Chapter 30: Learning
"Turtwig.... "
Turtwig like everyday was enjoying his food while getting patted by mother. I was also eating my dinner on the dinner table.
"Magicarp... Magicarp.. "
Yes that's Magicarp of my mother who likes to live on land more than in water for some reason. It was also eating the food in very uncomfortable way.
"Mother when can I see your other pokemons, I am very bored of seeing only.... Magicarp"
I don't dare to say this useless fish in front of mother.
I know it has very good potential.
A light blue potential magicarp , well mostly that's why she captured it.
Even though people know these pokemons with very high population has lot of blue pokemons due to large population , it is very difficult to find such pokemons as many are not free to catch all and see every pokemons potential.
And yes if you have guessed it there is an organization who does this work of checking potential for every pokemon finding rare ones and auction them to earn money.
But still I have never heard of blue magicarps, of course no one is fool enough to make such information public or they would have already been dealt with and information should have been erased.
Blue ones are no joke. They decide the power of the country.
She must have gotten it through her family , I doubt Duke will give such pokemon to her. But seeing it's not yet evolved she must have caught it recently or she is not training it so that it will not evolve.
"I will show you when it's right time and they are not free like Magicarp to play with you"
"Magicarp.... Magi.. Magicarp!! "
"Yes, yes.. Magicarp you also do a lot of work"
What does it even do? Also what do you mean by right time are you secret agent or something hiding pokemons from your own son.
"Can I take the Magicarp then to training ground ? "
"Oh do you want to fight with it"
"Yes!! "
"But Turtwig is still in his baby phase how will it fight magicarp? "
"It's ok mother today Turtwig just went to biginner phase. "
"Oh that's good news!! ".
She started aggressively patting the Turtwig.
" Turtwig... Turtwig?"
Well it happened a month ago but I didn't want to tell her at that time as it couldn't do any attacks. Well it's still can't do.
" So which attacks did it inherit? "
"It just inherited one attack"
After month of experiment with around 30 tries I got a hang of this power. First I tried checking which attacks it can use and it mostly uses every attack a tortera can use. Of course I didn't tried really powerful attacks I am assuming it. Also there are some additional attacks also it can use I am still not yet sure about the condition. I didn't care about this currently as I am not planning to use it. Currently I was coming with a plan to get an attack which is really effective and don't stand out.
First I ruled out the Tackle which is very basic type of attack and I can teach it pretty easily. Also I can only do the attack once. So only doing tackle once for a battle is really suspicious.
It also same with other attacks. Either they are very attention seeking or need to use them multiple times in a fight.
I wanted an attack which didn't look powerful but very effective, usually it is not used multiple times in battle and rarely seen by opponent or audience so they can't detect it's power.
And Yes I have got one..
"It can use leech seed! "
It's very rare to see strong grass pokemons in this region and even rare for pokemon to use leech seed.
Due to it's slow speed and less damage it's not much worth to learn.
And the best thing is many don't even know above information as time passed this attack has been forgotten and very less books mention it's effectiveness , they just know this attack exist and it is useless.
"Leech seed... that's very unique attack, very difficult to learn. You are lucky Rex it has inherited very good attack"
Even though she was praising the attack I can see surprise in her eyes and also concern. She also didn't comment on learning just one attack.
"Yes, it looks powerful but I wanted to use it on a pokemon, on training dummies I can't see any damage"
" You can take Magicarp tomorrow but don't anger it or it will attack your Turtwig"
"Yes!! "
"You should also be careful Magicarp don't hurt anyone, also don't use any attacks unless necessary"
"Carp.. Magicarp!! "
Magicarp jumped few times...
"What should l do if Magicarp faints? "
I looked concerned looking at Magicarp.
"Don't worry it will not faint, but if it really faints you can give these berries to it , it will regain it's energy"
"Now go to sleep and you can take this with you"
Saying this she took Magicarp in the pokeball and gave it to me.
My dinner was also over , I took the pokeball and excitedly went back to my room.
Next time I will act less childlike.
I put this resolve in my mind. While observing Turtwig in my room.
For whole month I tried teaching it tackle and other attacks but it didn't learn a thing, first I thought it was easy to learn but it's still difficult !!!
I have read in books that even the most dumb Or weak pokemon can learn tackle in 10 days. Yes!!! Even Magicarp is included.
Did God created this Turtwig with blue potential and sacrificed all his learning abilities. Wait isn't the God of pokemon world ••••• ? . Strange.... Why can't I remember.
I lifted the Turtwig and started checking it's legs as daily routine.
It has good growth, strength is mostly above average. Wait what am I even comparing it with? My mind is running wild today for some reason.
Forget it I will ask Magicarp to teach it tackle, let's see if it can learn.
I stopped the wild thoughts, calmed it down and went to sleep.
Next day was still normal , same daily routine. I didn't saw mother today that explains why she gave Magicarp to me yesterday only.
Everything was smooth but it didn't stayed that for long.
A servant of the house is watching me today as I am training. This doesn't happen usually. When I asked him about the reason he told that my mother asked him to keep an eye on me while I am training today.
The strange part is I didn't hear this from her yesterday and this is my first time seeing the servant. This is really suspicious. Is he a spy?
Well anyone will be uncomfortable when someone stares at you continuously even the Magicarp was also feeling the same.
