Percy's Pokemon Adventure

Chapter 66: Chapter 65

Percy sighed as he watched Beedrill get thrown about by the storm. In front of them sat a giant nest made of that bee paper. It was the size of a two story building but a large chunk of it had been blasted away or something.

The Beedrill that were hiding in the nest were now struggling against the wind. Only the stronger Beedrill seemed to be able to even control their movement. Percy's Pokédex came out and scanned every Beedrill he could see in that moment.

There was a large range going from levels 13-31. They all tried to stay near or in the safe parts of the nest but many were failing. Percys eyes narrowed as he clutched the Noctowl in his arms. He looked to Fay for her directions.

She scanned the clearing in front of them and shouted, "Let's get some honey! We can do this!" Percy sighed inwardly and released Crash at his side. The group approached the nest and faced off against 4 Beedrill.

These were clearly the strongest Beedrill left in the nest. The rest of the nest was huddled inside the untouched part of the nest or being thrown around by the storm outside. The leader Beedrill was level 31 and had Red potential.

The other three were between levels 28-30. Their potential was in the orange range. Everyone released their Pokémon. Unfortunately half of them weren't strong enough to resist the storm and battle. This left only 8 of their Pokémon standing.

All of Fays and Theos Pokemon were able to control themselves as well as Percys pokemon. Wind whipped in Percy's face as the group broke apart. Fay ordered her Pokémon quickly. Crash braced himself against the wind and looked to Percy for orders.

Percy's hair flew around him as he watched the battle unfold. Crash was the strongest Pokemon on their side, so he'd have to deal with the leader. Level 31 meant it was a decent bit stronger than Crash.

Each level above 30 contributed significantly more power to a pokemon. "The leader Crash! Show him who's boss!" Percy shouted. He watched as Fays and Theos pokemon engaged with two of the Beedrill. Furia was still sitting on Percys head.

She shook Percys shoulder as if begging to get in the battle. There was still another Beedrill that rushed to its leaders aid. "That one's yours." Percy said simply. She beat on her chest and leaped off his shoulder.

Percy smiled as the storm raged around him. Something about this was deeply fun for him. He could watch sheets of rain fall onto the battling Pokemon. But he needed to be a trainer to his Pokemon. He shook himself out of his thoughts and ordered Crash. "You gotta watch that stinger! The lances wre dangerous but they have a third limb. Watch!" And just as Percy was shouting his orders the Beedrill shot forward its stinger poised to plunge into Crash.

Crash's eyes flashed as he ducked under the attack just in time. Without Percys guidance he wouldn't have been able to avoid it. His tail was immediately encased in water.

Rushing, powerful water formed around his tail and was much more powerful than usual. "The storms boosting your water moves!" Percy shouted over the wind. Crash roared as he brought his tail down on the Beedrill. It raised its lances to protect itself and reduced some of the damage it sustained.

It was pushed back but immediately shot forward. The lances glowed green and moved with intense speed. The first two jabs made full contact with Crashs chest and sent him sliding back. The reptile growled in pain and lunged forward with his jaw open.

His mouth slammed close but the Beedrill was able to dance out of range. It came back into close quarters and was immediately blasted by a torrent of boiling water. It buzzed angrily and its red eyes glowed with rage. Crash was grinning and the two circled eachother as if waiting for the other one to make a move.

Fúria engaged with the level 28 Beedrill. She dashed through the rain and started to leave behind afterimages. She used double team and the Beedrill was surrounded by 4 Mankeys. All four of them began running in circles around the Beedrill. It buzzed angrily and glowed green.

Green needles shot out of the Beedrill and began chasing after each image. Furia ducked and jumped through the forest but the needles were able to hit every image. What? All four of them were afterimages and Percy hadn't noticed. Where was Fúria?

From the leaves in the trees Fúria emerged, her hand glowing red. She was only feet above the totally unaware Beedrill as her Karate chop made contact with the Beedrills neck. A critical hit as well.

The Beedrills eyes immediately went foggy as it tried to fling the monkey off of its back. "End it Fúria!" Percy shouted encouragement. Fúria clung to the Beedrill and began beating on it. It's lances stabbed into her but she was set.

