Chapter 26: DEAL
"B...Birrion-'cough' Ma-Ma-Ma~~..." Igaram choked on his own blood as he was shocked at hearing such amount. Zoro looked at Nami with raised eyebrow, "I thought you were stealing from the townhall..!!!" "That's not called stealing...It's raiding...!!" Nami explained. "Yeahhhh....Sureee..." Zoro trailed off, Nami then looked at Igaram, " about it? Can you guarantee us a reward of 1 billion beries, Mr. Head of the Royal Guard?" she then crouched down to him, "Need I remind you that without our help...Your precious princess might die, You know?"
'Wicked Witch' Zoro thought hearing Nami's words, It's not like he has sympathy towards Igaram and his's just, Nami is too brutal when it comes to money. Igaram hearing Nami's words was in dilemma to what to do, "I...I'm afraid I can't guarantee such an astronomical sum since I'm merely a single soldier...!" "Oh!!??" Nami squinted her eyes, "Are you saying that the princess of your kingdom is worth less than a Billion beries?" she asked which a smirk.
'Talk about an extortion.' Luffy thought seeing the poor man, then he made eye connect with Igaram and signalled him that 'It's okay...he'll handle it....' Igaram understanding the gesture slowly nodded at Luffy and then looked at Nami, "...In that case, As long as you return the princess safely to the Kingdom....his Majesty will see to it that you get rewarded...!!!" Nami then looked closely in Igaram's eyes for any deception not knowing the secret exchanging between him and Luffy. Then she smiled and looked at Luffy and Zoro, "Alright then!!! Luffy, Zoro....go save the princess!!!"
"Oi!!! Why do we have to help you with your dirty money-making schemes!?" Zoro said in irritated tone, Nami then looked at him, "Oh, don't be so stupid....My money may be mine alone but a contract I make is a contract for our whole crew!!" Zoro's eye twitched at that, "What kind of retarded unfair logic is that!? What are you....A little girl!?" then Luffy patted Zoro's shoulder, "Now now, we have no time to argue..!! Let's go Zoro..." "Fineee"
On the other side of the town, Vivi riding on Carue's back is trying escape from Mr.5 and Miss Valentine. "Did we lose them...!?" she looked around and saw no sign of them, then suddenly she heard a voice from above, "There you are!!!" she looked above and saw Miss Valentine floating in the air with the help of her umbrella. "Shit....Faster Carue!!" the duck quacked in affirmation and increased his speed, "There' a docked ship behind cactus rock that we can escape on!" Vivi said to Carue and the duck started to run towards that direction.
Miss Valentine then landed on the ground, "KYAHAHAHA!! Run run...It will be more fun to chase!!!" "Such a futile struggle." Mr.5 commented. As Vivi was running away with Carue, she saw Miss Monday standing ahead, "Miss Monday??" Miss Monday then took a big log, "Go on! Get past here and you should be able to escape on the boat." She then readied herself to fight, "As for these guys, I'll do my best to stop them." Vivi was shocked at this.
"Don't be shocked...because of that Swordsman, we'd all be punished for failing in our mission anyways. I'd rather go down while protecting a friend....!" Miss Monday said with a smile as Carue ran past her. Vivi looked at the back of Miss Monday, "Thank you!" Mr.5 seeing this clicked his tongue, "First Mr.9 and you too, Miss Monday?" he then rolls up his right sleeve, "You disgrace, the name of...." he then choke slam her to the ground and his hand exploded at the contact with Miss Monday, "BAROQUE WORKS!"
Vivi looked back and saw Miss Monday severely burned and Mr.5's hand is on fire, "I'm a human bomb that can make any part of my body Explode." He then shoved his finger into his nose, "With this ability bestowed upon me by the Bomb Bomb Fruit, there's not a single mission I've failed at!" he then aimed his booger at Vivi, "You can't run away from us.....Nose Fancy.....CANNON!" he then shot at Vivi, but before it can reach her, it was deflected and the building on the sides exploded.
Vivi looked back and saw Luffy and Zoro standing between her and Baroque Works agents, "Mr. Bushido and Strawhat...!" everyone looked at Luffy and Zoro with confusion, while Zoro started to freak out, "Damn it...I can't believe I had to deflect a fucking booger with my sword!!!" Luffy laughed at that, "Don't be so sad Zoro, that booger was not an ordinary booger...." "Once a booger will always a booger..." Vivi saw the interaction and was confused, "What do you two want now!!?" Luffy looked at her with a smile, "We'd taken a contract with that Weird haired friend of yours.....So now, we're here to save you." Vivi was shocked at hearing that, "Save me....wait Igaram!!! He sent you two...!!?"
Meanwhile on the other side of the town with Nami and Igaram, "So...what exactly is Baroque Works?" Nami asked to which Igaram replied while still laying down on the ground, "It's a secret criminal organization in which not a single member knows the name nor the real identity of our boss. Under the boss' orders, we carry out tasks ranging from intelligence gathering, assassination, robbery and bounty hunting."
"Why do the members of Baroque Works bother to listen to this boss when they don't even know his name or identity?" Nami asked in confusion, "The final objective of Baroque Works is the Creation of an Ideal Nation." Igaram stated, he then sighed, "Those who bring success to our organization shall be granted high-ranking positions in this Ideal Nation by the boss." "I see...." Nami commented. "The boss goes by the codename, 'Mr.0'. The lower an officer agent's number is, the higher their status will be in this ideal Nation... but more importantly, the stronger they will be as well...!! Especially for the agents with the number 5 or less, their strength is...abnormal."
