Primate Murder Through a Multiverse

Chapter 2: I hate Trucks [Prologue]


You know It's not every day that you die to a goddam Truck.


But when you do get hit by the "truck-Kun", you get something really special afterwards. "REINCARNATION" The ultimate dream of "weebs" everywhere just like me, I always wanted to go out this way and honestly.

The way I went out was super funny, Like I'm standing on the roof of this skyscraper and he just falls on top of me out of nowhere. There were no clouds I was just on a break after a couple of hours of Programing the brand new "FATE/TYPE-MOON" game they wanted it done in Java for some stupid reason.

Hi, I'm Kisuke, I work at a game Dev company, We make games for Anime and TV shows I'm 21 and love the fate series. I have average looks I'm not some sorta head-turner, Just average short brown hair that's a bit messy, Not too buff but not too skinny, and the only thing abnormal is my silver eyes. They kinda look like archers from "F/GO" he's my favourite human Character, Favourite Non-human Character is Fou from "F/GO" now, Onto how I died.

[Kisuke] Augh! My head, why was there a tuck falling from the sky with no shadow?

[R.O.B] Sorry about that you know kids, With their toys always dropping them...

Now ROB was the standard ball of golden light, like most fanfics. I was in a room that was completely white.

[Kisuke] oh... So is this the standard I died because of a mistake from something, You're a god / The god, and you're going to compensate me with 3 wish's stuff ROB?

[R.O.B] Ahh yes, I forgot all the fanfictions the human race of your world have written about scenarios like this. But, I digress.

So when I met my god the Frist thing of 3 wishes I wanted was to be able to travel the multiverse with a system of my design.

&KINGU CRIMSON (time skip) {They went over this multiple times}&

[R.O.B] So let me get this straight okay?

[Kisuke] alrIght let's do this one more time...

[R.O.B] 1. A system that allows you to travel throughout the Multiverse of all Anime's of your own design?

[Kisuke] Yep ill go over the features one last time!

1. I want it to have the same functions as a standard gamer system, But with no penalties for denied quests that could kill me or take away items basically ill only lose my Systems currency

2. I want a shop that has every single item in it no matter where it comes from, So let's say I Buy Excalibur from the shop from the "FATE" multiverse it's only a copy of the original that is of the same quality.

(So basically he gets the real item but it doesn't take it from their world so instead of Excalibur just suddenly going missing in fate he gets his own that recognized as the real date Excalibur as well so basically Gmod Dupe)

3. I want a Gacha option that will give me anything It's completely random, So I could get the G.O.B (Gate Of Babylon) from "FATE" or I could just get a random piece of cloth.

4. I want administration Power over the customization of the system so I can change how it looks whenever I want!

[R.O.B] Alright doable but I might make some changes like adding an A.I to your system, Is that fine?

[Kisuke] Yeah that's fine, If you do that can you make my A.I Mash from "FATE/Grand Order" and be able to be summoned and act as a translator?

[R.O.B] You had my interest now you have my attention, Since you have it I shall allow this if I do it.

[Kisuke] Alright thanks for that ROB! Anyway's for Number 2, I want the Power's of each and every Emiya Shirou!

[R.O.B] Alright but your gonna have to Nerf yourself in some way if you want that, so I'm interested in what you will choose...

[Kisuke] Alright 3rd. I want to be FOU from "FATE/Grand Order" Like appearance and name and the only saying FOU and KYU this will act as my nerf and Final wish!

[R.O.B] *Giggles for about 5 seconds* PFTTT... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Aww man, that's the first time in a long time someone has made me laugh like this, Alright you got your wishes next is to choose which world you want to go to next. Sooooooo where to my friend?

[Kisuke] Hmmm... I think I should go to "Bleach" first oh before I go can you make it so I can copy anything into my UBW and have effects like the golden ripples of G.O.B if I want, And have access to the 2nd true magic "Kaleidoscope" I know its a bit much but it would make so many things much easier!

[R.O.B] Fine since you made me laugh I shall grant this as you last wish now off you go!

[Kisuke] Thanks ROB that means so much to me!

[ROB] Prepare for a headache because of the powers you wanted and also say hi to Urahara for me!


Insert Surprised Fou meme here


[NEXT TIME ONE DRAG- *Ahem* Uh... Primate murder through a multiverse!]

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