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Chapter 155: Chapter 18


Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth

August 9th 3050

This was it. The Jade Falcons were here, and I was not nearly as ready as I wished. My men weren't as well-trained as I would have liked, not by half. Those operating the field guns were nothing but brave speedbumps. A similar issue existed with the conventional aircraft we had cobbled together – 36 Owls, otherwise known as Light Strike Fighters, which had basically no armor and were 10-ton fighters, each armed with an SRM-4. Added to that were seventy civilian aircraft, modified to hold quick-release unguided bombs on their wings.

I had tried hard to make use of all the resources available to me, but I had my doubts about some portions of my ad hoc units. I would be sacrificing precious human resources to inflict, at times, only minor damage on my opponent.

Hopefully they won't be needed at all.

The batchall was issued by a Star Colonel Evelyn Buhallin.

"This is Colonel Katherine Steiner-Davion, defending Blackjack for the Federated Commonwealth. I abhor waste; let us decide this with minimal cost to lives and material."

I had to wait for a response, since instant communication was not possible, even with them appearing over a nearby Pirate Point.

A sharp laugh came from the other end of the comm link.

"Not this time. What forces do you defend this world with?"

Damn it.

"Everything I have. I will send you the details and unit histories. You will have them momentarily. However, I still believe you should consider avoiding significant damage to this world and your forces. I have a great amount of artillery, and I am willing to forgo its use and honor Zellbrigen if we can come to an arrangement. As a gesture of good faith, I will offer you Safcon."

Come on…

"A Trial for a world requires a proper battle. Where is our battlefield?"

Damn it!

"In the interest of avoiding additional harm to the populace and its infrastructure, I have identified an area that is uninhabited. It is a rather large area full of industrial ruins and my own recent defenses and artillery emplacements. I will send you the coordinates, but the radius will be thirty kilometers, and you will not find it a pleasant ground to fight on. Star Colonel, there is also the matter of the prize for when I win. Given that this world has three continents and I have even more forces to draw on, I believe a tripling of the prize I won on Wotan is appropriate. Three Stars of 'Mechs, three Points of Elementals, six members of the Tech Caste, and safe departure from this world at any time within three weeks of my victory."

I was hedging my bet, as I still did not intend to leave Blackjack. But having the opportunity to do so if things looked grim would be a useful backup.

"No. There will be no more technology given to you."

I waited for more, but there wasn't anything.

"That hardly seems honorable, what would you consider of equal value?"

"I can offer you safe passage away from the system."

"That is not equivalent value! My counteroffer is that I retain my right to safe departure, but I also receive all the captured AFFC soldiers your Clan has taken since this invasion began."

A long pause, longer than the time it would take just due to the delay.

"Logistically, that would be difficult. I can offer you prisoners from a single world of your choice."

I thought quickly. This could bolster my image, but I needed something more.

"Two worlds, safe passage, and this planet can be used to receive said prisoners and allow time for their reconstitution and rehabilitation into our military. Clan Jade Falcon will refrain from attacking the Blackjack system for a period of three years. I would rather not have to fight multiple Trials of Possession in a row."

I waited, a bit anxious, I had no idea if they would tolerate that sort of agreement.

"Two years, and the return of what you call prisoners can take up to six months so that it does not impact my Clan's timetable."

I thought it over. This was probably the best possible deal I could get, but I tried one more time for something different.

"I can agree to those terms, but remember this Trial will not be pleasant. Because you refuse to limit the forces to a small battle, I will rain artillery down on you. Mines have been placed on the field, though not in your landing area. Thousands of volunteer soldiers would rather give their lives swarming you than see this world fall. It will be a bloody, honorless battle, and even should you win, you will see your military might degraded. Or… you can show your Clan superiority. Fight me, one-on-one for this world. Or, if that is not to your liking, your Command Star against mine, equal tonnage. An equal battle – prove your genetic line is greater. Face me or face ignoble death."

This was an incredible risk, but I was confident I could win any solo engagement. I had Star Colonel Diane Anu's entire combat history, and she routinely defeated others amongst the Clans. Aiko and Gregory were good – very good – and they could hold their own. With defender's choice for the battleground, I would also stack the deck further. And since I had not, in this offer, agreed to follow Zellbrigen for a Star-on-Star battle, those critical first moments of the battle could sway it inexorably toward my side.

