Primate Murder Through a Multiverse

Chapter 11: Harry Potter: Book 1 Part 9 ("THE DICK WIZZARD")


#THE LESSON SONG [01 - Fate/Apocrypha ~ Fate/Apocrypha (OST I) - [ZR]]#

[Merlin]「 Harriet I will be teaching you multiple things while you under my care, And yes Fou you may sit in on these lessons, Now onto our curriculum I will be teaching you Multiple things about magecraft this includes spell's, mistic codes and other miscellaneous things like runes, mana, origins and elements ETC, And of the wizarding world I will just be teaching you DADA and Potions, Now any questions? 」

Today was the first day of a long 10 years for both Harriet and me, luckily for me, occlumency works for me as well. But I am not the topic of discussion that would be Merlins lesson's

[Harriet]「 Yes, Why only DADA and potions? 」

[Merlin]「 Using my Clairvoyance I have decided that these two subjects the most 」

[Harriet]「 Understood 」


#PLAY THIS [02 - Necromancer ~ Fate/Apocrypha (OST I) - [ZR]]#

[Merlin]「 Alright we have come to your final potion exam I'm gonna ask you about 2-3 potions per year level, You have to get them right」Merlin had started his final test of Potions she had already finished her DADA exams by this point

[Harriet]「 Hai! 」She responded eagerly to not have to do potions theory anymore

Meanwhile, Fou was sitting beside Merlin ready to write down her grades and jot notes on what to improve, After all, they could only do theoretical knowledge without proper Equipment nor Ingredients

[Merlin]「 Tell me what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood, Where would you look if I ask you to find me a bezoar, and what is the difference between monkshood and wolfbane?」The first question is asked time is on the clock she only has an hour for this test

[Harriet]「 Asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death, A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons, As for monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite 」Almost instantly she responded, but with a sad tone remembering her lessons in flowers, According to Victorian Flower Language, asphodel is a type of lily meaning 'My regrets follow you to the grave' and wormwood means 'absence' and also typically symbolized bitter sorrow If you combined that, it meant 'I bitterly regret Lily's death'

[Merlin]「 Very good all correct now tell me what would I get if I asked for a potion with [Salamander blood] and [Powdered griffin claw], [Puffer-fish eyes], [Dried nettles] and [Bat spleens], What are the ingredients to a [Wiggenweld] potion and how do I brew it? 」Merlin quite happy with her quick answer shot another rapid-fire

[Harriet]「 The first is a [Strengthing Solution] the second is a [Swelling Solution] 」Her mind raced to the first correct answer

[Harriet]「 There are Nine-teen steps to brew a [Wiggenweld] potion

1. Add salamander blood until the potion turns red,

2. Stir until the potion turns orange,

3. Add more salamander blood, this time until it turns yellow,

4. Stir until the potion turns green,

5. Add more salamander blood, until the potion turns turquoise,

6. Heat until it turns indigo,

7. Add more salamander blood until the potion turns pink,

8. Heat until the potion turns red,

9. Add five lionfish spines,

10. Heat until the potion turns yellow,

11. Add five more lionfish spines,

12. Add flobberworm mucus, until the potion turns purple,

13. Stir until it turns red,

14. Add more flobberworm mucus, this time until it turns orange,

15. Stir till it turns yellow,

16. Add Honey water until it turns back to a turquoise colour,

17. Add another few drops of boom berry juice,

18. Stir the potion again, then let it simmer for thirty minutes,

19. Take the potion away from the heat and allow it to cool, when it is cool it's ready for use 」

Almost instantly remembering one of the less complicated potion brewing steps is pretty easy for her

[Merlin]「 Full marks now tell me what would I get if I asked for the potion Ingredients of the [Wideye] potion, [Antidote to Uncommon Poisons] and the amounts, and the [Shrinking solution]?」Happy with the praise she doesn't even need to delve too deep into her memory to find her answer

[Harriet]「 The first contains [Fire Seeds], [Powdered graphorn horn], [Billywig stings] and [Chizpurfle carapaces] 」A full 5 seconds later she responds with this answer

[Harriet]「 The second contains [6 snake fangs], [4 measures of Standard Ingredient], [6 dried Billywig stings] and [2 sprigs of Wolfsbane] 」Another full 3 seconds later she responds correctly

[Harriet]「 The third contains [Minced daisy roots], [Peeled Shrivelfig], [Sliced caterpillars], [One rat spleen], [A dash of leech juice], [splash of cowbane] and [Wormwood]」Another full 6 seconds later she responds with just the precise answer she needs to pass for full marks

[Merlin]「 let's get 4 for 4 now tell me what would I get if I asked for the potion Ingredients of the [Calming Draught] potion, [Pepperup], and the [Skele-Gro] plus the amounts?」Without even turning her eyes away from the full stare down she proceeds to speed up her answering

[Harriet]「 The first contains [Lavender], [Crocodile heart] and [Peppermint] 」ONE

