Pokemon Champion Chronicles

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Dragon

Feeling moved by the situation I could only take a leap of happiness, finally things start now, today begins my real way to the top, I raised the Pokeball to the height of my face and said: "I hope we are the best friends Nidoran♂ I promise I will make you a champion" Almost as if responding to my words the Pokeball stirred a little.

When I was about to release my Pokemon from his Pokeball to interact with it for the first time, a loud alarm was heard throughout the city." ALERT! THE ENTIRE POPULATION IS ASKED TO ENTER THEIR HOMES! SIGHTING OF A DRAGON POKEMON."

The alarm had not finished being heard when I saw how Brock moved at full speed to the podium that was in the arena where pressing a red button came out 6 Ultraballs that were hidden there, he took them and ran without saying a word to the outside leaving me there not knowing what to do.


For a second I froze from all the hubbub of alarms, reasoned it out a bit and came to the conclusion that the safest place I could be is this very gym, but I thought this might be my only chance to see a real Dragon-type Pokémon, they are supposed to be the scarcest Pokemon in the region and eventually I will have to fight them when I face each other to Lance for the championship.

With that idea in mind and with the security of being close to Brock in case something happens I ran after him to see what was happening, it didn't take me long to catch up with him as he was standing outside his gym looking up at the sky looking for the threat.

As Brock looked up at the sky, Junior ran up to him, almost out of breath, and said, "Good thing you got out quickly, boss! As soon as I heard the alarm I went out to help Officer Jenny to protect the people, so she explained to me a few Trainers saw a couple of Dragonites flying from the North to here, it seems that they are heading to Viridian Forest but apparently they are extremely angry, they are causing destruction everywhere they go" he said with a terrified face as he waited for Brock to give his orders.

Brock only thought about it for a few seconds before taking out three Ultraballs and saying in a calm tone: "I have no idea that it will have angered those Pokemons but I can't allow them to destroy this city, I'll have to capture them and send them to Lance to relocate them to some sanctuary" he said with a calmness that impressed me and then freed an Aerodactyl, an Aurorus and a hulking Steelix.

Seeing that Brock was getting ready to fight and bringing out what seemed to be his best Pokemon, I was emboldened and approached him to ask, "Oh my god Brock! Your team is awesome, but they're Dragon Pokemons, Dragonite evolves up to level 55 so those things are incredibly powerful Pokemons, what level is your team? Shouldn't you take them all out to defeat them?" I said more curious than scared, as it's hard to be scared when you see a building-sized Steelix ready to defend you.

Brock just glanced at me sideways for a second without taking his eyes off the sky before saying, "You shouldn't be here Max, but I think this will serve you, listen, Dragon Type Pokemons can evolve by level or age, they can live hundreds of years and depending on their nature never get into a fight unless you bother them, so they shouldn't have a lot of experience in battles," he said with a calm tone and then said: "And by the way, my Steelix is at level 53 and it's my strongest Pokémon, but believe me, you can't compare a properly trained Pokémon with a wild one, Pokémon that have Trainer are in better shape, know more strategies and have many more attacks, I have full confidence that with these three I can beat them without much effort," he said, clapping his hands to the Steelix, who lowered his head to receive the affection of his Trainer.

Not even a few seconds passed when loud roars were heard coming from the sky, Brock just clicked his tongue and said in an annoyed tone: "I was hoping to be able to face them outside the city but they came very fast, I'll try to lure them towards the park to minimize the damage, Aerodactyl fast go bother them a little!" he said as the Aerodactyl put on a carnivorous smile and soared through the sky.

Brock nodded with a smile and climbed onto the head of his Steelix, which quickly and without receiving a direct order headed south of the city where the park was located with Aurorus running after them.

Junior and I only looked at each other for a second before nodding and running after them, when we were a few streets away we could see a blue ray from the center of the park that pointed directly at the sky clearing the clouds that were there, from there came the two Dragonites that began to circle around the park looking for where that Ice Beam that tried to attack them came from, it only took them a few minutes to locate where Brock was with his Pokemon and the Aurorus that dared to try to stop them.