A very long pause, followed by a disappointed-sounding voice. "No, I have my orders. We will land within two days, and then the trial will begin. Bargained well and done."

"Bargained well and done. Send me your bid when it is completed."

"It is already done, I will send you the unit and warrior histories, now."

Already done?

As the data came through, my eyes bugged out. Two whole clusters? 100 'Mechs, 125 Elementals, and 50 Aerospace fighters? Where was their bidding? Where was their attempt at using the minimal forces needed to take a world? Those damned hypocritical cheats!

I took a calming breath. This was fine. I had a plan, with defenses in place and more than a few nasty surprises. I had bid everything on this world in defense, and I had meant it. I knew the terrain; in fact, we had designed portions of it to funnel enemy forces to where we wanted them!

"All units, it is showtime. We have two days for final preparations. Everyone has their orders. Light the chemical fires and begin Operation: KRIEGSNEBEL. Begin moving material with our DropShips and begin Operation: BOLLWERK."

As my soldiers saw to their assigned tasks, I would be piloting my custom Phoenix Hawk. My Gargoyle would go unpiloted for now, but if my Phoenix Hawk took moderate to significant damage, I would switch 'Mechs. This was going to be a battle of attrition, and with the Fortress DropShip laying near the center of the urban complex with its 'Mech repair bays, I could even see myself switching multiple times as necessary. The DropShip's Long Tom and extensive other weaponry would be a boon as well.

Aiko would be piloting the Summoner. The heavy OmniMech's jump jets would allow her to keep up with me in the urban wasteland. My command would be quite dispersed, but that was fine with me. We knew the paths to tread to avoid the mines and other nasty surprises I had in store. There would be several avenues where effective pursuit would only be possible with jump jets. And should pursuit make it across the same area we were jumping over… well all the better.

Despite all my preparations, I wasn't sure it would be enough. A lot would depend on the enemy Clan commander and how they responded to the industrial wasteland environment. My biggest worries were the Elementals and the Aerospace fighters. They would control the skies until I could bait them into my flak. I had a few ways of doing so, but we'd have to see if they were as foolish as the Wolf Clan had been.



Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth

August 11th 3050

Star Colonel Evelyn Buhallin was displeased with the area she would be fighting in – over 2,800 square kilometers filled to the brim with debris, refuse, and random fires. The fires themselves did not seem likely to spread over concrete and steel, but the harsh chemicals were playing havoc with their sensors.

At least it is not poisonous. In the short-term.

The other difficulty were the ruins of tall buildings that prevented easy sight lines. Other areas that had once been massive factories, now laid derelict and filled with rusted scrap.

The two Clusters she had brought were spread out yet still close enough to provide support if necessary. As they searched for their foes, they remained wary of ambushes. She sent two Stars of Aerospace fighters to provide reconnaissance. They reported that the abandoned industrial complexes were interspersed with bunkers. They also noted the presence of runways, but only in one area did they see any aircraft. They requested permission to strike, but Evelyn feared a trap.

"Star Colonel," reported Star Commander Grady from Trinary Charlie, "we have movement on our sensors – estimate of a Star of 'Mechs."

Trinary Charlie consisted entirely of light 'Mechs, making it perfect for scouting.

"Send the coordinates, but do not engage. Move along the outskirts of the complex and remain wary of ambush. I am deploying Trinary Bravo of the Fifth Battle Cluster to secure the area."

With both 'Mechs and Elementals, Trinary Bravo was well-equipped to handle an ambush. As Evelyn advanced in her Summoner, the ground suddenly shook – a mine had detonated within 200 meters of her. The Hellbringer that had triggered it sustained only minor damage, but the explosion forced the formation to slow their advance, proceeding with greater caution.

Filthy devices.

"Enemy has leapt across the ruins," Star Commander Grady reported. "They have a Summoner – three mediums. Engaging now."

She radioed Star Captain Hogan Thastus of Trinary Bravo to advance with all haste.

Grady's Star consisted of three Kit Foxes and two Adders, all 35 tons or less. The Summoner will prove dangerous to them.

