Primate Murder Through a Multiverse

Chapter 8: Harry Potter: Book 1 Part 6 ("The Archer")



#I recommend listening to this song through the part about Emiya I was listening to it while writing and it helped set the mood I was trying to go for#


P.O.V [Fou]

It had finally been 10 years now, while I had archer teaching me about housework and the subsequent tasks that join it, Harriet was learning everything from Archer she could.

This had included all of his {Class skills} and {Personal skills} the skill she had learned about were,

Magic Resistance [D]

Clairvoyance [C]

Mind's Eye (True) [B]

Magecraft [C-]

Projection Magecraft [A+]

She hadn't managed to replicate our Reality marble, But it was understandable considering it is the closest Magecraft to real Magics, But even so, Shiro was very proud of her and on the last decided to give her a test.

&Flash back to the start when Harriet was still first learning&

[Archer] Harriet, As a new Magus. No, a new Mage. I know how you feel. You must be frustrated with how powerless you are, but right now let's keep looking forward.

[Harriet] Thanks... but how am I supposed to get as good as you?

[Archer] *sighs* I have thousands of years of practice under my belt as a "Counter Guardian", I was just as bad as you when starting. But that doesn't mean you won't improve upon your skills later. Now for failing to properly reinforce your stick 5 Laps around the tower.

[Harriet] *groans* Alright but I swear you're a slave driver

After she was gonna I had jumped up onto Archer's shoulder, after which I projected a Pen and paper and started to write

[Archer] Good evening master how are you? (I'm good but... How is she? is she doing good?) She is doing just fine, better than when I first started, but she doesn't have a [UBW] like us so she cant store them there. (I know of something with could probably work she would be able to save the swords, But not use something like [UBW] as we do) I suggest teaching her if it could work she could be a whole lot better (Alright but this will clash into class time) Not like I care, whether she swims or sinks is not up to us... it's up to her

&Flashback End&

After that Conversation, I taught her how to use "Occlumency"

&Flashback to the lesson&

[Fou] Today I'm gonna teach you something new, "Occlumency" it is the art of protecting your mind

[Harriet] But why am I gonna learn this? isn't it useless to me?

[Fou] That my dear is not the attitude someone should have while learning magic, After all, any magic is Usefull one way or another, in this case, "Occlumency" will help organize your mind, this, in turn, helps you memorize things easier and, if it goes well I'm hoping it will allow you to make a pseudo-"UBW", while you won't be able to project you're [UBW] onto reality it should allow you to store the swords like it and when someone is invading your mind, Grant you the ability to use it like you were in you're own [UBW]

&Flashback End&

Then there was that time she wanted to know what life like a servant was, Emiya's Answer was really funny

&Flash back to when she asked&

[Archer] You wanna know what life is like as a Servant? Well, once we are summoned, we aren't all that different from you. We each have our differences, some of us even enjoy a good meal or night's sleep.

[Harriet] Well... what do you like? if you don't mind me asking that is

[Archer] Me? Well, I guess I like food. Making it, that is.

[Harriet] Why do you like to make food? and how are you so good at it?

[Archer] *Shiver* That is a topic for another day, Now enough slacking, That's another 5 laps

[Harriet] Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

&Flash back end&

Oh and there was that time She was doing good and got more confident about it

&Flash back Part 3:Stardust Crusaders AKA 5 years in Halfway done the 10 years&

[Harriet] Archer! Did I do it right?

[Archer] You're doing good, While there are still some flaw that's to be expected but you have managed to trace "My" signature blades

Shirou had noticed her smug look

[Archer] Feeling more confident, are we?

