Paramount Magus

Chapter 7: The Journey.

1 month later.

I was currently bent over with my hands on my knee's, my chest was rising and falling rapidly, each breath coming in short, sharp gasps.

The sound was almost like a wheeze, as if I'd just ran for three days straight, I had a large amount of sweat glistening off my forehead, it seemed never ending. It continued to drip off of my forehead and onto the hard rough ground, and right beside where that sweat was dropping, there was a large carcus much bigger then my five foot ten frame with multiple stab wounds littering its pelt.

It was a rank one, Winter wolf. They usually travel in packs so I was lucky to pick this one off, I stalked it for an entire hour before it stopped to get a drink at a nearby stream. I attempted to assasinate it but…. I was too slow and ended up getting into a brawl.

But this time I only got a couple of scratches, I've gotten much stronger in the past month.

Today was the final day of my training before I set off to Liberta, so I pushed myself to the limit. I wont be able to train seriously for the next week or so because of the trip to Liberta, so I took advantage of today. I even made Alaric an extra speacial breakfast, and I stopped by the mines earlier to say my final goodbyes.

I was ready, and prepared. More prepared then I've ever felt for anything in my life, the past month has been hard but I've managed to made a lot of progress on some basic spells, and for camping purposes I've managed to learn basic water and fire manipulation.

As for actual spells? I've managed to work on a couple, I can cast a few pretty effectively, for earth I worked on somthing simple, but I knew it'd play an essential role in my future battles. It was a simple earth manipulation underneath somebody's foot

. As they take a step I guide the mana into the ground where they're about to step and push it away, the effect is rather small as it just moves the earth a little under their feet, making whoever I cast the spell on slip, or they have to change direction last second. In either scenario I'm benefitting by messing up somebody's footwork.

For wind I worked on some basic wind blades, it's a simple sequence of short blades that shoot from my hands forming sharp wind blades, it's pretty easy to defend against with a shield or sword but it's meant more for distraction anyways.

And the final spell I worked on was suprisingly enough a light spell, Alaric told me I'd have to wait till Liberta but I got curious and asked for his guidance. Turns out I'm pretty talented in light magic,so I grasped the concept pretty easily. I can now do basic healing spells for bruises, and minor cuts, but for anything major I'd probabaly just mess the wound up more.

The way I heal the cuts and bruises is by using the mana from their body to quicken their already enchanted healing progress, doing this makes them tired and slows down their natural healing for the next couple of hours, but it's worth the trade, it'll be helpful for little fights against mana beasts or scratches from spars at school.

I placed the wolf corps onto the makeshift sled I made out of wooden sticks and some rope, and then headed back to the house. It didn't take long since I wasn't that far out to begin with, only ten kilometres or so into the forest, after around an hour and a half of walking, I made it back to the house.

"Hey old man look what I killed today."

I showed him the sled with the wolf still on it.

Alaric gave a hearty laugh and a wide smile.

"Looks like you'll have a good meal before heading off to school."

Alaric used magic to save the wolf pelt, and cooked a grand meal, this was the last time we'll see each other for who knows how long, so I guess the two of us got a little emotional over supper, we told some funny stories about our training and our plans for the future. We ended the night by having a bit of wine we've been saving for months.

I was by no means an alcoholic, but I gained a certain likeness of wine and tea after living with Alaric for over a year, it was an odd thing after never having any access to such nice things, but it was a nice change.

I went to bed quite early, I was still tired from fighting the Winter wolf earlier that day, and from using some healing magic to clean up my wounds. I could've got Alaric to do it, but I needed the practice.

I woke up the next morning and made Alaric and I our final breakfast, it was simple and very enjoyable. I was joining a merchant caravan as a bodyguard, after reaching twilight rank Alaric and I went to the magus association and updated my status, now that I was an official magus I could do official work for them, and so I joined this caravan as a bodyguard, it'll hopefully be a good experience, and I'll also gain some coin out of it.

Fifteen silvers to be exact, which is quite an extravagant amount really, but I suppose the caravan isn't lacking in wealth, just protection.

Snapping out of my thoughts I gave Alaric a hug.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me, I'll come back when I'm rich and famous so you can die of jealousy old man."

Alaric laughed and hugged me back, I don't think I've ever felt a hug quite so warm.

And then Alaric pulled my away but kept his two hands on each of my shoulders while gripping them with enough force to keep my attention. With a grave face he told me..

"I'll miss you kid, don't get too big of a head alright? Even I can't walk this continent without my head on a swivel. Another thing, and this is important so listen up retard, if the situation requires it , I hope you can take any means necessary to survive, even if that means killing another person."

I gave him a serious nod.

"I'll do what it takes, I want to become paramount and I know that road will be filled with obstacles."

He simply smiled, then pushed me away.

"Good, now get a move on before your late for your first official job as a magus dimwit."

I walked away while smiling, this wasn't a sad goodbye. I knew this was necessary, and one day I'd be back here stronger then ever.

"Goodbye old man, I'll miss your shitty jokes."

I mumbled while walking away and waving.

My walk through town didn't take long, before I knew it I was at the magus association building asking for directions to meet my caravan. And in a stroke of good luck, it turns out that the caravan is meeting at the eastern gate, which was only about a minute walk from where I was.

And before I knew it I was introducing myself to the other members of the caravan, well the ones that mattered atleast.

There was four main people, the caravan owner who was a renowned merchant in the local towns, his name was Rodney Swift.

The other three were all experienced mages, it seemed I was the only one still at twilight rank, they introduced themselves one by one.

" My name is Wick Randoff, I am a first circle magician at the dusk rank. I'm good at fire magic"

He was around six foot three, he had a large build and dark brown hair, a rather handsome complexion as all mages seem to have. It also seems he's not much of a talker, he anwsered in nods and thumbs up for the rest of the conversation.

Next was a girl standing at around five foot seven, she was of lean build, with bright blond hair and blue eyes, she was very good looking, but also seemed a little weird.

"My name is Gloria Randoff, I am also a first circle magician at the dusk rank, I specialize in wind magic, I also give pretty good haircuts."

After giving that Interessting introduction she winked, to who? I'm not sure, but it was a cute wink for sure.

It seems those two are siblings, I'll ask them about it later. The final guy spoke up.

"Hello everyone my name is Randy Mackentov, I'm also a first circle magaician of the dusk rank, I specialize in light magic, and im an accomplished healer."

Oh a healer? Maybe I could learn a thing or two from this guy. He was on the shorter side standing at five foot five, he was of average complexion with dark brown hair and hazel eyes.

I introduced myself shortly after the rest of them.

"Its nice to meet all of you, my name is Sylas, I'm a first circle magician of the twilight rank, I don't really have a speciality in magic, but I'm quite advanced at body augmentation."

It was a true statement, after Alaric showed me how to properly augment my body with mana I can now do it while fighting constantly,augmenting my body makes it multiple times stronger then when just using the mana circulating in my body regularly. It was tough at first, but it was well worth the struggle in the end. I've become a very formidable opponent at close range combat.

Rodney clapped his hands together.

"Well this seems like everyone, let's set off."

And so my trek started towards Liberta, my trek that nothing will go wrong during right?….. I don't fucking by it.

End of chapter 7

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