Overlord - A More Experienced Player

Chapter 28: Chapter 28 - New Farm, be Happy



A/N:Hello Guys! Happy New Year!

It's sad that on January I wasnt able to publish a chapter for u guys, studies were crazy and only on the beginning of the month I was finally free, plus the christmas was full of things to do.

Hope you guys like the interactions and some interesting things that will show up in this chapter. Dont forget to give a comment, some may dont remember, but this type of interaction can make a author happy or more motivated! See ya and good read!




The surrounding scenery was intense and aggressive, just by observing it was obvious to understand what was happening there….

A dark room with an absurd amount of red stains, there were several stretchers and what looked like butcher's hooks on the walls. On top of one of the stretchers, a woman with orange hair who didn't seem to blink, but her chest moved rhythmically, showing that she was still breathing. Her gaze was empty and her expression neutral with her mouth slightly open. And in terms of clothing, she wore nothing other than the blood marks on her pale skin, which hid parts of her body.

"[Get up]." A powerful voice could be heard approaching that room.

The woman did as ordered, as if she had no will of her own, or perhaps her conscience was turned off. She seemed to have a slight difficulty standing up, as if there was something different in her muscle memory, but she soon managed it.

More voices could be heard approaching the room, the door was open, so it was only up to one of the beings to get to the front of said room, to be able to see the woman. "Woah!!! She looks sexier up close! That holographic image didn't have that many details!!" Said one of these beings, this being Bukubukuchagama.

"To me it looks identical to the photo… Maybe my eyes have a problem perceiving details like that?" Ulbert spoke as he also entered the room, but instead of approaching the woman, he went to a nearby mirror to check her eye condition.

"Father. We cannot help but think about the possibility that Lady Bukubukuchagama-Sama sees beauty in person with much more impact than beauty in images." And the one speaking now was Demiurge, also being the owner of the voice that ordered just some seconds ago.

"Hmm! Only one woman can recognize the beauty of another!" The slime exclaimed while looking at the woman in front of her. "But I can't say you guys did a bad job."

The slime was talking about the small details that were changed in that woman's body. Her ears were removed, and in their place they placed two receptors that resemble feline ears, a little above her head. The eyes seemed to be slightly larger, as if they had changed her eyeballs and during the process this impression was created. From the knees down, it looked like she had feline feet, full of orange fur that matched her hair, and the same could be said about both forearms, with her hands looking like a perfect and anatomically acceptable mix between feline paws and humanoid hands, with long nails projecting outwards. And finally, a kind of feline tail in the same orange color, which at the moment was still and slightly curled.

"What was the name of that tangerine again?" Bukubuku asked while observing that specimen, and even without being in a humanoid form, it was obvious that she had the look of a complete pervert, analyzing the woman as if she were an extremely expensive pornographic action figure.

"Her name was Clementine… And well, that tangerine apparently caused a lot of trouble for Hikari…" Ulbert commented, leaving his top hat on the table next to him. "We didn't gain as much information as we expected, but maybe it's the perfect amount to tell him."

"So this cutie probably had great info? You can say what you got~" She used one of her famous seductive voices.

Ulbert didn't seem to be affected in the slightest, perhaps due to his mentality like a demon, but he soon answered her. "It seems… She was the 9th Seat in an incredible and powerful group on Slane Theocracy, called Black Scripture… She was kicked out after stealing the item that she used against Tabula's new disciple before… And probably was being hunted by another Scripture group… She said that it was probably called Sunlight or Windflower…"

"If I remember right… that group we captured a month ago is called Sunlight Scripture… And how they were focused on hunting that human warrior. Possibly the ones hunting our experiment was the Windflower Scripture." Demiurge gave his opinion on that detail.

"Yes, it is more logical to say that it is this group… And speaking of them, apparently what Hikari commented before was very correct, the religion of our 'neighbors' to the south, are related to believing that 6 players were gods… While the religion of His kingdom believes there were only 4 players instead of 6." Ulbert commented now, changing the monocle he was using.

"And these religions seem to have been incredibly influenced by Christianity… it was the most accepted religion at our time, even in Japan, so it's obvious that they would use that to put themselves on the pedestal as gods." Bukubuku commented, caressing that feline body in front of her. "Any other information that would be good to talk about?"

"Besides the fact that this woman destroyed a total of 10 orphanages in the Roble Holy Kingdom? I don't think so. Demiurge already wrote most of the stuff in a report anyway." The demon player said that without seeming to feel resentment or any emotion regarding that fact, he was scared by how his mind was being affected, but he did not express it.

They continued talking normally, with the slime observing this new creation even more, until they received information via [message]. The demon player's smile was evident, while the slime player alternated her gelatinous body a little, getting the closest appearance to the human body she had.




"Oh! This little adventure is going great for us to start your careers." Said the incredible Overlord, who was using his disguise as Momon.

He was deep in the west part of The Great Forest of Tob. A little ahead of him were Shalltear Bloodfallen and Lupusregina Beta, the two were attacking some high-Orcs who had hidden in the region.

But why were they there? Simply the great black raven warrior, Momon, had received a quest from E-Rantel's guild. This mission was limited to helping one of the nearby cities, E-Lyttonel, with a serious problem they were having in relation to collecting medicinal herbs, which are normally found in the Great Forest of Tob. Momon thought the quest was simple enough, but also important enough to use as a stepping stone for the adventurer identities he was creating for those two NPCs.

Tabula had already created his own identity, but it would be more focused on being a scholar instead of an adventurer. Momonga and Narberal had their adventurer identities as Momon and Nabe, respectively. Adding two more NPCs to that "fake family" would be the best idea possible, with the two being a pair of Battle Clerics, one focusing on stealth attacks and the other on direct attacks.

"It's still something to laugh about when you think that they both have the Job Class Cleric." Momonga spoke to himself while fixing his helmet and polishing his sword. He was sitting there on a fallen tree trunk, just analyzing and seeing if he was necessary or not. "But it's still interesting to think that these Orcs were in the region... Maybe it was because of them that no one from E-Lyttonel was able to get medicinal plants? Hm… I will take their ears as proof that we defeated them…"

Stopping his monologue, he drew the attention of the two who had just destroyed the skulls of the last High-Orcs there. "Santia and Lucia Bonaparte! You can put the herbs inside the bags I gave you."

"Yes, Momon-sama!"

"Of course, Knight Momon! I will do as you ask, arinsu~"

The two responded, clearly with Lupusregina still having to get used to not using "-sama", while Shalltear seemed to be managing to interpret her role well, with the slight difficulty of continuing to use that effect word at the end of most sentences.