"Filthy surats!" Grady cursed a few moments later. "They combined their fire on Lydia's Adder, and after destroying her 'Mech, they jumped back over the ruin. We inflicted only minor damage, but I see a path we can take to follow."

"Neg, wait for reinforcements."

Other scouts, directly ahead of her, had located a clearer path that wasn't as arduous to traverse. The boom of an artillery cannon shattered her focus. The massive shell struck near their position but didn't hit anyone. The crater left by the explosion indicated it was heavy artillery.

Heavy artillery – did Katherine lie about the weaponry she had on hand in what she forwarded to us?

One artillery cannon was not a concern. The Thumpers, light artillery, would still be a threat, but their limited numbers shouldn't cause too much damage. She hoped ComStar's data about the new artillery the enemy had was accurate. Dying from fire launched kilometers away was no way for a warrior to meet their end.



Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth

August 11th 3050

Point Commander Garric of Bravo Nova of Trinary Bravo was eager to erase the shame that Star Colonel Diane Anu had brought upon the Cluster. Everyone in the Cluster was grateful to Star Colonel Evelyn Buhallin for including them in the bid to take this world. The Spheroids were using their barbarous ways. To think that four heavier 'Mechs had ganged up to destroy a single light 'Mech before fleeing boiled his blood.

A Point should fight a Point. He and the other four Elementals he led would work as a team – but only the five of them, no more. He and his Point disembarked from the Hellbringer that had carried them and advanced over the concrete debris that had once been a city. Even with the hellish smoke and shattered ruins, he thought the world was far finer than most back home. The Inner Sphere was truly a place of vast riches, governed by the worst of humanity.

A full Star of Elementals had crested the top, and Garric reported in to Trinary Command.

"Star Captain, we have spotted four 'Mechs retreating. Moving to identified sector Charlie to sweep for explosives. We will–"

He was cut off as he saw one of his Elementals fall backward. From his angle, he could see the thin visor shattered by a smoking hole.

Based on the trajectory of the shot, he pinpointed that it came from the building at 7 o'clock. He relayed orders, and the Elementals swarmed toward the building. Some lifted off using their miniature jump jets, while others dashed from cover to cover, raising their armored arms to shield their faceplates.

Garric easily scaled the ruins. The building was twelve stories tall, and he and his team would have no trouble sweeping it clean and finding the surat coward who had fired from hiding. As the Elementals stepped into the building on various floors – many with sections of walls missing – several explosive devices detonated.

Garric was within five meters of one and was blasted back, his armor taking light damage from the concussive force of the C4 explosion. The bigger problem was the building collapsing. He saw one Elemental caught beneath tons of ferroconcrete before they could jet away. Garric managed to escape, as did most of the others. A neighboring Point had two Elementals trapped, but they were still alive thanks to their suits.

Is the sniper dead or did they somehow get away immediately after shooting?

His Star Commander, Jo Thastus, ordered a Point to clear the debris and rescue the buried Elementals while checking for possible exfiltration points the sniper could have taken. A minute later, artillery shells whined through the air and came down on the collapsed building. The artillery wasn't powerful – even a direct hit was probably survivable – but multiple shells struck, and the combined fire slew one of Garric's Elementals along with others from other Points.

Filthy barbarians! Was this planned?

"Contact!" his comms chirped. "Enemies in Elemental battle armor suits," came a furious voice. "The coward fired once and is fleeing."

Garric radioed, "This is a trap! They will retreat to building that will explode as well."

New orders had them pulling back. Star Colonel Evelyn Buhallin was calling in an airstrike to clear a path, trigger other traps, and detonate any hidden explosives.

At least a full Point of Elementals had been slain, along with the Adder, and nothing from the enemy was lost, save for possibly a single sniper. The massive Elemental shook his head in disgust. Perhaps this slow approach was wrong. A Falcon was meant to strike like lightning. Let those surats trigger their traps; they would overcome them and then come to grips. Better than this slow bleeding of their strength.

He said as much to his Star Commander, who shared a similar mind. They would follow orders regardless of what they thought of them. Eventually, Command had to see that suffering attrition like this was not sustainable.



Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth

August 11th 3050

Marco Stevens hunkered down as best he could. He technically had some arms training from showing up once a year for a week of 'camp,' but beyond that, there was little he knew of warfare. However, when the Princess herself came on the holovid and swore to die before she let these Jade Birdies take Blackjack, how could he do less?

