Chapter 1: Prologue
At the dawn of human civilization, three brothers were marked with crimson-black blood.
The blood gave them special abilities, each similar to the others but different. Each of the three brothers ruled over the domain of existence with their new abilities.
The abilities over domains of manipulation, creation, and the basic elements of the world were all given one name: "magic."
Each of the brothers had their own children, who inherited the art of magic and the domains of their fathers.
Their children inherited the art from their fathers, and the next generation inherited from the one that came before them, etc. Soon, families with magic turned into clans and, later, smaller nations.
Peace and prosperity came with extraordinary gifts to their parts of the world, but with them came jealousy from humans and other sister branches of magic, causing a disturbance between them and later, war.
The war lasted for centuries, shaping the land masses and the nations as a whole, resulting in the history we know now.
Those who bore the art of magic were named gods based on their earth-shaking abilities, while the same humans named them demons, opposing them as their protectors.
After numerous lands were destroyed and nations were wiped clean from the face of the earth, the three magic branches came together to make a deal. The deal named and ordered Mages, masters of the elements, to go north; Sorcerers, masters of creation, to go south-east; and Witches, masters of manipulation, to go south-west. The first laws only ordered them where to station.
In the beginning, the branches stayed far away from each other, enjoying the grace they had made among humans as gods, and using them as servants, resulting in many pointless religions and myths that even exist to this day.
After each branch of magic established its own way of administering its people and spreading as far as possible on their new ground, they encountered many problems and reasons to go to war again.
The main problem was the land area, as magical societies started to become more interested in material property, resulting in material tools being brought into battle. The main forces were humans holding only weapons, while on the battlegrounds, only two to three humans had magical gifts.
Those settings were the cause of many wars, and the grand nations like the Persian and Roman Empires, as well as the nations of Greece and Egypt, were all connected to the three branches in some way.
By the time humans got sick of magic ruling their battles, and as more monotheistic religions began to rise, the magical community was soon pushed out of their high position of power.
So as a response, all three branches of magic issued a law on secrecy and concealment, where all magic users were banned from walking among, or abusing any human, in any way possible.
Still, that law was weak, as any time the branches of magic stepped into the war, the law got broken in every way possible. The only part of the law that was respected in times of war was to conceal the magic from humans, but the weak enforcement of said law managed to fuel many different wars among humans, similar to crusades, world wars, and various civil wars.
As a result of the separation of branches and detachment from the main world, it was hard to monitor all magical users at once, resulting in many areas becoming mixed and further branching out of original magic. Those branches gave up their original concept to persuade new ones. Those branches were called 2nd-class magic users and were usually looked down on for their impurity from magic users of the original three branches.
As a consequence of the separation of magic from people while still having an influence on the human world, a mutation in the human body appeared. The mutation first happened in China after World War II, with a newborn baby developing skin that emits light.
The mutation had slowly started to appear in other parts of the world: Canada one year later, the South African Republic two years after that, ten years later, Montenegro, and so on.
The mutation's effect was mainly on DNA, allowing it to develop another set of complimentary codes called the Meta DNA strand, as the abilities that DNA offered were called the Meta abilities and humans went by the name "Meta Humans".
The Meta abilities were divided into categories based on the abilities Meta humans had. The abilities were completely random, from extra sweating, to manipulating wind. The only thing that the Meta abilities had in common was the fact that they were all biologically and physically based, with no exceptions.
Soon, the name Meta ability was changed to Quirk and Meta DNA became a quirk factor. The sudden change was the result of research into Quirks, receiving the information that they were hereditary; the second reason was due to the sudden rise of the Quirked population; approximately 80% of the population were Quirked, resulting in confusion when referring to them as Meta Humans.
With the rise in the number of people with powers, some found the advantage Quirks offered to be useful for a variety of reasons, many of them bad. Many Quirked people with trained powers used their gifts for crimes on a scale humans had never witnessed yet.
They were soon labeled as Villains, a label derived from the name usually given to the antagonists in their books and comics that depicted the same crimes from before the era of Quirks.
Soon, a profession was created to fight off supernatural crimes, the new profession of Heroes. Schools from all over the world rose to teach the ways of the Heroes. The status and job description of Heroes changed throughout the course of history. First, they would appear as rebel fighters, then as respected law forces, supernatural police who would become celebrities in the modern era.
That sudden change in the human world allowed the magic users to return to the world, as they had the opportunity to mask their magic as Quirk, resulting in more freedom.
With that small change, the secrecy and concealment law lost some of its value and was forced to be changed. The new law's restrictions were only that magic society must be hidden, while all interactions with humans were allowed as long as they followed the laws.
The current situation has resulted in many conflicts and many opportunities for the development of human civilization.
Welcome to the world of Quirks and Magic.
Book 1: Decision