Paramount Magus

Chapter 2: Magus

After finally being done with that agonizing process of testing, Aleric and I started our trek back to his house, which also happens to be my home now.

It's kind of funny how fate can change so quickly, I went from living on the streets to living in what can only be described as a mansion in a matter of days, of course it's been a year now, so I'm getting used to it, well as used as I can get to this gigantic home.

I was separated from my family when I was young, so I don't remember much about them. I was raised mostly by slave owners. I never stayed with anyone for too long though.

Whenever they tried to sell me, I bit and scratched anyone who tried to touch me or take me, which quickly scared off most of the customers, I didn't care how much the slave owners beat and whipped me, or whatever torture they threatened me with, or carried out, I guess I always had quite a bit of willpower even from such a young age.

Anyways, one owner got fed up with me and ended up discarding me in some random village in the outskirts, where I survived by scavaging food and doing odd jobs for money.

Eventually I was taken mercy upon by a kind family who taught me the basics of world and helped me catch some solid ground under my feet. But I didn't want to bother them anymore then I already had, so I traveled to another village nearby to find work to pay them back.

After working for a bit I saved enough to pay that family back for the help they gave me, I don't like being in others debt.

And from there I worked for most of my life in the mana stone mines, untill of course my brilliant teacher came along and I begged him for three months straight to teach me magic. I knew opportunity didn't come often, and I wanted to grasp it, so I begged him to test me untill he gave in. It was easier since he was often in the mines carrying out his own research while I worked.

And it's been a little over a year since then, I'm now sixteen old, and ready to actually progress on the thing I've been studying for what feels like an eternity.

Walking through the enormous doors I instantly turned towards Alaric and with absolutely no shame I dropped to my knee's and started to beg.

"Can we start right now pleaseeeeeeee pleaseeeeee old man pleaseee".

Alaric scoffed.

"Yeah yeah whatever, get into your meditative pose."

I plopped down instantly crossing my legs and pulling them towards my body while letting my arms rest on my legs as comfortably as I could.

"I'm sure you know the process, after all we went through the steps only about ten thousand times, but you must prepare yourself. What you're about to attempt is extremely painful, the precedure itself takes only a couple minutes but the pain will last maybe five, ten if your unlucky."

I smiled and said.

"I know we've went over this plenty of times let's get this going "

Alaric signed and then put his hand on my back directly in line with the solar plexis.

There are many ways to "open" up your mana channels, many can even be done alone.

But the easiest method,with the most productive results is a circled mage simply sending a blast of mana into your body, from there it's your job to guide it down the mana channels and clear them of residue.

Once cleared your job is to guide the mana to a place of your choice, and form a "mana heart".

A mana heart functions pretty much the same as your real heart but instead of pumping blood into your veins it pumps mana into your mana channels.

Mana will constantly circulate through your channels with the help of your mana heart.

But the cool thing about a mana heart is that the importance of where you place it doesn't really matter. It functions perfectly from wherever you chose.

Alaric let out a breathe and then started to count down, I was still in my stance and breathing in and out rhythmically.




And then all I felt was extreme pain, pain to the point of almost passing out, it was spreading through my entire body like a raging fire, going from channel to channel almost to the point of going beserk.

"Focus Sylas."

Alaric said.

Gritting my teeth I reminded myself that I have to guide the mana and forget the pain.

The mana still seeping into me like an ocean I started forcefully clearing out my mana channels.

It hurt.

A lot.



Still focused, even though my mouth was never endingly sending out curse words I started the process.

I started by going up through my chest and down my arms, then carefully treading path after path into each leg, gritting my teeth for one final push I opened the channels going towards my head.

The entire process only took me a couple minutes but it felt like a goddamn lifetime.

Now that my mana channels are broken through, I have to continue the momentum and utilise the free mana from Alaric to form a mana heart.

And for the mana heart placement? I've long since had a spot in mind.

So without any hesitation I guided the mana into the the right side of my chest on the opposite side of my heart.

It formed a ball of sorts, made out of mana. After enlarging it to around the size of my other heart I stopped pushing mana towards it and let it stabilize.

And with a resounding pop, that shot through my body I knew the process was over.

It went very smoothly and after a couple minutes of not so pleasant tingling coursing through my entire body it finally seemed to settle.


Is really all I could muster, reality felt different, it felt vibrant and colourful like never before

I stood up and went over to the mirror, if you ignore the black sticky shit coming out of my entire body my looks even seemed to change, I went from average,to a good looking young man.

I was never bad looking but this is a new level.

Looking back at me through the mirror was a youth about five foot ten, with a cute nose and porcelain skin.

I could see my raven black hair with a single strand of red flowing through it, and black piercing eyes to go along with it.

I was average build, okay maybe a little bulky in size, but I was only bulky because of my muscles that loooked unnnatural for a sixteen year old.

Other then that I looked like a striking young man, my hair had grew a bit in the last year it now ran down my back in a simple ponytail.

Finally getting over my shockingly handsome looks I started looking for Alaric.

Quickly finding him in the same spot still sitting down all I could muster was..

"Thank you."

Alaric smiled then stated

"Congrats retard! You're now a mystical being who can go fight dragons! Well maybe after you take a bath, you reek…."

End of chapter 2

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