Percy's Pokemon Adventure

Chapter 57: Chapter 56

After some more friendly talking, the group said their goodbyes to each other as they parted. Percy talked to Marcus about teleporting him back to Honey City.

"Oh yeah man. I got you, when do you want to go." Marcus agreed.

Percy thought for a second. "Just a couple minutes. I've got to say goodbye and get all my stuff and I'll be ready." Percy wasn't willing to put off his departure anymore.

He was injured and wouldn't be much help until he had to leave anyway. He bid farewell to his friends and teleported to Honey City with Marcus. He felt a tug in his stomach and appeared before the Pokémon Center. He stumbled a little but Marcus seemed perfectly fine. "Oh shi-. Thanks Marcus." Percy thanked Marcus.

"Yeah no problem man. Just stay safe you're making some of us worry." Marcus bid farewell to Percy before going on his Pokédex to wait for his Eggxecute to be ready to teleport. Percy turned around and limped into the Pokémon Center to get a little extra healing to speed up his recovery process.

As he walked in he immediately made eye contact with the Head Nurse who was talking to a nurse at reception.

She held her conversation and approached Percy. "What the hell is wrong with you." She held a hand to stop Percy. "Actually I don't want to know. What are you in here for." Her tone was strictly business.

Percy blinked slowly, "Just wanted some healing to speed up my healing process." He stared at Nurse Gin before something else came to mind. "Also. Um. I don't think I can keep the promise of staying away from Aurora." He avoided eye contact with Gin and turned away. "Apparently ignoring Aurora made her sad and a friend didn't like that." He said.

The Head Nurse shrugged and sighed, "I just told you to do that for your own good. I didn't think I could stop young love. Anyway, why are you so injured? It looks like you got real messed up." She inspected Percys injuries. "Aurora patch you up?" She asked.

Percy nodded solemnly. A younger nurse nervously walked up to the two. "I heard you ask him what happened Head Nurse. Just recently there was an article published about a Team Rocket terrorist attack." She pulled a Pokédex out of her nurse uniform and opened an article and showed it to the Head Nurse.

Gin took the Pokédex from the woman and scrolled through the article absorbing the contents. At the bottom of the article a video was linked that included the interview from a Honey City news station. This particular video was of a news person shoving their mic in Ishigamis face while asking questions. Ishigami stumbled over his words and struggled to give an answer before the camera moved quickly to Percy being choked out on the ground.

The crack of the mans elbow being broken inward was crisp in the video. The video ended when Percy stood up with Jason's help and limped away. A frown appeared on Percys face as he fought an uncomfortable feeling watching his trauma.

The nurse took her Pokédex back and said. "Yeah the videos pretty popular in Honey City."

The Head Nurse turned to Percy. "I've always hated people who work in news. So urgent to record the problem and not fix it themselves. Whatever, I'll heal you up real quick and get you out of my hair." Just like she said she healed Percy a little with her Blissey and shooed him out of her hospital.

After stumbling out of the hospital doors Percy called up Xavier and said he needed a ride to the Honey Clan compound. 'You need a ride? Alright where are you at. Ok, I've got a driver inbound. It'll be marked as a clan car.'

"Okay thanks." Percy thanked the man.

'You can just go straight to your room and I'll send someone to bring you to me when I'm free.' Xavier explained before quickly hanging up.

Percy sat on a bench next to the hospitals entrance and watched the world around him. People milled about, some entering looking worried, others entered with get well soon balloons. A man on a stretcher was quickly carried by nurses into the hospital. Seconds later Percy looked at the road to see a Honey Clan marked vehicle.

He quickly stood up and entered the black SUV with heavily tinted windows. The ride to the Honey Clan compound was awkward with the driver not speaking a single word. He just stared ahead and didn't even recognize Percy.

Percy left the car when he arrived on the Honey main road where there was too much foot traffic for the car to go forward. After thanking the man who drove him he stepped out of the vehicle and looked at his surrounding. Carts carrying jars crossed the street, vendors sold produce and meats to residents.

Almost ever single person wore some sort of identification badge that seemed to identify them as Honey Clan members. The badges varied between people and Percy assumed that status changed the way the badges looked. Children ran between stalls while parents browsed the produce with baskets in hand.

Most people paid Percy no mind and went on with their business. He wasn't wearing any kind of Honey Clan identification so he was considered an oddity. Percys limped through the main road before ending up at the training grounds for the Honey Clan trainers.

In general it seemed as though not much has changed since he last visited. Kids around his age trained. Some trained their bodies and techniques, others with Pokémon. A smaller groups trained both like Percy would.

After a long painful walk he arrived at a kind of dormitory where he had stayed before. The three story building looked very similar to an apartment building. It looked surprisingly well kept and the white concrete couldn't be cleaner.

