Pokémon in a New World

Chapter 29: A Busy Week

Daniel, despite his excitement and eagerness to move forward with integrating Pokémon with the world, had realized that he needed to better plan ahead in the future. While he had accomplished all he needed in time, he was very rushed in doing so.

The progress that he has made recently is undeniable, and his achievements such as getting the Kings recognition and converting the Town of Nahir to an all but safe haven for Pokémon trainers, made him very happy with his progress. Yet, he couldn't deny that he might've gotten in over his head this past week.

Currently Daniel sat on all bench outside the newly built "Pokémon Center." It's construction was one of the many things he had accomplished this past week. Thinking back, he went over all the things he had achieved.

The tournament had been a massive success for more than one reason. Firstly, since the latest battle, almost every single villager had come to witness the spectacle. But even more than that, word had begun to spread and travelers had made a point to stop by to witness the impressive performance of the trainers and their Pokémon.

Another way that the tournament had been beneficial is that the Pokémon and the trainers themselves had grown miraculously. Whether it be through greater bonds formed, personal growth, or even actual evolutions, all of these had been an outcome of the many battles throughout the tournament.

The final benefit, and possibly the greatest one of since the tournaments announcement, is the number of Pokémon trainers themselves has skyrocketed. Many people had originally held doubts about the emergence of the newly introduced creatures, but since witnessing their incredible performances through the tournament and the genuine care that others had developed with their new companions, the thoughts of many started to change.

Instead of uncertainty and suspicion, they now started to feel envious of those they watched growing close with their Pokémon. Though there would always be some people deep rooted in their own ways who vehemently denied wanting to get close to the creatures with mysterious abilities, Daniel was not worried it. Everyone has a right to their own oppinion and he wouldn't force his own upon them.

Construction was another thing on the list of this week's accomplishments. Knowing that the list of building projects would only grow from here, Daniel had summoned the final evolution of Timburr: Conkeldurr.

Conkeldurr was an extremely bulky Pokémon with pink veins bulging from its light brown skin. It's most noticeable characteristics however, were the two massive concrete pillars that it used as walking canes.

After summoning Conkeldurr and giving it the basic rundown of his construction ideas, Daniel felt confident in the Pokémons abilities. In the world of Pokémon, Conkeldurr is actually the reason that humans learned how to make concrete since it taught them how, itself. This shows it's natural potential and capabilities for building and architecture.

Looking back, Daniel is glad he decided to summon Conkeldurr. Under its leadership, the team of Gurdurr and Timburr were able to not only complete the construction of the Pokémon Center, but also improved the battle stadium, completed a more professional looking walkway through the forest with wooden rails lining the now stone pathway, and even renovated his own home improving it in many ways.

After the construction of the Pokémon Center was complete, the merchant he had hired, Ben, promptly moved in. He was very satisfied with his new home / place of work, to say the least. Daniel had spent an abundance of time discussing with Ben how the center should be set up and after much back and forth, they had finally completed the whole interior design and setup.

Immediately after walking through the entrance, you would be greeted with the sight of a spacious room meant to be the main waiting area for customers. Directly facing the entrance, a long partition that ended at waist height and connected both opposite sides of the wall, stood dividing the area. Behind it was a number of display cases varying in size, displaying a number of Pokémon related items that were for sale.

The room behind the wall was connected with a door on the same wall where the displays were. This room was even bigger than the entrance room and served as a storage area for all the items that were available for sale. Within this room there was also a staircase that let to the second floor of the building that served as Ben's home.

Luckily he was more than fine with this arrangement. Especially after the additional "security" that Daniel had provided in order to keep him and the Pokémon Center safe.

The mentioned security was none other than a fully evolved Machamp. Daniel chuckled at the memory of the story that Ben had told him of their first meeting. Ben had already moved into the building and gone to bed when Machamp was summoned. So the next morning Ben woke up to a giant crowd built up around the entrance of the Pokémon Center.

Grumpily getting out of bed, he soon walked outside ready to inform everyone that they weren't open for business yet, when he suddenly bumped into something as soon as he made his way through the entrance.

Rubbing his nose, Ben looked up in confusion only to freeze in surprise as he met the eyes of a giant four-armed creature with its arms crossed, looking back over its shoulder at him with it's eyebrows raised. It was a whole two feet taller than him and a great deal bulkier. Ben screamed and tripped over himself as he pushed back through the door and slammed it shut before bracing himself against it, catching his breath.

It was only later when Daniel visited and explained that Machamp was a Pokémon that would act as security for the Center, that Ben came out and awkwardly greeted the towering figure.

The final thing Daniel had accomplished so far this week, was the completion of the library. If he wasn't managing the tournaments, discussing the set up of the Pokémon Center with Ben, reviewing the construction, or spending time with Elizabeth and the wild Pokémon of the forest, then he was doing his best to finish writing the scrolls for all of the Pokémon.

And true to his goal, Daniel managed to completely fill out a scroll for every Pokémon that he would ever summon. Next came the easy part. He gathered a few Pokémon known as Smeargle. Smeargle was a Pokémon with the slight resemblance to a bipedal dog, if not for its tail which took the appearance of a giant paint-brush tipped in light green.

The reason that he gathered these Smeargle was for a move that this Pokémon alone new. The move was called "sketch" and in battle it had the power to copy whatever moved it's opponent used last and use the said move against back against them.

Outside of battle though, is where Daniel intended to take advantage of this move. What sketch could do, is completely copy any form of art and transfer it to another source exactly like the original.

Sadly they weren't capable of making any sort of art, at least anything recognizable, themselves. At most they could use their tails to draw lines but any more than that and they'd get a dazed look on their face. This is why he couldn't ask them to make the scrolls originally and why he needed to design the originals himself.

But now that that was completed, he intended to take full advantage of their abilities. While anyone who entered the forest could see the scrolls for free, he intended to sell these copies at the Pokémon Center. That way trainers could help develop their Pokémon to the best of their ability without having to constantly visit the forest for reference.

The Smearlge were now responsible for going through the scrolls and copying them onto new paper and storing them back into place in the library where they would sit until they were moved to the Pokémon Center.

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