Chapter : Level and Ranks
Pokémon Level
1 - 5: Baby Pokémon
6 - 16: Rookie Pokémon
17 - 36: Pro Pokémon
37 - 49: Pseudo Elite Pokémon
50 - 69: Elite Pokémon
70 - 89: Pseudo Champion Pokémon
90 - 99: Champion Pokémon
100 : Elite Champion Pokémon
1. Levels can rise, fall, or stagnate. This variability is determined by "scientific" factors, including growth rate, personality, and the influence of trainers' guidance and training methods.
2. In cases where a level decreases, it is very rare, but it can happen. Muscle loss, weakened stamina, improper care, or the wrong living environment, or their IVs and EVs.
IVs (Individual Values)
Represent the natural growth of a Pokémon. Just as humans have genetic factors that influence their height, bone density, and muscle mass as they age, these stats are fixed for the life of that Pokémon
EVs (Effort Values)
Represent the effects of experience points, akin to how training and exercise can enhance strength, stamina, or skills. Battling also allows Pokémon to earn EVs. These stats are not fixed for the life of the Pokémon
Pokémon Potential
Bottom Tier → Low Tier → Mid Tier → High Tier → Top Tier → Select Tier
1. Tier classification provides a guideline for potential. The higher the tier, the greater its ability to reach higher levels
2. Bottom tier doesn't mean that the Pokémon is useless; it simply reflects a comparison based on the difficulty of raising it, the costs involved, usefulness, initial stats, and its level of danger
3. Once again, the application of potential is based on "science". This is simply an estimate of how great a Pokémon's potential is, based on their initial stats when measured
Trainer Qualification:
Aspiring → Rookie → Ace → Veteran → Professional → Elite → Champion → Top Champion → Master → Monarch
1. Aspiring Trainer
- Gym Badges: None
- Achievements: Participates in friendly matches or advances to local gatherings
2. Rookie Trainer
- Gym Badges: 1 - 2 badges
- Achievements: Participates in city-wide events or advances to small local tournaments
3. Ace Trainer
- Gym Badges: 3 - 5 badges
- Achievements: Participates in intercity events or advances to national tournaments
4. Veteran Trainer
- Gym Badges: 6 - 7 badges
- Achievements: Participates in regional events or advances to interregional tournaments
5. Professional Trainer
- Gym Badges: 8 badges
- Achievements: Challenges the Victory Road and advances to Pokémon League conference
6. Elite Trainer
- Gym Badges: Full set
- Achievements: Challenged the Elite Four or at least reached the top 16
7. Champion Trainer
- Achievements: Defeats the Elite Four and wins the Pokémon League
8. Top Champion Trainer
- Achievements: Defeats the previous champion and wins the League Championship
9. The Master Trainer
- Achievements: Wins the World Coronation Series and becomes one of the Masters Eight
10. The Monarch
- Achievements: Wins the Masters Eight Tournament
Researcher Qualification:
Intern -> Junior -> Assistant -> Associate -> Lead -> Principal -> Professor
Branched into three tiers based on their popularity and difficulty:
Tier 1; Ecology, Breeding, Habitats, Evolution & Form Changes, Pokemon Moves, Habits
Tier 2; Archaeology, Paleontology, Pokémon Food & Nutrition, Criminology, Technology
Tier 3; Origin of Pokémon, Pokémon Distribution, Mega Evolution Healthcare, Pharmacology, Roboticist, Botany, Meteorology, Physicist, Inventor, Study specific Pokémon, Astronomy
Tier 4 (Uniques); Dynamax, Terastal Phenomenon & Time Travel, Pokémon Dreams
The Pokémon Association is a global political organization that serves as the governing body for both Pokémon and humans in nine regions. It operates through three main divisions:
1. Pokémon League: Oversees and regulates competitions between Pokémon Trainers
2. Pokémon Contest: Responsible for organizing and overseeing Pokémon Contest events
3. Interpol: Terrorism, organized crime, espionage, cybercrime, international poaching
4. Pokémon Inspection Agency: Inspects Pokémon Gyms, Overseer, Regional level Issues
5. Ranger Union: Oversees and protects both humans and Pokémon in wild areas
Pokémon Association sponsorship
1. Joy Family – Operates Pokémon Centers.
Divided into four levels; Clinic, Local Hospital, Regional Hospital, Headquarters
[Trainee Joy -> Aide Joy -> Nurse Joy -> Senior Joy -> Director Joy -> Inspector Joy]
2. Jenny Family – Operates Pokémon Police Center.
Divided into four levels; Local Station, City Office, Regional Office, Headquarters
[Cadet - > Officer -> Captain -> Inspector -> Superintendent -> Commisioner
3. Dragon Tamer clan of Blackthorn City
4. Aether Foundation
5. Pokémon Research Institute