His role wasn't glamorous; he was no 'Mech jock or anything. He was part of a squad on the outer portion. All he and his crew had to do was help reload the SRM launcher, watch for movement, and have one guy on comms. He had been issued a rifle but was told that the caliber of it wasn't even strong enough to pierce the visor of a Toad. Basically, it could only be of any use to distract or in the event the Toad had already suffered damage that broke part of its armor. Still, it felt good to have it in his hands.

Earlier, some 'Mechs had passed by, but they were friendlies. The comms guy told them that it was likely the Toads would be coming here next. Their job, along with a dozen other SRM teams, was to unleash hell. If 'Mechs showed up instead, they were to hunker down or run, depending on what was happening.

It turned out, neither occurred. Explosions rang out.


Marco hadn't heard them approach, so it probably meant they weren't dive-bombing. He had been told by the infantry veteran that they had anti-aircraft assets in the area, but he didn't think they could reach the enemy if they were in the clouds.

He clenched his teeth as the ground rattled and shook. Would a bomb hit his unit? Was he going to die before even firing a single shot? Explosions rippled nearby, but none hit the cover they were crouching in, though they were coming closer. One of his squad mates lost his cool and ran out, away from the building, heading for the ladder they had used to get up to their position.

Marco thought about joining him, but then an explosion ripped all thought from him.

When he came to, he was barely conscious. Blood ran down the side of his face, and horrible pain greeted him. The building he had been in was on the ground, and only by luck had he not been killed. He had still fallen three stories, and both his legs were broken, as was his arm. Above him, he saw the little Owl planes buzzing around. He saw one explode and sent up a prayer for the pilot.

With a bloody grin, he saw the Birdie Aerospace fighters scatter the smaller conventional aircraft, only to be greeted in turn by the sky lighting up with autocannon fire. Marco didn't know all that much, but he knew that small bits of metal striking fast-moving flying things was a recipe for disaster. And by the sounds of it, a lot of metal was filling the skies. He saw several massive Aerospace fighters lose complete control and crash to the ground.

Blackjack lives!



Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth

August 11th 3050

MechWarrior Drack was just happy to be included in such a priority invasion. While Blackjack was not important, the fact that Katherine Steiner-Davion was on the planet had made it a combat assignment anyone would wish for. The Cluster he was a part of was not Solamha, but it was second-line. As a warrior who had just acknowledged the 30th anniversary of his decanting day, he was eager to be part of something big and be given the chance to be recognized. He had never been sponsored for a Bloodname. There was still time, but it was running out, and it did not help that he was not even piloting an OmniMech.

He was operating something better than these Spheroids, at least. The 'Mech itself was hundreds of years old, a remnant from the old Star League Defense Force. The Lancelot was 60 tons, and for armaments, it had one PPC, two large lasers, and a medium laser. He was covetous of his Star Commander's superior weaponry in his Executioner.

They had already faced enemy hovercraft that had attacked and then retreated. They were fast and knew exactly what path to take to avoid pursuit. Their unique method of movement meant they did not trigger the surat mines that had been placed along their path of retreat. It was maddening.

At least I destroyed one with my arsenal before it could retreat.

In their first 'real' battle of the day, they had stumbled upon a trio of bunkers with unarmored infantry in them shooting autocannons at them. Behind those bunkers were less than a Star of medium 'Mechs and a little more than a Star of vehicles firing short-range missiles and autocannons. They had made short work of the 'Mechs despite their good use of cover. The vehicles had retreated, and Drack finally vented his vengeance on the Spheroids who had been firing their guns at him during the entire engagement.

It had not done much damage to his armor, but between that and the damage from the missiles, it had taken one of his large lasers offline. It was infuriating how they fought, and one of his Star-mates had her 'Mech destroyed and then killed in the crossfire.

She was fun to couple with. I will take great pleasure in destroying you filthy ants.

The bunker survived for a few moments longer before the sustained power of BattleMechs reduced it to slag and cinders. It was time to move on. Heavy fighting was occurring elsewhere, and Drack was eager to be a part of it.

Fresh orders rang out: heavy fighting, and a unit needed assistance. Their Star Captain ordered them to move faster and relieve the warriors of the 305th Assault Cluster. Drack looked around and saw there were only eight other 'Mechs of their Trinary still with them.

