Post-apocalyptic world with Bees

Ch 68

Chapter 68

“Shall I give it a run?”

[Transcendent Being, Seeker of Madness Bo nods enthusiastically].

[Transcendent Being, Zion the Forbearer shakes his head at the behavior of the two explorers].

Sung-hyuk brought all of his byproducts together and applied the knowledge he possessed.

But as the saying goes, for every single new success, there are countless failures.

[Propolis processing failure! This is not the correct production method].

[Royal Jelly Concentrate Failed! This is not the correct production method].


A cascade of successive chimes of failure.

Could it be that they were all materials used in previous processing, and he was trying to force the desired option to appear?

Or perhaps the ratios were not completely right?

The sight of items simply vanishing due to the penalty of failure is quite a disappointment!

But Sung-hyuk’s stubbornness is not to be broken.

“Yeah, this is why experimenting is fun.”

The true joy of experimentation can only be expressed when it succeeds after many failures, rather than when it succeeds once.

Researching ways to somehow keep the Hymn of Abundance lasting longer.

” …… If it’s a processed product that is applied to the body, I’d have to rule out honey tea, royal jelly pills etc.”

The most important first step is to find a way to restore mana that doesn’t involve consumption.

Sung-hyuk doesn’t know if it’s a game mechanic, but honey tea, royal jelly pills, etc.

Applying items to the body that need to be ingested through the mouth to have an effect cannot function as such, and this has been the case since the arrival of the ruined world.

“Then all I’m left with are soaps and cosmetics.”

Honey, which inherently carries the effects of health and mana regeneration, along with propolis, which aids in boosting resistance.

Sung-hyuk reasonably judged that there was a path between the two, and he experimented with them repeatedly.

Was it because he found a definite path and then pursued it?

What followed was a series of failures because it wasn’t the right method of production, but Sung-hyuk made improvements in the direction he was convinced of and eventually succeeded.

[Honey Soap Processing Success! The Bee Guardian’s sigil is inscribed on the honey soap].

[Propolis Processing Success! The Bee Guardian’s sigil is inscribed on the propolis].

[Soap infused with the Guardian’s azure energy (★★+) has been created].

[A Propolis Cosmetic (★★★-) with the Guardian’s azure energy has been created].



[Guardian’s Azure Energized Soap (★★+)]

* Category: Consumable

* When used, applies ‘Guardian’s Refreshing Azure Aura’ to the individual with a sweet scent.

※ Guardian’s Blue Refreshment: Restores 1,930 (+350) Mana over 3 minutes and grants 5% increased casting speed for skills that require mental focus ( Reduced durability by 1, cooldown of 20 minutes).

* Durability: 23(+5) / 23(+5) – Cannot be repaired.

* Description: This is a ★★+ grade soap infused with the azure energy of the guardian, marked with the keyword “Guardian.” Through a special processing method, it has been enhanced to focus on mana recovery. When used, it creates foam and emits a radiant fragrance, refreshing the mind and maximizing mana recovery speed.

※ Note: Soap buffs with the same series of azure infused energy do not stack.

[Guardian’s Azure Propolis Cosmetics (★★★-)]

* Category: Consumable

* When used, in addition to beautifying the skin and boosting immunity, it also applies “Guardian’s Clear Mind of Azure Energy” to the individual.

※ Guardian’s Clear Mind of Azure Energy: Restores 5,350 (+950) Mana over 10 minutes, and increases Spirit by 11 (+2) for 30 minutes (Reduces durability by 1, cooldown 60 minutes)

* Description: A ★★★-ranked, azure-energized propolis cosmetic engraved with the keywords of the Guardian…….

* Durability: 10 / 10 (+3) – Cannot be repaired.

※ Note: Azure Energized Propolis Cosmetics buffs from the same series do not stack.


During the process influenced by Sung-hyuk’s deliberate crafting technique, for the first time, he completed the “Imbued with Azure Energy” soap and propolis cosmetic.

Based on the effect alone, it’s clear that it’s an exceptional mana restoration item, but it’s not necessarily the best.

“The cooldown time is too long for the length of the duration, huh?”

Not everything in life can be all sunshine and roses.

The two crafted items boast incredible effects, but their significant differences lie in their durations and cooldown times.

But who is Sung-hyuk?

He is a unique breed who has spent 24 years of his life following the bee path.

He’s a bee lover for whom learning is life itself!

“If it doesn’t work, I’ll make it work.”

Now that he knew how to properly improve the crafting method, the next step was straightforward and simple to use an item that specialized in mana recovery.

[Imperial Topaz Seokcheong (★★★★-)] x 2

* Category: Consumable, Ingredient

* Upon consumption, remarkable vitality enhancement occurs, along with an immediate restoration of 1,000 HP and MP, accompanied by a sense of fullness. Additionally, the individual gains the effect of “Deep Aura of Topaz,” granting a permanent increase of all attributes by 1, usable up to 3 times. Current usage count: 3/3

※ Deep Aura of Topaz: Gain 1,000 Max Health, 1,000 Max Mana, and all stats increased by 5 for 1 hour (no cooldown)

* Description: This precious Seokcheong can be obtained from beehives in the wild. It can only be obtained in very small quantities through a special method, and it tastes quite delicious. However, excessive consumption at once may lead to significant discomfort.

※ Warning! Excessive consumption may cause abdominal pain.

※ Note! Buffs from the same series of Seokcheong cannot be stacked.

[Peridot Spore Honey (★★+)] x 267

* Category: Consumable, Ingredient

* Consumption grants a feeling of satiety and restores 600 Mana.

