Primate Murder Through a Multiverse

Chapter 34: Harry Potter: Book 2 Part 1 ("Of Potions and Brews / Flashy isn't the best")

Never let it be said that Severus Snape never kept up with muggle fashion, he was currently wearing a three-piece dark suit that was custom tailored for him. A silver watch ticked along as he walked down Knockturn alley, many people recognized the man as his famous scowl was on his face.


He soon arrived underneath the sign of "The Wolf's Den" two buff men stood outside dressed in their own suits with watches on their wrists and black sunglasses, he moved to walk in when one of the men held a hand in front of Snape stopping him in his tracks.

Giving an indignant huff and moved to adjust his watch, subtly flashing the watch after pressing a button showing his "membership". He gets a nod from the man stopping him and is allowed into the establishment.


As he walked in he was treated to jazz being played, a group of women stood on stage singing along to the band playing. He ignored them in favour of heading towards the bar and dropping a golden coin on the counter.

He got a nod from the bartender who took him, they went back to cleaning their glass and serving their patrons. As his irritation was building soon a woman walked up to him and tapped him on his shoulder gesturing for him to follow her, the music faded as he followed her.

Following her into the back rooms he walked down the winding corridors, arriving in front of a door that had the placard of a Dragon on it. Knocking in a rhythmic pattern the women quickly left.

The door quickly opened to reveal a frazzled Harriet potter with bags under her eyes, she looked him up and down grabbed him by his left forearm and pulled him into the room before he could get a word in.

Harriet: "Good, Sev, you're here. Come quickly I need your help!" She quickly moved over to her brewing table with the simmering cauldron, she threw in some aconite and stored It counter-clockwise 8 times.

Snape: "Hello to you too, Harriet." He rolled his eyes before looking over the room, Harriet herself wasn't the most presentable at the moment. He did see the numerous shelves stocked with ingredients and books, walking up beside her he picked up the open notebook and started to skim through it.

Snape: "A very... ambitious task. A... "cure" for werewolves." He raised an eyebrow at some of the ingredients she tried, going over her notes he could only concede that she would be well past her newts with this information.

Harriet: "If my research has been correct this should work, otherwise I have to get back to this next summer." She sounded sad, and not at all happy at the mention of going back to Hogwarts.

Snape: "The train leaves tomorrow, will you stop being insufferable and take a rest?" His monotone voice resonated off the walls, he clearly saw how tired she was with the chicken scratch that was her handwriting in the letter with the watch.

Her, "Pet" lay down on a hanging platform laid with cushions watching over her. The pile of phials haphazardly thrown to the side for being failures was not something that reminded him of the cleanliness she usually kept her potions area with.

Harriet: "Can't stop, Won't stop." She was very much entrapped with her project, looking over at the phials of Invigoration Draught he came to a decision. Handing her a Sleeping Draught when she asked for one he caught her and laid her down gently on the cot in the room.

After tucking her in he goes back to finish the potion she was making, it was half an hour later that he finished. He transferred the potion into a set of phials before he went over her notes, when he left the room an hour later the notebook had been filled with suggestions that he had made.

It would seem that she had been able to get into his collection of "H.B.P" books and learned from them while in the first year, walking back out to the bar he sat down and thought about this morning as he dropped a galleon to the bar table with a note.

Quickly the bartender left him with a glass of Firewisky, the pleasant burn helped to calm him as he viewed the letter in his hands. Lily's handwriting sprawled across the front addressing it to him, he remembered that night vividly as it haunted him.

Once he finished his glass he set it down and left for his home of Spinner's End, he sat down in his living room and opened the letter. He would never share the contents of the latter with anyone, only bits and pieces to his now Goddaughter Harriet Potter.


It was early the next morning that Harriet woke up, a bit of saliva dripping down and hair stuck to her face even more untamable than usual. She squinted in the room that was dimly lit by the light sources she set up trying to remember when she had fallen asleep.


She landed on the floor rather harshly after scrambling to get out of her cot, having remembered Severus handing her a Sleeping Draught rather than the Invigoration Draught she requested, she quickly came face to face with the Phials of her completed potion and the notebook with a new bookmark.

Slowly walking over she opened her book, flipping through it she saw revisions upon revisions of her recipes. Quickly skipping over to the new bookmark she saw the meticulous notes that Severus had taken while working and his final words before parting.

Severus: "Overall, you have done exceptionally well. It seems as if you've found my... personal collection. I expect the same quality of work at Hogwarts. -O-"

He had even given her an Outstanding on her personal work, and considering that he is the greatest potion master to ever exist according to Merlin's Libary that's high praise! Even for the dungeon bat that he was.

Severus: "P.S., Begrudingly, thank you for the suit and watch."

She flipped the page again, noticing a slight bulge from the page, and found her Hogwarts letter hand-delivered by the man himself it would seem. She smiled as she put the notebook down, grabbing her things she walked out of the potion room and to her room. Tomorrow was the day she had to go shopping in Diagon Alley!


