Primal games: How i became the greatest caveman

Chapter 7: Like Gum

The raptor moved closer to the edge of the snake's skull. The raptor stretched to grab Joji, and he gasped as he saw the jaws coming for him, its dagger-like teeth and its hot breath brushing on his face, convulsing him with its deep stench of rotten flesh.

Joji didn't have time to move; he was a sitting duck, too paralyzed by his fears to act so suddenly. Then he heard a crack, it echoed through the pool. He had heard this noise before when he was running through the ribs. It was the sound of dry bones breaking.

It was the skull of the snake, unable to carry the raptor's weight; the fangs had snapped off, sending cracks all through the skull. It shattered into pieces and the raptor found itself without a footing. It fell down, down towards the pool of sand.

It hung the wall with sharp claws in its feet and hand. Joji gasped, unable to believe it hadn't fallen into the pool. It looked at him; he was only a few feet from it, and its long neck and head could possibly get at him.

It stretched its neck, leaned its head in, and snapped its jaw at him. Joji could feel a hot backdraft from its mouth brush against his left arm.

He knew it couldn't climb the wall and he would be safe from the raptor, he believed it wouldn't hold on for long

So instead of moving away from it, he moved upwards; he climbed upwards, getting out of the pool, and the raptor growled and snapped its jaws at him again; Joji wasn't scared of it now; it was barely hanging on.

"You can growl all you want," he said. You're in the shitter now. The raptor looked at him; as he climbed, it seemed like it was studying him, watching his movement.

Joji touched the top of the rock and wanted to pull himself out; he took one look at the raptor, and seeing it helpless and slowly slipping downwards, he pitied it.

When he turned back to pull himself out, he heard a scratching, loud and piercing, like someone ran a blade through a rock.

He looked back and saw the raptor in mid-air, chills running through his whole body. The raptor, giving a last gas effort, leaped in the air after him.

Joji felt he couldn't reach him and tried to pull himself up, he strengthened his grip and wanted to throw himself upwards to safety.

With all his might, he threw his whole weight upwards, but he felt something pull him down. It was cold, and it wrapped around his leg; suddenly, he felt the shots, like a spree of gunfire directed at his legs; the raptor teeth sunk into his flesh.

For every tooth that had pierced into him, he felt the pain multiplied by a hundredfold. By instinct, he kept his grip tight on the rock but couldn't hold his grip for long, not with the raptor gnawing on his feet.

He felt his bone break, shattering into pieces amidst the daggered fangs. It was him, he was its lifeline and dinner. Joji held on tight; he had Amy on his mind and knew any loss here would doom her, too.

"Take it," he screamed, "take it why don't it with you and die." With his bone crushed, the raptor was hanging on by his flesh, the flesh it had chewed through; Joji couldn't feel much pain or much of anything; the pain had become too intense to feel.

He held the raptor over the pool, saving it from drowning in the sand as it chewed on me. Stupid animal, Joji thought, barely able to feel a thing.

Haven't you ever heard of not biting the hand that feeds you, or the leg that…. he lets out a deep exhale.... the leg that saves you. A sharp shot of pain cut through his mind; he'd never felt anything like it.

His flesh was torn, unable to stand the whole weight of the raptor. The flesh it had now chewed through was now ripping apart like a rubber band stretched to its limit, it couldn't stand its weight.

Joji screamed as he held on tightly faster and faster. "Stupid animal, you're gonna die now"

His flesh slowly and painfully tore apart like a piece of gum. It ripped in two sending a flood of blood gushing down. The raptor fell with the rest of Joji's leg in its mouth; it landed on the pool, sending a splash of red sand upwards.

"Bastard!" Joji said. His eyes looked drained and tired, he was panting heavily like a wild dog pushed to its limits with pain. How could he hold on any longer?

No, not again, he thought; he was falling unconscious. No, it's down there; it's waiting for me, I can't die like this. "You can't die like this, Joji!" he screamed. His muscles were strained to the limit everything hurt

He heard the raptor growl. Die, bastard! He thought he didn't even have the strength to look, but he could hear it chewing on his leg, and he only wished it would sink in faster.

He could barely feel his finger but whatever strength was left in him was placed in them. Soon, the raptor began a growl and cry; it thrashed against the sand,, but that only made it sink faster.

Die bastard, Joji thought, there is only one way out of this Joji; he braced himself; after all, he's been through in the real world and in here, getting through the bones and up the skull would all be a waste to die now.

A different kind of fire lit inside of him; he felt it scorch his wounds like a healing elixir soothing the pain; he had forgotten everything about this being a game; survival was his main goal now.

The death growls of the raptor were like music to his ears; after everything the beast had put him through, they were a song of inspiration, and they motivated him to survive.

He pulled and pulled and pulled. Putting in as much strength as he could muster, but he didn't move an inch. What is this he thought, tears streaming out his eyes.

move damn it, move you, idiot; he was too tired, too drained; nothing could save him now, and he knew his grip wouldn't hold in much longer; he felt it then he heard steps just like before.

"Raptors!" He thought

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