When Junior said that they seemed to be angry he wasn't exaggerating, the Dragonites had very expressive faces and clearly seemed to be furious, I don't know what happened to put them like that, but I'm very sure that I will never make a Type Dragon angry, even from a distance you could see the amount of power they had and it was not too much to say that if Brock was not there the city would be destroyed without a place to happen. doubt.

The Dragonites determined to maintain their advantage in the sky took aim at Aurorus and released two powerful Dragon Breaths that were intercepted by Steelix who seemed to barely feel anything from the impact, Brock seeing that the Dragonites seemed to be surprised by the ineffectiveness of their attacks quickly shouted to the sky: "Now Aerodactyl uses Take Down!"

Almost as if waiting for the signal, Aerodactyl could be seen coming out of the sky and hitting one of the unsuspecting Dragonites from behind, who helplessly fell to the ground very close to where Brock's Pokémon were.

Brock smiled at this and kept giving orders: "Well done Aerodactyl! Now, Steelix, it's your chance, use Bind on the fallen Dragonite!" Steelix, almost ignoring his enormous size, moved with the agility of a snake and coiled around the Dragonite that was just getting up, with a swift movement he circled it with ease and I could see the desperation on Dragonite's face when he saw such a monster suffocating him with its strength.

Almost showing his pride as a powerful Dragon and his determination to prove that he would not be easy to beat, Dragonite even with Steelix's strength taking his breath away began to hit Brock's Pokemon's face with his free fist, his fists were on fire, but the powerful Steelix only closed his eyes and it became an endurance battle that Steelix ended up winning as Dragonite couldn't take it anymore and He fainted.

The Dragonite that was still in the sky let out a roar when it saw that its mate was in trouble and swooped with its flaming fist straight at Brock's Steelix, when it was a few meters from the ground it stopped suddenly because it was suddenly grabbed by the tail by the bite of Aerodactyl that resisted the Dragonite to advance further.

Brock just nodded as if the whole strategy was planned in advance and shouted, "Aerodactyl just hold it for a few seconds!, now Aurorus freeze it!" Brock's Aerodactyl, still holding the Dragonite's tail in its mouth, showed a mocking smile and held on tighter to the Dragonite's anger, who, anticipating what was about to happen, turned to look at his assailant and threw a Dragon Breath at him at point-blank range.

Brock's Aerodactyl put on a pained face, but didn't give in even after receiving that attack at such close range, showing how committed he was to teamwork, to which Aurorus, almost reciprocating his determination, unleashed an even more powerful Ice Beam than the previous one straight into Dragonite's wings.

I could see Brock's Trainer capabilities with Aurorus' attack, his Ice Beam was extremely accurate, if he had missed a bit he would have hit Aerodyctl and jeopardized the improvised plan of his Trainer, Aerodactyl who as soon as he saw his partner's attack hit the target he moved away with speed while the Dragonite's body froze more and more.

Dragonite affected by the Ice Beam stopped moving and ended up fainting next to his partner to the good luck of Brock who threw two Ultra Balls at the weakened Pokémon, leaving us all nervous to see if all that combined attack was enough to beat them.

The Ultra balls moved for what seemed like an eternity to all of us before a loud *PING* sounded and the Ultra balls almost as if it were magic returned to the hands of the now proud Brock who let out a loud sigh before saying, " Apparently these Dragonites come from some reserve or a large community of Dragon Pokemon , the Breath Dragon they used isn't an attack they learn by leveling up and they didn't seem to be very used to fighting either, if it had been a Dragonite of at least level 50 they wouldn't have fallen down the Ice Beam so easily, so I guess these Pokemons only evolved for age," Brock said out loud but I suspect he was saying it mostly to himself.

Brock stopped thinking for a moment before turning to Junior and saying, "Please go to Officer Jenny and tell her that the situation is under control, I would like to see her myself but this matter is serious and I have to send these Pokemons to Lance so he can see what to do with them." "For your part, Max, I think it would be better if you went back to the orphanage for the rest of the day as they must be worried about you, and tomorrow you can play a little with your new partner" he said with a smile but leaving no opportunity to refute it.