More than a Star lost!

There was a barricade of debris in front of them, but it was surmountable even without jump jets. As they crossed over the rocky terrain, sensor warnings flashed as SRMs lashed out from the ground.

More ants!

They had scattered quickly after firing their missiles but that would not save them.

"Ignore the infantry and stay on me," his commander instructed. As they pushed their 'Mechs as fast as they dared, the sensors flared as they got close enough to the battle to pierce through the electronic jamming, chemical smoke, magnetized strips hanging everywhere, and randomized heat signatures flared in nearly all the buildings as they passed. After passing all that, Drack finally saw the fight they were joining.

Broken 'Mechs, vehicles, and Elementals littered the ground. The main fight seemed to be against aging Inner Sphere heavy 'Mechs and a mass of armored vehicles firing low-caliber autocannons. As his Star Commander divvied up targets, more enemy 'Mechs were picked up on their sensors.

Ice Ferret, Timber Wolf, Summoner, Hellbringer, and an Inner Sphere Phoenix Hawk.

Drack suspected the Timber Wolf or the Summoner might even be Katherine! If he could defeat her, he would be sure to be sponsored for a Bloodname! Instead, his Star Commander indicated he was to deal with the Phoenix Hawk. Biting his cheek in rage, he momentarily hoped whoever fought Katherine failed to bring her down so he could.

No, this is wrong. The Clan before all.

Annoyed at himself and the situation, he only had a moment to target the enemy 'Mech before it glided past him with stunning speed, ripping lasers into him as his own missed. He twisted the Lancelot around to try to hit it, but somehow it had turned faster than a 'Mech moving at that velocity should be able to. A cloud of dust and debris was kicked up as it practically drifted across the ground while it circled. Continuing his turn he also twisted his torso to line up his weapons.

I have you now!

The shot was difficult, but Drack was a Trueborn Warrior, his sibko a mixture of the Pryde and Hazen bloodlines. He would not let some Spheroid pilot best him with this strange movement! He managed to connect with his remaining large laser, which clipped the leg, and his medium laser struck it in the torso. Scorched armor burned down the 'Mech, scarring its frame.

The return strike was deadly accurate; lasers ripped through the already damaged right torso, exposing his internal structure, and damaging the PPC housed there.


As he continued to turn his 'Mech to try to keep his sure-footed opponent within sight of his guns, his cockpit flared in warning. An ER PPC, SRMs, LRMs, and a slew of lasers ripped into the back of his 'Mech. The weaker rear armor tore apart as no less than three 'Mechs opened fire on his exposed backside while he had turned his 'Mech to keep the Phoenix Hawk in front of him. That much damage killed his engine and his gyroscope. He didn't even bother ejecting as his 'Mech tumbled face-down into the ground.

It was over. He had lost to filthy Spheroids. There would be no recognition for him after the battle was eventually won. Drack had been cheated of his chance to earn a Bloodname. His comms system was still active, even if everything else was dead. It was always the last system to keep power, even when the fusion engine died, for clear reasons. As he listened in, he realized in growing horror that perhaps the battle would not be won by the Jade Falcons.



Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth

August 11th 3050

Star Colonel Evelyn Buhallin sat wide-eyed in her cockpit. How were her forces taking so many casualties? She took stock of what she had left and felt shame boil within her.

My opening bid, thanks to Star Colonel Pryde's initial bid, was only 105 'Mechs, 150 Elementals, and 50 Aerospace Fighters. If I contact her, I can only deploy a single Nova – just five 'Mechs and 25 Elementals.

She unfortunately had to do it. The forces were already on the planet and by the DropShips. It would not take them long to get here. In the meantime, she assessed what she had left. Unit integrity had been lost, as nearly every Star that had seen combat had lost multiple Points. Entire Stars had been destroyed as well.

Her primary 'Mech force consisted of her Cluster Command Star with only minimal damage, along with another 40 'Mechs in various levels of combat readiness. Her Aerospace fighters had helped clear a path, but when confronted by the enemy conventional fighters, they had slaughtered whole Stars of the enemy. However, it had proven to be a costly mistake. The enemy had baited her Aerospace Stars into the range of concentrated flak fire. According to the pilots who managed to escape, no less than a hundred separate guns had filled the sky with deadly metal storm.

