at the exact moment that Batman disappeared into a portal that was where the bomb was before.

"What did I miss?" Noticing Ultraman free, I glared at him before Diana began to tell me what happened while handing Superman his counterpart.

A few minutes later, with all the information that Diana had given me, I only had to wait like everyone else for Batman to return.

A few seconds later, as the portal began to collapse, Batman emerged wounded but victorious, so Diana helped him.

"Are you okay?" Taking a breath of air, Batman looked at the portal.

"Johnny I'm back, stop vibrating, stop!" Listening to Batman, the runner began to stop, revealing his change due to the effort.

"Oh no!" Seeing how aged his counterpart Flash was he ran to him to catch him as he dropped.

"So we saved the world?" tired Batman responded to the old man who used to be Johnny.

"We did it" Looking at Batman he continued.

"And all that nonsense, that I was faster than knew this was going to happen" We all saw Batman waiting for an answer that we knew however he didn't respond.

"Good one" Letting out a last sigh Johnny died in Flash's arms.

A few seconds later Ultraman spoke, causing the anger he had in him to flare up.

"That's so sad, get your asses off my moon" Full of anger I stepped towards him.

"What makes you think it's your moon, you'll end up in prison, murderer." Hearing that, I was confronted by what I expected to attack me.

"You can try it, Hero." Superman walked towards us supporting me.

"We're going to do it" that caused Ultraman to remember his disadvantage.

"Two things, you don't have the authority and you aren't strong enough" To his surprise J'onn appeared almost in front of his face.

"We are much stronger," flying Superman spoke to him.

"Did you bring the cavalry?" looking at the ceiling he answered.

"I brought the marines" A second later the ceiling exploded while several soldiers began to descend with space suits and weapons as others arrived through another room next to a tank to surround the three criminals.

"The president was not pleased with the attack against his daughter" Riding the tank was an old man with only one eye "There are nuclear weapons on the shuttle."

"I brought enough for everyone" Listening to the president Ultraman had no choice but to surrender like the other two.

Two days later we were in the courtyard of the White House while the president spoke next to Lex.

"I don't know how to thank you for not giving up on our world, I have ordered the National Guard to support the law enforcement officers, we have surrounded the Villians everywhere" Looking at Lex I noticed that he asked me for a moment so I followed him.

"I must say that I am happy to see that at least one of his counterparts managed to see the end of the union, I thank you very much Max" Smiling slightly I offered him my hand which he took.

"It was a pleasure, Lex, I hope you can keep your world safe" Smiling we said goodbye knowing that we had a friend in each other.

Minutes later when we returned to the Watchtower I couldn't help but laugh when Flash collided with something while Diana was talking.

"Watch your head" Apparently Diana had decided to keep Owlman's invisible jet as war booty.

[T/N: I-I thought the Javelin was already the invisible Jet.]

Walking next to Superman and Batman I listened to their talk.

"I owe you an apology for this mission, you were right" Looking at Batman I was surprised by his response.

"We both were" Arriving at the door of the transporter Superman continued.

"However more help around here wouldn't be a bad idea" Smiling slightly Batman opened the door.

"I'm glad you agree, I've thought about hiring staff." On the other side of the door were five people, the easiest to recognize was Aquaman with his big beard as he looked at us.

Smiling, we all entered ready to meet our new members in the League.


Jump City, two months later…


Standing on top of one of the city's buildings I took a moment to appreciate the peace of the city at night before Batman's voice came out of the communicator.

"Omnaz, you are about to receive a visit other than what you expect" Having his alert I thanked him, preparing for whatever it was.

A few minutes later the closest thing to a green comment lit up the sky before landing several blocks away from my position so I transformed into XLR8.

Running, I reached the impact zone, seeing how curious people approached the crater in the middle of the street from which a small figure emerged.

Being far from her I couldn't hear what she was saying, however, I noticed that she demanded something seconds before becoming violent and destroying some things, so I was about to intervene until I noticed that someone was quickly approaching her.

When the girl was about to destroy a pillar, a very familiar device hit her in the face, stopping her.

Little Robin had grown over the years and without hesitation, he confronted the girl who attacked him with anger while he dodged the blows.

When an explosion distracted him, he received a good blow that I personally thought was strong enough to prevent him from getting up, however, he proved to be a student of Batman, getting up and ready to attack with a metal rod.


A moment later I blinked in surprise when a green goat intercepted the girl who was about to attack Robin, and when said goat took the form of a young man I was even more surprised.

