Chapter 11: ARLONG PARK
The StrawHats has finally arrived at Conomi Island, they docked Going Merry at the backside of Cocoyashi village so that they won't freak out the villager's and also not to alert Arlong.
Nami guided them to her house near the upper part of the village, as they walk through Tangerine garden, they all can clearly see some of the trees were uprooted and some were broken. This causes Nami to become really nervous as she had a bad very feeling about this, when the group finally came near Nami's house, they saw that the door was broken.
"NOJIKO!!??" Nami yelled as she immediately ran into her house to find her sister, Luffy and the group also hurriedly followed behind her and they all saw that the interior of the house was completely ruined and the signs of struggle can be seen. "NOJIKO!!??" Nami yelled again calling her sister and running all around the house, then she ran outside and search everywhere near the house, but couldn't find her sister.
Tears were leaking from her eyes as a really horrifying thoughts were coming in her mind, Luffy walked behind her and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "Let's go ask the villagers, maybe they knows something!!!" Nami nodded and ran towards the village while Luffy and group followed behind her. As they came near village, they all saw a shocking scene, village was completely destroyed and the houses were flipped upside down. Nami covered her mouth in horror, but then suddenly a man with pinwheel hat walked towards them with a pistol pointing at them.
"Nami!!!! Is that you!!??" the man immediately put his pistol down when he saw Nami with the group. Nami ran towards the man and hugged him and started to cry, "Genzo-san…..Nojiko….I can't find her anywhere!!!" the man named Genzo soothed her, "It's okay, everything will be alright…." He then looked at Luffy and his group, "Come, we shouldn't stand outside…'s dangerous here!!" he led them to one of the still intact house.
Luffy followed Genzo with Zoro, Sanji and bounty hunter duo following behind him, he doesn't like any of this. Just what is happening, Nojiko is missing, the village is destroyed and there is something amiss here. Genzo gave Nami some water to drink and to settle her down, he then looked at Luffy, "Who are you!!??" he asked with a stern tone. Instead of Luffy or anyone else, it was Nami who replied, "Genzo-san, this is Luffy and they are his crewmates, except those two!!!" she said pointing towards Johnny and Yosaku who saluted him. Genzo looks at Luffy with a frown, "So you are Pirates!!!" Nami seeing some distaste in Genzo's tone immediately stood up between him and Luffy which surprised everyone, "Don't Genzo-san, they are good Pirates!!! they helped me a lot and also promised me to save us by defeating Arlong!!!"
Genzo was surprised by this, Nami is defending a pirate, but he gave her a benefit of doubt, "Nami, are you sure about this!!! I mean, even though what you said is true but still what they can do against Arlong and his crew!!!" Nami instead of answering showed him the bounties of both Luffy and Zoro. This incredibly shocked Genzo, seeing such a amount in East-Blue is unheard off. But before he could anything, the door of the house which they were in is suddenly forced open, Genzo was ready to fight thinking it is again the fishmens but when he saw it was one of the man from the village he relaxed a bit.
"What is the meaning….." but before he could ask the man anything, the man immediately rushed towards Luffy, "You are StrawHat Luffy right….!!!" Luffy was dumbfounded by a sudden question but none the less he nodded, then the man took his hand and dragged him outside the house and led him towards a large group. Nami along with Genzo, Zoro, Sanji and bounty hunter duo followed them. When the group of villagers saw Nami, they were all shocked and but they welcomed her with open arms and told her that they knew about her struggle and that they are really sorry to not finding out sooner.
Then the man who dragged Luffy announced that StrawHat Luffy and his crew are here from the behalf of Nami to save them. The crowd gasped when they heard Luffy's name. Immediately one the man from the crowd runs towards Luffy. Luffy's crewmate's stiffen and ready to attack, but was surprised by man's next action. The man came and he suddenly kneels infront of Luffy and started crying.
