Primate Murder Through a Multiverse

Chapter 32: Harry Potter: Book 1 Part 27 ("A masterpiece of a Feast! / A day for a ride")

The door closed with a quiet click, Artoria stepped back from the door as they all left just as silently. Fou rode atop Merlin, Archer to the left and Artoria to the right. They walked to the table in the centre of the common area, where all the doors were.

Archer left to go make tea as the rest sat at the table, his own door holding a placard of a Sword notched in a bow, there were 3 other doors with one being of a sword in a stone and the other of a blooming floor.

Exiting from the 3rd door came Archer, the placard with "Kitchen" written on it clacking as the door closed. He brings the hot tea kettle over and set it down with the tray he was carrying, the condiments making a small clattering sound as it touches the Chabudai.

Fou: "Tomorrow's the end-of-year feast, this will not be just a celebration of the end of the school year but of Harriet's victory over MoldyMort." His face was set in a dead-serious look as Merlin and Artoria straightened themselves up further while archer merely poured the tea.

Everyone took a sip from their Tea synchronized as they all looked menacingly at the table that was now covered in cooking books. Fou stood up and picked up the first book, a small voice in the back of his head only told him "That's hell your walking into."

Fou: "WE WILL MAKE THIS THE BEST FEAST EVER IN CELEBRATION OF OUR FAIR LADY!" He yelled with gusto but was quickly rushed as they all looked to Harriet's door, after a couple of minutes of nothing they all returned to the books as they prepared to make the best feast ever made in Hogwarts history.


The hustle and bustle of students that sat at the tables excitedly were loud, it was time for the end-of-year feast after all! They excitedly chatted away with their friends, but a few keen-eyed Griffyndors and one Slytherin noticed someone was missing from it all.

*Ting Ting Ting*

Everyone quieted down as McGonagall tapped her glass gathering all of her student's attention to the front, Dumbledore stood up to speak as he smiled grandfatherly at the children and spoke cheerily.

Dumbledore: "Another year gone! And I must trouble you with an old man's wheezing waffle before we sink our teeth into our delicious feast." He waved his arms around jovially as he looked over the children., he seemed a bit disappointed when one child hadn't shown up yet.

Dumbledore: "What a year it has been! Hopefully, your heads are all a little fuller than they were! You have the whole summer ahead to get them nice and empty before next year starts." He smiled as he gestured to the house cup sat right in front of him, and to the banners in the air when he spoke next.

Dumbledore: "Now, as I understand it, the House Cup here needs awarding and the points stand thus: in fourth place, Hufflepuff, with three hundred and fifty-two; in third, Ravenclaw four hundred and twenty-six; Gryffindor has four hundred hundred and fifty-six and Slytherin, four hundred and seventy-two." The Slytherin students had politely clapped at each of the houses that were announced before them, they cheered at the announcement of their winning of the house cup yet again.


The doors to the great hall banged open, and standing there in her school robes was Harriet. To her left and right were numerous carts filled with various foods from all over the world, this included such things as; Moroccan Apricot Chicken, Garlic Spaghetti, White Chicken Enchiladas, Curry, Rice Meatballs, Chicken Crouton Casserole, and many more.

The smell of the food had mouths watering and stomachs growling, Harriet waved her right hand pulling out merlin's staff and with a quick but loud *Thump* the plates start flying all across the hall.

Students that reached out to the flying food had the plates fly down in front of them allowing them to gather their fill before it flew off again, Harriet smiled as ghosts flew through the floor and into the air.

The ghost's lined up with pints in hand as they started to walk around with their arms over each other shoulders, "I thought I heard the Old Man say, "Leave her, Johnny, leave her", Tomorrow ye will get your pay, And it's time for us to leave her." They started to sing shanty's as students join in when they could.

They sang many a song; Roll, Boys, Roll!, Trooper and the Maid, Drunken sailor, ETC. At one point every student had pushed the tables to the walls when the food ran out, and they danced, everyone singing together like that one night many ago.

It was during this time that Harriet slinked off outside the room, where she was promptly ambushed by the Hogwarts ghost. However before they could say anything she held her hand up, even Peeves was listing without issue.

Harriet: "I know you all may recognize me as Thanatoses replacement, however while at this school I don't want any of you to treat me any different than you would others. And Peeves, that doesn't apply to you, I want you to entirely back off from your pranks if they involve me in any way."

She closed her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest as she spoke to the numerous ghost gathered around, getting a nod from them all she dismisses them with a wave before entering the room once again.

The cheer of students as they were given butter beer and music was overwhelming for some, but for the 7th years leaving? It was the greatest gift they could ask for as a final send-off to their schooling at Hogwarts, even if someone had to redo a year.

When all was said and done the ghosts bowed before leaving, and the students all sat on the ground exhausted from the festivities. Dumbledore stood up and clapped gathering everyone's attention as he spoke yet again.

Dumbledore: "Music! A magic beyond all we do here, and now it's time for bed. Off you trot, we have a big day ahead of us."

Dumbledore smiled as the students all trailed out of the great hall, chatting excitedly about the singing and Ghosts, the relaxed students all but forgot about the exam results that would be the next day before they left for home.



The next day the students were relaxed, even Ravencalw was, as they all sat down at breakfast for their last day at Hogwarts. Students sat and ate as they waited for their tests to come back, it was no surprise to herself or the teachers when Harriet had all O's.

