Primate Murder Through a Multiverse

Chapter 39: Harry Potter: Book 4 Part 1 (it's too long...)

Title: "Goblet of fire? Nah Chalice of problems."

The wind blew softly under the snowy sky, carrying the very snow covering the ground. An explosion throws more snow into the air to be held on the now billowing winds that whipped around Mount Everest.

For over a year now a snowstorm had been raging atop the mountain as swords sliced through countless enemies that came to fight the Beast of Swords, the battles that ragged on non-stop with enemy after enemy continued.

The Beast of Swords stands its ground protecting its world from invaders, never given a break as it continues to cut its foes down under the snowy moon. Blade after blade priced the ground and shattered into blue motes.

The once pure white snow was taken over from the dripping blood, with so many corpses left to rot across the ground with their armours in pieces their own blades broken and shattered on the ground while they were added to the collection of a better swordsman.

Guns lie in pieces strewn about in tiny and big chunks, rusted from the year spent frozen and in blood and air.

The beast sat on a throne made of corpses siping piping hot Tea and waiting for its next challenger. The howling wind was his only companion in the desolate battlefield, with a flick of its paw a shield was sent spinning in the air clearing the way for the moon to shine once more.

It highlighted the battlefield once more, some corpses had shock permanently frozen onto their faces others angry... It mattered not what was on their faces, it didn't change the fact that they foolishly thought that they could defeat a weapon of mass destruction.

The steam from the tea cup wafted gently in the air, bringing a powerful aroma that overwhelmed the smell of rot and blood. The night sky calm and collected could only be made better with some calming music however that was never to be.

The beast raised its head to watch as a Purple envelope with Black accents and a Golden Wax seal floated down slowly in front of him, pausing itself as it floated mid-air in front of the beast as if waiting for it to be touched.

The Beast blows on its tea before taking another sip and reaching out with a paw to lightly tap the envelope, watching as it disintegrates into motes of light similarly coloured that swirled for but a moment before a notification appeared in his vision.


'Trade Offer'

I receive:

- A favour to be called in later

You receive:

- A chance to stop a Great Holy Grail War from erupting in your world.

- Protection for your world until you're back


Y/N [?]


The beast barely looked at it for more than a second before smashing the Y and running off to his dear companion, looking at the time of year he noticed he would be there just in time for the Tri-Wizard Tournament's drawing to finish.


Many a student stared in awe as Harriet sat still reading her book and completely ignoring the ceremony to feed the phoenix currently sitting on her shoulder while flipping pages, the professors were content to let her do her own thing.

Ronald was bugging out about Krum and if he wasn't already disliked by the Durmstrang students from the rumours floating around about him... Well, they certainly gave 'benefit of the doubt' a second thought, even if Hogwarts rumour mill is ruthless.

"Well, the goblet is almost ready to make its decision," Dumbledore said standing up followed by his fellow headmasters, "I estimate that it requires one more minute. Now, when the champions' names are called, I would ask them please to come up to the top of the Hall, walk along the staff table, and go through into the next chamber" He waved his hand behind him, gesturing to the correct door "Where they will be receiving their first instructions."

Dumbledore sat down while waving his wand plunging the great hall into darkness that was only lit by the goblet of fire, everyone but Harriet turned and stared at the blue fire flickering around... but then it changed.

Its fire shot high into the air above it as the fire turned a golden colour, it shot back down and swallowed the goblet up as it shone even brighter causing students and teachers alike to close their eyes as Fawkes Screeched and left.

Harriet now paid rapt attention as she closed her book with a quiet *thump* and stuffed it into her bag, when the fair died down all that was left was a golden chalice without any fire that floated mid-air.

"NOOOOO!" Harriet scream as she rushed into the air with her sword drawn, no one could do anything as she flew passed them at high speed and swung her sword down on the chalice that for some reason she wanted to destroy.

"My, My, I can't allow that." A man spoke as he appeared in front of her, a sword in his hand locked with her Caliburn, "I MUST DESTROY IT, I CAN'T LET IT HAPPEN HERE." She Screamed at the man as Merlin, Archer and Artoria all moved to attack the Holy Grail.