[Harriet]「 The second contains [Bicorn horn], [Mandrake root], and [Jewelweed] 」TWO

[Harriet]「 The thrid contains [1 Chinese Chomping Cabbage], [3 Puffer-fish], [5 Scarab beetles], [1 Fanged Geranium], [1 arm bone], and [1 red spider] 」THREEE INSTANT AWNSERS

[Merlin]「 Well, well, well, Very good now tell me what would I get if I asked for the potion Ingredients of the [Calming Draught] potion, [Pepperup], and the [Skele-Gro]?」Merlin had proceeded to match her pace and for faster

[Harriet]「 The first contains [Powdered moonstone], [Syrup of Hellebore], [Powdered Unicorn horn], [Powdered Porcupine quills] and [Valerian root] 」

[Harriet]「 The second contains [Alihotsy leaves], [Dried billywig stings], [Peppermint], [Stewed Mandrake], [Infusion of Wormwood], [Honeywater], [Vervain infusion], [Scurvy grass] and [Lovage], The third contains [Scurvy grass], [Lovage] and [Sneezewort] 」Matching his own speed and slightly going faster just to proved she was good enough

[Merlin]「 6th and 7th year are last, now tell me what would I get if I asked for the potion Ingredients of the [Memory Potion] and the [Felix Felicis]?」NEAR INSTANTANEOUSLY ASKED

[Harriet]「 The first contains [Jobberknoll feathers], [Stewed Mandrake], [Powdered Sage] and [Galanthus Nivalis] and the second contains [Ashwinder egg], [Squill bulb], [Murtlap tentacle], [Tincture of thyme], [Occamy eggshell] and [Powdered common rue] 」AND RETURNED WITH GREATER SPEED

[Merlin]「 Last one now tell me what are the effects/side effects of the [Rat tonic] and the [Wolfsbane] Potion?」REINFORCEING HIS BODY TO SPEAK SUPERHUMAN SPEEDS

[Harriet]「 For the [Rat Tonic] the side effect is the abnormal growth of the rat if too much is drunk, The effect of Wolfsbane allows werewolves to keep their minds post-transformation 」SHE MATCHES AND GOES EVEN FASTER

#PLAY IT [08 - Thoughts flows on ~ Fate/Apocrypha (OST I) - [ZR]]

[Merlin]「 Excellent! well, my work here is done Fou will take things from here」Taking a deep breath, we could her both panting as Merlin left the makeshift classroom

[Fou]「 Good job Harriet, you did well and passed with full marks, you gonna have a weeks worth of break while Merlin goes over what to teach you in mage craft 」 He answered her unasked question while giving her enough time to breathe, it was like a rap battle the speeds they were going at

[Harriet]「 I'm just glad I didn't fail it was so much studying and it all theory, kinda hard to improve which reminds me, Merlin gave me that book series, "Harry Potter", was that going to be my future if I didn't meet you and was a guy? 」After batting her breath back she looks at Fou with a serious expression

[Fou]「 ... 」 He stayed silent looking at the ground, looking ashamed

[Harriet]「 I'm not mad Fou, In fact, I'm glad you saved me, even if I'm technically traped with you forever, Oh and before I forget do you know the type of Dumbledore we have? Merlin may or may not have gone on a tangent one day while discussing with me about him, and how he could actually be a dark lord in disguise holding back the Wizarding world 」she looked at him with grateful eyes full of love and compassion

[Fou]「 *Sighs* I do not, But if I had to guess its the Dark lord Version...」 he turned around and stared out the window with "Smouldering intensity"

[Harriet]「 Do you have any proof?」she just stared out the window with fou after asking her question head on her ching watching the sunset in Avalon,

[Fou]「 ... 」 He chose not to answer glancing back at her worried about how the answer might affect her,

[Harriet]「 Please, I trust you, and you trust me, Tell me if you have any and what it is so I can prepare 」seeing his worried look she just smiles again with a carefree look

[Fou]「 ... I went out while you were here one day, Visited the bank, Gave proper proof that yes I had your permission on being there to talk with the goblins, Dumbledore has tried to access your vault many times but couldn't because your parents set restrictions, those being, Only you are allowed into the vault, you must be there and consent to allow access the first under no influence and of your own violation, or a written note with a magically binding signature that defines what the person is allowed to do, signed by both parties, that was what I asked that favour for one time, that and he may have... I don't know... Signed a betrothal contract to one RONALD WEASLEY, without your consent because he is your magical guardian.」 he said so dejectedly, he was honestly wondering about how to break the contract so she didn't have to marry that git, After all, he was an asshole trough and trough and Fou didn't think he should have kids, and planned to do something about it with a certain revolver

[Harriet]「 *Sighs* Do archer and Saber know about the Books and characters? 」she asked while taking her glasses off and pinching the bridge of her nose

[Fou]「 Yes, they don't know about the contract though, we do have to find a way to break the rules on that one 」 He said still think about how to stop it

[Harriet]「 Thank you, Fou, I know by the end of this I'll be ready, Also if we need to break the rules with something magical I think we have just the dagger don't you? 」She said with her cheeky grin

[Fou]「 Oh right we have [Rule breaker]! I completely forgot about it, Now all we need to do is get that contract 」He responded back with an equally cheeky grin

&TIME Skip to the end of Year 10 during the Last lesson&

[Merlin]「 Now I have saved this lesson for last because of the significance of this creature, and the issue that comes with it... 」 he said happy for her final lesson glad that she would be able to protect herself in this cruel world while sad he won't get to talk with her as often.

