Primate Murder Through a Multiverse

Chapter 15: Harry Potter: Book 1 Part 13 ("Sorting of a mage, and no more contracts")


PLAY [ Fate / Stay Night UBW Rin's Melody ] #

Everyone was quiet staring at her, her long silky and floofy blonde hair, killing curse green eyes, as she walk forward to sit on the stool, Their faces though are priceless, as when walking you could hear the loud whispers from up here, Just before she reached the stool I jumped down surprising those at the Staff Table

[The Hat]「 Hmm, 」A small voice could be heard if you listened close enough.

[The Hat]「Difficult, Very difficult, There's talent, Plenty of courage as well, Not a bad mind either... one built for seeing underneath the underneath, A thirst for knowledge and friends, now that's interesting... So where shall I put you?」The hat had a difficult choice to make, for she fit in all houses, and it couldn't decide so it had to ask her!

[Harriet]「 Even if I wanted to go with Draco, it's not very Slytherin to be in Slytherin is it Hat? After all, why make the others worry about how you could Swindell them when you could do so by hiding in them?」She put up a good argument

[The Hat]「 However correct that is, doesn't make it right young one, How every I shall rule out Slytherin then, Now which house do you want to go to? 」Ah yes "Just because you are correct doesn't mean you are right", a great line.

[Harriet]「 I think I should follow what that old coot wants for me, Oh! before I forget Fou once the dinner has started I entrust you to find the original contract so we may destroy it, Now Hat sort me where he wants me to go 」Ah yes the contract should be easy enough to find if he is like I assume and keeps everything of value in his office, Nodding at her she knows I have my objective

[The Hat]「Very well young caster, better be... GRYFFINDOR!」hearing the hat shout the last word to the whole hall, She took off the hat and walked calmly toward the Gryffindor table, arriving at the table, Percy the Prefect got up and shook her hand vigorously

[The Weasley twins]「We got Emrys! We got Pendragon! We got Potter! 」 The Weasley twins yelled

Harriet sat down opposite a ghost she'd seen earlier. The ghost patted her arm, Surprising the Ghost and those nearby that the ghost was able to touch her like a normal human, The ghost was about to say something when the Headmaster interrupted, but no one noticed how I slipped away while she was walking to the table, I went to The Headmasters office!

(At The Headmasters office )

Like the Gryffindor Tower and Slytherin Dungeon, the Headmaster's tower required a password from anyone who wished to gain entry to the room, The tower was guarded by a large and ugly stone gargoyle, But for a being like me who can Spiritualize, I can just phase through the walls even then I could probably get by with [Alteration] and [Structual Grasp] Magecraft

The Headmaster's office itself was a large circular room with many windows and many portraits of old Headmasters and Headmistresses, The portrait of the immediate predecessor of the current Headmaster hung behind the Head's desk, This was the largest of the paintings in the room,

[???]「 Who are you? 」 Hering someone speak from behind him made Fou jump a little, turning around he came face to face with Fawkes, The phoenix, With a quick Structural grasp I can see he's suffering from a forced familiar contract with Dumbledore, So this just further confirms that he is Evil... Seeing no reason to lie, Fou decided to introduce himself as a Servant, and familiar

[Fou]「 I am Fou, Beast class Servant, and Familiar to Merlin, well he isn't around anymore so I'm the familiar of his last Descendant Harriet Potter Emrys Pendragon, I'm here to find the Betrothal contract made for her without consent 」Explaining the situation to the Phoenix, which gained a thoughtful look listening to the fellow Familiar, that called its self a beast class servant

[Fawkes]「 I see, I see... Well, I know where the original contract is, not sure how you can break it though It's airtight considering that Dumbledore is her legal magical guardian, that and being of the Most Ancient and Noble House Potter and now both the Royal house's of Pendragon and Emrys, she would likely have to marry someone of pureblood status anyway, I and the hat have been trying to come up with a way to break her out of it and me out of a forced familiar contract with no luck so far... 」 Fawkes having explained his side of the story and seemingly agreeing to help Fou confided in him about his problem, after all, he is her familiar is he not, At least with a familiar bond he wouldn't be able to lie about his master's name

