Chapter 34: Trouble is everywhere
Abel was feeling really troubled today. As Duke has announced the three children to get recommendation letters for the academy, he was not part of the trio.
These letters are only given to those who Duke and his subordinates thinks have great potential. This is only if you are of same hierarchy. If your family has great influence getting the letter is not difficult.
Abel who was seven year old, delayed admission to the Royal Academy due to migration was very excited to join it. He was sure to get the letter as he was strongest in his batch. But to his bad luck four batches of students going in single batch , getting into Royal Academy has became a very difficult task.
Abel stood in his training hall silent , thinking about his chances of getting into academy when a whisper slowly came from his back.
"Abel.... you are going to miss your opportunity... to join the academy. "
Abel answered without turning.
"Why would I miss my chance, I am strong enough to qualify for the academy and please don't follow me"
Abel sounded frustrated.
"Abel... you really are strong. But entering academy is not matter of strength."
The man behind him sounded concerned.
"I know they only consider official pokemons that haven't reached one year of age. "
Abel knowing where it is going still continued the conversation.
"Yess... And your orange potential chimchar is very weak.. considering this year's students"
This time the voice became serious.
"But... but.. Is there really no other way than this.. I don't want to be on bad side with Duke"
Abel let out his emotions from frustration to concern he didn't want to choose the paths in front of him.
"Don't worry... Duke is not someone who thinks about such little things.. . I have specially came here after your mother contacted the family."
Saying this the person in dark clothes wearing white mask hiding his face came to Abel's side. Before Abel could say anything the person put a pokeball in his hands.
"I am giving you this, take it and challenge him, Once you win.. you can officially take his letter , you will also become the person to successfully get a letter."
Abel stayed silent. He clenched the pokeball making his decision.
Rex has became very tall, his height is almost catching up with his previous life's height, Different from earth rather than twenty years ,here it takes only eight years to reach the maximum height. Rex even though taller than average was no match for really tall boys of his age.
Even though he has completed his five year mark and officially got his starter pokemon, he chose not to travel but still stay in the Duke city or more clearly in his house hidden from others.
He has almost stopped attending the family gatherings and has been forgotten by many for a while.
But today his happy hibernation has been disturbed. Someone from branch family has challenged him for pokemon battle to get his recommendation letter.
Recommendation letter? Recommendation letter!!!! Yes how did I forgot about this, it's almost time for going to the academy. Those siblings of mine will also return to the city in some time. Ha.... My happy life coming to an end this soon...
Rex distracted from the topic was interrupted by the Butler standing besides him.
"Young master Rex, so what are you planning to do? "
Rex answered , still thinking about something.
"Do I have to accept it? "
"You can refuse the challenge, but then you have to give up the recommendation"
Butler responded not concerned at all.
Recommendation , who wants it. I can join the academy by myself. The problem is , I have it and someone of a branch family is challenging a Duke's son. I can't just give up, I will become a joke not only in Duke city but also in academy. Once my reputation becomes bad it's really difficult to overturn and will be lot troublesome to deal with.
"Then there is no other choice, but why me ? Did he think I am weaker than other two? "
Rex was still confused about this.
"Currently those two are not present in Duke city, most probably that's the reason he chose you"
Butler said with a chuckle.
I thought leaving will cause me throuble but staying here is also causing me trouble. Ahh... I should really set an example.
"So when is this battle? "
"It will be held tomorrow morning in the main battle ground"
"And what about the rules? "
"Rules are not for us to decide you two can decide before the start of the battle. As for witness Duke and family members will be available for fair battle"
That is more trouble.
This guy I don't even know him, probably I should have seen him in some family gathering, I don't even know which pokemons he has. He is one year older means he should have traveled to different cities finding powerful pokemons.
"Do you know which pokemons he has? "
Rex asked curiously
"I don't know"
He doesn't want to tell me.
"Do you think he can defeat me? "
Butler replied vaguely.
Defeat is possible. I don't think he and Duke will care about the result they will probably enjoy it as a vacation.
Rex was frustrated getting into trouble without even doing anything.
"Fine I will be there tomorrow morning"
Rex accepted his fate and started thinking about his tomorrow's plan.
