Primordial Villain With A Slave Harem

Chapter 591: Robbing the Goddess Blind [Bonus]

Miri and Lumi then stared deep into my eyes and parted their lips in sync, declaring together, "Quinnie, you're robbing the Goddess blind!"

My eyes widened with shock at this revelation of theirs. As far as I was concerned, I was just doing my best to unlock a normal class, even if it was associated with weirdos. "Souls are the currency of gods…?"

My disbelieving question was answered by Malakar. "Indeed. Laddy, This is how worlds are created; an elder god, or more likely a group of them, travels to a lifeless planet the Soul Records deem mature enough to welcome the existence of what we call 'magic' into its atmosphere. They then fill the atmosphere with mana, establishing all that you've come to find normal: classes, spells, status interface, etc. They follow it up by using their divinity to birth a few primordials, who are tasked with populating the young world and leading their descendants into prominence.

Furthermore, a god or multiple gods are tasked with the governance of said world, just like the Goddess acts as the divine administrator of Thalorind. These administrators are then given a bundle of souls by the Soul Records itself, who, mind you, is the single mightiest creature in the universe. It is omnipresent, omniscient. Untouchable, even if every single living cell in the universe worked together against it.

These souls are required to give life to a world; without them, no babies would be born. Once a mortal dies, their soul returns to the soul administrator's care, who cleanses them, making them ready to be embedded in a newly created embryo. This is what we call the soul ecosystem.

However, souls cannot be multiplied, replenished, repaired—nothing. Not even the Elder Gods can make them."

I was struggling to understand all this information; it felt like they were above my pay grade. Nonetheless, I had to make sure I used the opportunity to learn as much as I could from the primordials. They were my most knowledgeable allies, after all. To that end, I ventured to clear my rapidly swirling thoughts up.

"So by storing the souls in my Soul Reaper, I…"

"There have been millions of Necromancer-classed individuals in Thalorind's history, but none of them had the ability to extract the souls of the slain. As your mothers have said, you're taking the souls from the Goddess' hands, robbing her ecosystem of its ammunition. The scale upon which you've been operating thus far as a soul robber was no issue in the grand scheme of things as there are many billions of souls under her management, but if you keep it up, you could lead Thalorind to mass extinction."

A chill traveled down my spine as a result of his ominous words. If I kept reaping souls for a long time and on a large scale, I could ensure no children would be born…

"But then, why was I given the ability to reap souls?"

"Your guess is as good as ours. Understanding the intentions of the Soul Records is not an easy task. I have my theory, but I shall keep it to myself for now."
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"I see…" Not having any other option, I had to accept the information I was given. They had no reason to lie to me. Thus, it must've been the truth, no matter how difficult I found wrapping my head around it.

"Enough serious talk!" Lumi declared, followed by heavy nodding from Miri. "Yes! We've established Quinnie's complete innocence; it's not his fault if he didn't even know of it."

"What about my masterpiece that has been tainted?!" Björn shouted angrily. 'Never mess with the work of a passionate master…' My father's wise words sounded in my mind.

The artificer dwarf was so overcome with fury he growled and bit into my saber. "Ouch!" As a result of his actions, his teeth shattered into smithereens. Damn… I can't hold a candle to these ageless monsters in combat, but I secured my first little victory.

In the Soul Reaper vs primordial teeth fight, my battle partner came out victorious.

With that being said, even if he was the creator of my cherished saber, I didn't like his actions. To that end, I mentally commanded the blade to leave his hands and hover over to me. "Wha-?" Björn grunted with surprise before flexing his stocky muscles and stubbornly gripping my blade in both of his hands.

The reason Björn could hold onto my blade thus far was simply because I allowed him to. The Soul Reaper was bound to me; only I had the right to command it. To that end, it entirely ignored the laws of physics; it didn't care how incredibly strong the dwarf was, it merely listened to my command, hovering to me with the furious midget attached to it.

"Damn it, listen to me! I'll bring you back to my smithy and take you apart! I must find out what that damned creature did to my precious creation!"

"I don't think so." Miri declared with an offended tone. It didn't take a genius to figure out her issue; the overly emotional mother didn't like the dwarf trying to destroy her little boy's toy. I wasn't sure how to feel about all of this, but I couldn't help but nod in amazement at what happened next.

Mearie let go of my waist and followed it up with the mightiest spinning kick I'd ever seen, hitting Björn squarely in the chest and launching the painedly yelping dwarf flying into the far distance like a shooting star.

Since he had no right to wield my blade, it stayed in place. "Thanks, Miri." Having said my appreciation, I willed the Soul Reaper back into my storage.

"Don't even mention it, Quinnie! I'll properly put him in place, but not until you leave… I intend to make the most of your stay; I can't afford to waste a single precious second on this rude man!"

A wry grin emerged on my face. Kicking the poor dude across the primordial dimension was not enough of a punishment…?

I was more glad than ever to have such a woman as my doting mother rather than my sworn enemy.

"We've wasted more than enough time, let's go to the pond! I want to wash my baby." Luminara declared and, without waiting for my response, began dragging me away.

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