Primate Murder Through a Multiverse

Chapter 20: Harry Potter: Book 1 Part 17 ("An eventful Breakfeast")


[Random Students]「 ...There, look. | ...Where? | ...Next to the tall kid. | ...Wearing the glasses?| Did you see Her beautiful face? | ...She have the scar? 」

Whispers followed Harriet from the moment she left Gryffindor dormitory the next day. People lined up outside classrooms stood on tiptoe to get a look at her, or doubled back to pass her in the corridors again, staring. Harriet just smiled at the students who became dumbstruck at her smile, one that looked like it was from an angel.

On the way to breakfast, she happened to stumble upon Mrs. Norris, the caretaker Filch's, cat. Upon meeting the cat some of the students Scowled at her, whispers of curses directed at misses were heard from all around Harriet. When a student saw her confused look they explained.

[Random Student]「 That's Mrs. Norris Filch's cat she patrols the corridors alone. Break a rule in front of her, put just one toe out of line, and she'd whisk off for Filch, who'd appear, wheezing, two seconds later. Every student hates Filch and his stupid cat Mrs. Norris. 」

[Filch]「 YOU THERE! {Filch appeared around the corner scaring nearly all the students} WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MRS. NORRIS! 」

[Harriet]「 He said and I quote "Every student hates Filch and his stupid cat Mrs. Norris." Which I find to be quite preposterous. Mrs. Norris has a beautiful Dust-coloured Maine that seems to be well taken care of! I'm glad you take such good care of her sir!」

Everyone was stunned no student dared to make a noise not even breathe. Then Filch smiled, HE SMILED! Scaring the students more.

[Filch]「 *Mew* {Thank you, young lady, Mrs. Norris Aprecates the compliment and so do I, now off you go to breakfast don't want to be late for it do you? *He grumbled out the nice words reluctantly for how she was being genuine*} As for the rest of you, YOU BETTER SKIDADLE OUT OF HERE FAST OR I WILL LOCK YOU IN THE DUNGEONS! 」

After Filch's yell everyone started to take off to get to the great hall for breakfast, Little did they know they would be in for a surprise.


#Play Hollow Knight Ambience - City of Tears (with rain)#

Every student was looking forward to breakfast that morning, the first year epically since this would be the first breakfast they ever had at Hogwarts and were told by parents, aunts, uncles, and siblings it was a magical experience.

When students arrived and all sat down, a heavenly smell appeared in the great hall surprising even the teacher who had been here for years, after all the meals never smelled this good before.

Before the staff and students lay multiple dishes of various origins there was the classic British food but also Chinese, French, Indian, Italian, Japanese and so much more at all the tables, the 2nd year and older students, as well as staff, were confused it wasn't like this last year.

Harriet still at the entrance to the great hall smiled beautifully as she watch others enjoy the same cooking she did, the noise started to build up as students began to discuss the food and ask the older students if It will be like this every day.

(Dumbledore's POV)

Dumbledore was confused, he had never seen the elves cook like this before and was fuming they never did before this year, he set his mind to give them a stern talking too after the day was over about why they never cooked like this before.

He did however take notice of Harriet just standing and smiling watching the students eat, and stood up to ask why she hadn't sat down to eat yet.

(Dumbledore's POV End)


A loud bang ran out through the great hall as everyone turned to look at the doors after Dumbledore had stood up, Miss pendragon who was standing away from the doors turned to look at them, after all not many could slam those heavy giant doors open.

*Rolling wheels*

Trough the door came in a tall Japanese man, About 6ft 1, short hair white and swept backwards, gray eyes and tanned skin colour, a white long sleeve shirt rolled up to just past his elbows, black suit pants and shoes, and a red apron with Japanese hiragana on it.

# it's just Archer on the left ignore Shirou on the right #

On top of his right shoulder stood Fou, with a large parchment in his mouth.

[Harriet]「 Good morning Fou, Sensei. {She slightly bowed to them } Thank you for the wonderful breakfast I hope the house-elves weren't too much trouble to guide. 」

She stunned everyone in the great hall with her bow, and even more as she seemed to talk amiability with the stage man who had her familiar on top of his shoulder.

[Archer]「 Good morning, Gakusei. Thank you for the compliment, and no, the elves didn't give me much trouble and were quick on the uptake with learning how to properly cook. 」

Dumbledore and the rest of the staff approached them quickly during their brief conversation, all with wands at the ready. After all, this unknown man has gotten onto the school grounds without the permission of any staff member.

[Dumbledore ]「 Good morning Young Harriet, {He said in a forced joyful tone} could you please introduce me to... Sensei as you called him, I would like to discuss some things with him and the rest of the staff. 」

[Mcgonagal]「 Headmaster! This man has gotten onto the school grounds without permission of staff and is talking to a student, he should be removed right this instant! 」

[Snape]「 I do believe McGonagall has a point sir we don't know who he is and he could be a potential threat to students and staff. 」

Both Archer and Harriet were surrounded by the staff and Prefects ready to defend the students at a moment's notice. Honestly, it's fun just watching this play out from Archer's shoulder but I need to deal with this contract sooner or later, I just hope he sticks to the plan.

[Archer]「 I would advise against calling me Sensei, Mr. Dumbledore because in the context we are speaking of Gakusei means student and Sensei means Teacher. 」

Everyone paused, processing that information but before anyone could speak again,

[Archer]「 I am Archer-class Servant, { He did a short bow } summoned and here under orders of house Emrys, As of today I am to be heir Emerys's magical guardian. Any and all magically binding contracts such as marriage contracts are to be handed over to me. Anything made like a marriage contract without prior knowledge of or consent from my charge shall be invalid until further notice, You may call me Archer. 」

Everyone was stunned into silence from the information Dumbledore's smile slightly faltered but he quickly forced the smile back, seething with rage from what Archer had said.

Jumping down from Archer's shoulder I walk over to Harriet before dumping the contract right in front of her feet.

[NEXT TIME ON TSUKIHI- *Ahem* Primate Murder Through a Multiverse]

#From Research it appears that Rule breaker doesn't explicitly need the chant it just has to be stabbed to be used and "nullifies all effects created by magecraft, despite whether such an effect is an enchantment, a relationship formed through contact, or even life created through magical energy. Once it comes into contact with the ensorcelled item or person, enchantments, connections bounded through contracts, and creatures created and maintained by magical energy, they will all be returned to their original components in a state "before they were made." as stated in the Typemoon fandom wiki#

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