 I decided to follow Brock's instructions, so I nodded and walked straight to the orphanage, once there Mother Clarisse received me with a big hug and with many tears in her eyes, it seemed that she had been crying for a while because she did not know if I was okay but I managed to calm her down after telling her that I was with Brock and that he completely handled the situation, I didn't give him all the details and skipped the part where I was watching the fight, but in the end he calmed down and let me go to my room so I could rest.

After all this day with strong emotions and witnessing the ability of well-trained Pokemon, I decided to sleep and tomorrow focus on forging my relationship with my new best friend.


 The next morning, after a relaxing shower and a hearty breakfast, I approached Mother Clarisse, who was reluctant to let me leave the orphanage today, and I said: "I'm sorry Mother Clarisse, I know things are a bit tense because of yesterday's attack, but I have to look for food for my new friend at the Pokemon Center and by the way, I was thinking of going to the park so I could formally introduce myself to him," I said with a A pleading tone, though deep down I knew that if she said no, I would run away when she let her guard down.

Mother Clarisse just gave a loud sigh and went to the kitchen where she grabbed a small bag that she handed to me: "You don't need to go all the way to the Pokemon Center, here I can give you some Pokemon food that the sisters save for the Pidgeys that hang around the orphanage, you can go to the park directly and feed your Pokemon so that it can see that it can trust you" she said very reluctantly but I think deep down she still knew that I would end up running away if I stopped: "Just please don't forget your Pokenav, if any emergency happens I will contact you directly at your number" added Mother Clarisse.

I just nodded and gave him a big hug before running straight to the park which it didn't take me long to get to because I ran much faster than normal to officially meet my Starter.

As soon as I arrived I went to the emptiest part of the park I saw and took out my Trainer license that now had in the first circle at the bottom the image of a Nidoran♂ which I pressed and the following information came out:


Gender: Male

Level: 5

Movements: Leer, Peck.

Seeing the information only ends up getting more excited, but to myself I thought that eventually I would have to find a way to get a Pokedex, the Pokedex offers location information of Pokemons, future moves and means of evolution among other things and to be honest I don't remember by heart all the moves Nidoran♂ learns when leveling up.

Leaving aside my plans for the future I took Nidoran♂'s Pokeball out of my belt and pressed the button to make it come out, only a small ray of light was seen from which came a purple hare with its characteristic horn, Nidoran♂ only looked into my eyes for a few seconds waiting for me to say something to which I smiled and said with a calm tone: "Hello little friend, my name is Max, from now on I will be your Trainer and you will be my strongest Pokémon, I know it is something sudden but I need to become champion in a ridiculously short time, so I chose you since you have the potential to be one of the strongest Pokemon that will be seen in this region" I said trying to sound as nice as I could to compliment my new Pokemon and maybe get him to like you.

Nidoran♂ looked at me with his eyes shining with excitement at the idea of becoming a powerful Pokémon, seeing that I almost had it on my side I decided to add more to the offer: "I want you to know that I'm also new to battles so we'll have to learn together, but at least I promise you that with me you'll get to your latest evolution and that you'll face powerful rivals, What do you say? Do you want to become a champion with me?" I said, opening my arms with the last part.

It only took a few seconds for Nidoran♂ to accept the offer and jump into my arms while making the characteristic sound of his species "ran ran!" To which I responded by giving him a hug, holding him in my arms I felt a little bad remembering the Pidgey that I thought would be my partner in this world but I shook my head and focused on Nidoran♂, promising myself that I would not let anything happen to this little guy.

After that touching moment I went down to Nidoran♂ for a moment and told him my immediate plans: "Okay Nidoran♂, at the moment what we have to do is focus on leveling you up, there are at least a few Trainers in the city who have just received their first Pokemon as well so we will look for them and face them so that you become stronger and visit a place I need to go" I told him while my face was getting serious with the last part.

Nidoran♂ just nodded happily without noticing my mood swing until suddenly a shrill voice was heard near us and a boy with a grumpy face approached me while pointing at me and said, "Hey you! I finally found you!"

-----------------------------------------------Author's note-----------------------------------

Hello! I know I commented that I wouldn't make more notes but I wanted to thank you for your support of this story, there are already more than 50k views, I'm really very happy and the collections have already exceeded 200! I hope you like the story a lot and if so I would appreciate it if you would give it a review! I'll wait for you in the next chapter!

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