Plaga Mother of the Pest

Chapter 4: Unwanted Guest

The Night and my Rest itself, was everything else then pleasing. Plagas Words the doubts she planted hunted me the whole Night. Barely i could sleep and in the end i wone up sweating completly drained and restless. But even know i clinged to my Faith. So i stand up, falled down to my Knees and begun my Day with praying to my Lord. Something still felt different and of. I didnt heart whispers questioning my doing. No, now it was my own Mind what decided to question my Belive.

My own Mind dared now to question my own Faith. It needed me a good while to silence those thoughts. Then finally i was able to take my Walk through the City of Lotringen. It didnt needed long to notice that Plagas hold of this Part of the City, grow with every passing day. The People begun to gather more into Packs. Twisted creatures of Pale Faces, with wounds covered ober their whole Flesh. It seemed even like the way how they communicated had changed. Because instead of talking it was more, they seemed to speak over their Eyes.

Everytime they looked into my Eyes, it was like i heard their Voices without any spoken Words. Even for myself was this terryfing, so i hasted back into my Home. Something well better someone has already awaited me. In the Dark Shadow i saw her glowing eyes, where was my Bed. "Ahh finally my Dear Priest. I have awaited you. Why you dont come closer. I dont bite, well atleast not for now." Her voice was an twisted combination an pure Poision of Hunger and sweetness. So totatly different from how Plaga had presented herself all the Time.

With shaking Feet i gone to bed and sat down. Suddenly Something begun to light up. An Stone made out of Something silver looking, with cracks in it. Enough Light to let me See Plagas Body now wrapped in my Blanket. Her big breasts also covered in cracks a barely covered. The same for her booty revealing more skin then i wanted to see. But truly terryfing for me was the Look in her Face. No Rage, no Vengeance but pure Hunger and Lust. My Eyes grow and widened in Shock. She noticed how i set do shacking on the Bed.

"No Wonder youre shaking Priest. Look at yourself, you should eat Something. It looks like your Flesh is falling down from your Bones." I tried to avlid looking at her. Trying to resist her temptation. My Hands was clearly nervous, my Fingers shaking restless. "How Plaga? The outer Wall is mostly isolated sinde youre appeared. When your Plague isnt killing us by eathing through our Flesh it will kill us. You will kill us in one or another way." Like an Predator she crawled closer and approached me from the back.

Wrapping her naked long Porzellan Doll shaped legs around my Hips. I felt how she pressed her naked Breasts on my Back. Her arms wrapped around my Body. Caressing my clothed Skin sensual. "Hmm tell me Priest why should be that my Problem? No i dont let them starve. Your King and the Church is the ones who limits their Foods. But soon all of them will suffer the same Fate." I slap her hamds away. "For what Plaga? To Destroy everything? To burn everything down? No for you we are just Playthings.

Why youre even here and why like this? To plant more Seeds in my Mind? To break me more? No Plaga you cant break what is already Dead inside. I only live to save as much People i can. To show them the Light in the Darkness you created." An loud laughing followed from an Grab on my Throat. Her nails digged deep into my Throat as clear warning. "Be careful what you wish for Priest. I could end your Live right now, right here. You know to good no one would come to save you. Not your Savior not any of those you saved." Her voice begun to Sound kind sad.

"Well but i would miss you Priest. Afterall youre my favourite Plaything her. The Truth is Priest, the corruption is already do far. Only the Decay can return everything how it was meant." She takes her Hand away from my Throat. "Tell me Plaga one Thing please. Why me? Do you hate our Faith so much? Do you hate me so much that you do all to me? I dont know anymore what is real amd what not. My Body is about to give up. Each step i take, i m freezing and Shaking. Only my Will holds me alive. What do you want from an dying men?

Please Plaga if truly now Something like Mercy grant me this Wish." For an Moment i thought i heard her purring behind me. "Fine Priest, i will grant your Wish. The reason why i haunt you is that youre different. Even when you cant see it yourself. You have an Darkness in yourself Like no o Else. An Dark Side hidden your Light. Well by the Lies you call your Light. But tell me Gerald fo you was ever truly free? So Gerald i answered your Questions and know i want Something from you." I felt an cold shiever running down my Spine asheard her Words.

"What i could give you what you couldnt just take from me Plaga." Her Hand begun to softly caress my Chest, moving over my Nipple. As she whispered full of Lust in my Ear. "This Time i want that you let your Hands run over my Legs Gerald. I tasted already your Lips. So Delicious. Now i want to feel your Touch. Do you know how Long never felt Something on my Skin? It would make me Truly happy Gerald. Who knows maybe i will show for this then some Mercy to the People here. But the Decision is yours Gerald. Will you take an Chance?

An possibility without seeing hos the Strings of Fade will Play out? Or will you hold to ehat you can control? Will you Trust me blindly? Or will you trust blindly into your God?" Her words made me shover everywhere. My Heart was beating so quick, i could barely Breath. She noticed it and laid her Hand on my Heart. Suddenly my Panic moved away and an gentle warmth Spread through my Body. Still my thoughts are racing, it feels like betraying everything i belive in. "If there is an chance to help the People i will do it Plaga.

Even when its against everything i belive in." With this my shaking Hand begun to move over her long Pale Silver Leg. It didnt felt human, more like an kind of Material, with cracks in it, but at the same alive. Behind me i heard Plaga purring. Followed from an lick over my Earlope. "Well done Priest, you pleased your Goddess." Suddenly her Body dissapeared into an kind of Fog again. After this i sanked down to the Ground. Everything in me was shaking with disgust. My Hands begun to hit my Head. How i could beteay my Faith my Lord like this?

But then i saw on the Table Something laying. It looked like fruits, but Something what came out of Plagas Touch. The fruits looked unnatural glowing but at the same so tasty. Beflre i couldnt think about to eat her Gift or not, it was to late. My Hands grapped on its own the Fruit. Like an starving animal i begun to eat it. The Taste was amazing, Something like i neber tasted before. So sweet but at the same so complex. I felt how the Food begun to give me new Strentgh. How the Warmth spread back into my Body. The shaking already begone to get less.

For one Moment i was Happy and felt Something like an lightness sinkimg into me. There was only one Question left in my Head.

What was the Priece i need to pay for this.

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