A quick wave of his hand sent Harriet back, "All of you will stop that." He spoke, the words having an effect on the servants as if affected by Fou's command seal. "So, you're a Ruler class?" Merlin asked playfully as Artoria and Archer rushed to attack him.

The Ruler smiled as he jumped back, only for both of them to be intercepted by a flag pole wielded by a beautiful maiden with golden hair and blue eyes. "Another Ruler?" Merlin asked as he attacked her from behind.

His sword was blocked by a playing card held in the hand of a voluptuous woman with long golden hair, and white bunny ears poked out from atop her head as she struck a pose and stared at Merlin with disapproving eyes.

"Merlin, it's been a while has it not?" She asked, "My, My, I think you have me confused for your Merlin-" He was interrupted while standing up, the headmasters and teachers had started moving to protect their students the instant the first Ruler appeared.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?" Bartemius Crouch yelled at the servants and Harriet, his wand at the ready as the rest of the professors stood beside him wands drawn. The Challice pulled with golden light before disappearing as 21 screams rang out through the hall.

The first Ruler walked away from the pedestal where the goblet was held, he laughed as he walked before abruptly stopping. "One of you messed with an artifact that should never have been messed with." He smiled heavily as he kicked Harriet who was on the ground clutching her left arm, she had spoken through gritted teeth as Fou burst into the room like a rocket speeding for the in-corporeal Grail.

All the Rulers were surprised to see Beast IV there but reacted quickly as it moved, empowered by the grail they intercepted him with thrown cards and swords and Ruler Two with her pole in front to defend.

Swords appeared mid-air intercepting the projectile as Fou roared in anger, the bestial roar scaring more people than it reassured. Ruler two was pushed back from the roar while three intercepted Fou with a smack.

He went soaring through the air right at the First Ruler, who stood chanting before a portal opened and swallowed Fou whole. Harriet Screamed out in agony as she watched her closest friend disappear.

The first Ruler stood tall and proud as he smiled, "Welcome, one and all, to the Great Holy Grail War!" He whipped his arms out the side as Archer, Artoria, and Merlin attended to Harriet. "Just who do you-" Crouch barely spoke before a sword was put to his throat courtesy of Ruler One.

"I am Amakusa Shiro, Ruler Class. You will sit there quietly and listen or I will have your head." He spoke as he stared coldly into Crouch's eyes, "The same goes for the rest of you, now let me introduce my fellow Rulers. Ruler Two Jeanne d'Arc and Ruler Three, Artoria Pendragon. If you have any further questions you may defer to Miss. Harriet."

And with that, they left them all there. All eyes moved to Harriet as she rolled her sleeve up to see her command seal design, It was a Bow with a Sword notched as an Arrow that spanned across her arm from shoulder to the back of her hand flowers crawled across the bow's upper and lower limb.

"The 20 others who scream... Who are they?" She asked solemnly as she rolled her sleeve down, she waved Merlin off as she stood up. No one had made a move to speak or ask, "WELL!?" She yelled as she turned around, "If any of you have spontaneous red marks after feeling the burning that caused the 20 of you lot to scream? Ste up right now!" She yelled in anger and everyone could see the hurt on her face.

Slowly students stepped up, the most notable being Fleur Delacour, Viktor Krum, and Cedric Diggory. She motioned all 20 to follow her, she turned around at the door to the champions' room as the Headmasters followed by McGonagall, Snape, and Moody moved in to follow as well.

She closed the door as the last of them moved in and everyone was standing around Awkwardly, she sighed as Merlin conjured a chair for her before promptly leaving with Archer and Artoria.

"What in the Devil is going on!?" Crouch yelled as she settled in, eliciting the students to murmur, it was even 7/7/7 split between the 3 schools. She sighed again as everyone looked to her, "Ruler?" She asked quietly but with the silence in the room, everyone heard it.

