"Oops! I Stole the Isekai Lottery"

Chapter 7: The Overachiever, The Guardian Fairy, and The Quidditch Conquest

Hogwarts had many mysteries—secret passageways, moving staircases, and ghosts with questionable social skills. But perhaps the greatest mystery of all was how one first-year could single-handedly attempt to monopolize house points.

Raja, now affectionately nicknamed "The Point Hoarder", had made it his mission to claim as many points as humanly possible. Whether it was answering a question correctly, performing magic flawlessly, or saving someone from an accidental explosion, Raja saw every moment as an opportunity.

Defense Against the Dark Arts: Featuring the Most Nervous Man Alive

Professor Quirinus Quirrell entered the classroom, looking as if he had just barely escaped a pack of rabid Cornish Pixies. His eyes darted around, and his hands trembled as he tried to settle the class.

"A-as you know, this class will t-teach you how to defend against d-dark creatures," he stammered, flinching as someone coughed too loudly.

MAYA: Warning: High levels of cowardice detected.

Raja was already concerned.

The lesson, despite Quirrell's nervous breakdown in progress, introduced them to the theory behind trolls, boggarts, and simple defensive spells. Raja breezed through his practical exercises, earning Slytherin five points. Ron, on the other hand, almost set his own robes on fire while attempting a Shield Charm.

Hermione sighed. "Honestly, it's Wingardium Leviosa, not Wingardium Flambé."

Charms: Levitation and Slytherin Smugness

Professor Flitwick bounced excitedly as he introduced the Levitation Charm. The class paired up to practice.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Hermione effortlessly lifted her feather.

Raja, because he couldn't resist, took it a step further. He made his feather do a full ballet routine midair, then sculpted it into a tiny, floating swan.

Flitwick nearly fell off his stack of books. "Brilliant! Ten points to Slytherin!"

Ron groaned. "He's a menace."

Harry nudged him. "At least he's our menace."

History of Magic: Starring Professor Ghost Nap Time

Professor Binns floated into the room and immediately started the most boring lecture in existence. Within five minutes, half the class was nodding off.

Raja, however, refused to lose to boredom. He took notes at light speed, occasionally poking Crabbe and Goyle awake before their snoring disrupted the soothing drone of Binns' monotone voice.

MAYA: This is intellectual torture. Initiating emergency survival tactics.

Raja mentally tuned out and practiced wand movements under the desk. He still somehow managed to absorb the lecture, earning another five points for Slytherin when Binns asked a question nobody else was awake to answer.

Astronomy: Because Sleep is Optional

Their first Astronomy class took place at midnight. Professor Sinistra guided them through celestial charts, pointing out constellations that apparently had magical significance.

Raja enjoyed the class—until he realized MAYA was giving him a real-time overlay of scientific astronomy versus wizarding astronomy.

MAYA: That's not a star. That's a gas giant. Your people are astronomically confused.

Raja sighed. "Welcome to magic."

Flying Lessons: Guardian Fairy Rises Again

Flying lessons had potential. Raja approached his broom eagerly, only for MAYA to scan it.

MAYA: Structural integrity: 40%. Rune optimization: Atrocious. Likelihood of spontaneous malfunction: 78%.

Raja muttered, "What is this medieval peasant transportation?"

Before he could complain further, Neville's broom malfunctioned spectacularly, sending him spiraling into the air. The students screamed. Madam Hooch yelled for him to stay still. Neville, naturally, panicked.

Raja, without thinking, kicked off and soared into the sky.


He reached the boy just as the broom violently bucked. Neville slipped.

Raja dived. "No, no, no—"

Gravity, however, was unforgiving.

Neville plummeted.

Raja did the only logical thing. He somersaulted mid-air, angled downward, and shot toward Neville like a falcon. Just inches before impact, he caught Neville's leg, breaking the fall—but in doing so, dislocated his right arm.

"Ow. Ow. OW."

The moment they hit the ground, Neville latched onto Raja in a teary hug.


Raja wheezed. "Neville… broken arm… PAIN."

Madam Hooch dragged both of them to the infirmary, where Raja spent the night questioning his life choices.

The Quidditch Gambit

When Raja returned to the Slytherin common room, he overheard students discussing how Harry had been made Seeker for Gryffindor.

He smirked. "Oh, this is war."

Marching to Snape's office, Raja knocked.

Snape opened the door, looking already irritated. "What."

"I want to be the Slytherin Seeker."

Snape pinched his nose. "Of course you do."

"I mean, if Harry Potter can do it—"

Snape's eye twitched. "Fine."

He arranged a meeting with the Slytherin Quidditch captain, who was less than impressed.

"You think you can beat our current Seeker?"

Raja smirked. "Let's test that theory."

A challenge was set—best of three golden snitch catches.

The Seeker Showdown

Raja mounted his barely acceptable broom and waited for the whistle. The snitch was released.

Round One: Raja won in three minutes.

Round Two: Raja won in two minutes, performing a ridiculous corkscrew dive in the process.

Round Three: Raja snatched the snitch mid-air without blinking.


The Slytherin team collectively sighed. "Fine. You're in."

Snape, watching from the stands, muttered, "What have I done?"

Raja just smirked. "Time to win."


Name: Rudra Raja Kumara

Age: 11

Race: Human (Magical)- Ultimate Human Being

Background: Orphan (Indian Father, English Squib Mother)

House: Slytherin


Intelligence: EX

Adaptability: EX

Comprehension: EX

Control: EX

Charisma: A


Magical Energy: A

Magic Manipulation: S


Telekinesis: Intermediate

Telepathy: Intermediate

Mind Reading: Advanced

Mind Shield (Occlumency Prep): Advanced

Danger Sense: Active

Magical Studies Proficiency:

Charms: S

Potions: A+

Transfiguration: S

Herbology: A

Magical Law: A+

Magical history: A

Defense Against the Dark Arts: A+

Astronomy : S

Broom Flying: S+ (NOTE: he has simulation system he practiced skills in his dreams )


Singing: Pro Level (Heartthrob Edition)

Dancing: Idol Tier

Poetry (Children's): Bestseller Status

Academic Genius: High School Graduate at 11


Eclipse Mirage (LOCKED – Requires Magic Core Stability)

Unlimited Inventory: Available 

Quantum Mind Palace: Active


Child Prodigy of London

Local Celebrity

Menace of Slytherin

The Point Hoarder

Guardian Fairy 

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