"Oops! I Stole the Isekai Lottery"

Chapter 29: Legal Shenanigans, Punches, and New Alchemy Product

In one of Empty room Raja cleared for Quartet to meet.

"Your bloody cat ate my rat!" Ron yelled, glaring at Hermione.

Hermione crossed her arms. "Oh please, Crookshanks wouldn't eat something that disgusting."

"Then where is Scabbers?"

Raja, lounging in a chair with a goblet of pumpkin juice, leaned forward dramatically. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are witnessing the Trial of the Century. The People vs. Crookshanks."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Oh, shut up."

Ron scowled. "Seriously, Raja! My rat's gone!"

Raja smirked. "And you're blaming the cat? Maybe it ran away to start a new life. Maybe it's secretly a criminal."

Hermione's eyes widened slightly. "That's… actually not impossible."

Ron threw his hands up. "NOT HELPING."

At the Hagrid's House

Hagrid sniffled. "Lucius Malfoy's got Buckbeak sentenced to death."

Harry, Hermione, and Ron gasped.

"WHAT?" Hermione shrieked.

"That great ugly ferret actually won?" Ron groaned.

Raja narrowed his eyes. "Not if I have anything to say about it."

Hagrid sniffed. "Ain't nothin' to be done, Raja. The Ministry's decided."

Raja leaned back, fingers steepled. "Ah, but you see, they underestimated my greatest weapon."

Hagrid looked hopeful. "Yer brilliant magic?"

"No. My overwhelming ability to cause legal chaos."

Later, in Gryffindor Tower, Harry sat staring at the Marauder's Map.

And then—a name appeared.

Peter Pettigrew.

Harry screamed.

Ron nearly fell off the bed. "WHAT? WHAT? DON'T DO THAT!"

Hermione rushed over. "What's wrong?"

Harry pointed at the map. "Pettigrew. He's supposed to be dead!"

Ron just says it may be malfunctioning due to Old Map.

Harry shot up. "I have to see this for myself!" decided to find peter.

Harry snuck out, following the map's guidance. But when he reached the spot—




Harry jumped. Snape loomed over him like a vengeful bat.

"What are you doing out of bed?"

Harry, panicking, tried to hide the map, but Snape snatched it.

Snape's eyes narrowed. "Reveal your secrets."

The map responded in perfect sass mode.

Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs present their compliments to Professor Snape and request that he keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business.

Harry bit his lip to keep from laughing.

Snape scowled. "Detention, Potter."


Lupin entered.

"Oh, Severus, taking an interest in map-making now?"

Snape threw the map at him. "This… thing is full of insults."

In Divination, Professor Trelawney dramatically flounced into the room.

"Gaze into the crystal ball, my dear children! Seek the unseen!"

Hermione muttered, "Or, you know, we could use logic."

Trelawney gasped. "Your soul is as dry as book pages! May Almighty Reincarnated Magic God bless you!"

From the back of the room, Raja corrected her.

"It's Wizard King."

Trelawney immediately bowed. "A thousand apologies, Wizard King."

Hermione groaned. "Oh for Merlin's sake" knocks over the crystal ball and storms out.

Ron jokes that Hermione has "gone mental."

Harry decides to return the fallen crystal ball.

While returning the ball, Harry sees Sirius Black's face in it.

Trelawney unexpectedly grabs Harry and delivers a prophecy:

A traitor will break free.

Innocent creature treated wrong but saved by divine intervention.

Truth will be revealed you will gain protective guardian.

She then snaps back to normal, unaware of what she said. A shaken Harry quickly leaves.


As they left class, Malfoy appeared.

"Enjoy your last moments, Potter," Malfoy sneered. "My father's having that ugly chicken's head stuffed and sent to Gryffindor."

Hermione's eyes darkened.



Malfoy hit the ground.

Crabbe and Goyle froze.

Raja, holding up a scorecard, grinned. "10 out of 10. Perfect form. Excellent execution."