"Please 'sniff' help us, they have taken our daughters, wife and all the women's. They said that, they will sell them to slave trades." Hearing this Nami was horrified and started to panic thinking about her sister. "We saw your bounty, yours and your first-mate's, one thing we knows that those with the high bounties are really strong…. So please help us, we will give you all of our money. Just p..ple..please" the man said while crying more. Seeing man's action, everyone in the crowd also kneeled down bow to Luffy and asking for his help.
Johnny, Yosaku, Sanji, Zoro and Nami had a shocked expression on their faces. They have never seen a scene like this. Luffy's eyes were shadowed by his StrawHat and he didn't utter a single word for few minutes, then he looked at them, "I don't need your money, heck I don't need anything from anyone of you. I'm not doing this just for fame or money, I'm doing this for the sake of humanity and a promise to fulfill. So raise your heads and stand up, this is not time for begging and praying, this is the time for fight. And you don't need to worry, me and my crewmates are enough to take them down. Just you guys gather around there, to watch their downfall." And he walks out off there, followed by his crew and bounty hunter duo.
After they left the area and walked some distance away from the village, Sanji kicked a tree down in anger, "Those bastards, they dare to do this with the females…. I swear that I'm going to butcher them all!!!" "Not before I do…." Zoro hissed. This shocked Luffy seeing Zoro angry, but what can he say….Zoro is also a human with moral values. Then Genzo walked towards the group and looked at Luffy, "So kid what now?!" he asked. "Now you take everyone and wait for us at their gate, we'll be there soon." Luffy said and Genzo nodded and walked back towards the villagers and yells, "OK EVEYONE GATHER AROUND COME WITH ME, WE'RE GOING BEAT THOSE FISHMENS TODAY AND FREE OURSELVES." Everyone cheered and started walking towards Arlong park.
"Johnny, Yosaku go with them and see that no one tries to act on their own." Luffy ordered them, seeing the villagers marching towards the Arlong park. "HAI BIG BRO" they both shouted with a salute and ran towards the roaring crowd.
"So what now Luffy?" Zoro asked while holding his swords. His hands are itching for a good fight. "Calm down moss-head, don't get too excited." Sanji said while lighting his cigarette. "DON'T CALL ME MOSS-HEAD YOU ERO-COOK" Zoro yelled "WHAT DID YOU SAY" Sanji yelled back
"Huh, they started again.." Nami said while sighing. She watched as Zoro and Sanji head-butting each other and sparks are following between them. She smiled a little which caused some of her tension to vanish knowing that now Luffy is here then her sister and the village will be safe. She then looked at Luffy standing there calmly. "Ah..Luffy, is everything all right?!" she asked
For a few second Luffy didn't speak, then suddenly, "Found them."
"Huh" Zoro/Sanji.
"What?" Nami asked
"The women's and the children's they have captured!!!" Luffy said making others eyes widen. "Yoi..yoi where are they..?" Sanji asked immediately rushing at Luffy. "Don't worry about them come with me" Luffy said and started walking towards Arlong park. Others look at each other and started following him.
There were many cells in the bunker, in them many womens, girls even small kids are locked in. In a few distances away was a room in which Nojiko is locked. She was in really bad condition, cuts and bruises were all over her body and there were some tears on her clothes. Suddenly the door opened and in walked a fishmen with a plate full of food. "Eat it, boss don't want you to die before he make a deal with the slave traders." The fishmen said. "I'm not hungry, take it away." Nojiko hissed and glared at him.
"Well it's on you if you not going to eat" he said with a shrug, than he grinned, sending shivers down her spine. "But boss has told me, if you will not listen then I can do whatever with you!!" he said closing the door from inside. "I have never felt a human body before, much more that of a woman!!! Looks like, it is my lucky day." He said while walking towards Nojiko. She started to back away slowly, tears started to run down her eyes, " lost..please.." she shuttered while hugging her knees tightly. But the fishmen just grinned seeing her so afraid, "This will be fun" fishmen said with a disgusted smile creeping on his face.