And while Hermione may not have been the happiest about she took it in stride to do better and be better, Neville was somewhat ecstatic from his A in Potions and O in Herbology. Draco had gotten an O in Potions but didn't flaunt said fact.

Letters had been given to everyone telling them not to use magic over their holidays, the 7th years walked down to boats to ride them out for their last year at the school while the rest of the students were shown to the carriages.

Hagrid: "Harriet! Harriet! Over here!" Turning around before boarding the train, She sees Hagrid waving her over. Quickly moving down the platform she arrives in front of the half-giant man. "Thank yeh fer everything, Harriet. I hope Norberta isn' too much fer charlie, the good lad he is. Anyway, I wanted ter give yeh this book I made."

Pulling a red book out from his pocket he hands it to the relatively small girl compared to him, she opened the first page to see a picture of a man and woman posing with their child in front of a camera.

Hagrid: "Tha' there is a scrapbook I made fer your parents, Lily would be proud o' yeh an' so would James, I jus know it." He smiled as she nodded and gave her a quick hug, he returned it and they stood there until it was time for her to go.

As she was boarding the train she looked back to Hagrid and smiled, gave a quick wave and then the train took off as she wandered down the halls of the train to find herself someplace to sit. She found an empty cabin to spend her time in, locking the door and pulling the blinds.

She lays down on the bench as Fou jumps to the other and sprawls across it like a cat, and soon the rhythmic sound of the train going across its rails gives way to sleep as the rolling hills pass by out the window.


The loud horn of the Hogwarts express awoke Harriet and Fou from their nap, they both stretched before leaving the train in the gaggle of students. All around her as she walked down the platform she could hear and see happy families reunite.

Her smile sent several fellow year-mates to their knees as they clutched their hearts at the pure innocence she radiated. She walked to the entrance and waited her turn to leave, when she got out she discreetly walked to a spot no one would see her before changing her clothes.


The revving of a Yamaha V-Max was all the warning people got before the bike zoomed past them at ludicrous speeds, on the bike was a young girl who could be mistaken for a young woman.

She had a pair of blue jeans with white trim and a red leather jacket, and her hair was done in a "Crown Braid & Low Bun" while leaving some hair to frame her face that whipped wildly in the wind.

Her bike, however, was certainly unordinary, it looked like an armoured horse ready to charge into battle with its rider on its back with steel plates that covered its front and back.


She zoomed through Londen on her "Iron Lion"'s back, as she felt the airflow past her as buildings and vehicles all blurred together, Fou had taken the back metal sheet as his bed and used his magic to keep him stuck so he didn't go flying.

Soon the buildings started to become smaller and smaller, and the scenery became more rural, boxy boring houses passed her as she slowed her bike to a stop in front of the number 4 house. It was just past 5 when she arrived, the Black "Vauxhall Chevette" parked in the driveway told her that the Dursleys were most likely home at this time.

She stopped for but a moment before revving her engine, the loud roar drawing attention to her as she speed off, popping a wheelie as she went. And soon she was left travelling the highway and when she was sure she was alone she kicked the bike with her right heel.

It was just like flying her broom, only faster, as she sped through the air. Her laughter rang out with no one but her dear companion to hear as she roamed the air above England, but soon night started to fall, and buildings came back as she was on the road once again.

From small houses to large buildings, she continued her ride through the night before stopping at Charing Cross Road in front of the Leaky cauldron. The motorbike bled into blue motes of light that quickly faded away she pulled her invisibility cloak over herself.

She quickly made her way through the pub and into the chilly courtyard that contains the entrance to Diagon Alley, slinking past the Wizard that just left she walked down the alley and turned off into Knockturn.

She walked down the alley until she reached a little Night Club-esque place called "The Wolfs Den", she took off her cloak and was now dressed in a full black suit.



They were playing smooth Jazz and some had taken to playing pool and others a smoke but the overall atmosphere was relaxed, as she walked past a few gave her greetings as she passed them and walked towards the back.

She looked behind her and didn't see Fou anywhere and just shrugged it off as him doing his own thing, the lazy ass he is. the jazz faded in the background as she walked to her personal bedroom in the pub.


Fou was stood atop the pub, staring down his System's screen. The light blue colour taunted him as he read through the new mission.


'Ghost Hunter'

A being most foul has entered the True Omniverse. If left unchecked, he will spread hate, misogyny, racism, sexual deviancy, terrible etiquette and most of all really shitty paywalled works.

Find him and destroy him before he gets too strong

Mission: Slay the being with a 3cm erect pecker

JizzlordZ Dead [0/1]

Rewards- Authority of "Bonk"

Accept? [Y/N]


A grim look overcame his face as he thought about the trouble this being could unleash, if he was being asked to stop it then he damn well had a reason to.


I procrastinated on this chapter for a long while, I also completely reinstalled windows in hopes that my hacker problem would stop.

I shit you not, I've had accounts being breached left and right and it's annoying.

Anyways, Question time.

You get any power set you however, I get to choose the downside to it.

I'm asking this because I want to see what you pick and see how people would react to what I choose for them.

But also feel free to add a downside to anyone's pick, let's see what we decide!

I pick Gilgamesh from the Nasuverse, downside is, I have to be shot in the balls with a 50. DMG. would I Survive? probably not but for having Gil's power IRl it would be a horrible downside.

{Word count 2183}

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