Lupusregina had her red hair very loose, wearing a uniform more appropriate for a nun than a maid, a black dress that reached just below the knees, but was wide enough to guarantee mobility and even to hide knives. There was a small cloak above her head, which served to hide her lycanthrope ears.

Shalltear had used illusion magic to turn her white hair with a little yellowish color, turning into a common shade of blonde, which remained loose like Lupus's. The biggest difference was the choice of uniform, a completely white dress that would be seen in the Victorian era on Earth, with a large madame hat, also white, all of which covered her skin well, preventing the sun from touching her. Not that the sun would kill her, the contact would just make her a little weaker than normal due to her race.

Their identities were chosen as Lucia and Santia, respectively. This idea came from Bukubuku and Ulbert, as they both noticed how Momon and Nabe were slightly similar names to Momonga and Narberal, so to match it would be interesting to choose slightly similar names for Lupus and Shalltear. The choice of the surname Bonaparte was a joke that Tabula made, as both of their surnames began with the letter B, Beta and Bloodfallen. However, everyone who was present at the time ended up accepting it, as there was a great chance that it was an extremely rare or even non-existent surname in that new world. As Momonga was the one who came up with the idea of ​​the two being with him, he was forced to create a backstory for the two adventurers, it was not as complex as one would imagine.

The story being that the two were orphans, adopted by a priest from an unofficial church, in a small village. They were raised as sisters for a long time, being forced to fight monsters that came close to the church's surroundings. Unfortunately, a monster that was too powerful had appeared, leaving the two so desperate that they fled with permission from the priest. Finally, the black raven warrior Momon would have found them and helped them, with the excuse that they were not with him and Nabe previously, being that both were taking vows of hunger and could not leave a camp for pure safety.

'I still can't believe I was inspired by a video game story for this...' Momon thought, seeing the two approaching with the bags, they were wearing masks just for safety, Shalltear having a full face mask and Lupus having a mask that covers the nose and mouth. 

"Do we have an acceptable amount of herbs, my dear clerics?" Momon said getting up.

"Momon-sama, the amount we found is around 3 times the amount requested by that guild's quest." Lucia commented with her ears bouncing slightly beneath her accessory. "Will we gain anything extra from this?"

"Possibly we will earn something extra, maybe even more with these ears." He commented, going up to the orcs and cutting off each of their right ears with extreme ease, it was like cutting butter with a hot knife.

During the way out of that forest region, we noticed the presence of the sky at dusk. Sensing no living beings around with his passive skills, Momonga used the [Gate] skill to create a small portal that was used by him and the two NPCs, with the other side of the portal leading to an area full of rocks much closer to E-Lyttonel, so they could enter the place on foot without causing any suspicion.

Arriving at the guild in that place, The Black Warrior Momon showed his and his companion's badges, so that there was confirmation that they had accepted the quest and were now completing it. The two women working at the front desk seemed extremely surprised to see triple the amount of herbs, making them question how they got so much. However, their expression became more astonished when they saw the number of orc ears that were in another bag.

'By the looks of their faces, they must have already known about the Orcs and yet they didn't mention this detail on the mission paper…' Momonga thought about it for a while, if he had eyes, they would now roll from one side to the other. 'I know I'm a high-tier adventurer at the moment, but what if I were just a random newbie adventurer? Wouldn't they have warned you the same way? Hmm... either they are too disorganized, or they don't really care about these quests...'

He felt his emotions being repressed during those thoughts, due to his race's traits. That would make the old Satoru angry, not that he hasn't already suffered some comparative injustice on Earth, quite the contrary, he suffered too much. But to see something like that in a fantasy world that was obviously much better than his own? This made him more disappointed in the human race.

Or maybe he's just unlucky?

In any case, that opinion would change quickly, with him receiving a notification through [Message]. He had to sit in one of the chairs at the front of the guild, with Santia and Lucia still inside to receive all the rewards. He could now rest one of his shoulders on the table and place his two fingers on the left temple area, thus successfully accessing that notification without it looking strange.

'What it was? Did something happen?'

'Hello Suzuki-kun! I have news for you!' It was Masato's voice, making the overlord feel calmer due to the paladin's mood.

'And what would it be?'

'I already warned the others, Sebas had warned me that you were going to have more adventures, so I thought about leaving you last in this so as not to get in the way.'

'Speak out, old friend. Considering how happy you are, it must have been something good... in fact, how is your visit to this Holy Kingdom?'

'Well, everything is going really well here to tell you the truth. But what I was going to say is that the royalty here accepted a possible partnership, an agreement of mutual benefits between both parties.'

'Perfect. Anything about the deal that I should know now?' Suzuki asked with the suppression of emotions getting to him a little, not to celebrate.

'Well, the holy queen of this place wants some kind of meeting, this time interacting with all of us. After an agreement we made with Keiko as the intermediary, we saw that it is a better idea to do it this way, and to show confidence, it would also be a good idea to take some NPCs with a close-to-human appearance.'

'Hmm… that's interesting… anything else?' The Overlord asked, intrigued.

'As we said before the trip, in the plan options, we will create an agricultural area, using YGGDRASIL items, so that we can improve the culinary items for them. In exchange for this, this same cultivation area will be used as a separate section of Nazarick. With Letyan's help, we have already arranged a simple structure to be the improvised hut where the connection portal will be located.'

'I understand, this is within our planned possibilities, I just didn't expect it to actually happen...'

'Yes, and one more detail so that you understand the situation, only the queen knows about us being Players and Heteromorphs, but during an initial discussion I had, I only revealed about our servants being monsters... you know, to impact and show the idea that we have ideals similar to hers of the union of species.'

Satoru received that message and sighed, accepting the fact. 'Yes, to show that we have good ideas, we also have to show that we are already making good progress on this. Classic method of winning a client in business.'

He mentally smiled as he remembered the small, almost non-existent moments he celebrated for doing something great at work. But that hypothetical smile disappears when he takes a look at the list of NPCs who were chosen as mandatory to go. '. . . Why Pandora's Actor?'

'Haha! This was Keiko's idea. Apparently to show a better example of connection, it is important that NPCs who are considered our children come too. Is he not your creation? And when I went to see him to pick up some things for the trip, he mentioned you as 'Vather'.'

'For the love of all that is most sacred...' The suppression of emotions hit Momonga with intensity, just thinking about that NPC and the stupidly embarrassing German accent... 'Okay, I'll go to Nazarick now and get ready for this visit. When will it be?'

'I asked the others and Keiko, apparently tomorrow at noon is a good time.'