"-What the hell is a member of the Doom Patrol doing here?-" The boy seemed to introduce himself to Robin before a truck flew towards them which was stopped by someone else "-Well this only gets more interesting-".

In her anger, the girl managed to remove what was covering her hands before pointing it at the three while her fists glowed green and she shot them causing the three to attack her.

Crouching, I dodged one of their attacks while I saw how several civilians were about to receive the blow, so I ran and took them out of the place and took them far enough away so that they were safe and returned to the fight.

When I returned I was surprised to see that there were now three of them accompanying Robin as he calmly approached the girl who seemed ready to attack him until he released her.

"-Robin inherited more than Batman's training-" Looking at the girl I was surprised when she took Robin kissing him and flew away after a few seconds.

[T/N: It is canon that Robin/Nightwing has a lot of Rizz.]

With the battle over I approached them, putting the four of them on alert until they saw me.

"So Robin, how do you like your first day in Jump City?" Coming out of his surprise, Robin looked at me.

"Omnaz, I see you decided to show up" Smiling slightly I looked at the other three boys finding me with the green boy looking at me.

"I-It's Omnaz! Sir, it's an honor to meet you!" Returning to my human form, I noticed how his eyes seemed to shine brighter when he saw me.

"Thank you, Beast Boy but you don't need to call me Sir" he continued surprised and happy.

"Do you know my name?!" Nodding I responded.

"The League knows about the Patrol" which seemed to excite him as he looked at the bigger boy "You have good muscles if you can stop a bus...?" The boy looked at me without revealing his face.

"Victor, and if it wasn't very difficult," smiling, I looked at the last member who, looking at me without emotions, spoke.

"Raven" Knowing that I wouldn't get anything else from her I looked around noticing all the destruction.

"Well, that girl caused a lot of damage, and I'm sure they don't know if she's a threat." Looking at them, none of them responded. "Good, Robin." Listening to my voice, the boy looked at me.

"I'm going to help the cleaning and help teams, I want you to go after the girl and find out" Noticing the movement in his eyes I continued "It's not an order, it's a favor, I need to know if you're the one for what I'm doing." thinking about it he started walking to leave.

"Wait, Sir!" Looking at Beast Boy, I noticed that he was talking to Robin, who ignored him. "Sir, he doesn't think we should go with him." Looking at Robin, I answered.

"I'm sure he doesn't want to be a team." Listening to me, the other two began to leave, causing Beast Boy to try to persuade them, failing, although thanks to him he noticed that Victor had undergone a transformation being part machine.

A few seconds later a large ship flew over the city stopping everyone as they walked towards me.

"It seems that the girl has friends," listening to Victor, I noticed how Robin came to my side.

"Or enemies" Looking at the ship I noticed how it launched a type of capsule very close to my house from which a hologram emerged.

"Earthlings, we came to your planet to capture a fugitive prisoner, a very dangerous one, do not interfere and we will leave your city with minimal damage but if you try to help it, its destruction will be absolute," the alien hologram finished speaking.

"I think he's serious," listening to Victor, I didn't take my eyes off the alien capsule.

"And those aliens are terrifying"

"He told us not to interfere" Listening to Beast Boy's comments and Raven looked at Robin.

"Look for her and we'll take her from you, I'll personally explain to that guy that they can't come and threaten the city" transforming me into BigChill I cleared without waiting for a response from Robin.

Turning invisible, I flew past the invaders towards the ship, managing to enter without attracting the attention of any member of the crew.

Walking through the hallways it took me a few minutes to reach a command room where the being who had spoken before was listening to a report.

"Sir, the patrols report resistance from the locals helping the prisoner," the being only growled.

"Activate the hologram" A few seconds later a screen showed the city as he spoke "You fools should not have interfered, your audacity will be punished, your city will be destroyed" Ending the communication he addressed one of his men "Prepare the particle cannon"

Having heard enough I made myself visible, drawing the attention of several aliens who grunted in surprise.

"I'm afraid your threats have put an end to my patience." The leader turned around in surprise before growling at me.

"Polizonte, get off my ship and die with your city" Without answering him I transformed causing the ship to begin to creak.


In the city, seconds later…


"We should make a plan to stop the ship" listening to Cyborg but without taking his eyes off the ship Robin answered him.

"No need, I'm sure Omnaz is already figuring it out" the girl who had kissed him spoke.

