One Pice: A Game Blue System.

Chapter 23: CH-23:)

Personally I felt that the officer was being a bit overly cautious with that, but I'm not about to tell the Marine his business. He's the senior man in charge after all.

Speaking of the lieutenant, the man was about a half-day in front of us, having to go early to meet up with the troops he'd sent ahead a few days prior. It's kind of a shame. I was looking forward to bouncing some questions off him. I've been in this world a year and still know so very little beyond what I learned from the manga story. An officer's perspective could've been useful.

This is not to say that the trip was boring without him. I successfully passed the time chatting up some of the other caravan travelers or bullshitting with the Chief. I did use some time to try and do a 'timeline check' but that didn't yield much. Mori said that Sir Crocodile is still one of the seven warlords to the best of his knowledge and boy did that get me an odd look when I asked.

I really should just start reading the newspaper. It'll help me avoid these little social faux pas in the future.

The capital itself was exactly what you'd expect. Tall buildings, stone paved streets, and thousands of people all in a hurry to get from place to place. Overlooking it all was a colossal palace in the center of the city constructed of orange brick and white marble. Parapets lined with gold encircled the great structure serving as a barrier to separate the nobility from the common folk.

"Ha! Impressive isn't it?" Mori barked next to me. "That castle has been the head of this country for close to 600 years now. A lot of history has happened in this city." I hummed in agreement but internally rolled my eyes. 'It's not bad. But I've seen better. If I can recall canon correctly, the royal household in Alabasta was far far larger. Prettier to look at too.'

"Well let's get going then." Mori says with a hand on my shoulder. "The Lt. Wants to show us the place before the big show tomorrow night."

The two of us find the rendezvous point without much difficulty and are met by Jorgen in undercover civilian clothes waiting outside a dockside warehouse.

"Really?" I ask with a sarcastic chuckle. "A warehouse again? What is it with criminals that they keep choosing these as the place to gather?"

Jorgen met my small laugh with one of his own and stamped out a cigarette. "You've got me. I don't understand why they don't just host dinner parties like civilized folk. Come on, I'll show where we'll be setting up. I want everything prepared before the sun sets. Tomorrow night, these crooks aren't going to know what hit 'em."

It was surprisingly dark on the inside. A little musty too. Nearly every window had been shuttered up by wooden boards or aluminum curtains that only allowed a scant few rays of light to filter in. Seas of dust flitted around in the sunbeams and I pulled my shirt over my mouth to try and avoid inhaling anything.

"Are you sure we're alright to be here?" I whispered in the dark. "What if they have a guard posted?"

"Relax Parker. This isn't my first rodeo." Jorgen reassured. "My subordinates have been watching the site for the past 72 hours. No one's come near this place except for us."

"Where are they now?" "Hidden under tarps by the south and western exits. Including the door we just came through, that's all three entrances into the building covered. No other way in or out. Now come on, you'll like this next bit."

I nod at the man's words but I just can't shake the subtle feeling of unease.

The whole thing just feels...

A half-dozen spotlights spring to life in the darkness and I'm forced to shield my eyes from the intensity. The soft clicking of rifles being cocked fills the air and I can vaguely discern about 20 silhouettes standing on an upper balcony looking down on us.


"Ah. Well it seems our guests have finally arrived." a voice drawls out as a small figure in a pinstripe suit steps to the forefront. "I'm so glad that we could all find time in our busy schedules to come here today." The man speaks as he lights a match for his cigar.

I know I'm supposed to be nervous right now. What with the all the guns pointed in my direction and walking into a trap and everything. But I just can't stop thinking 'Oh look. The mafia boss in the cartoon world is barely over 4 ft tall. How utterly cliché'.

"Lieutenant!" Mori hisses through his teeth in a whisper, doing his best so that it's only heard by us three. "We need to find a way to signal your men that it's a trap!"

I eyed Jorgen's back intently. Wondering what move he was going to make. He was easily the most experienced of us after all. Do we scatter? Rush forward? Buy for time? What's the play gonna be?

The Marine glanced backward and regarded Mori and I with this...this look. Oh.


I really should have seen that one coming.

A resigned sigh passes over my lips. "There aren't any Marines outside are there?" Jorgen offers a very small but distinctly unapologetic smile at the question. "No hard feelings Parker. It's just business."

The officer steps out of the spotlight and Mori reaches out in confusion. "Sir! What's going o-" Two warning shots spark near the Chief's feet and his voice dries up instantly.

"Chief Mori." Jorgen starts somewhat wistfully. "To you I must apologize. It was very absentminded of me to tell your bounty hunter friend about this 'operation' while you were still in earshot. The moment you heard about it you became a potential loose end. For that I am sorry. But let this be a lesson. Don't volunteer for assignments in the military. It rarely works out in your favor."


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