Right after that, the [Message] skill was deactivated. With the skeleton now slightly affected, not only with the idea of ​​appearing in front of a holy queen of that world, but of having to introduce his NPC to someone!

"Momon-san! We have already finished receiving the rewards. Apparently they already had everything ready, as if they knew we were going to defeat the Orcs. Arinsu~" Santia was the one who caught attention.

"That was possible to happen… anyway. We need to go home, we will get ready for a meeting with our new sponsors." Said Momon, getting up and walking out of E-Lyttonel, when they were at a safe distance, he used [Gate] again, this time the destination being Nazarick.



"Are things okay in Nazarick, Touch_Me-sama?" CZ was the one asking, while sitting next to the great paladin.

"Yes, everything seems to be going well and in order… I think I've finished informing everyone about the meeting we're holding tomorrow…" He said this, taking a cup of tea and drinking it, having managed to find a way to turn off his sense of taste, after training his mind for this so much.

The two were sitting in front of a wooden hut that they had been building for the last 5 days. There was a small table on the balcony where they were having a tea time. In front, they had a large green field almost completely flat and with some rivers nearby, it was the land promised by the queen.

This land, on the other hand, wasn't that empty. There were some carts and horses nearby, in which paladins were tasked to come and assist with anything they needed and next to them, Remedios Custodio had come along to take a look at the situation as a whole. As the basics were already arranged, now they were just having fun on the field, some were just having fun resting and lying on the grass, others were doing exercises to keep from losing shape, and there were those who wanted to spar between themselves.

"Hmm… CZ Delta… If we consider those humans to be lvl 15 players… what do you think of their development?" Touch_Me asked, having to create a comparison close to reality, to have an honest answer and without prejudice to the fact that they are human.

The automaton's gaze focused on the training that was taking place in the distance, her expression neutral as always. "I would say they are average… they all seem to have the same combat build, which means that multiple attacks with the same skill can be made from different angles. Without the assistance of other nearby builds to compare, I can't get a more appropriate reading."

A few minutes later, Remedios came out of the cabin and observed the situation alongside the two. "You guys really didn't decorate the place that much…"

"We told you that this cabin will initially just contain a portal to where our base is, and after that, when we have the cultivation area ready, then we will transform this cabin into a habitable place for visitors."

"Fair Point… But how did you build the portal in there so quickly." She questioned something very acceptable.

Touch_Me didn't know what to answer, the reality was that he used a magic scroll that contained [Perma Gate] to create the portal, and then asked to connect with Aureole Omega's teleportation system. So he tried to answer with the first thing that came to mind.

"This is an exchange secret. I will tell you how to do this if you give a secret about Roble Holy Kingdom. Furthermore, with the things we will bring here, the way we make the portal in these few days, it will be the least important information of all."

She stared at the paladin for a few seconds, her eyes showing clear distrust, but then sighed and sat down on a nearby chair, giving up asking about it. "Okay… I accept your answer…." Remedios said, grabbing some tea for her, a smile instantly forming on her face. "Nothing better than a Laumpor tea."

Touch_Me looked at that scene, not being able to believe that that flavor actually made her smile. Really, differences in customs and culinary culture can cause many things….

The paladin returned to observing the training taking place ahead. Letyan was wearing custom paladin armor, or at least that was one way to describe it, as several parts had been removed to allow full mobility. He fought with several disadvantages, the first was that the battle was against 3 other paladins at the same time, the second was that he had limited himself to using just one magic glyph, [Lapiste], and the third was that he only had one physical glyph in each of his hands, a bastard sword and a kite shield. And on the other hand, paladins could only use 2 skills during the entire training.

Even though it was in a fantasy world with magic and things like that, seeing a 21-year-old young man managing to withstand that and even almost defeating his enemies, was something that left Masato impressed. This ended up reminding him a little of some moments he had with Keiko on Earth and Yggdrasil, the young man also did impressive things without much effort.

"Oh… seeing this… did my son get into trouble this time for you to punish him like this, Remedios?" Another voice appeared, making the Paladin Order Leader startle a little, while CZ and Touch_Me seemed to have felt that presence, but didn't decide to speak or react because they thought it was someone from the paladin group.

Noticing Remedios' slight fright, the two turned to see who it was. A blond man who wore a mask covering his mouth and nose, his clothes were dark and close to his body, revealing a thin but strong silhouette, the thing that stood out most about him was a sinister and aggressive look, which was much more highlighted thanks to the fedora on his head, making his eyes the only thing visible.

"Pabel!! Argh! Don't scare me like that! I was having tea here!" She seems to be angry, but then takes a deep breath, taking a large sip of the tea in the cup. "What are you doing here?"

"I was going on a request when I ended up receiving news from some guards that my boy would be here after a long trip… Can't I visit him while I'm on my route?" The man called Pabel commented, now looking at Touch_Me and CZ. "Hm.. I didn't know that paladins were now getting flashier armor than before…"

"Oh no… They're not from my platoon." Remedios didn't delve too deeply into the answer and began to introduce each other. "Sir.Toucha, this one is Pebal Baraja, known as The Black… He is a very skilled archer who works in the same special group as me. And as you can hear, he is Letyan's father... Pebal, these are Shizu and Sir.Toucha... they are visitors who came here to make a deal, your children, together with my sister, who brought them here."

"Oh! So you are Neia and Letyan's father? They talked a lot about you during the trip, it's an honor to meet the sharpest eyes in the kingdom." Touch_Me spoke, standing up and extending his hand.

Pabel accepts the handshake. "I'm happy to know that my children speak very highly of me. And I hope they didn't cause too much trouble."

"In no way, it was actually rewarding to interact with them, especially for one specific detail, but I don't think I have the right to say that… just know that it's not negative at all."

"Okay…" The archer raised an eyebrow and then looked at Remedios. "Am I allowed to break up your people's training over there, Meathead?"

"If no one is hurt in the process… Since they were the ones who came up with this idea, let them sort it out." Mr.Baraja gave a slight smile beneath his mask, after hearing the woman's response, now taking his bow and aiming at the people there to shoot.

Both player and NPC could see that bow, with a quick glance, they felt that it was not a common item. Clearly when he shot an arrow, he was using the lowest possible force so as not to activate any skill imbued in the item, and it was clear that even so, the arrow went at full speed in the middle of the fight. The paladins ducked in fear when they noticed the surprise attack, however Letyan, who at the moment had just planted the bastard sword in the ground, ended up catching the arrow in the air. His eyes followed the path made by the arrow until he reached his father, making him smile from corner to corner of his face.

"Old man! How is everything going in The Wall?" Letyan spoke loudly so he could be heard, placing the equipment he was using on the ground and taking a few jumps to get very close to the hut.