"Who is this Omnaz you speak of?" Before even answering her, everyone in the city watched as the ship exploded while a large white and orange being fell from it. "What is that?!" smiling Robin replied.

"That's Omnaz" Everyone saw the being land quite close to them causing a small earthquake while the pieces of the ship fell into the sea "Let's go" Without saying anything else Robin ran towards the immense being.

They arrived a few minutes later and could see how people cheered him on as he returned to his human form.

"I see they defended the city and found the girl" Victor and Beast Boy smiled as Robin walked until he was in front of me.

"We need to talk" Hearing the seriousness in his voice I made them accompany me while Robin told me the girl's story.

Several minutes later, being at my house, I watched them while the prisoner girl changed her clothes.

"They did a great job in the city" Looking at Robin he spoke clearly, "I asked you to come because I need someone to take care of the city when I can't, the League is expanding and so are our operations, I don't want to leave the city alone" looking at the other three I continued.

"Seeing the great work you did, I offer the same to you, you can choose your leader if you want to be a team, neither the League nor I will monitor you, you will only have my support as a guide and coach if you need it" I encourage my proposal to the boys while Raven thought about it.

"Excuse me, how do I look?" Listening to the voice of the girl who had started it all, we turned around and found her wearing a set of violet clothes.

"We don't know your name yet?" Listening to Robin, the girl walked until she was in front of him while still watching me cautiously.

"In your language, it would be Starfire" We all smiled at her as Robin continued.

"Welcome to Earth Starfire" smiling she spoke.

"I thank you all for your bravery and help" Hesitating for a second she looked at me "And I want to ask permission to stay here, where the creatures are strange but they are also very gentle," she said the last thing looking at Robin which made me smile while the five were waiting for my answer.

"Robin told me your story Starfire, and you don't need to ask permission, you can stay on Earth as long as you want, I'm sure you already have friends here" Looking at the others I smiled "I also offer you to join the team they will form."

Smiling Starfire looked at Robin who pulled something out of his belt.

"Cyborg and I created these to communicate, no matter where we are" The three boys took one as they looked at each other smiling.

Looking at the capsule that was near my house I spoke.

"For the moment, those who do not have a place can stay in my house, however, I think we can occupy the technology left by the invaders." Smiling, I looked at the five boys who were celebrating excitedly while I was happy to know that now the city would be safer.


A month later…


Leaning against one of the walls of the new Watchtower I was listening to Superman's speech to the new recruits who had accepted the invitation to the League.

"Each of you brings something different to the League, strength, speed, invisibility, or whatever but we are all equal at least in something, each of us are willing to make the sacrifices that a hero has to make, even the maximum of them" listening to Superman he could see several acquaintances in the crowd that filled the room like Wildcat.

"Because there are so many of us, we have the opportunity to achieve more than just putting out fires literally or figuratively, we can be proactive, we can do real good in the world but we have to organize ourselves" pointing Superman made us all see J' onn.

"J'onn is up here watching everything, he will decide who will go where and when, I know that many are used to making decisions by themselves but from now on we have to coordinate more, we can't continue being cowboys or cowgirls" that last one caused a laughter among the different women who listened to him.

A small beeping call caught my attention as I touched a button on the Omnitrix.

"Max here, what's wrong Pamela?" The villainess spoke a little upset.

"-I need you to come to my greenhouse, something is happening to our plant quickly!-" Knowing that only something extremely important would cause her to ask for my help, I began to run to the hangar.

"I'll get there as quickly as possible!" Finishing the call I arrived at the hangar, transforming into Chromastone while opening the door.

Flying with all my speed, it took me almost half an hour to see the buildings of Gotham City. Flying towards the oldest part of the city, I arrived at the greenhouse where Pamela lived, noticing that the plants were very altered, so I transformed into Wildvine before landing.



"Help Mother!"

Listening to the murmurs of the plants I began to enter the place, noticing that although they did not prevent me from entering, all the roots were ready to act.

In seconds I reached the depths of the greenhouse where Pamela's presence was.

"Pamela, what's wrong?" Looking at the woman, I was surprised to see how upset she was while mixing various liquids until she heard me.

"You arrived safely, help me!" Taking one of my arms she took me to the plant that had my blood which looked very different.

"When did It change?" Looking at its growth, I touched it lightly with my fingers, merging with it.

"Two days ago, first it grew a little, then its leaves changed color and now it is writhing, suffering" As soon as the plant felt my presence it screamed.

"Father help, it hurts, it burns!" Separating myself from it, I noticed what was happening to it while I noticed its blood-red leaves.

