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Chapter 20: Chapter 114. Turn thy head.

Not long after Max left, Everly fell into a deep slumber, during which, she dreamt.

In the dream, in the midst of a deep forest that she didn't recognize, Everly finally met an armored man sitting on a small rock, who appeared to be waiting for her.

He was a handsome blonde-haired man with one eye covered in a black eyepatch. His gleaming white armor reminded Everly of the equipment she'd seen paladins wearing. It was flawlessly pristine, unmarred by scratches or dents. As though it were ceremonial and had never been put to practical use.

"Well, how about that? You really are alive! Isn't that something?" the stranger asked with a voice that exuded good-natured cheer. He rose from the rock he'd been sitting on and came closer to Everly, stopping a few inches from her so that he could take a good look at her.

"You're so different from the other ones," he said. "Not a hint of the corruption. You're so pretty, too. I wasn't expecting that. By this point in your lifespan, you should be exhibiting all kinds of symptoms of your illness. Could it be you've somehow cured yourself?"

The stranger removed one of his gauntlets and placed his hand against Everly's cheek as he examined her. The touch of his palm against her skin was startlingly cold but Everly, for whatever reason, found the contact pleasant. They stood there for some time gazing at each other until Everly broke the silence.

"Who are you?"

"Someone who's very tired, Everly," he replied. "Someone who's walked too long and seen too much hard road and now only wants a place where he can lay his weary head to rest."

"You sound troubled by your experiences," she said. "A lot of people who love to go on a long journey. To see new things and meet new people, every day a new experience. I'd like that."

"New things are often enticing but our infatuation with them rarely lasts," he said. "Take it from a jaded old wanderer. As time goes by, the only thing we truly crave is the familiarity of the past."

"How old could you possibly be?" she asked him.

"Old enough to suffer which is plenty old enough," he said. He returned to the rock and resumed sitting on it while gesturing to a nearby tree stump. "Won't you please take a seat? I think we have much to discuss."

"A gentleman would have waited until I was seated first before sitting down," Everly said lightly as she sat on the stump. "Shouldn't a man presenting himself as a knight have better manners?"

"That's behavior befitting the presence of a lady, not a vicious warlord," he replied in just as light a tone. "Besides, I sat first to show trust. A seated person is more vulnerable than one who stands. I was politely letting you know that I'm no threat to you."

"Perhaps," said Everly. "Or perhaps you were hinting that I'm no threat to you and sat first to show your lack of fear in my presence. Is that what you're doing, Sir Knight? Are you flexing on me."

"Would you like me to? I possess an excellent physique," he replied.

"Mine's better. I worked harder for it," bragged Everly.

"Mine's more practical," he argued. "Plus, you're young so you probably don't think of the necessity of stretching and warming up before doing your daily activities. When you reach my age, limberness is something you need to work on in order keep it."

"How old are you?" she wondered.

"Technically, I'm the same age as you," he admitted. "But I have more lived experience."

"Doing what?" she scoffed.

"Surviving," he said grimly.

"Sounds like life's been hard for you," she said.

"Honestly, it's been the worst," he said. "I hate myself. I hate who I am, what I've done, what I will do. Every action I've ever taken has been an unavoidable necessity, but I grieve for having to resort to them. A just hand is not necessarily a kind one. I sincerely wish that the circumstances surrounding my deeds would allow me to be a kinder man."

In response, Everly burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. The stranger stared at her in bewilderment as she fell off the tree stump and rolled back and forth on her sides, in childish mockery of his sincerity.

"I'm sorry, did I say something funny?" he asked her as he began to feel a touch offended.

"Everything you just said was funny," chortled Everly as she rubbed her aching belly. "Oh, shit, you…you have a really romanticized view of yourself, don't you? You're painting yourself as a tragic victim of fate, but honestly, you sound more to me like some sort of salesman."

"I thought we were sharing an intimate moment," the knight said with disappointment evident in his voice. "This is an important moment. A meeting between foes should be filled with honesty and respect."

"Mmm, no," Everly said with a firm shake of her head. "Honesty and respect between opponents? That sounds like chivalry."

"That's exactly what it is," said the knight.

"Well, that's the problem right there. Concepts like chivalry in the west or bushido in the east were designed to benefit the ruling class by controlling the conduct of their fighters. There's no expectation for a leader like me to believe in or respect such things. It's a manual for producing malleable schmucks."