"It's going very well actually, no surprise attacks that require my assistance. And you? I heard from someone that you were very busy and that's why you didn't go home for two whole months. Was it because of your trip?" Pebal asked, lowering his mask and giving his son a soft smile.

"There's more to it than that, like some experiments we had to do in the laboratory… But yes, the trip was one of the things." Letyan responded by lightly tapping Touch_Me's armor. "As you can see, I brought Your Majesty a mine of gold. Tomorrow a new era will emerge if everything goes well. An era where you can at least stay at home for 1 month uninterrupted."

Pabel's gaze changed between his son and the new paladin, with the smile becoming wider, Remedios even feels uncomfortable with his face. "If that's the case, I hope the same happens to you."

"For that we would have to see Kelart's goodwill… try to see if your friend can give me a little help."

"Hey!" Remedios was a little annoyed by that conversation and looked in another direction while talking. "It's not my fault if you caught their interest."

They both laughed at the situation while the boy went back to talking to his father. "Anyway, are you staying here tomorrow or not? There will be a more formal meeting between the leaders of this new paladin's guild and our royalty."

"I won't be able to, unfortunately I only came here because someone commented about you being present. My intention now is to go to the Nine Colors Headquarters." He replied, headpatting his son. "But if what I know is true… maybe a special someone will come."

Both said goodbye, with Pabel calling a horse that was a little away from everyone to use on his way. Touch_Me was thoughtful there, having observed the whole scene and letting out a slight sigh. 'I wish my daughter had acted more freely with me...' He thought, but then shook his head, remembering the circumstances of each family.

Night arrived, covering everyone's bodies with moonlight. Touch_Me, CZ and Letyan stayed inside the cabin, while the others decided to sleep outdoors. Nothing unusual happened at that time, however, with dawn, people were already getting ready, with the arrival of some other carriages around 10 am.

Queen Calca was getting out of one of the carriages, together with Highpriestess Kelart, both seemed slightly surprised by the existence of the cabin, which had been built so quickly, but seemed to be well made. With them there seemed to be a total of 5 priests, there was no need for so much security for the queen, as Kelart was there anyway.

Inside the other carriages, the presence of some powerful men could be seen, one of them a little short, who wore a helmet with horns and accessories that can be described as being of Viking origin; another wore a uniform with the brand of the holy kingdom, but with the colors being focused on a darker blue rather than something light; and finally a slightly tall man, with the same uniform as Remedios, but with pink ornaments on the wrists and collar of his shirt.

The important people were there, with Calca approaching them to thank them for their presence. The three men just bowed to the queen, showing what an honor it was to be called to something, which had been described to them as a diplomatic meeting. It didn't take long for the man in Viking clothes to notice a specific person in the distance, close to the hut, walking in that direction.

"Hahaha!!! Boy! It's great to see you here!"

"I say the same, Orlando." The one to respond was Letyan, who had woken up a few hours ago, but had decided to stay inside the cabin until that moment.

"And I can say it's a surprise to see you two here. I didn't expect you to come out of the water, Enrique." Letyan continued to speak after seeing the others approaching as well.

"Just because I work in the kingdom's navy doesn't mean I only interact with The Green." The man in blue clothes responded, but looked a little to the side, noticing that Remedios was there, but she hadn't gone to talk to them because she was busy. "And I didn't expect her to be here, since they called Isandro."

"I say the same, she hadn't told me that she would participate in the meeting too…." The next to speak was Isandro, the Paladin Order's Vice Leader.

"Hmm… I heard it would be a diplomatic meeting, but for them to call 4 of our group… It's going to be something bigger than I expected…" Orlando sighed and then had a long smile. "And who was that man there? He seems to be strong."

All 3 of them looked to where Orlando pointed, where a paladin was coming out of the hut. This made young Baraja chuckle slightly.

"That's one of the reasons we're having a meeting soon…" The boy turns to him. "Hey! There are some great people here for you to meet."

"Ooh… and who would they be?" The paladin player was approaching them.

"They are part of the Nine Colors, the same group as my father and Remedios. Isandro, the Pink; Enrique the Blue; and lastly and very important, Orlando, their leader." Letyan started the introductions.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Masato, but my paladin nickname is Toucha or Touch Me." He extended his hand to Orlando, who accepted, but gave a strong grip with his hand, with the paladin there reacting and squeezing with similar strength.

"What a strong hand, really what I expected from a paladin with armor like that. But may I ask.. why 'Touch Me'?" the nine colors' leader asked with curiosity.

"Touch Me If You Can." Masato responded with a dry and threatening voice, but in reaction to this both Orlando and Enrique gave a hearty laugh.

"I liked this guy." The two even responded together.

"You'll find him even better if you do some training with him. But I think that should be left for a few weeks from now." The boy commented seeing them happy.

"I understand." Orlando said before looking at Masato again. "Being Letyan's godfather. I trust his judgment a lot, I will look forward to the moment when our schedules allow for friendly training."

Masato's eyes widened a little when he discovered that there was this degree of familiarity between those two, but he soon gave a confident smile. "It could be a training session with all the members of Nine Colors."

"We sometimes have a little party every 5 years to celebrate the existence of the group… This year there will be one… we could do something like that on that day." Isandro was the one who proposed.

"You? Proposing something like that?" Masato was in shock seeing that Letyan, Orlando and Enrique spoke that phrase at the same time.

"And is there a problem with me proposing this?" He laughed lightly, adjusting the pink accessory on his wrists. "He is a paladin just like me and Remedios. I would be honored to know his power compared to ours."

"Ooh… Okay, that makes sense… Well I'll talk to Your Majesty for a bit. You can do whatever you want." The boy then walked away to meet the few women in the group.

The minutes passed, small retractable tables had been brought to be used in the event that would take place, but the paladin said that this would not be necessary. That answer was justified the moment the sun reached its peak in the sky, a slight tremor was made, originating from the cabin, the portal that was inside it had finally been turned on.

The front door was opened, revealing a slightly tall being wearing an elongated mask, a top hat and red clothes with gold accessories. Behind him came a dark-skinned man wearing a red tuxedo, a woman with pink hair and two blonde dark elf children. They looked around to identify the location, with the man using the red tuxedo finally being the first to speak.

"Good afternoon, human beings. [Look to me]." His voice was so powerful, that everyone there seemed to be forced to look at him, everyone except Letyan and Masato. "My great leaders, the Supreme Beings, have decided to accept a meeting with you, in favor of creating an alliance. Here I present to you.. Lady BukubukuChagama-sama and Lord Ulbert Alain Odle-sama!" The two who had been listed bowed slightly to be identified by the strangers. 