They had arrived at the Arlong park's gate and saw the crowd gathered standing infront of the gate. "Let us go in, those monsters will pay today for what they have done." One the villager cried out and rest agreed with him. "No, Big bro has strictly told us to not to let you guys involve in this, so just wait until they arrived." Johnny said. "Yay, just wait you guys and believe in Big bro Luffy." Yosaku agreed with Johnny. "I think they are right, we should not charge in recklessly." Genzo stated.
"Move." Luffy said as they approached. As they did, Arlong's laugh could be heard from inside. Luffy's expression becomes cold. All the pain he made Nami go through was about to thrown back at him 100 fold. Everyone moved away from the gate as Luffy balled his hands into fists. He then punched the gate so hard, the whole gate with its side wall support send flying into many fishmens knocking every bystander's out. Few remaining fishmen who were inside, is now staring with disbelief as the smoke cleared, showing one pissed off Luffy.
"What the!!?" Arlong said with bloodshot eyes. Luffy stood there with a pissed off expression, he then looked at Arlong with so much hate that it sent shivers down the fishmen's spine. "Are you Arlong!!?" he asked. "Arlong?" Arlong asked as he lay in his chair looking at Luffy with an annoyed expression. "I'm Arlong." "Good. I'm Luffy." Luffy said as he started walking towards Arlong. This got his attention, "So you are the infamous Strawhat Luffy with the highest bounty in the whole East-Blue….." he smirked, "Come to avenge the little thief here!!!" he mocked as he looked at Nami standing in the crowd.
But Luffy didn't listen his banter and kept walking towards Arlong with his upper half of the face is shadowed by his StrawHat. "Where do you think you're going?" asked a fishman as he and another fishman blocked Luffy's path, "You wanna talk to the boss, you gotta talk to us fi….." faster than anyone could blink, Luffy punched both fishmen into the air. They both flew so high that they couldn't be seen anymore. "Whoa..." one of the villagers said as everyone stared in awe.
Seeing his crew getting manhandled so easily made Arlong very angry. Luffy stood still for a moment before he appeared next to Arlong, punching him with blinding speed so that he flew through the wall on the other side of the park, leaving a giant hole looking like Arlong in the wall. All the villagers and the other fishmen gasped at that.
"ZORO, TAKE CARE OF REST OF THEM, I'M GOING TO SAVE NOJIKO AND OTHERS!!! SANJI COME WITH ME!!!" Luffy commanded and then hold Sanji's shoulder firmly and then disappeared from there.
"He blasted Arlong through the wall?!" one of them asked in disbelief. "No way. They're actually beating the fishmen?" Soon all the villagers felt their hope of gaining their freedom rise.
"Well well….looks like today is my day!!!." Zoro said while looking at the remaining fishmens with bloodthirsty grin and licked his lips. The fishmens seeing Zoro's expression immediately got horrified by this as they could see a spectral form of death looming over green head swordsmen looking at them with hunger. They immediately pissed their pants and started to run away. Seeing this Zoro's grinned widen as he released his Conqueror's Haki on them, "Now, don't be a pussy and run away like that!!!" all the remaining fishmen fainted immediately from the force of Zoro's Haki, only one was still conscious and that was a octopus looking fishmen who was shaking in fear but still standing.
"Well, there is still someone standing…." He then noticed six swords strapped on the waist of this fishmen, "…..and a swordsmen to that!!!! Come here and lets end this with a sword dual!!!". Hachi was really scared right now, because the human standing infront him is not a ordinary human and his own animal instincts are warning him to run away and to never come back….but he is a fishmen and a swordsmen to and right now this human has asked him to a sword dual. So, with a huge gulp he took out his all six swords and readied himself for the showdown.
Then Hachi ran towards Zoro and slashed at him with all of his six swords but Zoro blocked all of it with a single sword, this surprised the fishmen greatly but he jumped back and was ready to attack again when suddenly Zoro disappeared and appeared behind him, "ONE SWORDS-STYLE: LAI DEATH LION'S SONG" was the only thing that Hachi heard before he feel into the sea, unconscious.