Some of their tanks have four of those guns attached, so it wasn't that many resources devoted to it, but operating in atmosphere is always dangerous for Aerospace.

It wasn't just flak that had struck back, however. Despite the haze, PPCs, lasers, and LRMs had added to the toll as well.

She had lost almost four Stars, leaving only 12 Aerospace fighters remaining. The enemy also had a small unit of Aerospace assets, and when they appeared, they strafed the Elementals like the cowards they were. When her own Aerospace units tried to intercept, they flew back over where the enemy AA guns had massed, and she had called them off. The entire battle was giving her a massive headache.

The status of her Elementals was even more dire. The vast majority had been killed. They had crushed the enemy infantry at every turn, but sniper fire, C4 explosions, falling buildings, and even that damn Aerospace strafing had steadily mounted casualties among them. She had roughly 30 Elementals left, just a little more than a Star. The fights they had to face were maddening. Estimates ranged from several hundred to over two thousand of the enemy 'warriors,' if they could even be called that, slain. Killing someone without even Elemental armor seemed more like putting down a lower Caste mob than engaging in a true battle.

Communication with Star Colonel Marthe Pryde had, for once, not been a chore. She had graciously allowed Evelyn's initial bid to be deployed, with the only condition being that Katherine Steiner-Davion would be her prize.

The only thing worth taking on this rock.

There was a clear path for her reinforcements to take, and once they neared, Evelyn gave the order to advance. The array of battle and the layout of where the heavy artillery was coming from were close. There would no doubt be more unworthy traps, but she still had a Star and a half of the Gyrfalcon Eyrie Cluster to send ahead at full speed to trigger them.

She would come behind with her Cluster Command Star and punch through whatever defenses they had left. Victory could still be within their grasp. She ordered her Aerospace fighters, now that they had refueled, to circle the sky and be ready to join when called upon.

She winced as a direct hit struck an already damaged Crab 'Mech from the Star League era. With almost no armor left, it was torn to shreds when the artillery shell hit. Moving slightly around the victim of the strike, she urged her warriors onward.

Instead of growing denser with mines and ambushes, the inner ring of her opponent's defense was almost peaceful. Debris had been cleared to either side.

Was this meant to be a sally point for a charge? Or is there something else I'm missing that these underhanded freebirths have in store?

The debris field began to curve. She had some Elementals hop off and ascend it to see if there were 'Mechs lined up at the top, out of sight. There weren't, but they reported seeing 'Mechs about a klick out. As the path curved again, the effort was repeated. The artillery fired, and she saw a Summoner take some minor damage.

Every second we wait, more of our armor is chipped away.

She issued the order to move at maximum speed. The Star ahead of her ran into little more than a company of medium tanks, which quickly retreated as they fired their small autocannons. Beyond them, there were more 'Mechs, but they weren't within range of either side. As her own Summoner moved forward, the ground quivered oddly, almost as if...


An explosion sounded from beneath, and the very ground collapsed beneath her. She fired her jump jets and flew up to safety, but the rest of her Star, along with at least three additional Stars behind her, fell into the pit. She turned her 'Mech to look down and saw it wasn't a terribly far fall; almost all the 'Mechs had survived, though some had damaged legs. The true issue was that ascending out of the massive pit would prove difficult... and the whistling of nearly a hundred artillery shells coalescing on the pit was unmistakable.

The pit was coated in artillery fire. One large boom, followed by half a dozen medium ones and an almost innumerable number of smaller-caliber explosions, shattered her Cluster's 'Mechs. A third of her force was in the pit and would soon be dead. The massive wave of firepower was inescapable. She ordered those 'Mechs with jump jets to either cross if they could make it or jump over the mass of debris to the sides and walk over. Meanwhile, she had a fight to win as enemy 'Mechs advanced.

She took aim at one of the tanks, her computer indicating it was a Vedette. She had chosen Configuration D for her OmniMech based on the battle she anticipated facing during this deployment. Her primary weapons were energy-based: two ER large lasers and two ER medium lasers. Since she knew the enemy had a significant number of unarmored infantry, the configuration also gave her two machine guns. For personal protection, she also had an anti-missile system.