"Due to the precarious situation, which was notified to me in advance by Lord Touch_Me-sama, we will bring a more appreciable environment suitable for such an event!" He continued to speak, while the two elves went behind the hut, opening a large gate at the back.

With that back door open, they could see three giant beings coming out and carrying a long curved table to the front garden. The beings exuded an extreme evil aura that made everyone who had swords put their hands on the hilts. But Masato raised his hand, as if silently warning that nothing would happen.

Among the reactions, Calca was the one who seemed the least scared, she had been warned in advance that the beings from Nazarick could be considered frightening or even enemies of humanity, because of their natural characteristics. Considering that she knew about the "Supreme Beings" being Players, she had actually expected a large frightening demon with immense horns and an aura that would make even Remedios urinate in fear. Those beings, the Death Knights, were far below what she had prepared for, at least that's what they appeared to be.

Following the Death Knights, there were some women in maid uniforms who were bringing chairs so that everyone could sit, with 6 of these chairs being much larger than the others, 5 being placed on one side of the table and only one on the other side. They looked at the people there with an expression of complete indifference and seemed to guide everyone to sit down in their seats.

Some members of the Holy Kingdom whispered among themselves, but because it was a matter of diplomatic interests, they decided not to express themselves much other than pointing out facts.

"Elves? Do they have dark elves?"

"That woman seems to have really fluid hair."

"The man all in red… what's that voice? And.. What is that behind him? A metal tail?"

"Oh… no need… let her sit down…" Letyan was the one who spoke loudly and clearly at that moment, seeing one of the maids guiding him to the separate large chair. Instead of him sitting on it, he pulled Calca to be the person to sit down.

'I know clearly that this chair was mine because I am seen as a Supreme Being thanks to the katana… But the superior person next to me is Calca, not me…' He thought about that logic as he adjusted the chair for the queen and decided to sit down in the chair to her left.

Orlando, Isandro, Enrique and Kelart followed and sat down on the side where Calca and Letyan were, with Remedios deciding to stand between her sister and the queen. On the other side, there were Masato, Bukubuku and Ulbert, with two vacant chairs, but not for long, because before anyone could ask, two more beings were leaving the front door, a man with a uniform that resembles that of a masked scholar full of belts, and the last was a being that could only be described as a rich sorcerer, with a red mask covering his face and a large purple robe with flashy adornments on his shoulders.

"I present to you! Lord Tabula Smaragdina-sama and, the Leader of Ainz Ooal Gown, Momonga-sama!" It was announced by the owner of that powerful voice, as those two sat down at the table.

Momonga, being in the central chair on the Nazarick side, was face to face with the queen of the Roble Holy Kingdom. "It is with joy that we will start this meeting, which for many may be something small, but for us it is of extreme value!" He held his hands up as he said this. "Demiurge! While we're talking, could you bring in the people on the list?"

"Yes, Momonga-Sama!" Demiurge said, entering the cabin again.

"Well… by the looks on all of your faces… I imagine you're full of questions… But talking enough without getting your mouth wet a little is something I won't allow at this table." Ulbert commented as he raised his hand, snapping his fingers.

A maid appeared coming out of the back door of the hut, she carried a tray with 3 jugs of juice, with such ease. Behind her came other maids with trays holding glasses. Upon seeing her, some were even surprised to note that the maid who brought juices looked completely normal, with the exception of having a dog's head.

'Paladin Masato warned that they had non-human servants. Still, why do I feel weird watching this?' Kelart thought.

"Good afternoon, I bring you a citrus fruit juice, I hope you like the taste. Woof!" The dog-headed maid said while the others approached and placed the glasses for each person sitting.

"It's a great choice, I missed the drinks from Nazarick." Masato commented with a slight smile and saw his glass being filled with juice. "Thank you very much, Pestonya."

"I thank you for the beautiful words, Master Touch_Me. Woof!" She replied while filling everyone's cups one by one.

"So, Mister Momonga… I think the first thing we should ask is everyone's position here." Calca spoke calmly. 

"So that everyone is aware of their responsibilities. Sir.Masato and Letyan warned me that it was better to bring some people of trust and power, as a way to equalize ourselves a little." The words seem to make the maids there look with a kind of extreme disgust at Calca by trying to compare them to supreme beings, but soon they stop expressing themselves like that when Momonga raises his hand to speak.

"No problem… You are important people of an entire kingdom… we are seen as more than important due to the way we raise and care for our servants… I think speaking like this makes it easier to understand why Demiurge called us 'Supreme Beings'..." He was already clearing some of the doubts as he lowered his hand. "In short… My friends and I are what's left of our guild, and because of that there have been some job changes… But if we're to speak in a very general way…"

He then started pointing to each of them as he listed them. "Tabula is our alchemist, he takes care of potions and other things related to creating homunculus and manufacturing magic scrolls… Bukubuku is our shield, she has impressive skills that make her absorb an immense amount of damage without problems, currently she takes care of part of entertainment and leisure within Nazarick... Ulbert is our scientist so to speak, he experiments and tries to make discoveries on the offensive magic field, he is very proud of magic that can cause a rain of fire to the heave-"

"Yes, it is very impressive to see the sky turning red… it takes a lot of practice, but over time you can even make all the flames focus on just a single point on the ground!" Ulbert ended up interrupting because he was excited, but then he fell silent a little and crossed his arms as if he were slightly ashamed of having said that.

Momonga coughs a little to regain the others' attention. "Well... Touch_Me is not just our paladin, he is the strongest among all of us, if we consider destructive and defensive power. He has the most important function currently, using his positivity so that we don't end up making some wrong decision without realizing it... He was the former leader of our guild, but due to some problems, he decided to give that title to someone else... I ended up being chosen to become the guild leader Ainz Ooal Gown, with the aim of ensuring the best environment for everyone within Nazarick, however, first and foremost, I am a necromancer, which means I can support my servants and allies with hordes of obedient zombies, if necessary ."

Some had their eyes wide open listening to this, but again the queen was the one to speak for them. "So those undead who brought the table, are they your creation?"

"Exactly… from what some of you may know, beings like those normally require several sacrifices… my efficiency as a necromancer is great enough to create one of those beings only needing a corpse… So I guess I can boast about being an excellent necromancer. It might be justifiable- eh… is everything okay?" He was responding to the queen when he noticed that one of the people in the other group seemed to be looking at the glass of juice in disbelief.

"Oh!! Y-Yes, I'm fine… I'm sorry… but how can this be so good?!" The one who said this was Orlando, who raises his glass in the air. "Is that juice? Natural juice without any potion?!"