Harriet stared down from above the line, she watched as the woman swooned for the incompetent fraud who would be besmirching the very place she would be living this school year.

Gilderoy Lockhart was seated at a table surrounded by large pictures of his own face, animated in typical wizarding fashion, as he greeted the next customer to get a signed copy of his book. Looking up she found Draco staring down at Lockheart in disgust and contempt.

She walked away from where she stood to inspect another book on ancient runes, the background noise of the customers leaving her wanting for a bit of peace and quiet with how noisy it was.

Fou was taking a quaint little nap in her satchel bag, she flipped through a few more pages before walking over to the stairs hearing the beginning of a fight, there was a thud of metal as what sounded like a cauldron went flying.

She reached the railing just in time to see Mr. Weasly throwing himself at Lucius Malfoy, successfully knocking him back into a large bookshelf sending heavy tomes of spells falling toward the floor in such a manner a Ravenclaw would faint at the treatment of the books.

Gred & Forge: "Get him, Dad!" It was either free or gorge who yelled for their father to continue his fight, only their mother's screech of "No, Authur, No!" stopping them from yelling as she held their ears for a second.

Employee: "Gentlemen, please -- please!" A nearby employee quickly tried to get them to stop fighting, to no avail. She had made her way down the stairs by this point and pulled out her staff stomping it on the floor a couple of times gathering the attention of others nearby.

Harriet: "That is enough! Both of you! You are civilized adults and I will not have either of you acting like children in a crowded shop!" They both stopped and turn their heads to her voice, she stood there with staff in hand and a very... displeased... look on her face.

Harriet: "It is very unbecoming of a wizard of your status to resort to such tactics, Malfoy, especially in my presence." She talked quietly but she held the room like snape did his class, mentioning one of the differences in this world compared to the books she had read.

In this world, there was a hierarchy among the wizengamot, one that all those with a seat on it take very seriously. And with her having the seat of not only the Potter family but the Pendragon and Emrys seats gave her a large amount of political sway.

Both patriarchs of their respective families clean themselves up before nodding to her, she gave a curt nod back before turning away to the door to leave when she was interrupted mid-step as the very man she loathed to have stepped foot in that castle caught up.

Lockheart: "It can't be Harriet Potter?" He sounded surprised and acted the part quite well. The crowd parted, whispering excitedly as Lockhart dived forward, seized her arm, and pulled-

In but an instant a Sword was embedded into his shadow, and another one just above his wrist as a white fluffy creature stood on Harriet's shoulder. Lockheart was frozen in place with his hand just centimetres away from making contact with her arm, she sneered at the man and pulled said arm away.

Harriet: "The next time you try to initiate physical contact with me, you will lose the hand you dared to try it with." She glowered at him darkly as sweat formed on his brow, with a small nudge of her head the weapons faded into blue motes of light and allowed him to move yet again.

Lockheart gave a "Charming" smile and an "Understanding" nod, he moved to her side without touching her as a cameraman claiming to take pictures for the "Daily Profit" quickly snapped one.

Lockheart: "Ladies and gentlemen," He said loudly, waving for quiet, as he gathered everyone's attention and the jealous stare of one Draco Malfoy standing at the top of the stairs.

Lockheart: "What an extraordinary moment this is! The perfect moment for me to make a little announcement I've been sitting on for quite some time! When young Miss. Potter here stepped into Flourish and Blotts today, she only wanted to buy my autobiography-"

He was interrupted by her indignant snort at the mention of what she "wanted" to buy, getting a puzzled look from the audience in front of her. But he quickly picked back up where he left off and continued.

Lockheart: "Which I shallbe happy to present her now, free of charge!" He took a book off a nearby stack and held it out for her, she glared at the book as she grabbed it and discreetly slipped it into Ginny Weasly's cauldron with none but the two girls wiser about it.

Lockheart: "She had no idea, that she would shortly be getting much, much more than my book, Magical Me. She and her schoolmates will, in fact, be getting the real magical me. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I have great pleasure and pride in announcing that this September, I will be taking up the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!" He finished with a little flourish of his own and a small dip, flashing his white teeth at the crowd as he straightened his back. Most of the audience gave Harriet a puzzled look when she looked downright malicious at the mention of him teaching at the school.

She quickly disappeared through the door before Lockheart could turn back to her, he was fully intent on handing her a free copy of all his books, and she was out the door and slipping away into the crowd quickly.

It wasn't a minute later that Fou was standing atop the building just across from "Flourish and Boltts" watching as people left. He watched Ginny walk away with his traced book, which discreetly disappeared from her cauldron as she walked, and he watched the Malfoy males leave the shop.

[NEXT TIME ON: SPICE AND WOL- *AHEM* Uh... Primate Murder Through a Multiverse!]


Question time!

If you could choose one video game to enter, that you live the rest of your life in that universe, what would you choose?


{Word Count: 2084}

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