"That's a very cynical way of looking at things," he said disapprovingly.

"A knight's job was to unquestioningly kill whoever his lord told him to. Convincing him that there was a proper and honorable way of going about pillaging villages and burning down castles was mostly for the sake of convenances. As long as he didn't think he was a monster doing monstrous things, he could keep living with himself. I don't have any obligation to humor that sort of delusion. Anyone who idealizes the idea of knighthood thinks too highly of themselves."

"Well, shoot," said the knight. "Way to take the fun out of things, little Miss Amorality. Want to tell some preschoolers what happened to the natives after the first thanksgiving while you're busy being an absolute buzzkill?"

"Don't think I wouldn't in a heartbeat," she said smugly.

Now they both laughed.

"All right," he said a short while after they'd both settled themselves. "I think I have a feel for you now."

"A lot of people have thought that before," she said.

"And ended up dead for it?" he asked.

"Well, I wasn't going to say that part aloud," she said demurely.

"Point taken."

"Who are you, anyway?" she finally asked.

"You seriously don't have guesses?" he smiled. "Come on, I know you've got one or two in you. Let me hear it."

"First tell me your name," she said.

"James," he said promptly.

"First tell me your real name," she said, correcting herself.

"Ha," he chuckled. "I'm Evan."

"What's your last name Evan," she asked although she already knew the answer.

"Skolder," he said with an insolent smirk.

"You're not an unknown brother that I'm meeting for the first time, are you? A surprise evil twin?"

"What the heck makes you think I'd be the evil twin?" he laughed.

"Well, that's fair," she had to admit.

"But no, I'm not one of your brothers. Caleb's fine by the way. I'll release him once all of this is over with."

"Something happened to Caleb?" she asked with genuine surprise.

"Good lord, you're awful," he said with a despairing shake of his head.

"Okay, so you're not a relative, but you look like me and you have the same last name," Everly said thoughtfully. "I don't suppose one of my damn duplicates created another male husk to pilot around, did they? Are you another lance?"

"Nope. I'm not a duplicate of any kind," he assured her.

Everly thought about it some more. Then she snapped a finger once the answer came to her. "Ah! Got it! You're an invader from an alternative universe. HA! That is so freakin' cool! You're a bizzarro me! You're Bizzarvely!"

"My name is Evan," he said with a frown.

"You sure you don't want to be Bizzarvely?" she asked hopefully. "It really rolls of the tongue once you get used to it."

"I'll stick with what I have, thanks," he said.

"You're no fun," she sulked.

"I'm a lot of fun," he said in a wounded voice. "People love being around me."

"That can't be true. I haven't heard you use any foul language since we've met. People don't feel comfortable around men who don't curse."

"Gutter language is for gutter people, Everly," he said primly.

"Oh, it's just as I feared," said Everly sadly. "You're definitely an asshole."

Evan sighed and hung his head back to stare at the sky. "This really isn't going how I imagined it would."

"I guess you don't have as much experience being around me as you think you do," she laughed.

"You're not quite correct, by the way," he said.

"About what?"

"About what I am. About who I am. You're closer than you realize, but you're not quite there yet. I'll explain later if you're still curious. Or alive."

"Heh, funny," she said mirthfully. "Why have you called me out here, anyway?"

"Well, I wanted to meet you," he replied. "And I wanted to apologize for that little incident with Hades. The shadowy little guy with all the eyes and teeth? I use him to keep track of things in the realms beyond. I guess he happened to find your location and went all broken arrow on you."

"That Hades creature belonged to you?" Everly asked with narrowing eyes.

"Afraid so. Poor fella was just a miserable collection of aborted emptiness. One of those things that's too ugly and unnatural to be a real part of creation. He and I had a lot in common with each other, so he liked to follow my lead. Imagine my surprise when I realized that you and your new friend, Max, sent him to what lies beyond."

"Oh? Any harsh feelings over it?" asked Everly.

"Not really, no. Alive or dead, it's all the same to a thing like that," replied Evan. "Another one will come along soon enough. All the broken ugly things in creation end up in my hands sooner or later."

"So, you're saying you didn't tell that thing to kill me?" asked Everly.

"Oh, no, I certainly did," he smiled. "Seemed a good opportunity. I didn't realize at the time that you were as capable as I am. Most of the Everlys I've met have been vapid, arrogant things. Useless and deluded. You're that rare percentage of a percentage that can actually back your narcissistic self-regard up with action."

