Pokemon : Reincarnated into pokemon world as a Fanfic

Chapter 17: First Family Dinner 14

As we were walking outside there were some curious glances at us for some time but they went away as we walked outside.

After coming outside we could here some noises from one side and we assumed that it could be Reiss checking out the glaceon moves. The sound coming from such a large distance shows strong moves with much power being used. He is using such strong moves means he should have completed seeing other moves.

While thinking this we walked into opposite direction to not disturbe Reiss.

When we came at a good free place which is some distance away from the main mension I released snorunt.

After relasing him he came out with spinning and strated dancing well it reminded of the Ash's snorunt are all the Snorunt like this.

After some time it stopped dancing I started talking to him to check on which level he can understand me and to my surprise it was pretty smart in understanding what I was saying, so it makes it very easy I asked him to show all the moves he had.

"Snorunt, snorunt!! "

With that he agreed and strated showing us the moves

Firstly it started running towards a tree and gave it a tackle. It looked pretty strong for a small pokemon like snorunt

"Oh that's headbutt right!! "

I said with fake surprise

"Yes it's headbutt, it was also pretty good "

Meson approved my statement.

Then snorunt started multiplying

"Oh it's it's what it's called!! "

I gave a fake can't tell the move dialogue

"It's Double team that's great move to dodge"

Meson explained the move again.

Then a white glow started forming around snorunt's head and it shot to a tree which froze the tree.

"Oh that's ice beam!! "

"Ice beam that will be a game changing move an offensive ice attack with such strength"

Meson was surprised now that attack could have easily damaged it's piplup very much and it could have also frozen him.

As Meson was surprised I was not that much surprised, well it is a blue potential pokemon it is a genius amongst the other snorunts. And now that I think about it I have more chance of winning this than Meson and Lucan as they have just gotten starters and not even 2 years are complete and there pokemon have even less strength than this snorunt as it is blue pokemon.

And adding to that Snorunt has type advantage, so seeing this both Meson and Lucan also realised it and started looking at me jealously well they are just jealous like others for not getting such opportunity from grandfather but that's it. After that they prepared to see the next move

Snorunt created a football sized ball and around it were some small balls with different colours spinning as it went up and then came down to hit the tree which was frozen and broke it down to pieces well that was a very powerful move. After seeing that all three of us were surprised.

"What's that move!! "

I asked with surprise

"Well I have seen it for first time"

Lucan said while seeing observing the aftermath of that move.

"I have also not read it before"

Meson said while still trying to figure out while they were thinking I was quite excited after seeing that if that move is what I think it is..

After that sonrunt started using a new move it created a transperent shield like structure surrounding it.

It was again a surprising move

"What it can use protect? "


Both Meson and Lucan were amazed by the moves they are seeing, this is because protect is not a easy move to learn and many pokemons also can't execute it properly , some can immitate the effects of the move but will get some percentage of the attack damage according the mastery they have over protect.

"Well I am not going down in one move"

I said with a smile on that both of them started laughing

"Yes, now that's true but use this move wisely you just have one chance and after that there is no guarantee if it will work"

"Yes I know"

After that snorunt created an ball same like ice beam but it was much bigger and then it threw on another tree it also blasted.

"That's ice shard that gives more damage than ice beam!! "

"Well it's just giving us surprises"

Then after that snorunt glowed and a small storm of ice started around the small area we were standing.

"That's a hail , ice weather move"

"Just how much moves that small snorunt know isn't it just overpowered"

Well it's correct there are very less pokemons who can learn this much moves and they were not all ordinary some were very rare moves so the snorunt is really strong.

After that snorunt stopped the demonstratation the two sighed those were pretty big surprises coming one after another but now they can take some break and think.

"Rex do you know if you use this pokemon well you can have much better chance than others or at least better than your 6th sibling and below.

5th brother is stronger as he also used strategies and above all have very strong pokemons but other than those you have a chance to give some real damage to that gibble. He still says damage because he knows defeating that gibble is out of league for us.

"Well I will use the attacks fiercely against him and will give him real damage"

To my answer they both sighed again well using fierce attacks against it will not work it needs to be good combination but they can't expect much from one year old well they thought to they will give me some advice when my battle is scheduled.

After this I took the snorunt back in my pokeball and started making the strategy in my mind while also walking towards the main mension.

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