[Fou]「 You don't have to worry about a thing, After all, IM THE ALL AMAZING FLUFFY FOU-KUN! 」He exclaimed with so much enthusiasm that Fawkes felt happy to see one who seemed so young be so happy

[Fawkes]「 Alright then Fou... Since you are so confident in this, Why don't I go get that contract and her fathers cloak I think she would love that 」He said to Fou, shaking his head side-to-side with a chuckle hoping that the child and her familiar would be fine after this

[Fou]「 Alright you go get that and ill wait right here! 」

Why don't we go "Ketchup" with Harriet in the meantime huh?

( Back at the great hall while that is all going on )

Professor McGonagall rolled up her scroll and took the Sorting Hat away after a few minutes she hadn't done so yet because of the shock no had dared to do anything until after the twin devils shouted

Albus Dumbledore had gotten to his feet, He was beaming at the students, his arms opened wide as if nothing could have pleased him more than to see them all there,

[Dumbledore]「 Welcome, Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you! Now let the Feast begin!」 He sat back down, Everybody clapped and cheered, Harriet, didn't know whether to laugh or not!

Soon after people started introducing themselves to her, some in hopes to gain her favour, others in hopes to gain something else, what that was is unknown

[Percy]「 Hello there- 」

[Harriet]「 GENERAL KENOBI!! 」


After a while of nearly eating and people asking her questions, the pompous git Ron just had to take a jab at her

[Ron]「 I bet you don't even have the sword in the stone, You wouldn't ever be worthy enough for the great Excalibur! 」He exclaimed shocking his present siblings about why he would show such hostility to someone he hasn't met yet, and why he would insult someone of a Most Ancient and Noble House Potter and both the Royal houses of Pendragon and Emrys!

[Harriet]「 Okay let me clear something up for everyone, you pompous git! 」She said while keeping the same smile on her face never changing, but the venom in her voice and the look in her eyes clearly showed how much she LOATHED him, Everyone else was interested in the conversation about the sword and didn't pay attention to how she addressed him

[Harriet]「 The sword in the stone, and [Excalibur] are two completely different swords'! 」She calmly explained to everyone listening, before taking another breath to continue her explanation

[Harriet]「 The sword in the stone otherwise known as [Caliburn] is a sword that Uther Pendragon left to merlin who later on placed it in the stone, Got it? 」See everyone nod after she explained she continued on her explanation

[Harriet]「 [Excalibur] is the sword the lady of the lake gave to King Arthur after Caliburn broke! 」She looked towards Ron who was still fuming about earlier

[Ron]「 That still doesn't mean you even have the sword! So you must not be worthy! 」He yelled at this point fuming with anger as his siblings began to be worried about how she would react to his actions

[Harriet]「 So be it! 」Standing up she back away a little from the table, everyone stopped what they were doing to watch what was happening,

[Ron]「 What are you even doing! 」He yelled yet again, the dangerous Aura Harriet unconsciously started to release from her anger was worrying the staff

[Harriet]「 What do you think, Summoning my swords! 」She exclaimed happily

After her words, there was a small flash of light and in front of her was a sword that couldn't be described it was something most people would call Ture Art, Not the momentary Explosion kinda nor, the eternal puppet kind, one that just could be compared, and then it was gone, just the same way it disappeared but now in its place was a staff


# It's just the staff#


#Play on repeat#

It was at this point everyone heard a song full of delight and a flash of fire above the great hall, flowers started to descend

[Fou]「 FOU! (Hello) Fou-Fou-Kyuuuu (It looks like I'm on time) Fou-Fou-Fou-Kyu-Ky-Kyuuu (Mission is Complete There's no need to fret!) 」Everyone had looked up to see Harriet's Pet ridding on the back of Fawkes, who held a black stary cloak, while in Fou's paw a large piece of parchment could be seen, After all that, he dropped down expertly onto her left should while Fawkes perched on right with the cloak in beak

[NEXT TIME ON DMC THE ANIMA- *Ahem* Uh... Primate murder through a multiverse!]

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