Pestilence: Rise Of The Pure Undead

Chapter 342: Fear The Night : No Winner

Maiele glanced down at the ground, moving forth as the lords were still being pushed back, kicking Atsalinopalo in the guts, moving both, the iron-enhanced gravelord, his maw still broken, lashed out with tongues of fire, which were actually solid whips doused with oil, the Elven Light allowed one to wrap around her forearm, pulling the vampire in, swinging him above her head and behind her, the burning whip tearing into her skin and flesh, tearing her thumb off on its way.

Not paying any heed to this injury, she moved up to Vespertillo next, another of those condensed beam of mana grazed the side of her head, flinging her ear off and tearing into her cheek, exposing the teeth hidden beneath, once more, Liameilos simply ignored it, slapping a swipe of the claws from the vampiric lord of beasts away, leaving sunlight over it as he lashed out with his other hand, thrusting at her abdomen, a strike which the elf did not bother avoiding, constricting her muscles around.

Both of their foreheads impacted one another, the gravelord unhinging his jaw with haunting cracks, demonstrating a plethora of teeth seeping with bloody saliva and all sorts of venoms, wriggling his trapped hand as he sunk the other's claws into the elf's shoulder. Your journey continues on My Virtual Library Empire

The miniature sun positioned itself behind her back, intercepting the ranged attacks of the other brother, clenching her free hand with foreboding cracks, illuminated by sunlight, landing an uppercut on Vespertillo's lower jaw, literally shutting him up.

His dark red eyes shimmering behind his meaty wrinkles, he let go of the Elven Light's shoulder and brought one finger up to his own throat, chest bulging, not waiting for his rapid regeneration, he cut open a hole, allowing the built-up roar within his cold lungs to be fired off at point blank range.

Blood bursted out of Maiele's ears, crimson tears seeping down, all sounds were muffled by a loud buzzing, and her vision was blurry, multiplied, still, she flashed a toothy grin plagued by red, the gravelord's well hidden tail lengthened, wrapping around the living's neck , squeezing tightly, Vespertillo lashing out with his claws again, Liameilos's leg already risen high, brought down upon both the assaulting arm and tail, snapping the first and ripping through the second, sending the undead lord down to the ground alongside his limb.

Which inadvertently also forcefully tore his trapped hand out, his claws taking much flesh on its way, but like a devil straight from the worst depth of hell, the mythical elf threw herself on the back of Vespertillo, grappling him with her body covered in true sunlight, even if awfully lacking in efficiency due to Nitok's dominion, it was far from pleasurable to the vampires.

Pulling up against his chin as she laying with her knees on his back, trying to tear his head right off, Vespertillo was tough and his flesh incredibly elastic, only a few tears appeared before Maiele had to let go, using the force she was using to attempt and behead him, she flung herself back into a roll as porcupine needles erupted from his back, rendering his finely crafted cloak to pieces, punching the ground to get back up, he unfurled his wings, launching the needles behind him, managing to puncture the living.

With needles sticking out from her forearms and face, the elf parried an arc of some unknown energy, Atsalinopalo having managed to bypass the miniature sun and return to his brother's side, both recuperating for their injuries, but so was thee living, expelling the needles from her body alongside the venom that had been over them, spitting a mouthful of blood onto the ground, the elven sun hovering above her head.

Both swung their wings into opposite directions, homing in on the elf, palm opening, Atsalinopalo thrusted with a spear, whilst Vespertillo once again puffed up his chest, this time, channelling the mighty fire breath of dragons, scaled down to his size but carrying the strength of a gravelord, stepping over her sun, Liameilos avoided both, violently launching herself into the air, rather than riding upon it, she used it to launch herself as though trying to break her own ribs, quickly making some distance, in between her and the twin gravelords.

Distance did not matter much however, both could get upon her in an instant with their wings, but they did not, manipulating both of their bloods that had seeped below through cracks in the ground, a serpentine abomination erupted from below, made from various bestial and monstrous aspect melded with steel as well as other nonorganic materials.

Condensing her sun, Maiele didn't let herself be impressed by the combination of their sanguine powers, and kicked the miniature astral body straight at the charging blood beast, blasting right through its open maw and slithering mass, the sound of one of the two brothers cursing was heard through gorey destruction.

The signature roar of Vespertillo slammed into her, a small sphere saturated with mana landing at her feet, bursting with solid spikes of mana, breaking apart of its own right as it appeared, stabbing into her legs.

Vespertillo was one thing with his access to the capabilities of various beasts and monsters, but he typically fell back on the same sort of things, Atsalinopalo on the other hand, tended to never use the same thing twice and would just keep on reaching down his endless bag of tricks.

Momentarily stuck in place and with her sun not by her side, Vespertillo swooped in, slashing with both arms at her chest, taking a jab to the face, the vampire kept on slashing until a burst of light hit him in the neck, nearly taking his head off.

Stepping back as his brother took the spot, unfurling a shield with a point down the very center, defending against the bullets of true sunlight, the needle fired off, only to be caught in its tracks, once Maiele got rid of the mana spikes struck in her legs, all three combatants jumped back.

The elf rubbing her face below the nose, finding hints of dark red and silver within her own brilliant blood, she was losing in efficiency and the gravelord's attacks were leaving traces upon her, this was not good.

Vespertillo and Atsalinopalo were unnaturally shaking, the constant contact with sunlight wasn't as terrible as it once was thanks to their king's protection, but they were not perfectly suited for this adversary still, preferably, a gravelord that was not a vampire would have been sent to face the Elven Light, but that had not been possible, and anyone below the level of a gravelord could not hope to do anything substantial.

Their attacks were lacking their usual impact now.

Manipulating their bloods, both of them focused on granting toxic effects upon it, which applied to the small portions that had found their way within the elf.

No matter the result, they were all going to end up on the ground by the end of it.

In fact, neither of the three felt like they could fight precisely anymore, limbs weak, attention waning, struggling to accurately judge distances, in the next clash, barely anyone managed to dodge anything.

In the next, not any attacks were evaded, turning into a messy slugfest, miniature sun striking and grinding into the backs of the lords, animalistic and mechanical strikes landed true everytime, even if off from the initial target.

And in the third, the trio just grounded themselves in their attempts to attack, laying with their backs on the ground like children that had finished playing like idiots under a scorching heat.

"By death's grace, who wins this fight?" asked Vespertillo, his body turned heavy and sluggish by the light that clung to his undead flesh, it was certainly a weird sensation for an untiring corpse to be left in such a condition, it had been a long time since he had last had to face the consequences of sunlight.

"Does it look like anyone won to you? We are all on the ground, looks like a tie to me" Atsalinopalo attempted to manifest something but failed miserably.

"Shut the hell up you two, let me die in peace, the miasma is eating away at me, the miasma wins" Maiele Liameilos heaved a heavy sigh, no longer even capable of defending against the environment.

"It's the obvious outcome anyways, Nitok crippled me, I did pretty good when weakened, or perhaps you two are weaker than I imagined…" she closed her eyes and took a much needed rest.

"Did… Did she just fall asleep? The disrespect until the very end!"

"She looks pretty cute like that…"

"Snap out of it brother!"

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