AUTHOR'S NOTE: Heya my lovely readers, sorry for delay. The thing is, my schedule is absolutely messed up, first I need to wake at 5am then going to gym till 7am, then from 9am to 6pm working at lab. But the most annoyed thing is, my home is at outer area from where it is about 15km going to lab, and because it is my first time being this much busy after graduating from school....and to top it all, when my college classes will start I going to be super busy between all this. So, if somehow there will be any delay in posting my future chapters, please bear with me.

P.S: I know that there are many out there in the world who are more busy then me and still somehow were able to make some time for themselves, know this....I am a roooookie, so please don't berate me.

P.SS: If anyone wants to read a long fanfics, I recomand 'Playing with other Supernaturals' and 'Creating manga of One piece in pirate world' or 'Top 10 famous deathscenes'.

P.SSS(it's last, I promise): Does anyone plays One piece bounty rush, if yes then please do comment you id number. 



Luffy's strong yet hypnotizing voice reverberated as a calm wind around ten kilometers and within that radius, every living thing became mesmerized by his voice as their eyes became glazed and were ready to execute the command given to them, including his own crew expect Zoro because of his Kings Haki. He looked around in confusion as the rest of the members were frozen on their spot, then he looked at Luffy and sensed something amiss, because Luffy is releasing some kind of strange aura which is clearly not Haki. But he now understand that whatever Luffy used to command that giant whale, somehow it also affected his crew….so he did the only sensible thing and released his Conquerors Haki which immediately broke the state of trance of his crewmates.

When Luffy's voice reached Laboon, his pupils contracted and his eyes became glazed and the only thing he can hear now is Luffy's command to move aside, so he slowly sank in the sea and freed the pathway of the canal. Seeing this, Luffy stops his focus and released what he was doing and then sighed in relief, 'Man….I still need to work on Voice Of All Thing!! It really needs a lot of focus to use it.' He then saw, except Zoro, the rest of his crewmates were looking at him in confusion, "What!??" he asked.

Slowly shaking, Ussop pointed his finger at Luffy in accusing manner, "What the hell was that!!??" Luffy then looked at Nami and Sanji too who looked at little disturbed, then it clicked him, "Wait wait wait!!! Don't tell me that it affected you too!!??" Zoro shook his head, "Nah I was fine….although it was like something is trying to invade my mind!! But a little bit of Conquerors Haki and it stops." Luffy then looked at Nami, "I am sorry…."

Nami who was shaking because of such an experience, looked at Luffy, "No no…please don't be!!!" then Sanji stepped forward, "Yeah…although I suggest that you should warn us next time!!" Luffy nodded at that, then he looked at Ussop, who nervously rubbed his neck, "Yeah man…please do that in advance!!" Luffy nodded at everyone and just when he was about to say something, when suddenly his eyes shined red showing his use of Advance Observation Haki, "Oh shit…." As he said that, the water around Going Merry started to rise and soon Laboon rose up from the water and fixed his eye on Luffy and others. Then he opened his mouth and the surrounding sea water started to rush in and Merry naturally followed with the flow.

Nami and Ussop started to panic, while Zoro and Sanji just looked at the situation with a deadpan expression. Luffy sighed in defeat, 'Ah shit…here we go again.' Nami was looking at the monster trio to do something but to her shock they were just standing there. "H.hey guys…what are you not doing anything!??" Zoro looked at her, "What do you want us to do?? It's already too late…." Then he looked at Luffy's calm expression, "And it looks like he was expecting this." With that both Nami and Ussop looked at Luffy's back, seeing him staring ahead as the Going Merry descending into whale's stomach.