A day went by very quickly , Rex entered the stadium from one side and on the opponents spot Abel was already present.
A lot of people have gathered in the stadium excited to watch good fight. Such events are rare so attendance increased rapidly.
As all people started waiting for Duke to enter Abel's voice came.
"Rex please forgive me I am challenging you like this, but entering into Royal Academy is a must for me. I am confident even without recommendation letter you can qualify easily"
"Hmm.... "
Rex on the other hand was not interested in conversation.
"That's tenth right? "
"He has grown a lot, when I saw him last time he was just a year old"
"Yes, sometimes I even forget he is there, did he catch any pokemons"
"What? Where have you been all this time, don't you know he is famous for catching wild pokemons with food, many call him fisherman of land... "
"Oh... Which pokemons did he catch? "
"Amm.. It was very long ago, when I saw him he was catching a Ponyta"
"Yes.. When I saw him he was catching.... "
People started whispering among themselves, gossiping has become part of their entertainment.
Before long Duke also entered the main room of the stadium and Butler came as a overseers.
Butler started announcing
"Abel has challenged Rex for an pokemon battle , if Abel wins this battle he will get the recommendation letter from Rex, if Abel looses this battle he will not attend the Royal Academy"
These were the rules so there were very less challengers. Rather than facing a recommended person, giving the academy qualification exam was easy.
"Now both of you can decide the battle format"
Abel hearing this quickly presented his challenge
"I want an single pokemon battle"
Rex agreed without hesitation.
The less pokemon the better.
He thought.
"Battle will start now, choose your pokemons..... "
Both picked one pokeball each in their hands.
"Now the battle begin!! "
With this both released pokemons. With white light on one side a large body started appearing and on the other very small body.
After some time all could see both pokemons. Some people started gasping in shock
"This... "
A big Onix appeared in front of them, a very big stone worm they have rarely seen it or read it in books, seeing it first time in real life the size is lot bigger than they have imagined.
Onix on the Abel's side looked at the pokemon opposite to him.It was very smaller than him, It looked like a rat but was very fat almost round , yellow rat.
"Pikachu !!! "
A fat Pikachu.
"Yes !!! That's the Pikachu, it was long time ago he captured it with that strange food, it was the fattest among that clan it couldn't even run fast at that time, looking at it now it has become even fatter..... "
A person in the audience shouted as he looked at Pikachu.
Onix vs Pikachu
This.... Why does it look so familiar
Rex checking his memories while people started speculating the battle.
"Tenth really unlucky or should I say he lost in his strategy"
"He chose the safest pokemon , an electric type, no one was expecting a rock type pokemon to appear and Onix I would have never guessed"
"How will he defeat it? "
What Pikachu? But that person said it will most likely be a Turtwig, I even made lot of preparations on how to defeat it, is it good to have a type advantage? I should remain on guard.
Abel who looked surprised composed himself and started the battle.
People stopped there whispers as Abel made his move
"Now Onix use Rock polish"
Onix's body started looking like polished stones.
Hmm.. A readying move waiting for my attack well take this..
"Pikachu use fake tears!! "
"Pika.. Pikachu..... "
Pikachu started crying with fake tears as if he has been starved by his trainer for a month.
"You should give him some more food"
A voice came from the crowd.
Onix also looked touched remembering the days when it was starved.
"Don't fall for that Onix use Harden"
Again Onix body started contracting.
Another non attacking move he really wants me to attack first, a passive trainer I see , well here you go.
"Pikachu use iron tail !! "
Pikachu slowly started approaching the Onix with it's glowing tail.
"Onix you also use iron tail !! "
Onix who's tail was also glowing and became steel like collided with Pikachu's tail and the result was not surprising Pikachu was thrown away pretty easily.
Seeing the opportunity Abel went on in an aggressive mode..
"Onix again iron tail"
Onix started approaching fallen Pikachu rapidly with glowing tail.
"Pikachu quickly dodge , use double team"
Pikachu started multiplying in numbers while moving in every direction confusing the charging Onix.
"Onix earthquake!! "
"Onix !!!! "
With a roar the land started trembling, lot of Pikachu's clones also started disappearing , only few remained.