The crowd of villagers were all shocked at seeing this, it took just one person to take down the entirety of Arlongs's henchmens, then they all heard sound of rumbling coming from the Arlong park building and then it started to fall down infront of everyone's eyes. Just what has caused this to happen??
As he and Sanji appeared in the bunker, what they saw make them disgusted. Womens, girls and small childrens were locked in the cells, and they all look like they have been beaten down. Sanji seeing this scene reminded him of his days when he caged just like this and the conditions of the women's here reminded him of his mother, he clenched his fist so tightly that his knuckles turned white. He is right now boiling with rage and he need someone to release his anger and it came in the form of fishmen's who were guarding the bunker.
"Hey, who are you? How did you get here?" one of the fishmen asked.
"I think you all should be running away right now!!!." Luffy said with a neutral face, the fishmen's were confused until Sanji launched himself at them with such speed that it looks like he just teleported infront of them and started to destroy them mercilessly. Luffy didn't interfere in, he knew Sanji was very angry right now and maybe this anger has finally triggered his genetic advancement as he could see flames licking on Sanji's foot. He started to walk towards the direction of a room, from where he could sense distress.
She is not in good condition, her clothes had torn and cuts marks were all over her bodies. But she didn't let that disgusting fishmen do anything what he wants. The fishmen got irritated and tried to ripe of her clothes again, but got kicked in his family jewels. He holds his main part and started to cry out loud, "AAAAAAAAAAAH...YOU BITCH NOW I'LL WILL KILL YOU!!!" the fishmen cried out in anger and pain, and took out a knife and about to kill her, when suddenly he hears screaming coming from outside the room. Screams of cries, pain and help were coming.
Nojiko hugged her knees and tried to make herself small, fearing something worse. Then all of a sudden it become silent, it's like nothing happen before. The fishmen walked towards the door and sticks his ears to it, to hear anything. Suddenly a hand shot in through the door and grabbing fishmen's head and pulling it out, cries of pain can be heard for few second, then it stopped. Then the door ripped open and in walk Luffy, without any starch or any blood stains on his body or clothes, he looked at Nojiko who was clearly trying to hide herself from him, thinking he will hurt her too.
Luffy put both of his arms up in surrender manner, "It's okay, everything is fine now…I am here to save you!!!" but she still didn't look convinced, the sighed, "I am with Nami, your sister with orange hair who's likes are Tangerine, money and making maps…your late mother's name was Belle-mere who died protecting y..." "Enough!!!...I get it you are with Nami…." She finally replied. She slowly got up covering herself and slowly walked out of the room and soon Luffy followed behind her.
They walk towards Sanji, who has defeated all the fisfmen's and had released all the women's and kids from the cells. They were all thanking him and some of them even knelt down to him. Sanji whose anger had finally gone, blushed in embarrassment, "Please don't!!! a women should never knell infront of anyone!!!" it was this scene which both Luffy and Nojiko walked in, 'Typical Sanji' Luffy thought. Sanji then looked at Luffy and then Nojiko, seeing her condition he immediately took off his blazer and wrapped around her and stepped back to give her some room. Nojiko was taken aback by this but didn't said anything.
Sanji then looked at Luffy, "What now Captain!!???" Luffy didn't respond at first as he looked at the ceiling of the bunker with narrowed eyes, then he said, "Take everyone and get out of here!!!" Nojiko was confused and wanted to say something but Sanji understood Luffy's meaning and he immediately started led the females out of the bunker. After five minutes when the bunker was all clear, only Luffy and the bodies of half dead fishmen's were present in there, then Luffy clenched his right fist tightly, Ryuo covering it. "Now then All Might, let's copy your move!!!"
He then bent down in ready position, the ground started to crack with the force he is applying, then like a rocket he flung himself upwards punching through the ceiling and then entering the Arlong park building which was just above the bunker, going through every ceiling in the building and finally coming out of the roof, he floated there for few seconds as he is right now above the building, then he reared his fist back and sent a powerful punch at the building so that nothing will left of it….