"Why yes, Miss Harriet?" He asked as he appeared sitting on the chair's right arm, "The Teams, what do they look like?" She asked in exasperation, "Why the teams are split between schools! It's just easier that way... Sadly for them, there is no backing out" She nodded her thanks as he left again.

"If you have any loved ones, now's the time to write letters for them." Harriet dejectedly said as she stared at the floor. "And why would we do that Miss Harriet?" Fleur Delacour asked, she crossed her arms over her chest and looked peeved.

"The Holy Grail War... is a competition that decides the ownership of the Holy Grail through intense battle royale." She spoke softly catching everyone's attention, the pure dead face not boding well for the participants.


"While there have been many conflicts over supposed Holy Grails in the past, this term refers to those specifically based around Masters." She took a breath, as Viktor asked a question. "And what do you mean Masters?" She seemed a bit ticked off about it.

"Usually proficient Magi, Witches or Wizards, Magic users!" She threw her arms up into the air before continuing while leaning back into the chair. "Summoning Servants, Heroic Spirits brought forth as Familiars, and meeting in battle until only one pair is left to claim the Holy Grail."

A kid, from Durmstrang put his hand in the air, she looked at him and nodded- "Does that mean we'll all fight each other?" -he spoke in somewhat broken English, and she shook her head no. "Now I'm sure there's a way we can peacefully resolve this without murdering each other," Dumbledore spoke up jovially.

"If this was a normal Holy Grail War? Yes, but it isn't." Cedric steps up next, "If it isn't then what is it?" She stared up at the ceiling unhappily "This isn't even a normal 'Great Holy Grail War' It's a 3-way faction fight."

Igor Karkaroff spoke up in a huff of impatience, "So what! Get to the point Girl." She scoffs at him, "That means that instead of the normal 2 teams and Rulers, there are 3 and the only way to win at this because we have no 'Holy Church' acting as mediators...! " She paused as she stood up midway through and started yelling, she stalked closer to him as she started again.

"it's Kill, or Be Killed. Dog Eat Dog. WHATEVER YOU WANT TO CALL IT! People will die it's inevitable, and Amakusa just so happened to kick his duties of teaching you all to summon servants of your own onto ME!" She took deep breaths as she stepped back from screaming in Karkaroff, she had pushed him to the wall.

"I'm going to be teaching everyone how to summon a Servant, and I'm going to be the one watching us kill each other, I'm going to be the only one with an unfair advantage of knowing your servants." She point to her chest as she spoke, once she said her piece she walked back to the chair and sat down as everyone had backed off while she was ranting.

"For the sake of everyone else, I'll go through the summoning one at a time so that it's at least slightly evener for everyone else." She sighed as she sunk into her chair and place a hand over her eyes.

She looked back up at the dumbfounded faces, "What are you waiting for!? GO!" She yelled at them as they quickly retreated from the room, the teachers stayed but she wasn't communicating with them.

She stop up and pushed her way past them all but Snape, who just followed behind her. They walked in silence as she made her way back to the RoR, stoping in front of the door she held a hand up to stop Snape from talking.

"I need to be alone, just for tonight." She said leaving no room for argument, "Alright, owl me if you need anything." he said aloofly and stalked back down the hall to the dungeons, she waited for a bit before entering to talk to Fou's Servants.

[NEXT TIME ON: FAIRY GO- *AHEM* Uh... Primate Murder Through a Multiverse!]

Yellow, I know it's been like... 2 Weeks since the last chapter, I kinda lost motivation but this morning I had a dash of inspiration and bloody ran with it!


I'm back at it again, QTC time.

Let's say you get to become a Servant, you get to keep all their skills and items after you finish the HGW,

1. What world will this HGW take place in? Bleach, Naruto, Fate stay night? Your pick.

2. What servant do you pick?

3. You get to choose your master, Who do you pick?

Now that that's done, GO write it! Have fun! Make Archer Gil fight Adam from Record of Ragnarok, it's all up to you!

Also, Supersaga, I featured your idea because funni.

{Word Count: 2310}

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