Quirks and Magic

Chapter 12: Chapter 11: Fight?

The metal spears flew so fast through the air that they practically became a blur. As they flew, they left 6 cylinder holes in the dust. With no time to spare, Izuku made the collapsed pillar fly after them.
"Marqucias verdi tess!" Next was an energy blast that formed when Izuku interlaced his fingers, with his right hand at the top. The blast was fast and destructive, but it also made Izuku slower and less mobile.
So when CC managed to move away from the blast after withstanding it longer than he should've. He protected himself with his left arm while he griped it from behind for additional support with his right hand. Hence the reason why is there a hole in his left palm and only burn and dent in his right.
he spell didn't just slow down Izuku; it was also hard to turn off, so when CC hasted towards him with his right fist aimed at Izuku's head. He wasn't ready to rake a punch so he tried to move away from it. While he was slow and hard to make a move he wasn't helpless.
Izuku came up with idea to reposition his arms in front of himself as distraction while he moved away from CC's deadly punch. His arms were forced to stay together, like they were glued to each other, leaving only one way to move them. The movements were circle like pivots that made concept of balance near impossible to Izuku at that moment.
He was also forced to be careful of his surroundings; while his blast wasn't wider than a sellotape roll, it incinerated a cement block in the second. So he couldn't move too much to the left or to the right because there were supporting pillars, and he couldn't move his hand down because there were people below him.
"This is great." He sighed trying to aim at CC head, trying to avoid any unnecessary movement and misses. While CC moved faster than Izuku could aim, he didn't care; he just wanted to keep CC away from him. He needed time.
"Kid, you're annoying; did anyone tell you that? Ever?" CC shouted as he ran around the beam of light, avoiding it from touching him. It reminded Izuku of a cat running away from a laser somehow. He didn't know why, but he assumed it was because most of the CC's jumps and stances resembled those of a cat.
As CC sprinted around, he tried to pick up a few stones and debris to throw at Izuku, he failed every time with Izuku dodging most of them by accident. Izuku noticed something on his arms. The burn on his right arm was nearly healed, while the hole on the left was almost closed with flesh, with no blood flowing from it anymore expect few drops now and then.
The long blue beam of energy started to sizzle out, and when Izuku managed to free his hands, it threw him a little off balance. When this spell is undone it causes small shock wave around it, sending lighter objects flying away.
Izuku hoped that this little shock wave, while disturbing him a little would help him out in the battle by throwing CC of balance just a little bit.
It didn't work.
It was late. CC's heel kicked him across the chest, sending him flying into the wall behind. The wall was already crumbling, so it was easily to destroyed it when Izuku flew into it.
Three broken, two ruptured ribs, and a lot of pain followed up while he needed to stay still and not breathe so the pain wouldn't worsen. "Herhpha nittum." He whispered, forming three blue orbs from his palms. The orbs emitted green light as they floated around him.
"So you can heal as well." CC commented while he observed the orbs circling around his chest. At the same time, Izuku forced air into his lungs through his mouth using magic.
'Nowhere near your level.' Izuku knew better than to just sit there. He did a backflip backwards because CC directed another kick towards him from above. Izuku tore the cement from the floor below, transforming it into metal blocks, putting together those blocks as a shield against continuous attacks.
The constant punches met the metal craft. "No, explosions? Why?" Izuku asked himself before maneuvering to the right in a low stance. "Nittum verdi." He uttered, sending two energy balls towards the CC. Izuku still didn't manage to heal his ribs, as the healing orbs were still doing their job slow, efficient but slow, so when he moved, a broken rib scraped his lungs, making him cough and miss.
His ribs felt contracted, scratched, and on fire. He wanted to hurry up the healing process desperately, but that would've compromised the fight as he was running low on mana.
CC was quick to take advantage of the situation; his low kick, targeting Izuku's shins just under his knees, had the intention to sweep him off his feet. The kick was as fast as a blur, and it left an arc shaped mark on the floor when Izuku dodged in fear by throwing himself just enough to get scraped.
"Where are the explosions?"
"Don't worry, you'll see them soon enough."
CC drop kicked, and crushed Izuku's right ankle. "Try to heal that." CC mocked, "You might have regeneration, but it is nowhere near my level." He pointed to his right arm where the hole used to be, finishing its healing process.
Swiftly redirecting one of the three healing orbs to the ankle, Izuku was fast enough to cause the shock wave to move him away from CC's jab. It hurt him; every time his ankle or chest touched the cold cement, it sent throbs through his whole body.
"Verdi tess." Izuku shouted, raising his hand sending a barrage of small energy blasts. CC ducked and Izuku readjusted his aim. He prepared for another hit as he expected CC to rush towards him.
He didn't; he stayed there with his back turned towards Izuku and his hands on the floor.
"That shit won't do it again right?"
"Yes, I am going to." CC replayed with grin
A crack escaped underneath him while a wide explosion was released into the air. The mana Izuku gathered before was running out on him, so teleportation was out of the question. Before impact, Izuku decided to break off the floor beneath him to fall to the floor below.
