Pokemon : Reincarnated into pokemon world as a Fanfic

Chapter 26: Daniel vs Gible

As match came to an end Reiss took glaceon back and started coming to his seat with a happy smile. He also looked at mother on his way as she was looking at him with proud and gentle smile.

Others were also very surprised, even though they knew the Ninth was very talented they never thought the first match will be this good.

After his match was over next participant arrived in the stadium and everyone knew if he can't beat the Gible then others defeating it is just pipe dream.

Yes Daniel the First son of Duke came in the stadium and released infernape.

Even though both Drian's and his infernape look similar the aura this infernape gives is slightly stronger.

Now let's see how he handles it, even though I don't know much about first brother and only interacted with him few times he can be at least capable as second brother.

With this match started again he used the same move

"Infernape use flame thrower!! "

Ahh why it is looking so boaring now.

The Gible which has seen this coming went into hiding with dig and Daniel who has also seen this coming used an interesting move.

"Infernape you also use dig*

As infernape went down Gible came up and to everyone surprise infernape also came up and..

" Infernape use arial ace!! "

With arial ace coming towards it Gible also used dragon rush and went towards it.

Good to see a head on fight

And as they collided the both went backward, Gible was pushed more distance showing who is better with short distance. Seeing this Daniel directly went for the close moves.

"Now infernape use flame wheel!!"

Gible seeing flame wheel used dig to hide again but didn't got enough time as it was blasted away.

Seeing this Daniel got excited and showing same moves

"Flame wheel again"

As flame wheel came again Gible didn't have any chance to dodge it also went head on with Dragon claw.

Both started colliding each other with same attack again and again

Hmm Daniel is using same attack as it looks effective in wearing Gibble and it also not giving chance to gibble to use big attack. Even though Dragon claw is strong it is not much effective on infernape still it is giving that much damage to infernape.

As this confrontation went on people in stadium got time to talk as they went on to speak how powerful infernape is and also using good tactics it can defeat Gible in some time.

In the main seat first mother was very happy with her son performing well in the match. Deone looking at battle with no emotions as if he knew what will happen and Drase looking at battle with small smile as if looking at small kids fight each other.

"First has analysed the previous battles very well but the battle will be over soon"

Hearing this smile on first mother was gone at same time the Gibble which was preparing for next confirmation started again concentrating it's energy into hand but this time instead of purple color it started emitting white color.

As lot of collisions happening with same result Daniel also got lazy in finding identifing the detaild. But as Infernape got closer and white light was bright enough he also detected what was happening but it was too late.

As the collision happened this time Gible didn't got pushed away but infernape was thrown away this time and before even collapsing his body started freezing getting covered with ice.


Ohhh I didn't knew he can also do ice punch which will be super effective on infernape and not only that even if was not super effective it could have still dealt a lot of damage to it.

"Flame wheel again melt the ice fast!!! "

Daniel gave quick command but before executing it infernape got hit by ice punch again, now with roles reversed not giving enough time to infernape Gible started attacking with ice punch again and again.

Infernape still tried melting the ice but with ice punch and damage it was receiving it couldn't held on more and fainted after some time.

"Match is over Gible is the winner of this battle!! "

With the announcement Gible was the only one who was jumping with some joy seemed like he was mocking Daniel. Whole stadium was also silent seeing this.

This time also they will not see a winner , there last hope was gone but it was not surprising outcome for them.

With picking infernape in the pokeball Daniel started leaving the stadium looking sad but also satisfied with his performance.

With this next challenger was announced

"REX!! "

It's time to go...

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