Kelart, Calca and Letyan laughed lightly, while Remedios gave an irritated sigh before speaking. "Orlando… We are here precisely because one of the things that will be built is a planting area with fruits, vegetables and others, which are of an extremely higher quality than our best farms."

"Sorry about my colleague… we came here with the idea that this was a meeting for a diplomatic agreement. We had not been informed of the specification, if he had known, he would clearly have contained the reaction a little." Enrique was the one speaking.

"I see, I still have people to introduce, but they haven't arrived from inside the portal yet, so I can talk about that later… now, could you introduce me to these people, Queen Bessarez?"

The queen continued with a slight smile, adjusting her back a little in the chair. "You can call me Calca instead of Bessarez, Mister Momonga... and well, as you already know, I have the role of both the queen and the saint of my kingdom... You may also have already met Kelart Custodio and Letyan Baraja , both work in the magical part of the royal laboratories, being Highpriestess and Battle Sorcerer, respectively. The others here are 4 members of a group recognized by the nobility, named Nine Colors."

She did the same thing Momonga had done before, pointing to each one she listed. "Remedios, Kelart's sister, titled The White, is the Paladin Order's Captain, being the strongest of all... Isandro Sanchez, titled The Pink, works with Remedios as Vice Captain, who takes care of the paladins' strategies outside of the battlefield.. Enrique Bellse, titled The Blue, he is our Marine's Leader... And finally, Orlando Campano, the person who leads all Nine Colors, in moments when we need all groups together. The other members were unable to appear, either due to current health problems, or because they were too focused on their tasks."

"Impressive, so we are in the presence not only of the queen, but of the leader of her armies who work on land and sea? I thank you for bringing these that your trust…" Ulbert soon noticed that Demiurge was walking back to the table, accompanied by some other floor guardians. "And taking advantage of my dear son returning… I must ask… Have you placed the pillars on the edges of the territory that we will be taking over?"

Oh! Yes, as the organized territory is rectangular, we only placed pillars at the southwest and northwest ends." Letyan responded after drinking some of the juice, not reacting like the others.

"Perfect… Demiurge, Albedo, I would like you to fly in the indicated directions and then return so that we can ascertain the exact size of our small cultivation territory."

"Yes, Ulbert-Sama."

"Certainly, Father."

The two opened their wings and flew in each direction, the scene was surprising to say the least for the inhabitants of the Holy Kingdom. They had clearly noticed the wings on the hip area of ​​the woman who had just arrived, but the appearance of reptilian wings on the back of the one wearing a red tuxedo was something that was not predicted by the vast majority. It didn't take minutes, and they were already back there, talking to each other and then Albedo whispering something in Ulbert's ear.

"Hm… Due to the real size of the land, we will need to carry out plan C, Momonga."

"Plan C?" Kelart questioned. "Did you already have ideas about how you would use the place depending on its size?"

"Exactly!" Tabula exclaimed, getting up from his chair. "Being Plan C, I think it will be something interesting to say the least... We will divide the cultivation area into 5 parts, two of them being underground and the other three being self-regenerating sectors in cycles."

"Excuse my ignorance… but did you say underground?" Isandro seemed curious.

"Yes, among our servants, we have this little guy here, he is an excellent Forest Mage." Ulbert said, pointing to Mare, who was standing a little behind Bukubuku.

"Can a child do this work? I understand that he is a dark elf, but still, isn't she very young?" Enrique commented, observing the dark elf.

"He. Mare is a boy." Bukubuku spoke with a slight laugh while some were confused, after all he clearly wears women's clothes.

"She forces the boy to do crossdressing, just like his sister." Letyan said, getting up and walking around the table to get closer to Bukubuku and her children. "I trust that judgment, but it's better for you to demonstrate what you can do so they take you seriously, don't you think?"

Mare started to receive a headpat from the young Baraja, the dark elf was obviously shy, his cheeks gaining a slight blush and his eyes staring at the ground. "Y-Yes. I think it would be a good idea to show what I-I'm capable of… Mother?" He than finally looked at Bukubuku.

"Of course, you can do that… But… I recommend something that is related to the task you are going to do." She was thoughtful.

"How about you create an area that is a little elevated and hollow inside? As if it were two floors of land… An area of ​​100 m² could be a good choice." Letyan continued to headpat the ultra shy dark elf, who strangely gave a smile.

"O-Okay!!!" He seemed willing to do that and was walking a little away from the table.

All the Holy Kingdom members who were there decided to stand and watch what would happen from now on. It was obvious by their expressions how Kelart, Remedios and Orlando seemed the most skeptical about this, due to the elf's appearance and manners, making him seem like an ultra fragile boy. Calca was watching with that slight smile on her face, finding it adorable that Letyan would be there, motivating the child.

"Come on, Mare! You can do it! Show them like you did before when I went to Nazarick!"

"B-but I didn't do anything that time…" Mare whispered just for her father to hear.

"I know, but we need to have an excuse for why I trust you, without showing that I was a member of AOG, silly." He responds in a low voice, lightly squeezing the elf's cheeks, who appears to have a redder face. "Now, show everyone what you can do, compared to them, you are very powerful, just try to impress with that suggestion of mine."

"But… a raised floor of 100 m² is very little, father…"

"No problem, just do it, I promise that next time we're together, we'll be able to play a lot."

"O-Okay! Here I come!!" He exclaimed, his voice now being heard by everyone at the table. Holding his staff, [Shadow of YGGDRASIL], high, he was cast. "[Earth Surge]!!"

A small earthquake could be felt in the area and in front of Mare a large piece of land began to rise 6 meters into the air. Arriving at the ideal height, the edges of that large piece of land, that connected with the ground level, would solidify as if the material was compacting repeatedly. That done, the dark elf swung his staff again and hit it against the ground, creating an entrance hole in that small mound.

"Wow…." Those were the words that came out of the mouths of those who didn't know the little one's strength.

Everyone got closer to it, while Mare received a light pat from his father and a pat on the back from her sister. "It doesn't seem like your best work, but I think it's worth the expense."

"Don't talk like that, he did an excellent job." Letyan said to Aura, pulling one of her ears for saying that as if it were nothing. He only did this because the others were busy taking a closer look at what had been created, instead of looking at his direction.

"Impressive… and there's still grass here…" Enrique commented as he stepped inside the structure, it was practically a floor of a house, only bigger and made purely of earth with perfect grass carpet.

Calca said, touching the concentrated walls of earth. "I have never seen anything like this being done by a child, his talent is magnificent."

