Percy Jackson: As a Gamer In This Dark World

Chapter 29: Chapter 29: Mana!

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"Nasty tasting, but it is enough." Percy said in an emotionless voice as everyone including the earth drake just starred as Percy's arm suddenly wiggled like a worm as it popped back into place.

Even on his bare chest you could see all the cuts closing up instantly. After just a few seconds his body was back to normal but his eyes no longer had pupils but instead they were glowing white.

"W-What?" Asked Gabe as he stared in shock as Percy waved his hand in front of him in a meaningless jester.

But as he did the sword that was lying on the ground behind the drake suddenly flew right to his hand as the crowd was at a loss of words. There was really only one word to describe this.

"Magic!" One person yelled as everyone in the crowd began to scream the same thing. Magic was reserved to the privileged and the nobles of this world for a slave to know magic. It was unheard of.

"Why does he know magic!?" Yelled Gabe as he should have known everything about Percy.

Just then a glowing mark appeared on his forehead that looked like a small star on his forehead.

As it appeared another tremor ran through the entire arena as Percy let out a roar that only added to the intense shaking of the arena.

People were now all screaming in fear as Percy continued to roar. The arena was falling apart the shaking was so intense.

"Grimoire!" The adventure yelled as Gabe's eyes seemed to budge out of his eye sockets as he recognized the word all too well.

They were one of the few items of this world that held spells that a person didn't need to chant to cast.

Not only did they allow a person to cast all spells without chanting they held spells so powerful they were considered forbidden.

Once obtained they would fuse with the host body and form a blood pact, essentially sealing any possible way to steal it other than murdering the person who had it.

There was a lot of other information on grimoires but one of the most important things was that there was only 30 recorded books found in the dungeons.

That meant that Percy obtained his after one of the apocalypse wizards and witches had passed away or a new one had been found.

"Don't let him escape! I must have that grimoire!" Gabe yelled as Percy finally stopped yelling as cracks had appeared on the arena walls.

But just then the drake seemed to see Percy as a threat as it bared its fangs at him as he readied to attack him again.

Its tail swishing back and forth as Percy stood in the middle of pool of molten rock, Percy only raised both his hands to the sword above his head.

"Guard kill him! He is going to use a magic spell!" Roared Gabe as hundreds of guards started to pour into the arena as they charged right towards Percy.

"Let this city and its evil return to dust! Earth's Reclaiming!" Percy roared as he slammed the sword right into the ground as a massive magic circle shot out from the place his sword his the ground.

But you could see the strain on Percy as his veins started to burst on his skin as blood poured down his arms and face. Still the magic circle grew as Percy coughed out a mouthful of blood as the circle grew much faster.

"Need more mana!" Percy yelled as he waved his hand as the drakes ripped off leg suddenly flew like the sword did right into his hand.

In the next instant the guards watched in horror as Percy bit right through the drake's scales and into its flesh. Not even taking time to chew he kept eating and eating until there was nothing left.

It only took Percy a couple seconds to eat the entire 4 feet of scales, bones, and flesh. Thanks to Percy's new skill [consumption absorption] allowed him to do this as everything became his fuel source.

Even the earth drake watched in horror as its leg was consumed by the feral looking Percy as blood dripped down from his chin as his body healed.

As he polished it off he swallowed as the magic circle finally stopped at the arena's edge.

"Activate!" Percy yelled as his skin started to split open and reveal tearing muscles as the amount of mana was simply too much as the spell started to eat away at his physical body.

But as Percy collapsed to one knee as exhaustion caught up to him. But as his skin continued to break open and his muscles collapsed under the stress of the spell it finally stopped as the whole magic circle began to glow.

"Need mana and health." Percy panted as Gaia who was controlling him turned to the drake coming his way. As Gaia stayed in control she forced Percy's body to stand up as the ground began to shake and shake.

Eventually a crack began to appear in the ground as it shot like lightning through the arena walls and continued to into the city as screams of citizens erupted from it.

At this point the tunnel that led under the arena had collapsed as it pulled a hundred guards with it as Percy stood silently as he looked up at Gabe who was just glaring right down at him.

At the same time Gaia who was in control at the moment glared up at the man who had kept her…special person locked up in this place.

As she did she controlled Percy to bring his thumb up to his neck and slowly drug it across as Gabe's eyes widened.

"You will pay for what you did to him…slug man." Said Gaia in a whisper as the ground started to crack like a massive spider web as the guards all screamed in terror as they started to fall into the cracks that led to who knew where.

Even the drake started to fall in as the ground under his back legs started to cave in. However thanks to Gaia's magic Percy just silently floated a few inches off the ground as she watched the drake breath out streams of fire as it panicked.


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