"What's wrong with her!?" Releasing her, I looked at Pamela who looked very upset.

"She is mutating, however her cellular structure is not made for the change she is trying to make, so she is slowly destroying herself" Trying to calm the screams I removed a seed from my back with my blood bathing it in it "I can't help her in this way, can you ask your plants not to attack me while I transform."

Pamela looked at me for a second before looking at the small plant to nod while calming the plants around her.

Transforming into SwampFire I felt my connection with the plants become deeper so I took the small plant fusing it with my hand.

"...The damage is old, it was caused by the encounter with Swamp Thing" that bothered Pamela however she continued "But I can fix it" leaving the plant to notice that it had calmed down greatly.

"What are you going to-?" Pamela stopped when she saw how I ripped off my arm, causing a green liquid to come out of my stump. "But what are you doing?!" Approaching the plant, I answer.

"My blood in this form will stabilize it and help it, however only wounds like these make me bleed" Bathing the plant with my blood we both saw how it changed in seconds.

Its height reached almost one and a half meters, and its leaves changed orange and red while a small flower grew at its highest part.

"Thank you, Father, I feel better," smiling, I caressed her lightly while Pamela examined her and cooed at her.

"Pamela, why did it take you so long to call me?" Giving the plant with affectionate hands to a large root before answering me coldly.

"I didn't mean to bother you, I figured after saving the world from an invasion you needed space" I blinked in surprise.

"Are you upset...because I saved the world" looking at me with anger she replied.

"I'm upset because I found out that you saved the world from a television replay four days after the invasion." Surprised by her words, I continued listening to her. "All the villains in Arkhan saw the broadcast. The most cowardly now fear you but they never heard of it again, about you after the fight" Trying to calm her down I spoke.

"Pamela, I'm sorry I didn't go see you, the days after the invasion was very chaotic, I apologize," trying to hold her arm, she walked away looking at me.

"I don't care, just go, I don't want to talk to you" Passing by me she left me alone, and when I was ready to follow her a call from the watchtower stopped me.

"This is Omnaz," J'onn's voice was heard.

"Omnaz, we have a situation with a radioactive leak at the following coordinates, we need you to support the Lantern team" Looking at where Pamela had left I only let out a sigh.

"I'll go right away, thanks J'onn" After finishing the call I started to leave the place while the coordinates came to me.


Several minutes later…


Using the speed of XLR8, it didn't take long to reach the coordinates, finding the problem without problems as it was an immense red robot that Kara and an archer were trying to defend themselves from.

Running I saved the archer from a beam that I identified as pure radiation.

"...You're that boy who transforms" Looking at the archer he smiled at me "I'm Green Arrow and that thing is unstoppable" Looking at the robot I noticed how he was walking towards a city "I tried to stop him with a carbon regulator but it wasn't enough."

"I'll take care of it, Arrow, thank you," letting him go I transformed.

Running as fast as I could, I heard the blonde's comment.

"-A walking stove-" As soon as the robot saw me running towards it, it shot its beam at me which, thanks to my new form, did not cause any damage to me as I continued running.

Being close enough I opened my suit, causing my true form to emerge, an orange being made of radiation.

"Well, time to eat," flying with agility, I dodged his clumsy blows while entering the hole in the middle of the suit from which the carbon regulator protruded. Without waiting a second, I began to absorb the energy, growing in size while the robot began to turn off.

In seconds the robot was completely empty so I returned to my suit while Kara came flying to knock the robot's head off.

Hours later we were back in the Watchtower because Lantern, Arrow, and an injured Captain Atom needed medical assistance.

While I was having a small snack, a happy Kara came flying to stand next to me.

"Lantern told me I did well!" Looking at her I smiled slightly.

"Congratulations Kara, I know you will only get better" Returning to my food I lost my smile as she took a seat in front of me.

"What's wrong with you? You're very down." Releasing a sigh, I looked at her, hoping not to make a mistake.

"I have a problem with a...woman" Upon hearing that she smiled so I began to regret it "Well this is what happens...".

[T/N: Common on MAN! Give me boy NRG some more screen time! God this chapter was long! I do the chapters a day before I post them so that I ain't scrambling to finish the chapters. Anyway, I will do the next chapter of Omnitrix of Justice tomorrow because this chapter has got me poofed. If you like this chapter then leave a comment, write a review, and drop some stones. Check out the Patreon for advanced chapters, it's only $5.]


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