Back with Luffy and Zoro...Mr.5 and Miss Valentine looked at Luffy and Zoro with some trepidation, "Aren't you the swordsman who defeated all the low ranking agents in this town...??" Miss Valentine commented, "Why would someone like you be trying to protect Alabasta's Princess!!??" Mr.5 asked. Luffy then put his pinky finger into his right ear and started to rub it, "Well you see, there's two reasons for that....." he then put one finger up, "First one, we were bored...." "Yup, absolutely bored...." Zoro added his own. This caused the others to sweatdrop, "And the second is....hmmmmm...I think there is no second reason or is it ...!!!??"
Mr.5 and Miss Valentine's eyes twitched at that, "Well, whatever. You're both in our way in any case." Mr.5 said. "Hey hey hey...Mr.5, why don't we bring them to the boss. Their combined bounty reward is 700 million.....boss will surely promote us to more higher rank!!!" Miss Valentine asked with a smirk, "Hmmm....I think you're right....!!" "KYAHAHAHAHAHA! That's right. Since you're in our way....." she then opened her umbrella looked at Luffy and Zoro, "Allow me to bury your faces under the ground with my ability."
Then she floated up in the air, "KYAHAHAHAHA....with my Kilo-Kilo fruit's ability, you both will be crushed...." but to her dismay, they were not afraid...instead, "Oi oi oi.....Look at her Zoro....look at her!!!! She is flyingggg!!!" Luffy said in excited tone while shaking Zoro, "Yeahhhhh.....I can see that too!!! Now stop shaking me...." Miss Valentine's eyes twitched at that, "Why you both.....don't you dare to ignore me!!!! Now prepare yourselves, with the power of my fruit.....I can go from 1kg to 10,000 kg in the blink of an eyes!!!! EAT THIS! 10,000 KG PRESS!"
Miss Valentine then dived towards Luffy and Zoro, and was ready to crush them....but to her shock, Zoro just casually caught her leg and there was not even a crater was formed beneath him. "'re not even my warm-up, Women!!!" then he just tossed her to the side and she crashed into the building and was knocked out. Seeing this, both Mr.5 and Vivi was in shock, "What just happened....!!?" Mr.5 muttered in shock. "Oh was nothing for Zoro!!!" Mr.5 heard the voice just beside him and he wiped his head to look at who it is, but was punched in the face and knocked out cold.
"Well, that settles it...." Nami said as she walks towards Vivi, "Well Princess, I think we need to talk!!!" they all then moved towards different location. After hearing the contract between Igaram and Nami, Vivi was contemplating what to do, "Look, I'm really grateful for you guys saving me.....but, I refuse!" "Wait, What?" Nami asked in shock, "You're a princess, Right!? A billion beries should be like nothing for you...."
Vivi sighed at that, "Have you heard of a Kingdom called Alabasta?" she asked, "No, can't say that I have...." Nami said. "The Kingdom located in desert, and one of the main Twenty Kingdom's Under WorldGovernment." Luffy said to which Nami was flabbergasted hearing that and Zoro just raised his eyebrow. But Vivi was in shock hearing that, "So, you do know about Alabasta...." she then sighed in defeat, "Yes!! Even though situated in the desert, it is a peaceful country and has its own beauty to it.....Well that was long time ago!!"
"Long ago?" Nami asked, "You see, the past few years have been mired by the Revolutionary Activities. Due to radical Alabastan Revolutionaries, my country is currently in a state of chaos. One day, I happened to hear of a certain organization, it was 'Baroque Works' " she then looked down in sadness, "Apparently, it was Baroque Works who had been instigating the revolutionaries. But other than that fact, I didn't know anything else nor could I do anything about it.....So, I made a request to Igaram, who's been watching over me ever since I was a kid. Even though what I had heard may or may not be just a rumour, I asked Igaram if there were any way I could infiltrate Baroque Works.....that was the only option came to me, in order to clear away the dark shadow looming over my country!!!"
"Well aren't you a brave princess." Zoro complimented, "So what exactly is the deal with this 'Creation of an ideal Nation' that Baroque works is apparently scheming towards?" Nami asked in confusion, "Utopia..." Luffy answered her question to which everyone looked at him, "That Boss wanted to create a Nation where everyone will only listen to him and in return he will complete their demands, if....only he saw his own benefit in it." "So basically a Dictator, with all the powers in his hands!!" Zoro concluded.
Vivi sadly nodded at that, "That is correct, if I didn't do anything then soon the Kingdom of Alabasta will fall under their rule and I don't want to think what will happen after that!!!" "I see.....I guess that explains why you refused." Nami said looking at Vivi, "A country in the middle of a civil strife wouldn't have any money to spare."
"So, who is this boss anyways?" Luffy asked with a smirk, "You mean the Boss' true identity!!?" Vivi started to panic seeing Luffy nod, "No no no....You guys should not need to insert yourselves into this whole mess...." "You talk as if the boss is some Warlord or something!!!" Nami exclaimed. At this Vivi's eyes widen in terror which did not get unnoticed. Zoro smirked then, "Well well.....another Warlord....!!!" "This is going to be fun....." Luffy said with a laugh noticing that Vivi's face became more paler by each words.