Near the Hagrid's house.

Hermione, Ron, and Harry pass by and secretly watching, with Hermione scowling at Macnair.

Walden Macnair sharpens his axe, preparing for Buckbeak's execution.

Fudge, Dumbledore, and Macnair arrive for the execution. Fudge formally declares Buckbeak's execution.

Dumbledore tries to reassure Hagrid.

Hermione remember the Divination Class "innocent creature treated wrong but saved by Divine intervention."



From the mist, Raja strode in wearing glasses, looking like a top lawyer.

Behind him, Head of Department of Magical Law Enforcement (DMLE) Madam Bones and two Aurors followed.

Fudge paled. "who are you?, what are you doing here. how dare you stop ministers judgement?"

Raja smirked. "I am Rudra D. Raja Kumara student of Hogwarts here to prevent the execution of innocent creature."

Raja: "Minister, fudge, as I suspect you are going to execute a defenceless, innocent, beautiful creature as a personal favour for some rich noble!"

Fudge flustered "How dare you accuse me of such a blatant lie, Madam Bones? Arrest this kid."

Raja smirking "So you dare to directly threaten me with arrest without asking for evidence of the accusation, Madam Bones? Is there still law in Britain's magical society, or is it run by Minister Fudge's order?"

Madam Bones, with a stoic face and stern voice: "Britain's magical society is run by the Laws of DMLE. No innocent will suffer under that law, either if it is human or nonhuman, but I can't ignore your accusation of Minister Fudge. I need proper explanation and evidence for your accusation."

Raja: "Of course, Madam Bones, so let me explain why this innocent creature is trailed to execution." Raja narrated what happened during Hagrid's class.

Fudge got irritated. "No, he's falsely narrating. I heard the beast attacked Malfoy without any mercy, and Hagrid just watched."

Raja: "Mr. Fudge, the way you narrated, like somebody with big pockets, ordered you to execute the creature for scaring his son, not by investigation. I can provide proper evidence for my narration. Can you do the same? Are you going to say my word is enough as a tyrant ruler?"

Fudge flustered. "You have no proof!"

"Oh?" Raja snapped his fingers.

A glowing tablet appeared.

Harry and Hermione gawked.

"Is that… a magical iPad that raja talking about a year ago?" Hermione whispered.

Raja smirked. "Behold… MAGIC-PAD."

He tapped the screen—and a perfectly recorded video played, showing Malfoy provoking Buckbeak.

Fudge choked. "HOW?!"

Raja shrugged. "I have my ways."

Madam Bones stared. "This… is incredible."

Fudge tried one last time. "The evidence could be manipulated!"

Raja grinned. "I also have a live feed."

The Magic-Pad displayed real-time footage of the Aurors standing behind Fudge.

Madam Bones folded her arms. "The evidence is clear. Buckbeak is innocent."

Fudge groaned.

Hagrid cried tears of joy. "Thank ye, Raja!"

Madam Bones eyed him. "Where did you get this… Magic-Pad?"

Raja grinned. "Prototype. I plan to mass-produce cost-efficient versions in a year."

Bones nodded. "I'd like a demonstration at the Ministry."

Raja bowed. "Of course."

Raja called Buckbeak, and it came obediently, and he introduced it to Madam Bones. Raja made it sit, stand, hand shake and salute with his wings, which amazed Madam Bones.

Hagrid led Buckbeak away happily..

Raja "Now then… let's visit Dumbledore's office madam bones and minister I believe your presence also will be much appreciated."

Dumbledore with confusion. "What made you visit Hogwarts at this time Madam Bones?"

Raja smirked. "Because I called Madam Bones by writing a Letter in your name and I borrowed your seal and Fawkes for delivery."

Fawkes suddenly teleported in front of them and saluted to Raja, "In mission accomplished pose."

Dumbledore was shocked by how two enemies became closer and did a secret mission without him knowing.


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