Her hand glowed again as it slammed into the bees shoulder. Percy could hear the crunch over the storm. But still the Beedrill wasn't down. Its lances glowed and reached around to its back. Fúria used protect and completely blocked the attack.

She raised her hand again and slammed it down on the Beedrills head. They dropped to the ground where Fúria stood on top of the unconcious Beedrill. She beat her chest and howled into the storm.

Crash smashed into a tree as the leader Beedrill of the nest was fighting back. The tree was groaning as the powerful winds began to push the weakened trunk. Crash was decently injured at this point. But the Beedrill was just as hurt if not more.

Crash watched as his trainer began running through the clearing. At least he was trying to run as it looked more like a jog in the powerful wind. "Ezra!" Percy shouted. Ezra had gone to protect the other trainers who's pokemon were scattered by the wind. Him and Billie were standing right in the path of the falling tree. There was a loud snapping as the trees trunk broke.

The enormous trunk began falling and smashed through the branches of other trees. Ezra reacted to Percys warning and wrapped Billie in his arms. He threw himself to the side avoiding the crashing tree.

The earth shook as the massive tree cratered into the ground. Crash watched as Percy breathed a sigh of relief and shot him a glance. Crash's snout curled as anger rose in his chest. He blamed the Beedrill. Water began to fall out of his mouth as his eyes flashed red.

The Beedrill tried to take advantage of the distraction by smashing its purple lances into Crash. Crash stumbled back but regained control quickly. Water exploded around his tail as he spun.

The tail smashed into the Beedrills thorax spending it smashing into the ground. It skipped across the dirt as Crash pursued. He was relentless now, and was constantly running forward regardless of it being a good idea or not.

The Beedrill released a wave of green needles that failed to slow Crash. Dark energy coated Crashs mouth as his powerful legs propelled him within striking range of the Beedrill. Crash was bleeding in several places but had a craze in his eye.

As the Beedrill watched the reptile break through its attack it saw the craze. Fear overtook it as it buzzed backward. It couldn't escape. Crash's jaws smashed tightly over the creatures body and racked the Pokémon with dark energy.

The Beedrill had one last buzz of pain before its red eyes lost their glow. It had gone unconcious. Crash spat the body on the ground and stood over it. Rain still fell heavily as the Pokémon roared in victory.

The view of Crash was seared into the mind of any who saw him at this moment. Thunder cracked as a bright flash illuminated the clearing. Percy had made his way to Crashs side and was dragging him toward Fay and Theo who were just about finishing up their fights. They outnumbered the two Beedrill they had to deal with by 3. The other kids were finally able to organize themselves and had put away the Pokémon too weak to survive in the storm.

Thunder was sounding off consistently now. And the lightning wasn't far. "What now?!" Zaria shouted over the storm.

"We grab honey. Everyone just get as much as you can. Then we find shelter for real." Fay ordered. The group approached the nest and could hear the buzzing of all the weaker Beedrill that were hidden in the nest. But there was a large section of honeycomb that was exposed and being pulled off by the wind and rain.

Percy grunted as he jumped up into the nest and hung on the surprisingly strong nest paper. His axe moved quickly and began slicing off large chunks of honeycomb about the size of his head. He began tossing the chunks down to the group who stuffed them into specially made honey containers.

Honey was deeply imbued into the honey clans culture. Trainers from the honey clan who have set out for their trainer circuit always carried compressable containers that stored honey well. They looked a little like jars when they weren't compressed and was made of a material that could stiffen with structure.

Honey didn't stick well to its walls which meant ease of transfer. Honey clan trainers would collect honey on their adventures and bring back the honey almost as a trophy of their accomplishments. Percy actually had one of these jars with his equipment he was given.

But he would fill up last as he's already gotten a good bit of honey already. But as he was cutting the last bits his vision suddenly filled with light. A lightning bolt had struck the tree the nest was built off of.

The freak storm powered the lightning so much so that the tree exploded from the energy and Percy was immediately sent into unconsciousness as the some of the nest was destroyed.

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