"Pikachu now Rain dance!! "
The fat Pikachu's across the stadium all started dancing weirdly and soon rain cloudes formed and rain started.
"No.. how can a Pikachu use Rain Dance"
Abel was very surprised , he became serious again.
"Onix we don't have time, quickly use stone edge"
Stones started appearing around Onix and then they shot towards numerous Pikachu's. Again the remaining small number of Pikachu's started disappearing until one remained.
"Onix finish it with Double edge!! "
Onix started glowing and it started approaching the Pikachu with very high speed.
It almost reached near it but before it could reach it's balance lost and it crashed in front of Pikachu.
Abel became more confused, what is happening? .
Rex who got the opportunity , without missing used
"Pikachu use Surf !! "
Suddenly a wave of water appeared below Pikachu and he started surfing on it towards the Onix. Before Onix could get up it got hit by the Surf. Engulfed in the water it started loosing his energy.
"Now Pikachu finish it off, with focus punch!! "
Pikachu who was now standing above the drowning Onix held his one hand above, the fist on his hand started glowing as if energy is being concentrated there.
Even from afar just looking at it, the attack looked really powerful and to not disappoint the punch hit the Onix with great power making a shock wave which dissperesed all the water around it.
Silence spread after the thud sound of Onix falling on the ground and it stopped moving.
After some time of waiting Butler declared
"Onix is not able to battle , Rex has won the battle and successfully defended the challenge"
Stadium was still silent, the Onix who was leading the battle got suddenly overpowered by Pikachu and lost just like that? Why did it fall while attacking in first place.
Butler who was keenly watching the match has no difficulties analyzing the flow of match, he again threw a glance at the happy fat Pikachu who threw himself on Rex , Rex almost lost his balance while trying to catch the pikachu.
This Tenth is really something, First when he was just one year old his match against Gibble, then with those spies.
And now he should have guessed that Abel was on his guard so he used iron tail and took some damage which made Abel loose his guard. Then used double team to gain some time to use rain dance. Once Abel thought he will be in disadvange if battle gets longer he tried finishing it early , using a quick moving attack and fell for the trap. That was the situation Rex created to use Grass knot to fullest extent, a heavy pokemon moving with great speed and not on guard will give an heavy damage once it falls, then with combination of surf and focus punch a water and fighting type move both weaknesses of Onix with rain dance he finished the battle. A beautiful strategy, What a perfect way to win. It's really strange for Pikachu to use such variety of attacks but it just means that his electric type moves are weaker.
Butler sighed glancing at Duke.
Rex really has good talent even among his siblings, it's just that he likes to stay grounded in his house.
As match finished , without saying a word Duke got up and left the stadium.
It's telling the people that the challenge is over and there will be no change now.
Abel looked at the fallen Onix still can't figure out what's happening.. Once he saw the Pikachu he knew victory was certain and match is just a formality, to avoid any surprise attacks he was also on guard but.. But he still fell for a surprise attack.
He looked at Rex, who has taken back his Pikachu and was coming towards him, Abel got flustered didn't know what to say to him, Rex on the other hand started congratulating Abel
"That was really power Onix, where did you catch it? It's really shame that your Onix got matched up with my Pikachu, it's really difficult if you are facing the opponent who has type advantage. But with such strong Onix you will be really powerful even without joining academy."
What ? Pikachu has type advantage against Onix
Many people got surprised hearing this.
Abel was also surprised.
"You don't have to be surprised, it's just that my Pikachu can't use any electric type attacks hence it has learned non electric attacks, so.. you got it right"
Rex said and rubbed his head as if he was embarrassed.
Then he also left the stadium.
The silent people again started talking
"This tenth is really powerful"
"He always surprises me with his matches"
"Well what you expect from a Duke's Son, it's just shows the difference between a recommended and not recommended"
"I thought this time someone will really win the challenge"
"You think too much"
Even outside the stadium leaving Rex can hear some voices. He didn't look like a person who has won a battle and happy with the results but looked serious.
Got a lot of attention today, forced to reveal one of my cards , very bad day indeed. But using Pikachu was good choice, rather than loosing , it was still a good result. But I need to make more plans , this battle looked a bit more spectacular than I planned.