There was no one on the floor, so Izuku was allowed to be a little careless because there wasn't anybody to see him. But maybe that gave him too much freedom, as the not healed wounds started to hurt after he fell, while heat from the hole in the ceiling above him released burning wave aimed at him.
. He couldn't afford to fight here, just on a floor above, where civilians gathered in a spot. And even if he wanted, he couldn't fight, the healing orbs were also running out on him, the same as any potential to use magic without another jar.
He limped in pain towards the closest pile he could hide in, and the red-haired man soon made his way to the same floor as well.
"Hiding again?" He mocked putting his hand on the ground once again, ready to cause another explosion.
'Time to test out the theory!' Izuku thought as he poured the little mana left around his palms into cement blocks around him. He canceled the healing orbs soon after, as he didn't have the resources to sustain them. Soon, the cement blocks were enhanced with a faint blue glow, signaling it.
CC had already prepared for the next explosion; everything shook as another wave of heat was released, followed by flames carrying the impact.
'Now or never!'
Explosions started spreading like before; everything was exploding in circle-like shapes outwards from CC, becoming one giant death, flaming smoke. But when the wave came to Izuku's little hiding spot, some blocks didn't explode.
The mana-infused cement bricks and blocks were in one piece, calm until the rest of the flames and impact didn't destroy them. But they didn't burst into flames like others. Like them, Izuku suffered burns and scorches, and the impact made his body slam into his surroundings a few times.
But he is alive, barely.
"Where is he?" CC looked around in the rubble, searching for what he assumed would be Izuku's corpse.
And he was almost right; if the mana jar hadn't teleport to him two minutes after the explosions, he would've been gone.
He used most of the blue life force to heal himself; his body might be fine, but he is still somewhat in pain. Healing spells help the body, not with the situation of the mind. He was still tricking himself into thinking that the scorchers were real and that his every muscle was tearing apart.
This side effect was common when the user used a lot of the healing magic on himself; however, Izuku wasn't in the situation to suffer from it now.
The little magic he was using right now was just a reflex of his body to act, but when a devastating punch to his gut happened, it stopped even that. All the mana flow from his hands stopped, and it started stagnating while pouring away little by little.
"Honestly I am disappointed."
Next, he was picked up by his feet and thrown into a wall. Picked up by a collar this time, just to be slammed into the wall.
"Uh-h," he grunted, gaining little consciousness because of the shocks his body had experienced.
"So this is going to wake you up?" CC's elbow jabbed him right into the gut, making him grunt more and vomit a little.
After flying into a few pillars, Izuku was awake enough to get a grasp of the situation and to feel all the bruises on his body.
"Why do I need to spam the healing spell all the time?" He whined as he released five green healing orbs to circle around him as he dodged another aggressive punch.
There was still mental and spiritual damage from the last overuse of healing magic resulting in the new orbs being less effective than last ones.
The wall behind him crumbled underneath CC's punch. If Izuku was being honest, he still wondered how he hadn't died yet.
"You can't make things explode that are either organic or have the markings of mana, life!" Izuku shouted.
"Don't care, just fight."
CC was ready to throw another set of small objects, ready to explode at Izuku. He didn't hesitate. Almost any small pebble he could find, he threw at him.
"You know it isn't nice to wake someone up by punching him." Izuku mocked as he used magic to redirect away the projectiles thrown at him since his body ached too much to move.
"Shut up already and fight. Fight!"
"Maybe not as a cat, more like a wild dog." Izuku commented, making two pillars that stood to both CC's sides collide with the intention to crush red haired man
CC didn't move, didn't flinch, and even when he eyed both, there was no reaction. He let the two cement blocks collide with him in between. He didn't even move when the small debris fell over his body as the building constructs crumbled against his body.
"Really?" Izuku asked as he used mana sparingly to coat his body in a thin protective layer so the punches wouldn't touch his skin directly, making his pain lesser.
Izuku couldn't do much; his nerves were overloaded with pain, and it didn't help that he was forcefully awakened; that was just a final blow to the gut, if you ask him. With not much to do, he decided to fight elsewhere, somewhere far from the civilians.
"That's it? Come on, don't tell me you are already at your limit; we haven't even started properly."
"Not over; I just need to rest a little." Izuku panted; his breathing was getting heavier, and his thoughts were more clouded by a minute.
He blasted a hole in the ceiling, not directly above him but a little to the side. He aimed somewhere where there was no debris, an open area,and another criteria he followed was that it was away from his clone and mother
When he made himself fly through the hole uncontrollably and landed somewhat safely. CC followed his example, but he jumped. A plain normal jump. He effortlessly flew 15 feet into the air.
CC's landing was more graceful than Izuku's; while Izuku came down, cruising into the tiled floor, CC landed on all four like an animal.
"I really screwed up..." Izuku said, picking himself up and running like a crippled person. "At least there is no one on the two floors above."
"You should start worrying about yourself and stop thinking about the lowlifes." A crimson explosion next to him threw him off balance a little. When he looked up, in the direction of CC, a cement block flew into his face, exploding a little after impact.
A broken nose, bloody cheeks, and a black eye are easy to heal, but not at this moment. Izuku hit his limit; if he tried to just utter the incantation, he would be in life-ending pain.