"Carp.. Carp"
"Ok Magicarp our today's agenda is to teach turtwig tackle "
"Magicarp!! "
"Now show Magicarp how to do tackle to Turtwig"
"Magicarp.... "
Magicarp went straight to the dummy and hit it with tackle. Nothing happened to this highest level dummy.
"Magicarp.... Magi.. Carp"
"Turtwig.. Turtwig"
"Magi Magi carp"
"Turt.... Wig"
They discussed something which I couldn't understand much, I doubt if they even understand each other.
This little kid surely has lot of equipments to train with. When I was one year old I didn't even know that people can catch pokemons.
Charles looked jealously towards Rex.
Looking at that turtwig it really looks strong , just tackling naturally it is showing much strength. And looking at how it is learning tackle it must have just entered the beginner stage.
It's really strange the turtwig which I got information about would have entered the stage one month ago.
I really need to confirm first if it really is the same turtwig they want me to retrieve.
Charles kept observing the situation.
This Servant when is he planning to make his move.
Rex on the other hand was really nervous, even though he acted normally he knew the threat.
Did he came to kidnap me? If he wanted to kill me he would have done it already. And why even he want to do that, I am not even much threat to anyone and I don't have anything of value.....
My eyes went to Turtwig....
They really came for it? If I am not mistaken the only people who know it is blue one is me and the people from Royal family. I haven't yet done it's potential test here and I am not even planning to do that. If anyone asks I will just say green. Mother also didn't ask so it's ok for now.
If someone from Royal family is eyeing on it then it's really a difficult situation.
I don't want to take care of that servant with energy ball , it will just make the situation worse. Well I still don't know about his strength plus my 1 day cool down is still not over yet....
I started dragging down the time 1hr....2hr....
Just one more hour.
I was still doing the same thing learning tackle and it was still failing...
At that time one more servant came in the training room, approached the servant whispered something and both went outside.
Ha... Good they are gone, but I need to think of a way to take care of him or them before they take action.
Should I tell mother? That can be most safe way at this point.
"Ok Turtwig our real training beginnes, now that I don't see much progress in tackle we will focus on leech seed"
"Turtwig!! "
"Now we will start the fight, Magicarp are you ready, try to dodge this attack"
"Magicarp!! "
"Now Turtwig use Leech seed!! "
On the head of the turtwig a seed appeared it looked like normal seed but if observed some can see golden patterns on it.
That seed shot very fast towards Magicarp.
Seeing the seed magicarp tried dodging it but it still got hit by it.
Rope like plants came out the seed quickly grabbing the Magicarp.
Magicarp started struggling but couldn't get out of the grab.
I waited for some time to see how much time it takes for magicarp to free itself.
And it couldn't really do it..
I waited and finally told
"Ok Mgicarp that's enough , you can use an attack and try to free yourself"
"Magicarp!! "
Around the magicarp stones started appearing rotating around magicarp, they became sharper and bigger and then they started cutting all the plants grabbing magicarp and in no time it got free.
Stone edge not bad.
At this point I have seen lot of bizzare things after coming this world, magicarp using stone edge seems normal.
"Ok we will keep this training everyday, we will try some different ways to make the attack more deadly"
Even though I couldn't see how much energy it sucked from magicarp according to game was it around 1/8th or something of pokemons HP for each turn. Also difficult to define what a turn is but I think it's mostly when opponent uses an attack. If so then do I have master dodging for 8 moves... It will also depend on how much attacks opponent will use to free itself.
Regarding tackle it is learning it very slow but I have seen some progress today. Pokemons really teach other pokemons the attacks more effectively than humans or I was just a bad trainer than Magicarp.
Days followed it's already half month after I started my training with Magicarp.
On the first day when that servant appeared I really wanted to inform mother but to my bad luck she went outside the day before for a emergency work and not sure when she will come back.
That's why those people are also not in hurry to take action still coming daily to observe , do they want to confirm something?
I need to wait once they are gone my leech seed training also begins.
After almost 15 days Turtwig is showing growth in learning the tackle. It is taking less damage on each turn which also confirms it. With this trajectory it will almost take it 30 days to learn tackle perfectly. Of course it is like threshold that it learned tackle after that it can master the attack which will take a lot more time than it took to learn it.
This thing is different from the game where every pokemon has mastery over attacks so same attack with same power of pokemon can give different damage based on mastery.
But tackle was not the main point of today, the thing which surprised me the most is that it has learned to use leech seed!!!.
Yes!!! I was just using my power daily for 15 days trying different ways to use leech seed and seeing it's impact.
First I confirmed that after Magicarp is hit by leech seed, after attack it makes it's power gets sucked and Turtwigs also gets a heal.
Second is that those plants don't go away on their own unless someone cuts them.
Third when they have been grabbed they can't use moves which needs movement.
Really a good attack. But it somehow learned to do it after 15 tries. If we take completely then it was 17 tries with 16 in a streak.
And now it can use leech seed of beginner level with low mastery.
This leech seed is slow to generate, it also attacks very slow and magicarp can easily dodge it.
It's tendrils are not as strong and magicarp can easily cut them without attack.
And without even trying tendrils go away after 4-5 turns.
Truly the attack because of which it termed useless.
It's ok for now as I can use it lot of times with different strategies. I am also not giving up leech seed and continuing the same attack will check how much it can increase the power compared to the cheat level leech seed and how much time it takes to master leech seed vs to master tackle.