"I don't know if I should feel complimented by that or not," Everly said cautiously. "I mean it's pleasing to know that I'm better than most versions of myself, but the way you said it implies that most versions of myself are some manner of loser."

"Oh, dear, I think she's catching on," said Evan.

"I'm going to let that slide for now, but we'll return to it later so prepare your bones, okay? There will be fractures. Anyway, what's with the setting for this dream? Why are we deep in the woods?" she asked next.

"Symbolism!" Evan said. "It's not the woods, Everly, it's the wilderness."

"Okay," Said Everly. "Why are we in the wilderness?"

"Come on, Everly!" Evan encouraged her. "Don't you remember your scriptures? Think of the book of Matthew."

Everly closed her eyes to focus. Although she'd been an irreligious person in her previous life, the private school she attended had a requirement for mandatory study of the Christian faith. As a result, she had a fairly extensive knowledge of the scriptures even though she hadn't thought of them in years.

"Let's see, the book of Matthew. That covers a bunch of stuff. Can I have a hint?"

"Instant weight loss," he said.

"Ahhh," Everly nodded. "Instant weight loss. You mean fasting. Like when Jesus fasted for forty days in the wilderness and then was tempted by the…oh, wow. Wow, you really are nuts, Evan."

"You think so?" he asked. "I thought I was being clever."

"Come on, man. Do you honestly expect me to believe that you're the Devil?" Everly snorted.

"That would hurt my feelings beyond measure if you did," he said sincerely. "No, Everly. Of course, I'm not the devil in this scenario. That would be you, silly."

"Oh, fuck. Eviler me has messianic delusions," said Everly.

"I'm not evil, Everly. Not even close," Evan said. "I'm proactive salvation. Instead of being tempted, I'm the one who wants to tempt you. Leave this world, Everly. Go back to Earth. Take everything you've acquired here with you. You may keep your magic, your servants, your palace, everything you've rightfully earned. Just take them and go home. Doesn't that sound wonderful?"

"And how am I supposed to do that?" asked Everly.

"It's within my power to open portals to other realms. I can do this for you as well," he said. "Go back to Earth. Remake it into a land of fantasy and adventure just like you craved as a child. Be the change that want to see done! In turn…just leave this world alone."

"That is tempting," Everly said after musing over the deal.

"It's everything you've ever wanted," Evan assured her. "Just say yes."

"The only problem is that I already have a nation under my boot," replied Everly. "With more soon to follow. And if I'm being honest, Evan. I don't feel any significant level of power emanating from you. I bet if I were to call up that stupid system screen and performed an assessment on you, it'd tell me that I'm a lot stronger than you are, aren't I?"

Evan said nothing in reply. He sat there silently, waiting for her to continue.

"So, if I'm stronger than you, and have armies at my command, and a nation that loves me enough to elevate me to godhood, why should I be the one to leave? If crossing dimensions is something a weak little thing like you can do, then I'll undoubtedly acquire that power for myself in time. So, the answer is no. I decline your temptation, Saint Evan."

"Everly, I really wish you'd reconsider," he said.

"I'm not going to," she said. "When I make up my mind, it's made up."

"Yeah, I know," he said ruefully as he stood up. "It just would have been nice to avoid this part for once.

"You seem so sure of yourself," she said with a shake of her head. "It's going to be a real pleasure tearing that certainty away from you."

"Maybe," he said. "I guess we won't have to wait long to find out."

"I guess not," she replied.

"See you there in the real world, Everly. I really did enjoy our talk."

"I did too, Evan. Hey, if I'm really the devil in your scenario, then should I be allowed to tempt you as well?"

"I guess that's fair," he said with a small grin. "What are you offering?"

"Serve me. Give up whatever it is you're trying to do and join my crew. There's always room for more of me."

Evan paused. Then he shook his head.

"That is tempting. It is. I can't do it, though. For two chief reasons."

"What are they?" she asked.

"Well for starters, once you see what I've done, you'll never forgive me."

"Wooo, that sounds ominous," she sneered.

"Yeah. And the second is just an obvious fact for those like us."

"Which is?"

"An Emperor bows to no one, Everly. What he wants, he takes. And I want what you have. That's all there is to it."

And with that, he left her.

As these things went, that was a pretty good parting line.

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