As he approached the building he turned to the training field next to it where he had trained before with Fay. A group of about 10 people trained on packed dirt. They seemed to be about Percys age as they either directed Pokémon or swung weapons.

They didn't notice Percy limping on the road toward the building. Percy made no attempt to say anything and just shambled past them into his room. The second he closed the door every single Pokémon he had were released in his room to enjoy themselves.

The bed beckoned to Percy who promptly fell asleep face first. It was still the morning and Xavier most likely wouldn't be free until later so he could nap and rest his bruised body for a little. Crash curled up into a ball on the teens back and fell asleep as well.

Pharaoh sat at the door and watched vigilantly. Fúria trained herself by using Cascoon as weights. Cascoon seemed to enjoy himself quite a bit. Beedrill stretched its limbs for a minute before quietly enjoying itself without having to worry.

Jormun the Ekans took turns guarding the front door with Pharaoh so Pharaoh could train as well.

A few hours later Percy followed behind a butler who guided him to Xavier's office. His hair was flattened against one side of his head making him look silly. Cascoon sat atop his shoulder making threatening glances at anyone who they passed.

Soon they arrived at the entrance to Xavier's office. The butler knocked, "Come in." A stern voice called from the other side of the door. Percy walked through the door and sat in the familiar seat.

As the door closed, Xavier looked Percy up and down. A few things surprised Xavier. The first thing he noticed was Percys injured body and tired look. At a glance no one could tell how seriously injured he was, but he could tell how uncomfortable Percy was. Although Percy was pretty seriously injured he kept it under wraps.

Xavier's experience of networking and being a close representative of the clan head had taught him to read peoples body language. Percys body language showed a lot. He's unhappy with where he is, in tons of pain and a little angry.

Even Percy didn't know he had all those feelings but they were there. Xavier also noticed the Cascoon perched on Percys shoulder looking rather hostile.

Xavier made a mental note and addressed Percy. "Percy." Xavier nodded. "It is good to see you. I've heard of some happenings in that small town you visited." Xavier set down a couple of vanilla folders he had been inspecting.

"I've also seen that video of you during interviews. Great publicity." After sensing that what he said was wrong he said, "Horrible as well. How did you end up in that state." Xavier gestured to Percys injuries. It seemed the previous Xavier that was overcompensating to obtain Percys good favor was gone and all that remained was a business man who got down to business and got there fast.

Percy raised an eyebrow to Xavier's words but responded simply. "The Team Rocket Captain used a high level Koffing to blow me and my friends up. We had stopped him from taking from the village and it would've been a hard fight for him."

Xavier tapped his fingers on his desk. "To my knowledge, a Team Rocket Captain has at least 3 Pokémon at level 30. Could you and your friends prove a real threat to them?" Xavier posed a question.

Percy nodded solemnly, "My friends are strong. But to answer your original question, I was unable to defend against the self destruct and was blown away. Fortunately only I was caught unprepared and suffered injuries." Percy said. Xavier inspected Percy as normally a sentence like that had a lot of sarcasm in it.

To his surprise it seemed like Percy was actually glad that he was the only one to suffer extensively. "Well let's get to talking about your goal." Xavier took out a folder from his desk and slid it to Percy. Percy picked up the folder and began inspecting its contents. "This contains most of what you should watch out for and more stuff on what you should be doing. Clan Head will officially dismiss you and the others.

You all will be officially cut off of any connection to the Honey Clan and will essentially be independent. You will have to make your own money and get your own Pokémon. Now of course it won't be the same for you since you aren't there for the same reasons.

If you must you can contact me and I'll respond and get you what you need. But do not show anyone else what you get from the clan as your cover will be blown. Preferably it would be best if you temporarily put away all goods and things you own to match what the others have, which is going to be handed out soon." Xavier paused to let Percy absorb the information.

Percy tapped his foot against the ground as he scanned the folder. "And what exactly do I get when I complete this?" He asked. His eyebrows furrowed as he continued to read.

"The clan will become a official benefactor for you. Meaning you would be able to ask for materials or money. We can try and help you establish connections but to us that is more difficult." Xavier explained.

Percy read a particularly concerning line 'May be captured by criminal organizations for ransom.' "I'll have to protect against criminal organizations? I'm not a professional." Percy informed Xavier that he wasn't a professional bodyguard.

Xavier waved his hand, "It's unlikely anyone will try to capture her. Most people are aware that all it takes is a little more money to put a price on their head and take them out soon after…. It's suicide." Xavier calmed some of Percy's fears. "After you read that, burn it and meet the others in the yard next to your room. I will inform the Clan Head of your arrival and he will dismiss the group tomorrow morning so have your affairs ready by then." Xavier looked Percy in the eyes. "You are dismissed."

Percy gave a small bow and left the office with the folder in hand. A sigh escaped his lips as he prepared himself for his new task.

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