[Harriet] Yeah I even have it saved in my pseudo-"UBW", and even if someone were to attack my mind I have a copy of you to protect it even then, I did manage to copy all of your blades I don't think anyone could break into my memories, I think I will have this all down pat by the end of it

&Obviously, she doesn't have Avalon or Excalibur in her pseudo-"UBW" and she was unable to trace Caliburn, I Prevented her from tracing it due to the one waiting for her&

[Archer] That's the spirit, Hope I can still be of service Even after that

&Flash back end&

Even after that, she continued to work hard on her skills to be able to call them her own, so with today being the last day Archer decide to leave her with some wisdom about his own Experiences

#This video below is the knowledge that he passes on I spent a while trying to think of something when this popped up in my suggestions, so yeah this is the speech he gives Harriet#



#Play the above soundtrack while reading this next Part#

[Archer] This is the wisdom I once passed onto a younger version of myself, I hope you shall keep it to heart while you are learning from Artoria, Merlin had made a mistake in guiding her, She had certainly become Selfless and Ruthless, Dissreguarding her own needs and desires to the point her people criticized her humanity, and while she may train you to be the perfect Knight and King, You also have to be able to be Selfish and Merciful while being Selfless and Ruthless

[Harriet] Thank you... Sensei you have given me a lot to think about

[Archer] With that being said I have one last gift for you, but before I give it to you I want to know, Did you come up with a name for your pseudo-"UBW"?

[Harriet] Yes, I have decided to call it, "UMDW" it stands for "Unlimited Mind Defense Works"

[Archer] Very well, Now to satiate my curiosity since you never told me preferring to keep a secret what is your Origin, Element, Magecraft's "Switch" and Activation Spell

[Harriet] My switch is the turning of a key starting the Engine of a car, After all with my magic finally formed its power output is that of a Vehicle, I have two origins & elements they are the same and I think helps with my projection Magecraft [Imaginary Elements Hollow & Nothingness] With what very little I know this allows me to replicate the [First True Magic: Denial of Nothingness] to a small extent and my activation spell is {Creation on}

# I don't understand origins and Elements very well so I may mess something up if you could help me correct it that would be great! #

[Archer] I believe by the end of the next 20 years you will be able to create your own reality marble then, Now for my final gift I give you your own armour and shroud

#this is the best images that I could find that I think would fit a Female cut just the "Chest" is The same size as "Merlin Proto" this will be the main thing she wears#



#Also switch back to the song at the very top "Ocean of Memories" from F/SN UBW OST#

[Archer] This is a female copy of both my "Red Plain Mystic Code" and my armour fou was generous enough to go get the material for its so you would be protected, he cares about you a lot... and so do I even if I hate to admit it you have grown on me "Gaki"

[Harriet] *Is tearing up and making Sniffling noises* Thank you... Thank you so much this is the best gift I have ever gotten I will make sure to treasure it

[Archer] Now go, you cant keep Artoria waiting

[Harriet] Bye Archer, Will I See you later?

[Archer] Of course You will need both me and fou to feed Artoria, you may have learned to cook from me and fou, But you shouldn't ever have to go into a fate with Saber's Stomach by yourself

[Harriet] *Is all better now and happy* Good because even if you left back to the throne of hero's, I would've found out how to summon you anyway when I learn from both Fou and merlin

#Note All Servants Fou gets are just Full Copies not the original when they go back to his own Throne They keep their memories, Sorta like F/GO and the Command seal do recharge#

Now for a Recap of what She learned, and then her new Status

Year 1: In this year she learn all about Magecraft, Everything Emiya could teach her he taught with Fou stepping in and filling gaps and problems that would lead to self-harm

Year's 2-3: Magic Resistance training as well as Physical Training

Year's 4-5: Basic Projection magecraft training as well as Weapons training for all weapon types

Year's 6-10: Mind's eye (True) and Clairvoyance training with Advanced-Master Projection/Tracing training

[Fou] System Show Harriet's Status




{Strength} [D]

{Endurance} [D]

{Agility} [D+]

{Mana} [A+++]

{Luck} [A+]

{N.P} [None]



Dreamlike Charisma [B+]

Succubus's Vicinity [EX]

Instinct [B++]

Mana Burst [A-]

Clairvoyance [C]

Mind's Eye (True) [B]

Magecraft [C-]

Projection Magecraft [A+]

{Class Skills}Magic Resistance [D]

{Noble Phantasm}



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