Pokemon: With Title System

Chapter 99: Chapter 99: You Don’t Get It at All

Chapter 99: You Don't Get It at All

Watching from the sidelines, Gary didn't understand Brock's decision.

Sure, Sandstorm was beneficial for Rhyhorn, but Swampert also had a Ground typing, meaning it wouldn't take any damage from the sandstorm.

Still, Brock was a Gym Leader. Gary figured he wouldn't make a move without a purpose.

"So what exactly is Brock's plan?" Gary muttered to himself.

Ash, completely clueless about battle mechanics, overheard him and asked, "What plan?"

Gary sighed, feeling drained. He couldn't be bothered to explain, so he simply reached into his backpack and tossed a book at Ash.

Ash caught it and instinctively read the title aloud.

"The Complete Beginner's Guide to Type Matchups and Weather Effects—Learn in Three Days, Even if You're an Idiot!"

Hearing the title, Ash immediately felt the sting of Gary's mockery.

"Gary, you jerk!"

Meanwhile, back in the battle—

After enduring Swampert's Surf, Rhyhorn had unsurprisingly lost its ability to fight.

Although Sandstorm provided a Special Defense boost to Rock-types and Rhyhorn had a higher level than Swampert, its Special Defense was simply too poor. Even with the boost, it made little difference.

As a Gym Leader specializing in Rock-types, Brock was at a severe disadvantage.

Other than Fossil Pokémon, nearly every Rock-type in Kanto was also part Ground-type—making them all weak to Swampert's Water attacks.

Even after taking down Rhyhorn in one hit, Swampert didn't seem particularly pleased.

The Sandstorm was taking a toll on it.

While Swampert's Ground typing meant it wasn't harmed by the Sandstorm, the dry environment was sapping the moisture from its skin, making it uncomfortable and weak.

The fish was quite literally drying out.

Swampert had no choice but to burrow back into the moist soil to replenish its hydration.

"So that's what Brock was aiming for."

Asahi quickly realized what was happening. The dryness caused by the Sandstorm was weakening Swampert.

He had to give Brock credit—sacrificing Rhyhorn to gain a terrain advantage for his next Pokémon was a solid strategic move.

The Sandstorm continued to rage, gradually drying up the previously muddy battlefield and making the ground firm once more.

"Too bad I didn't bring any Ability Capsules with me when I traveled to this world. If I could change Swampert's ability to Hydration, this wouldn't be a problem."

For now…

Swampert had to keep spraying water around itself to maintain a humid environment.

At this moment, Brock sent out his third and final Pokémon.

"This is my strongest Pokémon. I'm counting on you—Onix!"



With an earth-shaking roar, the enormous, dark-gray Onix appeared on the battlefield.

Its sheer size exuded an overwhelming presence, making Swampert seem minuscule in comparison.

On the sidelines, Ash instinctively glanced at the ceiling, checking for fire sprinklers.

Gary, on the other hand, was fully engaged. "Now this is going to be interesting."

As soon as Onix entered the field, it immediately launched an attack under Brock's command.

Having already lost two Pokémon, Brock knew that if Onix fell, his career as a Gym Leader would be over.

For the sake of his younger siblings…

"Onix, use Sand Tomb!"

Sand Tomb's effectiveness was boosted under Sandstorm conditions.

Onix swung its tail, whipping up a massive vortex of sand that trapped Swampert in the center.

The surrounding ground rapidly turned into loose, shifting sand, absorbing the moisture around Swampert.

"This doesn't look good for Swampert…" Gary muttered, a bit concerned.

Even though he still believed Asahi would win, Brock's Onix was clearly not an easy opponent.

After three consecutive battles, Swampert might not be able to hold its own against Onix.

"Swampert is in trouble!" Gary concluded.

Still, even if Swampert lost, it had already proven itself by taking down two of Brock's main Pokémon.

And to think that Asahi had only caught his Marshtomp less than a month ago!

His Treecko was nowhere near that strong yet.

But while Gary was speculating, Asahi had no intention of conceding.

"It's just a change in battlefield conditions. The type advantage is still in my favor… Swampert, use Supersonic!"

Sand Tomb restricted Swampert's movement, but it didn't stop it from attacking.

Swampert opened its mouth and emitted sound waves in concentric rings, sending them toward Onix.

Confusion from Supersonic could turn the tide of battle in an instant.

Now that the mud had dried up, Brock wasn't worried about Onix getting stuck anymore.

"Onix, use Dig!"


Onix burrowed underground, sending a cloud of dust flying into the air. Within seconds, its massive body had completely vanished.

Asahi stared at the enormous hole left behind and wondered just how much of Pewter Gym's budget went into repairing these battle arenas every year.

Even as he made a mental note to ask about it later, his commands didn't falter.

"Swampert, feel for vibrations in the ground…"

Under Asahi's guidance, Swampert pressed itself against the earth, listening carefully.

Suddenly, it heard something and leapt away.


A split second later, Onix erupted from the ground where Swampert had just been standing.

"It dodged! Don't stop, Onix—use Iron Tail!"

Under Brock's command, Onix swung its glowing white tail down toward Swampert.

Brock knew he couldn't give Swampert any chance to counterattack—otherwise, Onix would be at a huge disadvantage.

Swampert, utilizing its strong legs, swiftly dodged to the side. It then fired a Water Pulse at Onix.

Onix quickly used its tail to hurl a rock into the path of the attack, momentarily blocking it before evading.

Ash and Gary watched as Onix and Swampert engaged in an intense battle—one leveraging size and strength, the other relying on agility and type advantage.

Rock Tomb, Earthquake, Water Pulse…

At one point, Swampert attempted to use Surf, but Onix forcefully interrupted the move and nearly coiled around Swampert.

If that had happened, the fight might have ended right there.

Both Pokémon had taken damage in their exchange, but with its lower level, Swampert had suffered more.

Through it all, Asahi remained calm, calculating the damage Swampert had sustained until…


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