"Well, he is one of our servants whose job is to protect one of our guild base floors, being that talented is the mandatory requirement." Tabula commented with a deep breath, even after more than 2 months in that world, he was still surprised by this kind of thing. "If I remember correctly, he is powerful enough to be the top 4 power in this role."

"And who would be in first place?..." Remedios asked, still incredulous at what she saw.

"A vampire who can't come at the moment. She is tired these days and just wants to sleep and drink tea for now…" His words made Calca intrigued.

"A vampire…? You guys have it all, it seems." The queen wondered what other races there might be in Nazarick.

"I think we have such great diversity that it's difficult to make bets on what doesn't exist there." The brain eater laughed a little, while fixing his disguise a little.

"So, can you explain to me what you said besides the part about it being two stories underground?" Calca asked, really curious, as she had never heard about it before.

"Okay, 'Self-regenerating sectors in cycles' means that, when one of the plants is ready for cultivation, we will swap them places with each other. It is a method for the soil to remain rich in nutrients... During this cycle, there will be a moment when the soil must have no plantations, so that it receives all the nutrients from the sun, rain and some organic compounds that we will use... Our group doesn't know very well how this region behaves during…. Upper, Middle and Lower Water Months... so we have an idea of ​​creating, separately, a kind of area completely covered with a glass roof, so that we can still have crops during the cold weather." Tabula responded, almost forgetting the name given to the winter months in this new world.

"That seems like a much more efficient idea than what the nobles, who observe the local farms, had given me." Kelart entered the middle of their conversation. "And as for the information you need, I will try to get the harvest reports, from the last 5 years, delivered directly here. It will be a little complicated to get the reports from the southern region, but you should wait 1 to 2 months to have the papers in your hands."

"Oh… I understand, but you won't talk to me about that, but rather to Demiurge." The brain eater pointed in the direction of the demon that was currently talking to its creator. "And speaking of which, we haven't even talked about who the members of our group will be responsible for, right? I think now would be a good time."

In this way, everyone left that structure created by Mare, and he started to cast other spells to force the terrain to become plain as before. The meeting was almost over, and there was now a line of beings from Nazarick, all side by side to introduce themselves to the queen.

"It is a great experience being in front of you, Queen Calca Bessarez." Demiurge spoke, for some reason having an aura that made the queen tremble a little, but he continued to speak. "As my father must have said. My name is Demiurge, I am the second in command of the strategic section of Nazarick, and the 7th Floor Guardian… I will be one of those responsible for the bureaucratic part of our entire plan in this field."

Next to him, there were some of the battle maids, but only one of them spoke. "My name is Yuri Alpha, I am the second person responsible for the bureaucratic part and the probable workers to come here. I will do my best to ensure that the expectations of the Supreme Beings are met here. While the territory and the undead assigned to be here, are being tidied up, some of my sisters will be here making rounds to protect the place."

"By the great Supreme Beings… My name is Albedo, I am the Overseer of the Floor Guardians. I will be coming to your capital periodically as the main representative if none of my masters are available."

"Hello! My name is Aura Bella Fiora! I'll be here helping to prepare the land, using my magic beasts to do it... And you've already met my brother, Mare! He will do the same, only using his magic." She said holding Mare by the back of his uniform.

"H-Hello…." he says shyly again.

"Well, these are everyone you needed to kno-" Momonga was speaking when he was suddenly interrupted by a well-known voice.

"Vater!! Warte auf mich!!! Dont forget dein wundervoller Sohn!!"

"Am I hearing german?"

"Yes… yes, you are…" Momonga replied to Touch_Me and looked behind him.

The being who arrived late had just passed through the portal and was now in front of the queen, saluting. "Nice to meet you, beautiful lady! My name is Pandora's Actor! I am the son of the great leader of Nazarick, Momonga-sama!"

"Ah…. eh… nice to meet you…" Calca was speechless at what she saw, it was basically a being with a face made up of 3 holes, with a strange military uniform, long fingers and that moved in a theatrical way.

Kelart, Remedios and Isandro looked at the scene with a certain strangeness, greater than before, it was as if they were saying 'Is that the leader's son?' with just their faces. While Orlando and Enrique seemed to hold back from laughing, Letyan couldn't help it and ended up letting out a laugh that soon ended at the same speed it started.

Giving a slight cough, he even started to say something. "Oh, Pandora's!! Schön dich zu sehen! Ich freue mich so, Ihnen unsere Königin vorstellen zu dürfen! Aber könnten Sie erklären, warum Sie hier sind?" But his speech was in German…?

The look on everyone's face was one of extreme confusion, even among the Supreme Beings. "Wait a minute, can you speak German?" Tabula asked incredulously.

"Oh! Of course! I ended up forgetting about that, thank you, Mr. Letyan." Pandora's Actor replied to Letyan, quickly adjusting the cape of his uniform. "My job in Nazarick is to be the Treasure Guardian… and here it will be the same! I am responsible for taking care of the finances and security of the items inside the warehouses we are going to build!"

"Oh.. I see… And do you have any idea how you're going to do that?" Kelart asked, seeming to recover from what she just witnessed.

"To store the organic items, they will remain within a stasis spell so that there is no decomposition, at least in here... And I'm thinking of storing 80% in warehouses that are available to your royalty, and 20% in warehouses within Nazarick, where Tabula-Sama can go and take the crops for tests and experiments, in order to see if our plants are doing what we expect or not."

"Oh… I was actually going to talk about that… thanks for accelerating the process…" Tabula commented, still a little stunned by the scene from before.

"No problem, Tabula-sama! My level of organization and proactive thinking is enough that none of you need to worry about my part of the work!!! Ohoho!"

"Seeing how experimental items will be… I think this conversion is even better than we imagined…" Kelart was the one to say this, now looking at Letyan. "And how did you know this guy's language?"

"It was automatic, perhaps it is due to the knowledge gained by the katana."

'We didn't even know you knew German back than…' All the players seemed to be thinking the same thing.

After some further conversations about the positions and possible resources that would be needed, that meeting was finally concluded, with the members of the Holy Kingdom leaving the area with the horses, just resting the members of Nazarick plus Letyan there. The boy would remain there just to guide some things that would be interesting, such as the shape and aesthetics that the official hut, warehouses and other structures should follow.

All of this lasted until the end of the afternoon, the sun had just said goodbye, and phosphorescent flowers, created by Mare, were the only light source in the area outside the cabin. Letyan was sitting on the lawn, having a picnic with the two dark elves and the poltergeist, Bukubuku was approaching from behind, still maintaining her humanoid form and bringing everyone there a bottle of juice and some glasses.

