Chapter 10: Through the Trapdoor – Featuring Chaos and Slytherin's Shadow
The Gryffindor Common Room was dark and quiet. Four figures—Harry, Ron, Raja, and Hermione—tiptoed under the Invisibility Cloak, looking every bit like unqualified ninjas on a mission.
Ron whispered, "This is ridiculous. How are we even supposed to sneak out of here under this cloak? I can barely see anything."
Harry smirked. "It's called 'style', Ron. We're practically invisible."
Raja, who was doing an awkward waltz to avoid tripping over the cloak, added, "Yeah, we're definitely blending in. You know, if 'blending in' means looking like a group of ghosts who've had one too many butterbeers."
Just as they reached the door, Neville appeared like a sleep-deprived guardian angel.
"You Shall not Pass! You'll get us all in trouble!" Neville stood firm, his face determined.
Hermione raised her wand. "Sorry, Neville. Petrificus Totalus!"
Before the spell hit, Raja snatched her wand mid-air, causing Hermione to gasp in betrayal.
"Relax, Hermione. We don't need to hex the poor guy," Raja said, patting a confused Neville on the shoulder. "Neville, how about you do us a favor instead? Go find Dumbledore and tell him there's a situation. You'll be a hero."
Neville hesitated. "A hero?"
Raja nodded, giving him an overly dramatic thumbs up. "A legendary one."
Neville puffed up proudly and ran off. Problem solved.
Ron stared. "You could've done that the whole time?"
Raja smirked. "Of course. But where's the fun in that?"
MAYA, who had been silently observing the drama from Raja's pocket, chimed in: "Master, your love for theatrics is reaching dangerous levels."
Raja winked. "I know. It's a gift."
After sneaking through the hallways, they arrived at the forbidden "Fluffy Zone."
Hermione unlocked the door with a whisper of Alohomora, and they peeked inside to see the three-headed monstrosity of nightmares—Fluffy.
The dog was asleep, snoring loudly, drool pooling on the floor.
Ron whispered, "Okay, let's move its paw and—"
Fluffy's eyes snapped open.
"OH, COME ON!" Raja yelled, throwing his arms up in exasperation.
The dog growled, jaws snapping dangerously close. The Quartet scrambled.
Raja, done with life, flicked his wrist and sent the dog flying backward with telekinesis.
"That should do it."
With that, they jumped through the trapdoor before Fluffy could recover.
Ron blinked. "You... you just tossed a three-headed dog across the room with a flick of your wand?"
Raja shrugged nonchalantly. "Yep. You should see me when I'm angry."
The gang fell into something squishy.
Ron panicked first. "AHHHH IT'S GOT ME!"
Hermione sighed. "Relax, it's Devil's Snare. The more you struggle, the tighter it gets."
Ron, of course, panicked harder. "IT'S NOT RELAXING! IT'S WRAPPING AROUND ME!"
Raja smirked. "That's some Grade A survival instincts, Weasley."
Hermione rolled her eyes. "It hates sunlight. We need Lumos Solem!"
Raja, ever the overachiever, took it up a notch. "Nah. MAXIMUS Lumos Solem!"
A mini-sun erupted from his wand, blasting the plant into oblivion.
Ron and Harry flopped onto the floor, gasping for air.
Ron muttered, "Showoff."
Raja grinned. "Flattery will get you everywhere, Weasley."
MAYA: Master, please stop causing environmental destruction.
Raja grinned wider. "No promises, Maya."
As they entered the next chamber, a massive enchanted chessboard greeted them.
Ron studied the pieces. "We'll have to play to cross."
Hermione frowned. "But we'll need a sacrifice."
Ron, suddenly noble, puffed up. "I'll do it."
Raja, sitting on a summoned lawn chair, pulled out popcorn and a cola. "Don't mind me. This is going to be a great show."
The Trio turned to him, deadpanned.
"Don't worry, it'll be a masterpiece," Raja said, completely unbothered.
Ron stood dramatically, about to step forward.
Raja flicked his wand and destroyed all the chess pieces in one go.
The Trio's jaws hit the floor.
Ron sputtered, "YOU—"
Raja stood, stretching like he'd just done something mundane. "Time is money, kids. Next room?"
MAYA: Master, you just ruined the greatest chess sacrifice speech in history.
Raja shrugged. "Efficiency first. Drama later."
They reached Snape's potion trial. Instead of playing the logic game, Raja simply pulled out pre-made fireproof potion vials from his inventory.
Harry blinked. "Wait, you had these the whole time?"
Raja grinned mischievously. "Yes."
Ron facepalmed. "This is why I don't like you."
"Understandable," Raja said, drinking one of the vials with a wink.
The gang drank the potions and proceeded like bosses.
They entered the final chamber to find Professor Quirrell standing before the Mirror of Erised.
Harry gasped. "It was YOU?"
Quirrell smirked. "Surprised?"
Raja, having zero attachment to this drama, muttered, "Not really. He's been sketchy since day one."
Quirrell scoffed. "Slytherin's Shadow. I see you've been meddling."
Raja froze. "Wait... you know my nickname?"
Quirrell nodded. "Yes."
Raja's face turned red. "It's not a nickname!"
Hermione, Ron, and Harry stared.
"Raja... are you BLUSHING?!" Hermione shrieked.
"I— NO— SHUT UP!" Raja waved his wand dramatically, flinging Quirrell across the room to end the conversation.
Harry pointed. "That was unnecessary."
Raja panted in embarrassment. "Yes, it was."
Quirrell admits to letting the troll into Hogwarts and explains that Snape has been suspicious of him since then.
Quirrell turns back to the mirror, stating it shows his desires. He wants to hold the Philosopher's Stone.
A mysterious voice from the mirror tells Quirrell to use Harry to get the Stone.Quirrell orders Harry to come closer and asks what he sees in the mirror. Harry lies, saying he sees himself shaking hands with Dumbledore and winning the House Cup.
Quirrell peeled off his turban, revealing Voldemort's face.
Ron screamed. Hermione gasped. Harry looked like he was about to faint.
Raja squinted. "Yikes. That's some bad skincare."
Voldemort sneered. "The Stone, Potter. Give it to me."
Harry, terrified, lied. "I don't have it."
Voldemort hissed. "Liar."
Raja casually blasted fire at Voldemort's face.
The dark lord screamed.
Ron gawked. "You just—"
Raja shrugged. "I mean, did we really need the dramatic monologue?"
MAYA: Master, I believe you just torched the most powerful dark wizard of all time.
Raja grinned. "Yep."
Hermione sighed. "I think you broke the story."
To Be Continued…