Chapter 13: Harry Potter: Book 1 Part 11 ("Conflict On the train")
PLAY " OST Fate Stay Night - Akogare no Yuutousei "
Also, I noticed some people who were like, WTF when she told them her life story, and I'm like 1, she has spent 30 years with the same four entities you think she is gonna be able to interact with people normally? she's part Succubus and Dragon, she may have picked up some personality traits of the others anyway, Like "For the Greater Good" Archer would be pissed about it, While she would at most be mad but still have the same happy face while doing something like Archer's whole ideals talk. 2, she's not well versed in wizard etiquette and is socially awkward. 3, I believe that all Magical people would treat their kids as a gift especially after WW1 (Wizarding War 1), and to hear that a Magical child was treated like a House Elf would mortify them. 4, I am not perfect I try my best but I'm gonna make mistakes and I hope you can point them out and help me fix them. 5, I am not going to do another one of these explaining things in a chapter because it feels like I'm trying to beef up the word count if you want explanations or to ask me something join the discord server #
Having moved onto the Scarlet engine, Harriet had gone to search for Draco's compartment, while wondering around Fou had woken up and started to ask her questions,
[Fou]「 Good afternoon my Lady 」 I had greeted Harriet in a teasing manner
Passing compartments with blue and green striped seats, beige doors with a small window, all with curtains on the windows, All in all, a comfy place to ride the train
[Harriet]「 Good afternoon my Loyal pet 」She had responded back in the same manner
Passing by groups of other first years, Each year was separated on the train, The students they passed looked at her like she was crazy, After all, who wouldn't look crazy talking to a pet on their shoulder like they are having an actual conversation
[Fou]「 So what happened while I was napping? 」I inquired about what happened while I was asleep
Looking out the window, I could see the landscape passing by, the green was simply beautiful, I couldn't wait to see the castle, I could only imagine the view I would get of it
[Harriet]「 Well I met the Malfoys, They helped call over an Auror so I could explain what happened with molly, But before that, I had introduced myself as "Harriet Emiya" and explained the reason why I didn't know much about the Wizarding world, afterward Draco invited me to ride the train with him, Currently I'm searching for his compartment 」She had explained to me in detail about what had happened, While I wasn't exactly happy about her meeting the Malfoy's I knew I could give them a chance if she was happy with interacting with them,
While she was explaining this to me she had walked past a compartment door that slid open, and bumped into the boy exiting from the inside
[???]「 Hey! Watch where you're going, Peasant! 」 The boy had immediately shouted after falling, Making Harriet Upset but she still kept that same gentle smile. Even if uncomfortable she wouldn't need to worry, She had me beside her to defender her
[Harriet]「 Sorry about that, I was talking to my Pet here, Do you know where I can find Draco Malfoy? 」She asked the Red-Haired boy, Who we recognized as Ronald Weasly, He after hearing her words immediately Scowled, and got up before going in her face, Even if he had to tilt his head up
[Ron]「 So you're a Dark Witch aren't you, Well I'll never tell you, Just stay away from my fiancee, The Girl-Who-Lived, I won't allow you to taint my Harriet! 」At this point, he was attracting attention with his shouting and was spitting in her face proclaiming to love someone he has never met, It was at this moment Draco had arrived, wanting to investigate the shouting
[Draco]「 What is going on over here, why is someone shouting? 」Draco after seeing Ron shout and spiting at the nice young lady he met at the train station and knew that her family treated her like a House Elf nothing more or less about her home life, He was worried about how she would react to this
[Harriet]「 Ah, Draco so nice to see you again I have everything under control don't worry about it 」 I'm just sitting on her shoulder waiting for my order's, she knows I can defend her and the glint in her eyes tells me that I'm gonna have to do something for her, But looking at Draco, it looks like he wants to intervene After he arrived at her side he starts to talk
[Draco]「 Hello, Miss Emiya, I'm glad your alright, would you like me to handle this for you? 」He looked genuinely happy to see her, I may need to shove a sword or two where the sun doesn't shine.
[Harriet]「 Thank you for the concern Draco, but I believe my faithful companion can handle this. Fou if you would... 」She thanked him and then called on me, this is my moment to shine!
# PLAY " OST Fate Stay Night - Eirei Chinkon " #
[Fou]「Fou-kyu (As you wish my lady) 」Everyone looked at me as a red shroud and black body armour covered me, While I jump down from her shoulder and stand in front of him, me being at the height of his shins
[Ron]「 Ha... Haha... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, You send a cat to attack me, you must be the most delusional Dark Witch I have ever met! Like a simple tiny cat can do anything to me 」He started laughing then gloating about how I'm just a tiny cat, NOW IM PISSED
[Fou]「Foooou (you dare laugh?) 」2 blue solid arm looking things came out of my back
[Ron]「 WHAT THE HELL!? 」He was Scared seeing the mana arms coming out of my back, Jump backwards from fright, oh I'm gonna love tormenting him
[Fou]「FOU! (TRACE ON) 」All anyone saw was a small flash of blue, And from that Small flash of blue came a spear, One reeking of bloodlust, It scared most of the children nearby, they all backway scared for their lives
Harriet had just looked at him in disgust, she could not believe that meddling old man had the audacity to betroth her to this, disgusting man, and being insulted by 'It' she couldn't hold back the tongue-lashing skills she learned from Archer,
[Harriet]「 You have just made Four mistakes, Four massive mistakes, in the past 5 minutes. One, You just up and assumed I was a Dark Witch when I only asked if you have seen someone. Two, You just opened your door without looking and walked into me and then blamed me and called me a Peasant. Three, You have declared someone you have never met to be your fiancee. Four, you have made a mockery of me, something which I do not take kindly to.」She had explained everything he had done in a few seconds, well I held the 7ft Crimson spear Gáe Bolg in my mana arms, pointed at his head, She was gonna use him as an example while making a mockery of him
All of the students nearby started cowering when my spear started to inch closer to his throat, you could see and hear him gulp, He moved his handfast trying to reach his wand, only for me to knock it out of his hand with my spear
[Harriet]「 You, Ronald Weasly, have made a Powerful Enemy, one who doesn't take threats all too kindly, and will retaliate to any and all insults, I have more wealth than your entire families combined, past, present, future, That compares not to my vaults, So next time you want to call someone a "Peasant" because you think of yourself high and mighty, Know who they are, I am Harriet Emiya, otherwise know as Caster, Know your place you little RAT! 」Everyone was left stunned no one knew how to react to what just happened, She had just royally insulted Ronald, he had his wand knocked out of his hands and out of reach by a cat with a 7ft crimson spear, She mocked him for his family financial's, and made him seem even worse in the eyes of purebloods.
