Pokemon:I'm redThe strongest champion

Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Pidgey Finally Evolved!

In the depths of Viridian Forest, under the shade of a large tree, the peaceful chirping of wild Pokémon filled the air.


"Bo Bo!"

Charmeleon greedily grabbed an energy cube in each hand, shoving them into his mouth as he chewed with excitement. His tail flame flickered happily with every bite. Beside him, Pidgey was just as enthusiastic, burying his beak into the food box, pecking rapidly at the delicious treats. Their muffled cries of joy filled the small clearing.

Robert, watching the two Pokémon devour their lunch with such enthusiasm, could only shake his head in amusement. He had seen this spectacle countless times, yet it never failed to leave him speechless.

"Seriously, is it really necessary to eat like that?" he muttered, resting his chin on his hand.

He had stocked up on plenty of food, and they never had to worry about running out. But for some reason, every mealtime turned into a feeding frenzy. Even though he had introduced them to different types of Pokémon food, nothing seemed to match their enthusiasm for the energy cubes provided by the system.

Robert sighed, remembering the time he had tried offering them standard Pokémon food. Charmeleon had turned his nose up at it, and Pidgey had barely pecked at his portion before looking at Robert with disappointed eyes. That had been the end of that experiment. Now, energy cubes were the only thing on the menu.

Not that Robert was complaining. He didn't mind spoiling them a little. He took a bite of his own meal—beef rice with a side of vegetables—and sighed in satisfaction.

"Man, this beef just melts in your mouth. It's almost too good."

As the afternoon passed, Robert and his Pokémon finished their meal and took a short rest before heading back into the Viridian Forest, ready for more battles.


Time flew by as Robert continued his search for wild Pokémon. He encountered a few trainers along the way, mostly Bug Catchers eager for a battle. The battles were quick, with Charmeleon and Pidgey sweeping through their opponents effortlessly.

Despite winning a handful of battles, Robert found himself feeling a little disappointed. The wild Pokémon in this part of the forest were weak, and none of them had high enough individual stats to be worth capturing. He had hoped to find at least one Pokémon with a decent potential, but so far, luck wasn't on his side.

That is, until…

"Pidgey, use Wing Attack! Give that Mankey the final blow!"

On Route 32 in Viridian Forest, Robert stood behind Pidgey, commanding the battle against a wild Mankey.

"Bo Bo!"

Pidgey let out a sharp cry as his wings glowed white, slicing through the air with incredible speed. The Mankey, already weakened from the battle, barely had time to react before Pidgey's attack sent it flying.


The wild Pokémon let out one last cry before collapsing to the ground, unconscious.

Pidgey fluttered his wings proudly, victorious. But just as he let out a happy chirp, his body was suddenly enveloped in a bright white light.

Robert's eyes widened.

"Is this... finally happening?"

He had been waiting for this moment. Pidgey had been on the verge of evolution for a while now. After so many battles, his experience had finally reached the threshold. It was about time.

Pidgey's small form began to shift, growing larger as the white glow surrounding him intensified. His once petite frame elongated, his wingspan expanded, and his tiny talons grew into sharp claws. The transformation took mere moments, but when the light faded, a new Pokémon stood before Robert.


The newly evolved Pokémon spread his wings wide, releasing a powerful cry that echoed through the forest. His feathers, which were once a soft cream color, had deepened into a rich brown. His chest and underbelly remained white, but now, bold red feathers adorned his head, extending into a striking crest. His once tiny claws had become strong and sharp, built for gripping prey. His tail, too, had lengthened, displaying a vibrant mix of red and yellow.

Robert grinned. "Finally! You did it, Pidgey— I mean, Pidgeotto!"

The newly evolved Pidgeotto flapped his wings experimentally, feeling the newfound strength coursing through his body. His eyes, once filled with youthful excitement, now carried a fierce determination.

Robert pulled out his Pokédex, scanning Pidgeotto to check his updated stats:

[Pokédex Entry: Pidgeotto]

Bird Pokémon

Type: Normal/Flying

Height: 1.5m (Average: 1.1m)

Weight: 45.00kg (Average: 30.00kg)

Gender: Male

Ability: Keen Eye (Prevents accuracy reduction and ignores the target's evasion boosts.)

Hidden Ability: Big Pecks (Prevents Defense from being lowered.)

Individual Stats:

HP: 31

Attack: 31

Special Attack: 31

Defense: 25

Special Defense: 28

Speed: 31

Moveset: Gust, Sand Attack, Tackle, Leer, Wing Attack, Quick Attack, Double Team, Aerial Ace

Strength: Elite Primary Peak

Robert nodded in approval. "Your stats are looking solid. And with that Keen Eye ability, we won't have to worry about enemies messing with your accuracy. Nice."

Pidgeotto let out a proud chirp, flexing his wings.

Charmeleon, who had been watching from the side, crossed his arms and smirked. "Grrr." (Not bad. But you still have a long way to go to catch up to me!)

Pidgeotto shot him a competitive glare. "Boo bo!" (We'll see about that!)

Robert chuckled. "Alright, you two, let's not start a rivalry here."

He stretched, feeling satisfied with today's progress. Pidgeotto's evolution was a major step forward. His team was getting stronger, and he was one step closer to achieving his goal of becoming a top trainer.

"Alright, let's head deeper into the forest and find our next challenge."

Pidgeotto flapped his wings eagerly, while Charmeleon cracked his knuckles, his tail flame burning brighter.

With renewed determination, Robert and his Pokémon continued their journey, ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.


End of Chapter 24

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