* Description: ★★+-grade Peridot Spore Honey. The mycelium of the mushroom is naturally mixed into the honey, making it an excellent honey for mana recovery.


Among Sung-hyuk’s byproducts, there are two ingredients that stand out for their strength in mana recovery.

Naturally, however, it’s the Spore Honey that Sung-hyuk has his eye on using primarily.

‘Even if it’s for the Hymn of Abundance, I can’t just use up the valuable Seokcheong.’

Spore honey is often gathered together with peridot bees where they collect nectar, but it’s a different story when it comes to Seokcheong.

As many as 10,000 Imperial Topaz bees, starting with the Architects, the elite bees used to build the wax turrets.

They need to be used all at once, and it takes 22 hours and 32 minutes to complete the construction of the wild beehive.

And then it takes nearly a day to completely fill the hive with honey.

Altogether, it would take a full two days, and the number of wild honey that could be harvested was seven at most.

“The taste alone was truly amazing, not to mention the effects…”

However, the low number of honey yield also corresponds to its rarity.

The Seokcheong not only served as a first-tier harvest item but also boasted a permanent increase in abilities. Moreover, it provided this enhancement not just once but up to three times.”

Granted, it’s not a processed item, so the effect would not reset after it was consumed, but that didn’t matter to Sung-hyuk.


The answer should be obvious.

An event quest from Honeybee’s Reward, the event quest that helped keep the Chinese server in check.


[Guardian’s Seokcheong Tri-colored Honey Wine (★★★★+)]

* Remaining Aging Period 25 days (Upon completion of aging, the toxic effects are neutralized and the effects are buffed).

* Upon consumption, astonishing vitality boost, along with a feeling of fullness, immediately restores 6,000 (+1,000) health and mana. Additionally, the individual gains the ‘Guardian’s Tri-colored Honey Wine Energy,’ which permanently increases all attributes by 3, once per use. Current consumption count: 0 / 1



The Tri-colored honey wine containing the essence of wild honey was submitted as a product!

Basically, a sweet brew that increases all stats by a grand sum of three, with a special bonus option that increases the effect when aged.

As amazing as its effects are, it also requires a lot of ingredients,

To start with, the main ingredient, the most precious of all, requires three pieces of Seokcheong, which is then combined with honey and royal jelly to create the ‘processed’ product.

Although the first batch was destined to be used as a sacrifice for an event quest, the power of the effect and the publicity it would generate across the Asian servers is enough to make anyone’s mouth water.

“I’m looking forward to the next auction house.”

What’s more, wild beehives are not just Seokcheong solely due to the effect of “Adaptive Wilderness Hive”.

There is also Mokcheong, which is made by mixing the sap of trees together, and Tocheong, which grows by absorbing the energy of the soil.

And above all, Mokcheong, which can be made from the ‘world tree’ that exists in Sung-hyuk’s beekeeping farm, is one of the most anticipated products.


The temptation of wild honey’s sweet yet healthy flavor is always there, even while experimenting.

For a moment, Sung-hyuk’s imagination runs wild and his taste buds are tingling, but he shakes his head when he realizes the experiment is still in progress.

“This is it, then.”

[The blended honey processing is a success! The bee guardian’s blessing is inscribed on the Tricolor Spore Honey].

[Guardian’s Tricolor Spore Honey (★★★-) has been created].

[Spore Soap with the Guardian’s Azure Energy (★★★-) has been crafted].

[Guardian’s Azure Spore Propolis…….

Spore honey that specializes in mana recovery.

Through the blended honey processing, Sung-hyuk succeeded in mixing it with other honeys and finally created a product that maximizes mana recovery.

* * * ko-fi(dot)com/dusclops * * *

One of the many structures on the beekeeping farm.

Inside the forge, which was only recently completed by Lim Seokchul, Kim Chul-kang is happily lost in thought.

“I never thought there would be so many high-quality materials that I always felt like I didn’t have enough of…….”

A mine where golden goblins are working hard.

High-purity minerals were being mined there for 24 hours.

This has already allowed Chul-kang to hone his skills enough to provide the farm’s inhabitants with their own equipment.

Yet sometimes too much of a resource can be a problem.

Because of the steady stream of ore coming in, Chul-kang reflected.

‘It’s one thing to craft armor from these minerals and sell them on the exchange, but how could they be utilized for the farm’s residents?’

Almost all the residents already wear armor, so there’s no reason for them to need more, but the idea is that there’s no shortage of potential customers.

Especially since there were so many “bees” on the farm.

“Come to think of it, I was told that bees die when they use the stinger, regardless of whether they have enough health or not.”

As powerful as their attacks are, there is a corresponding penalty.

Chul-kang rubbed his jaw and pondered the matter.

A bee sting attack that combines strength and penalty.

From what he’d heard from his colleagues, bees had a lot of health, so that meant that the casualty could be drastically reduced by adding other attacks that didn’t necessarily involve a bee sting.

For example, using flight to move quickly through the air, falling quickly toward the enemy, and using attacks such as body slams.

“….If I could make it so that it cushioned the impact, they wouldn’t die.”

Once the inspiration struck, the next step was simple.

Since materials were already widely available, and the supply was steadily increasing.

Furthermore, the small size of the bee is such that it can be used in a way that greatly reduces the amount of materials needed to equip a weapon.

“Even if I can’t have it, let’s go. I’ll give it a try.”

Players with production jobs in the ruined world.

Each of them is full of imagination and challenge.

Master blacksmith Kim Chul-kang sets to work.

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