Chapter 13: CH-13:)
As a quick sidenote, one of the notable details I've recently learned about the bounty system is that the majority of those under a million were listed as 'ALIVE ONLY'. The reason being that even the worst of their transgressions didn't warrant anything more than a couple years behind bars. I think most of us would agree that a serial pickpocket doesn't exactly deserve the death penalty.
'Well. Let's go see what my good buddy Bill knows about Mr. Buchanan shall we?'
The Cracked Pearl
Bill raised a skeptical eyebrow at the wanted poster that was slapped down on his bar. "Isn't this a bit larger than your usual fare? You know once you enter the big leagues you can't just undue that decision." "Three quarters of a million hardly counts as 'the big leagues'. It doesn't even qualify as the 'middle leagues' if such a term exists." I retort with a sarcastic roll of my eyes. "Going after street punks and petty thieves is getting boring. This is just the next logical step."
Bill tapped his finger on the bar for a moment as he hummed in thought. "Before I tell you what I know, which honestly, even by my standards isn't very much, I feel I should clarify something about our working relationship."
"And that is?"
"I don't pick sides." Bill spoke adamantly. "So long as they can pay, my services are open to everyone. Now I like ya Jack. You've got spunk. But we're not friends. If someone comes in and has questions about you, and the things you've been doing or asking, then I'm telling them what I know. Just as I would for any other client or customer. Complete impartiality. I just want to make sure you understand that."
I nod. "I understand perfectly. Never expected anything else. Now, how much for what you have on Buchanan?"
"Five." The broker replies without missing a beat.
I count out five 1,000 Beri notes and slide them across to his side of the counter.
"He's not here." Bill says in a hushed tone. "He skipped town two months ago on a boat set course for Halnola. It's an island about four days sail to the northeast. Small little isle. Not got a lot going on. Maybe he's laying low there, maybe it was just the first stop of his escape. Either way, that's all I know."
Six Days Later, Halnola The past week hasn't been too too bad. The only vessel actually departing for Halnola wasn't leaving for another day so I spent my final evening in Yeutton Port doing a small errand mission that awarded me 50 Exp. The boat ride itself was mostly uneventful but I found small ways to keep myself busy. I chatted with merchants, drank with a few travelers, and even did a minor side-quest involving some drama between the ships chef and it's doctor.
All in all I had managed to scrounge up another 300 Exp over the four day trip which coincidentally was exactly how much I needed to reach Lv.20 and receive a surprising -though very pleasant- pop-up.
Congratulations! You have reached Lv. 20! Stat points awarded per Lv up increased! (5) → (10) This might seem innocuous at first glance but it is life changing, game changing, pun intended. My version of the [Gamer] powers can't grind STR by doing pull ups. Going for an extended run doesn't help my DEX. The only way I can increase my stats is through leveling up and distributing points into them or by earning points as [Quest] prizes -LUK not included-. This one single notification meant that my rate of growth just basically doubled. Not only that, it opened the door to the possibility of increasing again in the future.
I haven't allocated the 10 points yet, nor have I spent the five I earned back at reaching level 19. I'm having a bit of an inner debate on whether to focus on VIT or DEX next. Now that I know [Perks] are earned at 100 I need to think hard on which is more likely to be the better investment. At 65, VIT is obviously closer but DEX seems to be what dictates my speed and ever since getting shot by Thomas I've been feeling that stat needs some more attention. But anyway...back to Halnola.
The politically correct part of my brain likes to think that each place in this world has its own merits. Sometimes you just need to look a little harder to find them. Halnola however is challenging that notion pretty hard because goddamn is this island a fucking shithole.
I've been here a grand total of 24 hours and I'm already prepared to head back to Caeba. There's only a single settlement on the small crescent moon shaped isle and it's a dilapidated shantytown, the rest is just untamed jungle. There's no Marine outpost here to protect from pirates because no pirate would ever stop to raid here. There's literally nothing to take.
I kneel in front of yet another vagrant and try not to crinkle my nose as the full power of his unwashed stench hits me. "Have you seen this man?" I ask, holding up Buchanan's wanted poster. "Fuck off." the filthy man spits at me.
My nostrils flare slightly and I breathe audibly out my nose in frustration. That is the ninth time I've received that answer today. I respond to it in the same way I've handled the last four. By subtly accessing my [Inventory] and then setting three slices of bread and 200 Beri down in front of the squalid creature. "Have you seen this man?" I repeat.
The man quickly changes his tune as he greedily snatches the offering. "Yeah I seen 'im. 'bout a week ago. He's always comin' and goin' from the jungle."
Finally. Some intel I can actually use.
"Any spot he stays in town when he comes back? A house, a shack, anything like that?"
The beggar opens his mouth again to speak but then closes it silently. He holds out an unkempt dirt stained hand as his eyes glisten with rapacity.