Path of the Greatest Empire

Chapter 2: The New World

The eyes of the man snapped open and the first thing which he felt was a sharp pain which coursed through his chest as if something was being drilled into it. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists as he tried to get used to the pain.

In a moment or two, he felt the pain subsiding and the tensed muscles of his body relaxed. He took deep breaths and felt the slightly cold air going inside his lungs.

After taking few more deep breaths, the man tried to analyse the situation he was in.

Firstly, he tried to check my surroundings. He had been lying on a coarse surface and instead of the fine silk fabric which he had been used to, the sheet beneath him was a bit coarse and rugged.

The room in which, he was lying was not very big. It appeared to be made up of stones- they were dusty yellow in colour. A window was present directly opposite to his bed and just outside the window, trees were obstructing his view any further.

A wooden table and chair had been placed on the left side while a door was on the right side of the bed.

On the upper body of the man, a white cloth had been tied around his chest and it smelled of the herbs which had been applied on his wound. Apart from it, the man was bare chested.

He was further dressed into a loose fitting pants of cotton.

After the man analysed the room, he tried to inspect the memories of his body.

His name in this world is Suthrath Hadspes. He had turned 18 years of age few moons back. Well, this was how month and years were calculated in this world.

Suthrath Hadspes was the son of the leader of what you would call, a small settlement. But 3 days earlier in a skirmish with another settlement, his father had been killed. And as was the general rule of inheritance, Suthrath had taken up the role of the leader or in other words the king. His mother had died a long time ago of an illness when he had been of 8 years of age.

He seemed that now when he had a chance to have a normal life, Suthrath would not have his parents with him.


A day after Suthrath had taken up his new position, another skirmish had broken out and this time an arrow had found its mark. Fortunately, it had missed his heart but even so it seemed that previous owner had died after some time and the new soul had taken up his body.

The principality or the settlement which Suthrath's father ruled was not a very large settlement, it was a small settlement- with a generous population of 4500 people.

The settlement was mostly an agriculture and forest based settlement- the inhabitants would collect resources from the nearby forest and along with the agriculture produce, it was sold to a nearby town.

Now about the skirmish? Another settlement almost similar in size to this settlement was located at a distance of few kilometres.

Between the two settlement was a vast lake- very easily available source of fresh water. Suthrath's settlement was on the western side of the lake and hence called the western settlement while the other tribe was located on the eastern side of the lake and they were called the eastern settlement.

And water had always caused conflicts.

The lake was vast enough to easily support the needs of both the settlements and they even had a river though slightly far away. But conflicts and wars are human tendency.


Even so, although, both the settlements have had conflicts in the past, they had been able to sort them out and at most it resulted in little minor skirmishes.

But few months, an ambitious leader had come to the forefront in the eastern settlement and his goal had been eradication of the western settlement and to become the sole ruler of the area.

That man had prepared in silence for months. Baring a few dozen people, the western settlement did not have a trained army. Their weapons were of inferior quality. But in the past few months, that man had trained a lot of men for war and had acquired weapons made of superior steel.


And all this had caught Suthrath's settlement unaware. In past 4 days, eastern settlement had dealt two heavy blows on western settlement and probably with another blow, most of the western settlement would be eradicated.

Suthrath was still lost in his thoughts when the door of his room was pushed open and a woman walked in.

Suthrath recognised her in a moment- she was his sole and most trustworthy maid. Although, the settlement was not technically a kingdom and he was not a royalty- being the son of the leader had its advantages.

She was Bella Cracwort. She was in her mid twenties. She had black hair and black eyes. She was fair in colour and untouched by the industrial pollution, her skin was extremely soft. She had a cute little round face and was so cute.

Bella had been an orphan and Suthrath's father had her taken her in and she had been working as his maid as far he could remember.

She was wearing a long skirt- typical dress of that period. A cloth had been tied on her chest to function as a blouse and another piece of clothing had been wrapped around her upper body.

She wore an anxious expression on her face as she closed the gate of my room. In her hands, she was clutching a long dagger. And her expression told Suthrath that something has gone wrong.

Founding 'her lord' awake, her expression lit up with joy, "Lord, you are awake."

Suthrath gave a nod as he tried to push his body to move. Thanks to his powers which he had gotten almost all his wounds had healed.

Bella immediately approached him and helped Suthrath to straighten as he leaned on the wall behind his bed.

"Lord," she mumbled.

Although she tried to hide, her anxious expression had already told Suthrath that something was wrong.

"What is it, Bella?" He asked as he gazed into her tense eyes.

"Lord…" she stammered but she had no option other than to tell the truth.

"Equro... has usurped your powers and has declared himself as the leader."

"He has forced the council into submission and is bringing his men to eliminate you," she said.

"You need to run away quickly," she added quickly.

"Councillor Lander has brought his men and has promised enough time to help you escape through the back gate," she said.

As it happens everywhere, there are always people eager to seize power themselves. Equro was another such person.

Beside Suthrath's father Equro could be said to be the second most powerful man of the settlement. He was also an important member of the council.

As the name stands, council was a group of men and sometimes woman who helped the leader in the administration of the settlement.

Hearing this, slight anger took over Suthrath. No... not at Equro's attempt to seize power. Suthrath could understand Equro's ambition of being a leader... a king. But at his foolishness. The western settlement had already suffered a major setback in the previous two skirmishes.

And now that he had decided to seize power... it was not going to happen peacefully. It would only cause more casualties in the western settlement.

Even if Equro wins and seizes the power, which he was bound to do so if Suthrath had not taken over, the eastern settlement would had annihilated the western settlement.

Feeling the strength in his sturdy body, Suthrath stood up while Bella tried to help him.

Suthrath was tall... 6 feet and 4 inches tall. Though the room had no mirror to look his face into, he knew from the memories that he was handsome. He was ripped with muscles and a powerful man. Even before the arrival of the new soul, Suthrath had been a monstrous warrior. It was only his bad luck that an arrow had struck him.

"Let us meet this Equro," He said.

Bella's eyes widened in shock, "But lord... you are injured."

"I am fine Bella," He said and gave her an assured nod.

She tried to argue but Suthrath cut her across, "And it is not like I could run away so easily. He will hunt me anyhow."


Bella was still very reluctant but she had to agree as the duo walked towards the exit of this house.




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