Soon the ship reached its destination with some bumps along the way, but when the Strawhats thought that they reached its stomach they were surprised to see blue sky and clouds instead of flesh. Nami blinked and then rubbed her eyes and then blinked again, "Ahhhh… my eyes messing with me or is it really the open sky we are looking at!!??" "Yeah..Yeah I can see it too!" Ussop said, "Me three!!" Sanji also replied, then he looked at Zoro, "Oi Mosshead…are you seeing it or not!??" Zoro's eyes twitch, "Use your damn Haki you shitty swirly brows." Now this time Sanji's eyes started to twitch but ignored Zoro and used his Observation Haki and his eyes widen, "We are still inside the Whale…." Nami looked at him with surprise and then Ussop also used his Observation Haki, "He is right.."

Nami then looked at the fake sky, "Then what the hell is that, some kind of illusion..!!??" "Those are paintings!!" Zoro exclaimed. Then Ussop used is Zooming glasses and inspected the fake sky, "Yeah, I can see it now…" then he rubbed his chin, 'But the most important question is….who the hell painted all of this!!??" "We can ask him about that!!??" Luffy pointed at the very small island with a single house on it and just outside the house an old man is sitting on the beach chair while reading newspaper, as if he is not inside a stomach of an island whale.

Sanji stepped forward, "Oi old man, where the hell are we??" the old man looked at Sanji with a stern glare which sent shivers down his spine, then went to back to read his newspaper. This ticked Sanji off, "SAY SOMETHING, YOU BASTARD!!" the old man looked at them and then ignored them again, "I..if it's a fight you want, then you've got one!!" it was Ussop who was ticked off this time by old man's dismissal. The old man looked at them with a serious look, "Don't or someone might end up dead…"

This sentence made Ussop swallows a huge lump of saliva, while Sanji looked at the old man with a smirk, "Oh? And just who would that be…?" both Sanji and old man were staring at each other and then the old man said something which made Sanji trip, "Me…" Sanji then stood with blue flames licking on his foot, "WHY YOUUU??" while Ussop is trying to hold him back.

Zoro patted Sanji's shoulder, "Heh, looks like you got worked up!!" Sanji looked at him dirty look, "What…" but Zoro ignored him and looked at the old man with a calm look, "Hey old man, sorry about this idiot…" "HEY…" "But would you mind telling us just who are you and just where this place is!!?" the old man looked at Zoro with same stern expression, "It's common courtesy to introduce yourself before asking others questions, you know?" Zoro sighed, "Oh right…sorry about that, My name is Zo…" but he was cut off by the old man, "My name is Crocus, the lighthouse keeper of twin capes. I'm 71 years old, a Gemini and type AB blood."

There was silence after that, when suddenly Zoro started to release his King of Hell Haki and took out histwo swords and coated it with Armament and Conqueror's Haki while releasing a green flame like aura, "YOU WANNA DIE OLD MAN….!!!" While Nami and Ussop were afraid to get close to Zoro and Sanji just let it happen and Luffy at the back watching all this with amused expression. Crocus looking at Zoro's seamless use of Haki just raised his eyebrows but internally he was shocked at seeing a person using such a advance version of Haki at the entrance of Grandline. But he still kept himself composed, "You're wondering where this place is? But not only you trespass in my private resort and now you're using violence too!!?? Such ungrateful brats."

This time Nami and Ussop also started to badmouth Crocus, "It's enough you guys and Zoro…put that in." they all listened what Luffy just said, as he walk at the front of the ship. Crocus who was looking at all the commotion, suddenly widen his eyes when he saw Luffy, because just for a second he saw the shadow of Roger just behind Luffy. And when he saw a very familiar Strawhat adorning Luffy's head, he recalled what Shanks had said ten years ago when they met, 'There was this kid in East-Blue who said the same thing what Captain Roger had said to Whitebeard and Oden'.

"You there kid with Strawhat….." Crocus called Luffy and getting his attention, "Are you the one who used the 'Voice of all thing'!!??" Luffy's eyes widen at that, 'How the hell he know about Voice of All Thing, it was only Oden and Roger who could hear it!!' "Yep….but I still to train it." Crocus looked at Luffy as if he is looking at his soul, then he sighed, "I am too old for this shit…."

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