Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 377: Prince victor's Ambush

Step by step, Prince Victor and his commanders marched their way up to the temple, killing anyone and everybody in their path.

Abel, the messenger from the Holy church had already long stated the side that he was going to stand with. It was the side of profit. After all, it was all a dance and he played the drums.

Deaths littered the ground like a the after party of a monkey's feast.

Victor and his commanders had been very strategic with the attack. In that, they attacked from different sides, ensuring that the highlanders did not so much as call for help from the others on the battlefield.

The priestess had been in her chambers when she suddenly felt something was wrong. If she were to put a finger on it, then it would be that everywhere was just too quiet.

"Fanga! Is that you?" She asked. Fanga was the name of the bronze rank cultivator who had been in charge of protecting her and the temple.

The same one that she had instructed on getting her the blue rune, using the battlefield as the excuse for the hunt.

After getting no response, she strolled out of her room and onto the corridors.

However, she quickly noticed that they were no maids, and instantly, a sudden realization dawned on her.

There was a problem.

All of a sudden, she made a dive on the ground for a corner, her hands glowing in a yellow aura of fear as she grabbed into the shadow.


The scream of a man was heard.

She had grabbed his head, and using a yellow aura technique, she had enveloped his mind with his greatest fear.

The man fell to the ground, rolling from one side to the other like the victim of a fire.

His hands scratched into his skin and peeled it off, including the skin of his face.

The priestess looked at the uniform of the man and asked, "A Vandorian commander?"

All of a sudden, there was wild laughter.

The priestess entered a battle stance with her right hand glowing in a yellow aura light and her left hand glowing in a red aura light.

These two were the most violent of the aura tribes of the Highlands, and she was very familiar with many of their techniques.


The priestess looked in the direction it had come from. She frowned harshly. After all, this voice was a strange one.

"You know, I have heard of the incredible things that the priestess of the highlanders was capable of doing, and even the sight of you that day when you threw your aura spear at my tesseract was all inspiring. But who would have taught that you are also formidable without your giant aura form!"

As he said this, Victor stepped out of the shadows, and beside him were four others, two on each side.

The presence of Victor was one of authority. The priestess had never seen him before, but the moment that she laid her eyes on him, she knew that this was the leader and prince of the Vandorain army.

After all, on his armor were the beautiful insignia of the royal family on one side and, on the other, the insignia of the tribe he was affiliated with.

"Prince Victor! How did you get in here!?" The priestess was obviously surprised. However, she tried to hide it as much as possible. After all, in such a situation, not being calm and collected was a recipe for disaster, and she was indeed a woman of experience.

"I had thought that you would be a young maiden, and maybe out of love and care, I might fuck you and take you as my bitch! But you are only an old thwart."

The other commanders at his side laughed at those words, while she raised a brow at him.

By now, she already cursed in her heart. After all, after the time Chiron helped her during the last attack on the temple, she had not put back up the security measures of the temple.

Then again, it was not exactly her fault for forgetting. She had been nursing the damage that the last fight did to her body, and when she was healed, the only thing that had been on her mind was getting back the blue rune for her son.

"Priestess!" Prince Victor stepped forward, "I like to think of myself as a very kind and merciful man. Therefore, I am willing to give you a chance. Surrender yourself, and I will not kill you. Maybe make you a maid or something and have you serve my armless little nephew."

The commanders chuckled again.

Meanwhile, the priestess looked around the place.

In her mind, she was calculating how she was going to risk it all to ensure that she got herself out of this mess.

The center point of the temple was not far away. Once she made it there, she knew that she would be safe. After all, she could summon the kind of power that she had used the other day.

Even these commanders, with their strengths, were nothing in the face of that power.

She took a deep breath, in and then out, as her eyes registered her resolve.

She was going to face these men and break her way out.

This entire temple was filled with runes, and even from the walls, she could still command some level of power.

She backed away steadily towards the wall, and Victor and his commanders got closer.

"Trust me, priestess, you do not want to try anything funny. I and my men have already got you surrounded. This temple is now mine, and Barbara is off fighting a lost war in my camp. Just give yourself up to me!" He advised with a chill in his tone.

"NEVER!" she roared back


She suddenly slapped the wall behind her, and the runes on it glowed brightly, obstructing the sight of the men.

*Wush!* She flared her hands, sending blasts of fear aura in all directions as she rushed through them, smashing one of the commanders as she did.

Her aim was to make it to the center of the temple...

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