[Harriet]「 What creature is this? 」 She inquired as to the final creature she wasn't sure what it was she had to guess it would be about succubus's and Incubus's

[Merlin]「 Succubus's and Inucbus's, while I'm am an Incubus you are a Succubus, while I'm the male counterpart of Succubus's, and in turn, you the female counterpart of Incubus's」 He explained what the lesson is about

[Harriet]「 I understand I'm not one 3rd Succubus but what does that have to do with anything? 」 She said not really getting his point

[Merlin]「 let me explain, Succubus are female demons who can drain a man's semen in order to increase their magical energy and to retain their eternal youth, They also have the ability to regenerate themselves, to manipulate dreams, and to enhance their strength. So once you hit Puberty you're gonna become a sexual deviant, but there's a downside at least for normal ones, Incubi and Succubi do not have emotions of their own, They feed off of humans' dreams and then expend those dreams as fuel to feel emotions themselves, you, however, do have emotions this is because you are part wizard and dragon with Avalon inside, so if there are any days you feel no emotions there's nothing to worry about, I and Fou theorize that it's because of the Human, Dragon and Avalon inside you that you still have emotions they may get dampened and not be as strong as they should be at least you will be prepared」 He explained in a rant about this really on happy she gets to keep her emotions but still happy because he Is about to torture her when she can just cancel it, but she would have to do hours of research because he never wrote this magecraft down nor taught it to anyone

[Harriet]「 I hate that you had to go oh another rant to tell me this but at least I can understand what happens to me anything else? 」 She asked just a bit annoyed and mostly dumbfounded

[Merlin]「 No this was the last lesson tomorrow you go to Hogwarts I hope you grow into a fine Magus and Wizard oh right before I go [FUTA MAGECRAFT: DICKGIVER] BYE!」 He said calmly at first before yelling and sprinting like there was no tomorrow to save his hide that he put on the tanning rack

[Harriet]「 ... *\\\\\\\* MERRRRRRRRRLIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNN GET BACK HERE 」 She yelled running after merlin because of what he did to her "No-No Square"

[Fout]「 They forgot I was here, well I did warn him so that payback」 He was sad at first but then happy because merlin was gonna suffer like all versions of fate merlin should


He had gotten when he asked his system if he could just give her both and have it be (Secret Calibur) and it was like Okay go right ahead my guy find out if you could link them, so that's what he was doing for most of her training with Merlin.

#IF you want to know what she learns with magecraft go research on your own or watch OtakuDaiKun on youtube he has a whole playlist called "Lessons in Magecraft" really good, also I ran out of time to write a DADA part because of school work, Here is the link to the playlist

[NEXT TIME ON SKYRI- *Ahem* Uh... Primate murder through a multiverse!]




{Strength} [A+]

{Endurance} [B+]

{Agility} [B++]

{Mana} [A+]

{Luck} [B+]

{N.P} [E-EX]



Shining Path [EX]

Succubu's Vicinity [EX]

Projection Magecraft [A]

Mana Burst [A]

Magecraft [A]

Dreamlike Charisma [A]

Instinct [A]

Mind's Eye (True) [B]

Charisma [B]

Dragon Reactor Core [B]

Clairvoyance [C]


}Riding [EX] (Harry is seen riding BuckBeek with no problems When riding him for the first time as well as being a natural on the broom in HP)

Mixed-Blood [EX]

Magic Resistance [A+] (Harry Survived the Killing Curse because of his Mother and her magic, So due to the stories about him surviving he gets this if he were an actual servant if ask me)

Presence Concealment [A++]

(Harry is often seen sneaking around in HP and getting away with it I believe this is Okay, I will include Flashbacks in later chapters for stuff okay?)

Item Construction [C]

Territory Creation [C]

High-Speed Incantation [C]

{Noble Phantasm}

Avalon [EX]Unlimited Mind Defense Works [E -> conditionally A+] ( Stores all of her swords )

Secret-Calibur [A++] (She either by themselves or both at the same time)

Prydwen [A] (She is able to summon the Yamaha V-Max as well but it doesn't have a rank(Merlin also help enchant it so it could fly like a Broom and belike a magical car in Harry Potter))

Caliburn [B]

Invisible air [C]

Merlin's Staff's [NONE] (She just can summon her own versions of the Staffs both normal and Proto they are exact copies)


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