He would have been robed of sight if he hadn't put up his protective mana skin, if anything, that was a constant reminder of who, or rather, what stood in front of him.
He ran again; this time he broke off some parts of the floor and made them fly towards CC. He didn't have anything special with that attack; it just served as a small distraction. It was weak and short, yet it was just strong enough for CC to raise his guard and just long enough for Izuku to blow the roof above him and to shoot himself to the floor above.
.Izuku knew from the beginning he didn't stand a chance—no combat experience, not enough magical experience, and next to none hand-to-hand combat abilities. All he had to do was avoid and run; he only needed to stall for time.
Still, something drew him forward; some twisted feeling in his gut told him to attack CC multiple times. He didn't listen to it; he tried to ignore it. He pushed those thoughts out of his head; they rang through his mind.
Also, something weird was that his mana acted like strings around his body, moving more naturally than usual, while he noticed a few purple particles around it. 'Weird.' Izuku thought, maneuvering around the rooms connected by a broken wall.
He didn't have time to think about small details; a mad man was chasing. The eighth floor was almost intact, like something was protecting it. Probably, this is the floor on which Izuku lived. While running around and blowing the holes in the ceiling, Izuku managed to catch a glimpse of his new room decor. A giant boulder as a bed and a layer of dust as a carpet.
'Probably passive protective spell either cast by mom or Agatha.' Izuku wondered before he jumped to the floor above. 'But I can't sense a trace of mana or energy construct around it.'
'I need just another jar and I am all set up.' There wasn't much to do; expect to wait. Izuku didn't worry too much about CC finding him; while his movement is impressive when it comes to fighting, he for some reason struggled to keep up with Izuku when it comes to practical speed.
Soon, Izuku made his way to the ninth floor. It was easy, as the layer of cement that separated the ninth and eighth floors was now basically a switch cheese. Not long after that, he managed to climb to the top of the building without somehow destroying anything.
He was required to bend a little, not to be noticed by a stray patrol hero or any civilians. Of course he could've stayed in the apartment complex and not risked exposing himself, but he was desperate to check something.
He wanted to see what the heroes were doing to help and save civilians in the burning building in the middle of the city.
They did nothing? This was the only complex in danger in the block and nobody was attending to it. The medics and heroes ran right past it towards the other parts of Musutafu.
"It's like we're invisible."
"Of course we are." The familiar, raspy voice startled Izuku. "What the-" A strong punch in the jaw sent him flying across the roof, sending him into the rooftop fence, making a dent in the metal.
"Hovw did yuu menage to get here so fasst?" Izuku's jaw was dislocated; it was near impossible to speak, and even the few words he managed to utter caused him pain.
"You got ahead of yourself. Honestly, what made you think that you were faster than me at any moment?"
"..." Izuku wondered if the supposed invisibility worked both ways—if the people on the streets could see CC throwing Izuku around.
"Come on, you talked before when you were supposed to be quit; what happened now? Did the cat get your tongue?"
Izuku didn't answer; he couldn't, He tried to give a response in a different way. A sharp look and a head nod to the side towards the people running on the streets.
"No, they can't see or hear us over the barrier; they can't even pass through it if they aren't capable of magic." CC said as he started walking.
"T-t-then howv did-"
"The barrier is meant to hold and let magical folks in and the normal one outside and lead them out." CC spoke as he made his way towards the Izuku.
"Yes," he answered, standing high in front of the groveling Izuku.
"pre spati-" Izuku whispered weakly. "What are you saying? Speak up!"
"pre spatium permov-"
"No, you don't." A punch to the gut stopped Izuku from finishing incantation before he was grabbed and threw across the rooftop again.
"Fumi," Izuku managed to pounce, letting blue smoke rise from his hands. The smoke covered the whole rooftop before it started spreading around the building, entering it through open windows and various holes.
"Pre spatium permoves." A bright blue flash covered Izuku before both of them disappeared together, reappearing again on the seventh floor with another blue flash of light, escaping CC temporarily.
'I need Momo.' The mana skin he made for himself doesn't consume any mana; it is similar to a small container placed around his body with the added benefit of protection. Only expectations of the rule were the mana absorption abilities few possessed.
So it took Izuku by surprise when he noticed a few areas of his mana skin were missing. He couldn't remember exactly what came into contact with them since CC didn't hesitate to hurt his body with fists or explosions.
He gathered the rest of the blue energy around his hands, forming a blue orb before him. "Vivum animum r-revelis." The three words he said hurt him more than before; his speech is getting limited.
The mana location spell made the walls see-trough as the life energy of the people around him started pulsing, revealing where they were. He ignored the two clusters of blue light he found under him; he also ignored the two circles made of the mana marking around the said clusters.
He paid the most attention to the two small orbs getting closer and farther away from each other before one stopped moving completely.
'One of them is Momo? The question is, Which one?' Izuku wondered while he observed the situation. 'Damn headache, if I could just concentrate a little.'
'Screw it; I am going.' He clenched the rest of the blue energy orb before him as he said it in a weak tone. "Pre spatium permoves." Using it all to teleport him next to Momo in a blue flash.

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