Ron was absolutely LIVID about what had just happened she, was insulting HIM the fiancee to the GWL, and he wouldn't let this no-name girl who wouldn't have any political standing just insult him! She wasn't even part of the Sacred 28, How could she have more money than him? a pure-blood
[Ron]「 YOU'RE NOT PART OF THE SACRED 28, THERE IS NO WAY YOU HAVE MORE MONEY THN MY FAMILY PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE COMBINED, AFTER ALL ONLY SOMEONE LIKE "Malfoy" OVER THERE COULD HAVE MORE THEN THE POTTER VAULTS! AND THIS, THIS THING THATS YOUR PET, THAT SPEAR, AND THE BLUE ARMS, WHAT 'IT's' DOING RIGHT NOW. THIS JUST PROVES YOU'RE A DARK WITCH, AND JUST WAIT UNTIL MY FIANCEE HEARS ABOUT THIS, YOUR GONNA BE RUINED, YOU HEAR ME! RUINED! 」Even with the spear pointing at his throat, with its oppressive Arua, he just wouldn't give up, Draco on the sideline couldn't take it anymore he was afraid, afraid for his own life, that spear, He didn't know where that spear came from but it wasn't good news.
Harriet, Noticing how everyone was afraid, decided to ask Draco to lead her to his compartment to rest, it has been a long day after all, and they were nearly halfway to Hogwarts, the only reason she hadn't found Draco until now is that she had gotten on at the 7th year compartment by mistake,
[Harriet]「 Draco, Would you please lead me to your cabin, I have had a long day and this prat has made it even worse, I would like to sit down and relax while reading 」She had ignored Weasly's threat and had opted to ask Draco where his cabin was, the train had been in motion at this point for a good hour, and All this standing, walking, talking, and now being insulted by the Weasel, she was truly exhausted
[Draco]「 It's just down this way in the nest coach 」He replied to Harriet, I stayed Still with my spear out, Unmoving without orders from Harriet
[Harriet]「 Thank you, Fou 」Hearing this I knew it was my time to leave, Everyone was left in Awe as the oppressive feeling disappeared in an instant, the spear fading into blue motes of light the same as my red shroud and black body armour, before turning around to follow my companion
&Time SKIP&
# PLAY " OST Fate Stay Night - Akogare no Yuutousei " #
We had been in the compartment with Draco for a while now, In here was Me, Harriet, Draco, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson and Vincent Crabbe. Currently, we were just sitting around Reading (Harriet), Talking (Draco and Blaise), Playing a game of wizarding chess (Pansy and Vincent), And while all was good Draco just needed to ask about the elephant in the room, What happened in the hall earlier.
[Draco]「 Harriet, I wanted to ask about what happened in the hall, Could you please explain where that spear & Arua came from? 」He politely asked, After all, it isn't every day you see something like that, A 7ft spear appearing from nowhere, A cat sprouting blue arms from its back, The only reason the others hadn't questioned what he was talking about was that they were there as well.
[Harriet]「 I don't mind, But please call me Caster, As for what happened, I had accidentally gotten on the 7th year compartment and had to make my way to our first year compartment, as I was walking down the hall, he slammed his door open and bumped into me, He got pissed so he blamed me, and call me a "Peasant" all while yelling this out, attracting attention to ourselves, Then when I asked if he had seen you around, He called me a "Dark Witch" and continued to insult me, that's when you arrived, I believe you all know the rest from there?」She had started with asking him to call her Caster, Then explained what had happened before Draco had arrived at the conflict,
[Draco]「 You're welcome Caster, But what about that spear? 」He inquired about the spear again, honestly, I can understand it was scary after all,
[Harriet]「 I'm sorry Draco, But I think that would be better explained another time we are close to the school, And I think I could tell you about it outside of classes, is that alright? 」She started off by apologizing nicely while I just jumped up to her shoulders and lied down like a scarf than explain why and asked if another time would be better
[Draco]「 I believe that should be fine, We are nearly at the school anyway 」After agreeing to her request, all of us just went back to what we were doing beforehand.
The others were trying to take discreet glances at me, but they weren't that good at it, I just know this year is gonna be a great one, After all, I have a stone to collect, a Troll to kill, And professors to troll
[NEXT TIME ON GRAND THEF- *Ahem* Uh... Primate murder through a multiverse!]