Pokemon : Reincarnated into pokemon world as a Fanfic

Chapter 36: Battle with instructor

Rex stood at the entrance of a training room of imperial academy waiting for his teammates to arrive. While standing he again thought about the choice he made to give the exam.

First he thought he didn't have to give exams as he has gotten the letter of recommendation, even though some will disdain those who not attend and have less rank, there can be many reasons for not attending. But when he came here and heard that they are going to give pokemons and the opportunity to choose the pokemon will be based on the ranking of the exam he decided to gave it a shot.

He wanted a good pokemon so he became interested and learned the rules. They were simple you will be teamed up with other two participants randomly which he doubted will be random. Then they as a team need to defeat the instructors pokemon who is assigned to them. Ranking will be decided based on the time you will need to defeat it. The less time taken the better rank.

He focused more on two important things , team and less time and quickly came up with something.

As he was making the plan the other two also arrived at the scene, one was a fine looking girl she was of the same age his classmates when he was in college, but her clothes looked nobel and she was carrying a piplup on her shoulder, on the other hand the boy who was better looking has simple clothes.

A nobel.... no should I say the Royal girl and a commoner boy, looks fine for now.

Rex immediately deduced her Royal status just by checking the blue potential piplup.

As all three stood in front of each other in silence the atmosphere started getting awkward.

Rex is someone who rarely starts conversation so he stayed silent , the girl looked not interested in talking and the boy didn't know how to talk to nobels. But the boy gathering his courage quickly broke the silence.

"I am Leo, nice to meet you. "

Leo said nervously.

"I am Rex"

"I am Lena"

Rex and the girl also introduced themselves and again all went silent.

Rex hearing girls name remembered something about some rumors one or two years back..

Isn't it her Lena the ugly princess... but she looks fine.. Is it something to do with her personality or is she ugly compared to other princess. It can also be false rumors due to some political struggles , I heard at that time king was furious hearing the rumors and ordered some cleanup. Well no father will tolerate when you are calling his little daughter ugly.

Rex unconsciously distanced himself from her believing the troubles will spread to him which will obviously not help him in anything.

Leo got his courage and started taking the initiative, he released his pokemon

"Meet this, it's electro... My official pokemon to enter into academy.. "

He introduced his pokemon who was an elekid.

Lena just looked at it still uninterested but Rex was shocked seeing it.

Blue potential Elekid !!!!

Are the blue potential pokemons becoming so common that I am seeing them everywhere. Just by seeing his clothes I am certain he is not from a Royal Family , maybe a spy... No who in their right head gives a small kid a blue pokemon.

Now Rex became quickly interested in talking.

"That's really strong looking Elekid , where did you catchit, I was also looking for an elekid to catch"

Rex said while inspecting the elekid from every sides like some kind of researcher making elekid uncomfortable.

"Oh I actually got it from my mother on my birthday this year"

Leo said happily.

"And your mother..... "

"My mother is a store owner here in imperial city, she said she got it from an adventurer when it was just an egg. "

Leo explained. He was proud of his pokemon. He knew how difficult it is to get good pokemons considering his family condition, but still her mother gave him best gift a powerful elekid. Even though it has 1 evolution , it is considered one of the best electric type pokemons. He felt very happy sharing it with others.

Rex who didn't believe such an obvious lie was thinking some other possibilities.

Is his mother's background so good that she got such a strong pokemon, then why is she hiding here. Looks like trouble will come if I try to find out , better stay away from it.

He also started distancing himself from Leo.

The team which looked fine before became weird with a boy of unknown but powerful background , a Royal princess who is part of power struggle and a Duke's son who is normal.

"So should we decide our strategy before going inside, it will help in defeating the instructor."

Leo continued with confidence, his nervousness was now gone and he was behaving with his natural personality.

"No need"

Lena said still looking uninterested.

"We don't know the pokemon which we need to battle so we will figure it out once we see our opponent or we will just be limiting ourselves with our strategy"

Even though she looked uninterested it was reasonable response.

"I agree"

Rex said.

Leo even though thought that making strategy is good idea didn't insist on it hearing there response and all three entered the room.

Inside three instructors were present sitting on chairs talking about something. After seeing them entering one of them started approaching.

"You are team 23 ? "

"Yes" x3

"Please tell us your names first"




As the other two instructors filled the details and started preparing to track time, the opponent instructor released his pokemon.

"Staravia!! "

"A flying type"

Leo said reflexively.

The instructor who looked at his Elekid said with a chuckle.

"Don't think it's easy to win just because you got a electric type against flying, I will give you an advice don't ever assume that a type advantage works against other trainers , because they will always have a strategy to defend against it"

"Thank you for your advice"

Leo thanked the instructor.

Huh... He is giving good advice but if he really knows how to defend against electric attack is still not known, can be a bluff to buy some more time.

Rex as always has many unnecessary thoughts but he was always focused on his goal.

Seeing his team he has become more confident in winning this competition like exam. Even if it will get lot of attention , it will be split to all three of us. Looking at a commoner and a princess in winning team Rex just a normal Duke's son will not get much attention , he made his decision.

As Leo and Lena's pokemons went into the stadium inside training ground he also released his pokemon.

All people seeing this pokemon were surprised. They haven't seen such pokemon but they knew what it was. It was pretty popular due to it's peculiar shape.

A round shaped pokemon looking like a angry pokeball.

"Voltrob !!"

The instructor seeing it again gave strange smile saying

"Another electric type pokemon.. That's really lucky of you"

Leo also became excited. In the whole team he was the one most desperate to get good rank. He wanted more powerful pokmons to get stronger and he knew that such opportunities are hard to come, if he didn't take it today he doesn't even know if he will get the opportunity again.

He prepared to go all out from start, he trusted his teammates just knowing they are nobel and will have good pokemons they will able to defeat it even if he recklessly attacked.

As the 3 vs 1 match going to start he was making lot of strategies in mind, thinking different strategies to attack, the first attack.....

"Battle begin !!"

As he heard the starting signal, all his thoughts went blank, his heart started racing , he knew the moment has come, he quickly picked the attack and as he was going to order he heard his teammates voice.

"Voltrob Explosion !!!! "

All who were present quickly turned looking towards Rex with disbelief. Leo was the most shocked one he can't figure out what Rex was doing..

They all again quickly turned towards the place where 3 pokemons were before, but they got surprised again.

"Where did that Voltrob go !!"

The instructor thought and realizing something he quickly turned upwards to look at his Staravia.

But it was too late, the Voltrob who has suddenly appeared above Staravia was now shining with bright light.

"Staravia.. "

Before he could complete the room quickly got covered by bright light which quickly dissappered as it appeared followed by loud explosion which sent powerful shockwaves in all directions. Others who were still trying to find third pokemon among other two pokemons startled hearing loud explosive sound.

They quickly looked upwards to see a fainted Staravia falling with the fainted Voltrob and Staravia quickly crashed on the ground. Just before crashing Rex took back his Voltrob.

What.... What happened? When did that voltrob went there?

Everyone had same question in their mind.

Few.... That was quicker than expected , now just need to pray that the pokemons academy is offering is not just filled with fire monkeys.

Rex on the other hand had his own worries.

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