Her lasers stabbed out and penetrated the vehicle's armor, causing it to begin smoking and freezing in place. Meanwhile, an all-out brawl was taking place between what was left of the Stars she had borrowed from the Gyrfalcon Eyrie Cluster and the enemy 'Mechs and armor. Greatly outnumbered and already badly wounded, their inferior stravag opponents were securing kill after kill. Even lowly 'Mechs like a Commando were deadly when her warrior's internals were visible to the naked eye.

The enemy 'Mechs that arrived first were of the medium and light variety, but soon more massive 'Mechs showed up, including a Zeus and a Marauder. Coming to her aid were two more Summoners and twenty Elementals, but the other half of her non-jump-capable 'Mechs could not reinforce them.

I need to find another way around.

Ordering the retreat she fired her jump jets and sought for a place to advance.

One of her Star Commanders suggested they break off debris and form a ramp to get to the other side of the impromptu walls that had been created. She cursed the lack of hands for most of her 'Mechs, but they scrambled to achieve it. The artillery continued firing, and they took more and more losses. However, as they finished the ramp and pushed forward with what they had left, they charged into the inner circle of the enemy defense. Sensors indicated that only a thin wall and scattered chemical fires separated them from a massive enemy formation.

They may have too much left to face, but attempting to retreat now would guarantee our failure.

They fired their weapons at the wall, tearing a hole with laser and PPC strikes. It crumpled, and they pushed through into the arms of death.

Recessed into another pit was a Fortress DropShip. The Star Colonel realized that Katherine had not lied about her artillery. She had even included the Fortress DropShip and all the other DropShips on the world as part of her defense. The Fortress DropShip had a Long Tom built into it, allowing it to serve as fire support after it landed and disgorged 'Mechs. Along with the Long Tom, it also had six PPCs, two AC/20s, five AC/5s, fourteen missile launchers of various types, and twenty-four lasers of varied types. Not all of those weapons could point at them at the same time, as they were distributed around the DropShip, but many could.

As PPCs and missiles rained down, the rest of the enemy force came into view. Anchored by a set of bunkers on either side that held autocannons in field gun-mounts, they also had to contend with the enemy's heavy firepower. Four massive 80-ton tanks with unmistakable twin AC/20s raced forward.

Elsewhere, two Awesomes and a Warhammer added their own PPC damage, while a venerable Atlas closed in. Behind them was a Gargoyle, firing ER PPCs with pinpoint accuracy.

Katherine, have you been hiding all this time? Letting your infantry die in droves and bleeding us white at every chance you get? How despicable.

Around the Gargoyle was another knot of Clan 'Mechs: a Summoner, a Timber Wolf, a Kit Fox, and a Hellbringer. Star Colonel Evelyn Buhallin called in her Aerospace support and saw she wasn't the only one. The sky was filled with conventional aircraft, though they didn't even look armed. She clicked her comms and issued a challenge to Katherine, even as missiles streaked toward her. Her AMS fired and intercepted many, but over two dozen from multiple 'Mechs peppered her armor, as did autocannon fire from one of the bunkers and a PPC from an Awesome.

"I offered you a chance to settle this one-on-one before, and you declined it. Shall we try a secondary batchall? You have already lost this Trial of Possession, and I have no intention of granting you safe passage back to your DropShips, even if you surrender. However, we can fight for these stakes. You defeat me, you can return to your DropShips with your warriors and your 'Mechs. If I defeat you, your MechWarriors and Elementals, those that you have left, will exit their machines, and surrender them to us. Your people will be returned, but we will keep all your 'Mechs and Elemental suits."

Evelyn cursed and launched her 'Mech into the air, past the Demolisher tanks, racing for Katherine. "I am a Jade Falcon warrior! I fear no foe, but I will not give you any of our technology. Face me yourself, or prove your cowardice. No terms!"

In response, two ER PPCs and a large pulse laser from Katherine were joined by another sixty LRMs, followed by more autocannon fire, medium lasers, and an AC/20 from the Atlas, which was further joined by SRMs and Inner Sphere PPC fire. Her 'Mech was not destroyed; it was annihilated. The last sight the leader of the 305th Assault Cluster saw was fiery explosions heralding her death.

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