"Oops! I Stole the Isekai Lottery"

Chapter 12: The Shadow of London & The Gamble in America

After surviving what could only be described as a chaotic rollercoaster ride of a first year at Hogwarts, Raja returned to the orphanage in London. His arms were loaded with gifts, sweets, and enough charm to make even the sternest matron believe he had just come back from an intergalactic conference with celestial beings who bestowed upon him their blessings.

"Raja, dear, where did you find all these wonderful things?" the Matron asked, eyes practically sparkling. It was as if she was looking at the reincarnation of an ancient deity rather than a 12-year-old boy.

"Oh, you know," Raja shrugged nonchalantly, flashing a grin that could disarm a tank. "Just pulling some strings." His voice oozed charisma.

The Matron, already half-convinced Raja was a noble-born prodigy, nodded sagely. "Of course, of course," she murmured. "Only a true genius would manage such an enormous feat. And you're attending one of the most prestigious non-magical schools in the UK—only open to ancient noble house children and prodigious geniuses, after all."

Meanwhile, Raja wasn't thinking about how to maintain his saintly image. He was busy planning something far more devious. Bigger plans, you see.

With the flick of his wrist and a laser-focus that made even Einstein look like a slacker, Raja spent an entire week absorbing everything there was to know about stocks, business administration, and American law. By the end of it, his head was so full of information, he could've written a textbook on how to take over the world with a well-placed investment strategy.

But knowledge alone wasn't enough. He needed capital.

And for that, Raja had a perfect plan.

Using his Eclipse Mirage, Raja created a flawless 12-year-old clone and left him in the orphanage. The clone's sole job was to walk around, chat with Matron, and make everyone believe nothing had changed. Meanwhile, the real Raja began his metamorphosis. With a flash, he morphed into a 21-year-old Caucasian male—ready to wreak havoc in the underworld like some sort of real-life James Bond meets Tony Stark hybrid.

MAYA, his AI assistant and sarcastic conscience, piped up. "Master, you are technically an international criminal at this point."

Raja grinned like the cat who had just stolen the cream. "Only if I get caught."

Without another word, he dived headfirst into the gritty, crime-infested backstreets of London, where the shadows whispered of smugglers, drug lords, and counterfeiters. Raja didn't need to speak to anyone directly. No, no—he simply read their minds, like some sort of shady, brainy superhero.

In a matter of days, Raja had learned everything there was to know about London's darkest secrets—where corrupt businessmen hid their wealth, how to infiltrate high-stakes poker games, and most importantly, how to crack untraceable safes.

He wasn't just another thief, though. He was the mastermind of a revolution. And thus, "The Shadow" was born.

With the swiftness of a cat and the precision of a scalpel, Raja cleaned out vaults, liberated priceless art, and emptied safes in a way that made professional thieves weep with envy. He became a ghost in the machine, the ultimate enigma.

And as the money flooded in, Raja wasn't just rich. He was loaded. With a capital 'L'.

Not content with merely stealing money, Raja decided to upgrade his skillset. You know, in case anyone decided to mess with him.

And so, in addition to his already impressive EX-ranked intelligence, Raja became a master marksman. With his EX Adaptability and EX Control, he moved with the precision of a deadly predator. His reflexes were so sharp they could put John Wick to shame, and his Danger Sense was so heightened, he could dodge bullets from a machine gun with his eyes closed.

"MAYA," Raja said one day, casually flipping over a gangster's head and disarming him mid-air, "Your bullet-dodging skills have reached ridiculous levels."

"I know," he said with a smile, turning his back as a bullet whizzed just inches away from his face.

By the end of the month, Raja had enough cash to buy a small country. Instead, he decided to fund every orphanage in the UK.

After all, why let corrupt businessmen have all the fun when you could be doing good with your money?

With his fake passport, new identity, and a reputation that was growing faster than a caffeine addict's heart rate, Raja boarded a plane to America. First stop? Las Vegas, baby.

He walked into the biggest casino in the city, like a man who owned the world (because he kind of did at this point). Casually, he inserted a single dollar into a slot machine.

Ding ding ding!


A cool $500,000 shot out of the machine like a neon fountain of cash. The casino's security guards, wearing the kind of expressions usually reserved for people who'd just found out their pet hamster had learned to moonwalk, immediately started eyeing him suspiciously.

The next day, Raja strolled up to a blackjack table with $10,000.

By the end of the night, he walked away with another $500,000.

The Casino Manager, his face twitching uncontrollably, muttered, "Sir… we're going to have to ban you."

Raja gave him a friendly wave, as though he was being excused from detention. "Understandable. Have a great day."

And just like that, he disappeared into the Las Vegas night like the shadow he had become.

Raja's next target? New York City. He wasn't just here to win money in casinos. No, this time, he was building an empire.

He had his eye on two of the brightest and most ambitious women in the financial world: one was a sharp-as-a-tack stockbroker and the other was a brilliant lawyer—both in their early 30s. Raja's goal? To charm the socks off of them and get them to build a global empire with him.

"MAYA," Raja mused, "Is this manipulation?"

MAYA sighed with the weariness of a thousand worlds. "Master, this is technically manipulation."

Raja grinned. "Then this is technically business."

Over the course of several weeks, Raja watched their every move. He learned their routines, their favorite coffee spots, their most embarrassing moments at corporate parties. Eventually, he was invited to dinner. And over an Richest Indian dinner, Raja laid out his master plan.

"I want to create an empire," he said, leaning back and twirling his wine glass like a supervillain. "I have capital. You have skills. Let's build something legendary."

The women were intrigued.

"How… exactly did you get this much money?" the lawyer asked, eyeing him skeptically.

Raja smiled enigmatically. "I have my ways."

And just like that, with a firm handshake and a mysterious smile, The Shadow Corporation was born.

Within three months, Raja's partners became household names in the financial world. And Raja, from the shadows, ensured their rise was uninterrupted. Anyone who dared sabotage them? They mysteriously vanished. Poof. Gone. No trace.

Soon, people whispered about the Queens of Wall Street, but what they didn't realize was that Raja was the one pulling all the strings.

With everything in place, Raja decided it was time to return to the UK. Before leaving, he turned to his partners and said, "I'll be unreachable until Christmas. Hold the fort."

They agreed, albeit a little confused.

And just like that, Raja vanished, leaving behind only the faintest scent of expensive cologne and the faintest echo of a laugh that sounded suspiciously like a supervillain.

Upon returning to the UK, Raja transformed back into his 12-year-old form. He casually walked back into the orphanage, acting like he hadn't just pulled off the greatest heist of the decade.

MAYA sighed in the back of his mind. "Master, your double life is becoming dangerously chaotic."

Raja smiled, unbothered. "I call it efficient."

Finally, with second year at Hogwarts looming on the horizon, Raja decided it was time for a Diagon Alley adventure. He strolled into the Leaky Cauldron with a grin, looking forward to seeing what his wizarding friends had been up to.

"Time to see what my magical friends have been doing," he muttered with a smirk.

To Be Continued…


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