"I'm glad you can stay here a little longer…" She said smiling and sitting next to Aura, who was eating a hamburger.

"I have to be in the capital before 9 pm… I have some things to do in my laboratory that need to be delivered tomorrow afternoon… and as you know, I spent a whole week here, in the middle of the woods, with Masato. " He responded by taking the jug of juice and filling two glasses, taking one for himself and handing the other to Mare, who was sitting on his lap.

"I can understand…" She laughed lightly and remembered something. "Oh... speaking of the laboratory, Ulbert finished the brainwashing project, on that woman you and Suzuki brought, yesterday, if you need her to come to you to do an investigation, just ask."

"Perfect…" He drank the juice in one gulp, and teased the boy there. "And you… why are you and your sisters so cute? Can you tell me?"

"E-eh?! I-I'm not cute…"

"I made you to be cute, so don't say you aren't!" The slime gave a theatrical laugh, making the two elves feel a little embarrassed.

That moment was peaceful and very comforting… until a certain gorilla appeared…

"Eh? Has some problem, Albedo?" The human player asked, seeing that the succubus NPC was staring at them.

"I want my Lord Bicorn back…" Her voice seemed slightly trembling, as if she was frustrated at not being able to ride her own pet, but not being able to do anything about it.

"Father got to use your precious horse, and you didn't~" Aura teased, with a smug face.

The two parents just let out a long sigh in sync as they saw the succubus and the dark elf start to fight with each other there, exchanging barbs between one and the other. They decided to just watch and butt in if the situation escalated enough, but at the end of it all, Letyan returned Lord Bicorn to Albedo.

"Okay, I'm going…" He stood up, giving the two dark elves' cheeks a squeeze and a kiss on the poltergeist's forehead. "As you will be here these days, you can call me and I will come as soon as possible."

"Yes, father!" "Okay, dad." "I understand, father."

"Hm.. have a nice trip…" Bukubuku said with her slime hair wrapping around young Baraja as if it were a tight hug.

"And I hope you guys have great days here… In fact, I think the surrounding environment looks a lot like the virtual environment on our second tour, don't you think, Haruka." She laughed a little when she heard what her ex-fiance said.

"Yes, it seems. I think I'll watch the recording of the shows in the early hours of the morning."

Keiko started to whistle the chorus of one of the songs that were most played on that tour, and Haruka started whistling along too. The couple's children seemed to be a little embarrassed by how tacky this seemed to be, but this was short-lived, as after that, he ended up launching himself into the air with the help of one of Mare's spells, putting on a union of [Volaticus], [Rapidus Fio] and [Pneuma], to fly at incredible speed towards the capital.

He managed to get there safe and sound, but unfortunately a little late. How did he know he was late? Simply, when he landed on the balcony of his own room in the castle, he noticed the existence of a certain saint, who was sitting on a chair and with her cheeks full of air.

"Oh… Hello honey… eh…"

"I'm not even going to ask why it took you so long… I bet they kept peppering you with questions about things they couldn't talk about during the meeting… Still, you're not one to be late, I was worried."

"It was more of a situation of confirming things and such, we don't want a very flashy structure after all…" He was undoing [Volaticus], with those large raven wings disappearing into the air as if it were fog.

"But what that little elf showed is already very eye-catching."

"Yeah… so you can see that I really needed to spend a lot of time with them there to limit those eye-catching things."

Calca gave a sweet laugh. "Yes yes… well, I was just waiting for that…" She said, getting closer, placing a soft touch between her and Letyan's lips. "It's been a while since you gave me a goodnight kiss."

"Okay. You already know I have work to do, so I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Maybe before breakfast… What do you think?~"

"I don't promise anything! At most, you will have to ask someone to bring me food to the laboratory." He said, raising one hand and walking to the door.

"Okay, good night, Letty~"

"Good night, Cal." He was leaving the room, taking a deep breath and now walking towards the east tower of the castle.

Some thoughts began to organize themselves in young Baraja's mind as he walked. He had just seen his soulmate from his life on Earth, and now he had kissed his girlfriend from his current life, something like that happening was impossible for him to imagine, even that Nazarick was found in this world.

But what can he do?

He had already been secretly dating Calca for a long time after being recruited, and it had been a relationship that progressed slowly and smoothly, a sense of her curiosity turned into interest, from interest turned into companionship, and from companionship turned into passion. Being kept secret just because he wasn't officially a noble, and since she already had a lot of problems related to rumors, he didn't want to cause anything excessive.

Well, he already made up his mind anyway, he would continue with his life there as if Nazarick was not a fundamental part, and as for interactions with his former flame, he would be kind, caring and reasonable, without exceeding the limits. With these ideals, thoughts soon became few, until that slight and tiny problem became exactly that, irrelevant to him now.

Entering his laboratory, it seemed extremely clean, full of vials and some artifacts on the tables and hanging on the walls. A sound of something metal falling was easily noticeable, making the man simply head in that direction. A double-door closet was there, with several glyphs drawn on the door.

"[Magnes], [Morbus], [Acerbatus].." Using a magnetic glyph and two with curse attributes, the door seemed to open by itself, revealing that it was not just a closet, but rather an entrance to a separate part of the laboratory.

Unlike the common area, that secret part seemed not to be washed very well, with red stains on the walls and on the stretchers. On the shelves, instead of only to potions, it was possible to see jars with strange contents inside, such as hearts, eyes, severed brains and broken claws, all floating in a transparent and viscous liquid. The noise had been produced by a hacksaw that had fallen from one of the stretchers, next to it, a demihuman, a kitsune, was lying on the floor in the fetal position. 

"Junko… I already told you not to come here without my permission…" He said, approaching her and helping her sit on one of the stretchers.

"I-I couldn't take it…. The pain… it is more intense than the last time…"

"Pain…? Has the medicine stopped working already?... It was supposed to last 6 months at least..." He said that thoughtfully as he went to a drawer, taking out a syringe and a bottle with a black and pink potion. "The other two bodies… are you feeling the pain in them too?"

"Kathy and Raven? No… the pain is only in me…" The orange-furred kitsune had red eyes from crying, staring at the one she saw as her master, as her father, as if begging to give her the medicine quickly.

"Okay…" He lifts her hair, leaving her neck exposed to inject the medicine, in response to this, her eyes rolled back and she seemed to faint immediately. "There, little one… hmm…"

He was now looking into nothiness, or more specifically, something beyond that laboratory. Looking at the being who is reading these words, he just gave a slight smile, bringing his index finger to his own mouth, as if asking for silence against the reader's curiosity. After all, he didn't know that a third person PoV would show this side of him.

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