Chapter 31: Chapter 31: 2 Days Later!
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I groaned as an intense sensation of pain erupted from my body as I did, I let out a scream of panic as it felt like hundreds of needles were being jammed into me at once.
As this happened I shot up into a sitting position but as I did my whole body seemed to cramp at once as I fell right back into my lying down position. My vision was blurry but I managed to see trees around me as my vision focused.
'Where the hell am I?' I asked myself as I slowly sat up as my body slowly stopped cramping. Though the needle-like pain wasn't gone it was much less than when I woke up.
"Up we go." I said as I slowly managed to sit myself up properly, I didn't even try to stand up as my whole body tingled.
'Good morning.' Said a female's voice.
'Good morning to you as well Gaia.' I said as I looked down to see my body in perfect condition but to be honest I didn't even feel close to what I looked like.
[You have slept on an uncomfortable surface all HP restored and abnormal stats eliminated due to mana over usage of mana you will not regain any mana for the next 28 days, 8% bonus XP for the next 4 hours.]
'I am afraid to ask how you are feeling.' Said Gaia as I chuckled and looked around me to see nothing but dense trees and shrubs.
'Just knowing that you are actually questioning your actions makes me happy, proves you are maturing as an emotional being. But besides that I am fine…well besides the needles in my skin. Other than that I feel good.' I said as I looked around me.
'That would be your mana channels being slightly fried, sorry about that.' She said as I thought for a second but sighed.
'As long as I am okay I am happy with whatever happened…what did you do by the way? I am wondering what in the world could possibly make me feel so shitty, no offense.' I said as she laughed lightly in my head.
'Extreme magic, let's just say I can't tell you how until you discover what I used for yourself.' She said as I shrugged.
'Fair enough, at this point I figure if you won't tell me there is no point in asking about it. That brings up a question actually, is there anything to eat around here?' I asked her.
'Check your inventory, I stored some food for you in our escape.' She said as I smiled a little. I may have become a cruel and emotionless person on the outside who only desired power.
But to my closest friend's well friend at this point I still had many traits that made me who I was before all this happened.
'All I see is…earth drake meat…what in the hell did I miss?' I asked in astonishment as she laughed a little.
'A lot, let's just say the slave capital is…gone from this world.' She said as I was at a loss for words.
'Well…whatever. Anyways I can't eat this, you're not supposed to eat monster meat it will poison you.' I said.
'Not with your [Consumption absorption] ability, you remember that much right?' She asked me.
'Yeah I do…thanks for spending all those bonus points.' I said in a snarky voice.
'Stop complaining, I helped you live.' She said as I raised an eyebrow at her response.
'Becoming more human each day, I like it.' I said with a smirk.
'Bite me.' She said back in a sassy voice, let's just say this was the best conversation I had ever had with Gaia so far.
'Well if you insist.' I said as I made biting noises as she snorted at me.
'Still you can eat the meat without worry, also you will get a bonus in your stats once you eat the entire body.' She said as I raised an eyebrow as I actually remembered that part in the skill description.
As I did I opened up my inventory to see the body parts as well as a certain high class sword in my inventory. Putting the sword aside I chose the smallest item in the storage.
'You know…if it was blue I would be like 300% happier.' I said gazing at the earth drake foreleg in front of me.
'You and your blue.' Gaia said.
'You actually remember that?' I asked her in surprise as I stared at the still fresh drake limb as it dripped with blood.
I guess my item storage stopped inside it because this thing was still pulsing a little as it twitched in my hand. While gross I thought of multiple ways to use this time stop in my inventory.
'I have many memories of your blue color obsession, though useless information to me back when I was evil I now find it kind of funny that you still enjoy blue foods.' She said.
'Oh the great and mighty Gaia finding something funny.' I said with a laugh.
'Yes I did and if you don't stop teasing me who knows what else I might do to you.' She said in an eerie voice as I shut up. I was too weak to fight her consciousness back so I silence myself on the topic.
"So is it alright for me to eat this?" I asked her.
'Yes it is, also don't worry about items that you might trade into a guild for money or whatever, anything important like that will be automatically added to your inventory once you finish the item you are eating.'
'So if you eat these legs the important items will all go into the inventory. If you look you will see one forelegs worth inside it already.'
She said as I looked. Well she was right there were 5 claws 90 scales and one drake bone inside my inventory, can't see how I missed those.
'So my mouth is like a portal to my inventory.' I said to her.
If you want to read ahead by 20+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.